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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11863056 No.11863056 [Reply] [Original]

Why is sushi loved by soy boys and women?

>> No.11863061

Why do you care?

>> No.11863062

why are you such a cocksucker that can only ridicule things by using the latest meme and buzzwords?

>> No.11863066
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>> No.11863083

Because everybody loves sushi?

>> No.11863088

I love Japan, period.

>> No.11863102

Soros and his (((diversity))) project have convinced the weak jawed liberal arts cucks that eating normal food is bad and we should mutilate our penises and pretend to enjoy nasty overpriced diversity food

>> No.11863114
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glad you welcome us <3333333

>> No.11863123

Except you, of course. #notallsoyboys

>> No.11863181

It call redpill, retards. We're into white nationalism, woman hatred, and masculinity, anime and vidya. Bet you've never even praised Lord Kek.
THIS! Keep up the good fight, white brother

>> No.11863188

This is the cringiest post I've seen on this site in a long time

>> No.11863204
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stop slandering nip food

they are unironically the culinary masters of the world

>> No.11863205


>> No.11863214
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because its expensive and you have to eat with hipster utensils so that makes it better somehow

>> No.11863219

>loved by soyboys and women
They are also loved by virgins, Chad's, normies and probably the majority of /ourguys/. Sushi is fucking delicious.

>> No.11863227

OP is owning the libruls epic style. Snowflakes are crying itt KEK

>> No.11863233

Are your hands hipster utensils?

>> No.11863243

Ooga booga used his hands to eat before it was cool. Based caveman hipster

>> No.11863313

>non-asians using chopsticks is a recent hipster trend

I find it amazing that, somehow, zoomers have used the internet to become more ignorant of culture trends and sheltered. They've also become more uncreative and can't seem to break their fixation on frog/sadman variations in order to drum up some actual OC. Zoomers are truly the NPC generation.

>> No.11863337

Most people only use it as a vehicle for soy sauce, so maybe you're on to something. I recommend not using soy sauce. The flavor in sushi is so subtle that soy sauce just drowns it out.

>> No.11863363

>culinary masters

Food's good sorta. You have to be in a mood for it.
Culinary Masters are Peruvian food. Sorry, weeb.

>> No.11863369

>seeing good sushi drenched in soy sauce

Yeah you're pretty spot on, anon.

I just wish sushi with avocado was removed from existence. Or just avocado in general. Disgusting snot "superfood"

>> No.11863375

>normal food
flyover detected

>> No.11863382

>I recommend not using soy sauce
You do know that sushi is traditionally served with soy sauce, right? It's not like that's an American thing. Sushi is so simple, unless you're eating something like a cheeseburger roll, you're getting something that's pretty close to the "real thing", even when served with the typical condiments. Those condiments are typical because that's how sushi is meant to be served.

Your ignorant snobbery probably impresses your midwestern co-workers when you go out to the chinese buffet and start lecturing everyone on the right way to eat sushi.

>> No.11863390

It's delicious, but even the shittiest places are overpriced around where i live

>> No.11863395

He recommended not to use soy sauce, which does impact how you appreciate sushi itself. Afterwards, if you wish, you can use the provided soy sauce or wasabi to mix and change the flavor.

I think the main point of his post was that the majority of people do seem to drown their sushi in soy sauce. And by saturating the sushi in soy sauce, all you taste is the soy.

>> No.11863419

>impact how you appreciate sushi itself
This is assuming the sushi is worth "appreciating" in the first place, which is not the case most of the time.

Saying that you should avoid soy sauce so that you can appreciate the sushi is like saying you shouldn't put hot sauce on a chicken wing so you can really appreciate the quality of the chicken. It sounds stupid and pretentious because it is.

>> No.11863433

Okay, you dont like sushi. That's fine. Look man chill out, it's just food. Not like it's disgusting snot avocado. Fuck avocados man. You know what I'm saying?
That shit ruins anything it's on.

>> No.11863443

If it's not worth appreciating then why would you buy it in the first place? Honest question.

Sushi seems like a really dumb choice if you just need calories.

>> No.11863447

>It sounds stupid and pretentious because it is.
You're probably just angry that ranch dressing isn't a dunking option at sushi joints.

>> No.11863456

On the contrary, I love sushi. I've spent a lot of money buying decent quality sushi in Tokyo and also buy cheap shit in the US.

>If it's not worth appreciating then why would you buy it in the first place?

This is a crazy question to ask. You're a fucking moron.
Mediocre sushi tastes good with soy sauce. Even high quality sushi is served with soy sauce and tastes good with it. So what the fuck is your point? A food is only worth buying if it stands on its own without condiments? Give me a break, no one thinks that way.

>> No.11863459

way to be BETA i bet u dont even go to pol or a or r9k u fukn normal

>> No.11863462

Based on your earlier statement that sushi is not appreciable, I am lead to believe you do not love sushi.

>> No.11863479


Toxic masculinity is not a healthy life's goal, son, especially in food-related fields.

>> No.11863485

Well, sushi was originally and traditionally finger food.God's given forks are really hands.

>> No.11863495

>This is a crazy question to ask.
How so? Can you answer it?

>>Mediocre sushi tastes good with soy sauce
Yeah, so? Plenty of other things taste better at the same price point. Mediocre sushi is also a dodgy health risk. Can you explain what the point of buying mediocre sushi is?

>> So what the fuck is your point?
I don't have one. I'm asking you a question.

>>A food is only worth buying if it stands on its own without condiments?
But I would say that there's no point in buying pricey food if it's not delicious. If you want to enjoy sushi, get good sushi. If you just want something to eat and you don't really care about it being good then selecting "sushi" to fit that need seems dumb. There are plenty of other options which would be far more cost effective. What logic concludes with you buying a relatively costly yet mediocre meal, when you can get a medicore meal for far less money than sushi? (probably, even at the same restaurant which serves sushi).

>> No.11863502

All food was originally finger food, like before utensils were invented.

>> No.11863520
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kill yourselves

>> No.11863521

Do you ever ask yourself the question:
What am I doing with my life?

>> No.11863549

Avocado is great anon, I wish we could go back to pre fucking hipster times when avocado wasn't as expensive. Between basic bitches who want avocado rolls, vegetarians faggots, vegan cumslurpers, meme ketofags, the prices have gone through the roof.

>> No.11863556

Mediocre sushi with soy sauce tastes like plain rice with soy sauce. You're paying a premium for plain rice.

>> No.11863557

> you
Everything went downhill with Hiro anyway, he spreads misfortune wherever he gets.

>> No.11863559

There was a time I kinda enjoyed it desu.

Now it just instantly triggers a gag reflex and I vomit. Only other food that does this for me is Papaya. I literally buy them when I have nausea, guaranteed projectile vomitting

>> No.11863568

Imagine being this much of a picky eater and thinking it's interesting or funny enough to discuss publicly.

>> No.11863575

A gag reflex just from avocado huh. The human body sure is weird.

>> No.11863582

I'm a Navy SEAL, and i love sushi. What now?

>> No.11863607

I actually went to a Peruvian place and the ceviche was 10x than Mexican ceviche

>> No.11863614

>a board with probably less than a 100 unique users
>on a thread with 32 posters
>who will probably never meet each other

Okay, I guess your definition of publicly is a bit odd.

>> No.11863642

10x what anon?

>> No.11863649

I have the same thing to coconut. Milk or meat instantly makes me vomit

>> No.11863650

Because it makes them feel like they are (((cultured))) also it probably tastes good.

>> No.11863655

kek, yeah this is probably one of the slowest boards. Wish it wasn't but it is a cooking board on 4chan so what do you expect?

>> No.11863662

Every try it shredded? Coconut is pretty strong and coating on the tongue.

>> No.11863667

This is the most retarded sort of needless argumentative bullshit I've ever read

>> No.11863671

You smell bad

>> No.11863685

Yes, I actually do. I haven't showered in a while.

>> No.11863693

For me, it's the Dove Soap Bar, the best soap bar

>> No.11863709

not him but i like the cucumber one or the fig one.

>> No.11863716


Pretty based and redpilled

>> No.11863917

>aka the gay branch
Checks out

>> No.11863928

They wanna kick it Jackie Chan

>> No.11863945

i was born in the wrong country

>> No.11863961

Sushi is great. But I'm nowhere near the ocean so I guess it's not that great here.

>> No.11864799

Picky eaters deserve to be hung on a cross

>> No.11864805


>> No.11864809

How pathetic does your life have to be for you to pretend to be a right winger on a japanese cooking board?

>> No.11864899

>He doesn't know...

>> No.11864913

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.11864921
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yes yes stupid gweilo, you give me mirrions of dorras for raw fish

>> No.11864974


>> No.11864985


>> No.11864987
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>> No.11864995

Because it's cute/pretty. At least it is the way we dress it up in burgerland.

>still unironically getting triggered by the term "soiboi"

>> No.11864997

You really showed those evil white guys, good job.

>> No.11865003

White people have the worst food on the planet.

>> No.11865005


>> No.11865045

good sushi is delicious
run-of-the-mill grocery store/takeout sushi is on par with pizza

>> No.11865241

Why do people who are easily triggered over food they don't like never propose any alternatives? Are they all insecure babies about their own taste?

>> No.11865299

Based. ""raw fish""" is fucking disgusting. Tastes like a wet rag. Throw that tuna or salmon in a smoker or in a hot pan and it will actually have flavor. Reminder that fish is only good when hot. Cold fish is nigger tier. Just picture a bum eating tuna in between crack-hits in new york. Actually I don't have to picture it. I see it every fucking day

>> No.11865629

To answer your question (which you dont give a fuck about lets be honest) its because a majority of soy boys live in metropolitan areas which unless you live in japan, is the only place youll tend to get edible sushi.
Also sushi is normally eaten with your hands, not chopsticks.

>> No.11865640

nice bait

>> No.11865648

Jumping on a bandwagon 40 years too late.
I do like sushi, though. Especially the Americanized shit like deep fried eel rolls with a savory and spicy sauce. Delicious.

>> No.11865654

Retard. Arguably a falseflag.
An even bigger retard.

>> No.11865665

>metropolitan areas which unless you live in japan, is the only place youll tend to get edible sushi
All sushi served in the US was flash frozen on the ship, and must stay frozen for a week. And many sushi masters say "and that's a good thing." Shipping inland is no big deal. It's not the 1980s anymore.

>> No.11865685


>> No.11865692


>> No.11865694

I live in NYC, Harlem to be exact. Every day I get BLACKED by packs of wild niggers, afterwards we share a $100 sushi meal paid for by Alexandria Marx-Reconquista and her sanctuary bucks. I have so many different kinds of Super AIDS I could get a job with the Federal Reserve except the fact that I’m not a god damm Jew. Praise Hillary!

>> No.11865926

Very progressive

>> No.11865968


>> No.11865982

Soy impedes testosterone production and increases estrogen.

>> No.11866093


Based? Yep.
Redpilled? Double yep.

>> No.11866459

You think that's impressive? I've gotten to a point where even seeing an avocado causes me to break out it hives and smash my head into the floor, crying uncontrollably like a howler monkey. I once reflexively stabbed by mom with my plastic fork when she brought me a guacamole to go with my nacho dinner.

>> No.11866499

>tfw when an entire culture of restaurants, several michelin star chefs, and an entire fucking nation is somehow wrong compared to an anon on the internet
whew that sure did it I'll never eat sushi with soy sauce again

>> No.11866502

ah a simpler time.

>> No.11866516

I shidded out the parasites so my body is clean

>> No.11866526

yikes is a term soy boys use.

>> No.11866528
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Uhm sweatie

>> No.11866537

Sushi is good shit but the reason is a lot of soyboy are former or current weebs.

>> No.11866605

I've never seen a Japanese person eat sushi, so why do Western fags love what even the Japs don't eat?

>This anon worked for a Japanese company in the 90s
>Got taken to real Japanese restaurant
>only white guy there
>all the food was fried, fried and deep fried

>got invited to Japanese coworkers house
>his wife made all Japanese specialties.
>it was all fried and rice

>got to go to Hokkaido for a week
>more fried food, and rice

4 fucking years of being around Japanese people to the point where I was able to begin to understand their moon-speak, and I never saw sushi or a fresh green vegetable in their diet.

Masters of food my lily white Nordic ass.

But boy, did those guys suck down booze...

>> No.11866621

You forgot noodles and soup

>> No.11866649

>You forgot noodles and soup

You're right.
>noodles, oddly sweet, but pleasant
>noodles, sour and rancid tasting

Some sort of duck soup I had in Hokkaido might have been the best damn Japanese food I had.

Still, never saw a piece of raw fish or fresh green vegetable near the lips of a Japanese person.

>> No.11867106

>be japanese, eat nothing but soy for centuries
the shitposter fears the samurai

>> No.11867136

true i don't think i have ever seen a chad eating sushi

>> No.11867147

Nigga I been to Japan 9 times and ate sushi with Japanese each time. You're a faggotry peddler.

>> No.11867529

Fuck off, I live in Wisconsin and we have the best sushi in the world at Sakura

>> No.11867598


>This fnarring soyboy
>omg so sheltered and ignoruhnt

Fuck off you queerboy bender.

>> No.11867660

They need to do something with all that money they have and something to do with their real non-body-pillow significant others.

>> No.11867816

Note how he didn't say girlfriend like a hetero

>> No.11867925

I almost threw up when I tried a piece of crab sushi. Other sushi I tried tasted better but the price is entirely unjustified.

>> No.11867936

Not sure anon.... I'm not sure

>> No.11867944

women love sushi because you can eat a shit ton of it and not get fat

>> No.11867992

There's no soy in sushi so how can they be soiboys?
>inb4 muh soy sauce

>> No.11868018

I just can't develop a taste for raw fish. Largely an acquired taste, I've heard of japanese who love sushi but hate cooked fish. It's not sushi, but I like california rolls. Avocado in everything here though, I'm mildly allergic to it.

>> No.11868022

Soiboi is not a condition caused by eating soy. Soy consumption is a symptom, not a cause. Something else has gone wrong in a soiboy's life in order for them to consider eating soy in the first place.

>> No.11868024

What if they grew up in a culture that eats a lot of soy on the regular?

>> No.11868029

not everyone who consumes soy is a soiboy, just as how not everyone who sneezes has a cold.

>> No.11868204

Because it looks so cute omg

>> No.11868245

White people will use chopsticks anyways.

>> No.11868288

I love it because it's usually all you can eat and it's fun every now and again to go out with your friends to an all you can eat restaurant and try to beat the house.
Of course you can't really ever do it, but you can get close. You know you've almost got them when they start "losing" your orders.

>> No.11868304

>california rolls slathered with mayo and that cock hot sauce.
that's nu-shi

A raw piece of tuna/salmon with soya and little fake wasabi is fine.

>> No.11868323

Because it's a novelty. Like fried cheese curds or mozzarella sticks. They're fucking delicious but also expensive (for some mysterious fucking reason) so you can't eat them too often.

>> No.11869341


>> No.11869639

Because it smells of rank vagina.

>> No.11869643

Because everyone who doesn't have the pallette of a child likes sushi.

>> No.11869648

Pls weeb

>> No.11869662

Nice larp, doubt your fatass leaves the house for anything but your twice a day McFatty’s run. Oink

>> No.11869700

Because it's food for women and children.

>> No.11869950

I knew a Black girl who didn't like sushi.

>> No.11869952

>at least the way we dress it in burger land
Yeah, in Nipland they put the rice OVER the fish. Fucking baka round eye kys

>> No.11870080

sad zoomer detected

>> No.11870235

Its just fish meat, dog.