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11862527 No.11862527 [Reply] [Original]

Why did eating animal liver, hearts, stomach, brain etc disappear in western countries? Here in the Balkans it's common, but if I talk to someone from Spain for example, they find it bizarre

>> No.11862533

Liver, hearts, and kidneys are fairly common here in Portugal.

>> No.11862560

It's the food of the poor
See above

>> No.11862584

I've often wondered this. I'm American and I will eat whatever organ meats I can get my hands on which, unfortunately, isn't very much. I found a little tub of chicken livers a few months back at my local grocery store but they haven't restocked them since. :(
I'm still waiting to find a place that sells chicken hearts so that I can skewer and barbecue them like my Brazilian friend recommended.

>> No.11862597

>le 56% faec
dumb amerilardass

>> No.11862601

fat American piece of worthless shit

>> No.11862615

weird reaction but ok

>> No.11862622

>weird flex but ok

>> No.11862632

Because that's the shit you're supposed to throw away

>> No.11862652

Eating offal is pretty common in some parts of the US.
Don't take the faggots shitty bait

>> No.11862654


>> No.11862667

It's poverty food. We can afford dogs to eat it for us.

>> No.11862672

It tastes good, though. That's all I care about.

>> No.11862703

t. Plastic cheese gobbler

>> No.11862717

Honestly don't ask me, I also don't get it.
I'm not a fan of stomach, but heart, liver and kidney are really damn good.
Brain can be ok with scrambled eggs.

Also isn't liver some kind of gourmet food, like duck or goose liver?

>> No.11862725

Most of these things spoil extremely quickly, or sadly require skills to cook that our retarded boomer generation lost.

Liver is extremely common, though sold frozen and pre-sliced, or just in a tub if chicken. Kidneys aren't available in every small town, but many areas and all urban areas. I've never seen an area that didn't have hearts and tripe. Brain is usually only available in cans. Caul, testes, and other parts are rather hit and miss.

>> No.11862737

I think rich and poor should eat every available cuts in the proportion found on animals, not just ground beef, boneless chicken breast and the like. Or refrain from eating meat.

>> No.11862743

Not that guy, but I have liver, bone in thigh, and about 2 quarts of... I hate to call it stock because I reduced it to a concentrate to make it fit in the freezer. Oh and some loin and other shit I cut up myself.

I eat what I can afford and try not to throw anything away.

>> No.11862757
File: 107 KB, 1024x683, callos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I talk to someone from Spain for example, they find it bizarre
that's odd because a very popular dish from madrid is "Callos", made with innards, snout and feet of the cow.

>> No.11862772

>try not to throw anything away
Which shouldn't be a matter of wealth IMHO.

>> No.11862816

didn't even know that existed

>> No.11863762

In italy they were consumed very often because poverty. Sadly nowadays, especially in metropolitan areas, steak is the meat of choice.

In center and South italy it's still a thing, but i guess it's going to dissappear in some years there too

>> No.11863844


Fucking kill yourselves

t. Superior European

>> No.11863851


Are you literally retarded? Do you eat diamonds and dollar bills you imbecile? Bread, potatoes, rice, all those are cheap aswell. But you eat them every day don't you, you ignorant fuck .

>> No.11863860


Force fed goose liver is a gourmet food, yes.

Paté un general is pretty good.

>> No.11864375

I lived in Spain and they eat that kinda stuff all the time. One of the most popular tapas is "callos", which is tripe with sausage and stuff. I also ate beef tongue, various kinds of blood sausage, calf's brain, and pig's trotters there. Pretty common. Same for Portugal and I'm pretty sure for France as well? It's prob just the Anglos

>> No.11864384

Do you live in the burbs or the woods? I live in a medium-size US city and there are plenty of non-chain grocery stores that sell organ meat. My condolences if you live in the middle of nowhere

>> No.11864387

>can't afford to eat diamonds

>> No.11864643

I just think offal tastes awful

>> No.11864650

this made me chuckle. Fuck you

>> No.11864656

>It's poverty food.
I think this is part of it. Older family members still like some of it, but mostly ate it because it was cheaper than meat. Most people probably see it as less than desirable, although it's becoming trendy to eat it more because of the health benefits.

You should at least try liverwurst if you think you don't like it, or anything else where it's mixed with other ingredients.

>> No.11864692

Boomershits. I have to specially request offal parts, and even then most butcheries just don't have them because they're cut out and removed on site anymore far before they get to the store.
Hipsters made oxtail and broth bone popular again, but I still can't find tendon or tripe or heart or most other things. Even getting liver is difficult. And bone is like $3+ a lb. For bones! Chicken breast is $2/lb.
>just finished eating "fajita" style chicken livers the past few days
>now simmering several months of accumulated bones with anise for broth and got some beef tendon simmering away
Our trashy forefathers stopped cooking and only ate TV dinners, and now people only want boneless skinless chicken breast or steaks. And because off-cuts are so hard to find they aren't even available cheaply. Here they're nearly the same price as regular meat cuts.
One generation (boomershits) destroyed our entire culinary culture with their sloth and gluttony. They should be smothered and used as pigfeed.

>> No.11864706

Unironically because of absolutely assburgers food safety standards. It's the same reason you can only get wild fish from mega-trawlers.

>> No.11864718

>Why did eating animal liver, hearts, stomach, brain etc disappear in western countries?
When factory farming made other cuts of meat cheap enough that anyone could buy them, even "poor" people.

A lot of people ate organ meats because they had to. Once alternatives became available some people avoided them. Also keep in mind that organ meats require more skill to cook and have come out delicious. It's easy to cook a steak well, and even if you fuck up it's still pretty good. If you fuck up cooking organ meats you have a disgusting mess on your hands.

>> No.11864739

>One generation (boomershits) destroyed our entire culinary culture with their sloth and gluttony. They should be smothered and used as pigfeed.
This guy gets it. What a travesty of a generation

(gen-X isn't much better but still)

>> No.11864757
File: 57 KB, 697x677, Gomez 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from shopping with a boomer. They're borderline retarded. He wanted a handsfree headset for his phone because he gets tired of holding it; microphone and earpieces. Then got upset at the prices because the last phone came with one for an additional 4USD charge on his contract, when he bought it 12 years ago. Cried about it for like 15 minuted.

>> No.11864771
File: 269 KB, 1920x1280, foie de veau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in France many recipes, both traditional and modern, use tripe (stomach), horse's heart, lamb's brain, or poultry liver. I'll give you that offal isn't as popular as better cuts of meat, but it's still widely consumed. Veal liver, for instance, is a culinary staple here.

>> No.11864784


>> No.11864793

Chinese will likely sell all that stuff.
Our standard supermarkets all sell chicken hearts cos it makes great fishing bait so it always had a little demand.

>> No.11864803

It also depends on where you live. In the US South chicken livers and gizzards are extremely popular. Nearly all supermarkets have them. They're so popular that even gas stations will sell them fried and ready to go, the same way you might grab a burger from McD's.

>> No.11864804

>(gen-X isn't much better but still)
Gen X are boomer-lites and get the rope too. My boomer mother (born 51) had to call me on the phone to ask how to bake a potato. Overweight 5-6" infants, the lot of them. Waste of medical supplies and food. We need to shoot them all and end their reign of terror for good. Then take their dusty horde of "collectibles" and bury the corpses with it.

>> No.11864835

What does organ meat have to do with food safety regulations? They're no different for any other animal part, retard. What happened, just discovered babby's first hack philosopher, Ayn Rand?

>> No.11864848

>be burgerland
>fellate ayn rand and the second amendment
>make milk and offal illegal because they're "dangerous"
>leave your southern border completely open so every gang and cartel can hop on over
>let niggers roam the street with handguns held sideways, call cops racist and try to get them lynchmobbed if they police the niggers

>> No.11864855

they are rich enough to afford themselves steaks 7 days a week.

>> No.11864861

In the eu there was a directive that banned the eating of intestines and I think some other organs

>> No.11864864

Anon, it's not trolling if no one is bothered or if people are wondering if you have a disability.

>> No.11865155

Sauce? Yeah nah, I didn't think so.

>> No.11865840

looks good as fuck
t. beaner

>> No.11865844

>calf brains
fuckin prions bruh

>> No.11867152

No, not really

>> No.11867171

Yeah seems I was wrong. Only found this

>> No.11867194

I don't know why I found this post so funny but it did make me laugh

>> No.11868177

Inshallah, Ahmed

>> No.11868188

Says who

>> No.11868189


What are prion and Mad cow diseases

>> No.11868194

Literally just because of peer-pressure, there's no good, objective reason to not eat it

>> No.11868248

>like my brazillian friend recommended

>> No.11868539

Brain's dangerous, but the rest is commonly eaten in most households I've been to in europe/russia.

>> No.11868665

You disgusting cannibal.

>> No.11868686

because western countries are over indulgent and don't need to eat those parts of the animal anymore. its like when you grow up and stop smoking the roaches from your joints because you'd rather just roll fresh weed (which you have a lot of now because you aren't a jobless teen)

>> No.11868687
File: 192 KB, 1280x720, 1529113364_maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cattle are believed to have been infected by being fed meat-and-bone meal (MBM) that contained the remains of other cattle who spontaneously developed the disease or scrapie-infected sheep products.[3]

Not a problem unless you're getting your beef from a fucked up mass farm that forces cows to eat the corpses of other cows

>> No.11868694


>> No.11868701


The brain isn't dangerous, it's parts of the spinal column that causes prions.

>> No.11868759

My mom is a Soviet boomer and she was the one who taught me to love offal and interesting ingredients/cooking methods in general. I'm always confused by American boomers and how exactly they turned into the lazy inept shits they are.

>> No.11868770

Brain and spinal column contain the exact same tissue

>> No.11868807

Obviously feeding cows other cows substantially worstens the risk of prion disease, but the disease does develop spontaneously, as your quote mentions. It's safest to not eat brain at all.

>> No.11868965

Because they're looked at as cheap cuts for the poor. Cooking the stuff is slowly coming back as recipes resurface, but offal was phased out mostly because people could afford better cuts regularly, and they didnt want to look poor

>> No.11868971

>from Spain

That's bullshit and you know it.

>> No.11869003
File: 179 KB, 640x703, 1960s In One Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An era of prosperity, convenience, and wonder. Then they bled the country dry and fucked over younger generations, and continue to do so.

There's nothing like that doddering relative that has a brilliant mind insisting he doesn't WANT to learn how to cook while he bitches about how microwave meals aren't as good as they used to be. For fuck sakes man you worked on satellites and you won't work a stove?