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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11837201 No.11837201 [Reply] [Original]

Ok seriously, what do I do with it?

Can I really not put it down the drain?

>> No.11837226

Yes. Idiot. It's not an unsaturated fat, meaning it won't solidify in your pipes.

>> No.11837230

Strain it and pour it in a plastic container to use the next time you fry. It will tolerate being reused a couple of times before being unusable. And no, you should not pour grease down a drain.

>> No.11837234

And if you're still worried about it then dump draino in with it and wash it down with hot water.

>> No.11837236

Strain it and save it for next time. Save a jar with a screw on lid for when it gets used up and just throw it in the trash.

>> No.11837244

put it in a plastic bag and chuck it down the chute

>> No.11837247

it IS an unsaturated fat *

>> No.11837259

Traditionally it is drank after dinner.

>> No.11837293

But really, nobody cares. That cost you $2 max, so just throw it away. Find an old milk carton or something to pour it in, only niggers try to use frying oil more than once. Its full of burned sediment and the flavor to match.

>> No.11837347

Nothing wrong with reusing it so long as it doesn't smell so strong as to ruin whatever you fry next. It even fries better because emulsifiers have built up in the oil which stops foods from steaming before they start frying.

>> No.11837353

Why can't we just buy Japanese fry powder to clean this up?

>> No.11837414

48 ounce bottle of vegetable, corn, or canola oil is literally $2.50 maximum. More likely $1.99 at your Wal*Mart.
This picture is not close to a whole bottle, its maybe 1/4 of it.
If you are destitute poor, than attempt to save it, but you aren't sharing any food with me, I turned tail and ran away after finding out you reuse garbage.
This thread identifies class divisions with amazing accuracy, and the bottom 10% of society has already raised their hands, loud and clear.
Bye now.

>> No.11837442

I poured it down the drain because you guys were arguing. It seems fine?

>> No.11837453

>Implies oil that is strained an isn't heated beyond smoke-point is garbage
>Throws away completely usable ingredients
>Thinks he's better than everyone else
>Bye now.
ishiggydiggy, anon

>> No.11837455

Your drain will be fine. If everybody dumps grease, it creates problems in the sewers. That's why you're not supposed to do it.

Just pour it in a plastic bottle and dump it in the trash next time. Or just dump it right on top of your other trash since that's not even a lot of oil.

>> No.11837458

Its fine, your lease is up next month, and you are moving on up. To the East Side. To a deluxe apartment, in the sky.

>> No.11837461

I use safflower or grapeseed oil typically and those are much more expensive.

>> No.11837462

If it's liquid and goes down you're fine, anon.

>> No.11837466

I mean if you do it enough it will clog up eventually but you just have to be a big boy and learn how to use draino if it comes to that, or you'll have to call a plumber and thus this will no longer be a dilemma for you because you'll have a visercal understanding of the consequences and it will be no more draining to properly dispose of the fat than it is to perform any of the other annoying little chores that you don't want to do but know you have to so you're resigned to

>> No.11837467

Just pour it in the river you fucking libcuck

>> No.11837470

>It will tolerate being reused a couple of times
More than that. I've reused my oil for months before. Hell that one burger joint still uses oil from 100 fucking years ago.

>> No.11837488

Just because it is still oil does not mean it's good.
Oil will go rancid no matter how it's stored, if it's strained. You can do things to slow it's degradation, but eventually it will go bad. Heating it up degrades it, light degrades it, oxygen degrades it.
If you open up your oil and it smells like cardboard, it's rancid and your food will taste the same way.

>> No.11837494

throw it outside and let it soak into mother nature's skin. she ashy as fuck today

>> No.11837496

>living near a river
I just pour mine out in my yard.

>> No.11837497

This is unsaturated fat. It will stay liquid. There is no way for a liquid to clog a drain.

>> No.11837505

The best answer is to build a blower-aerosol oil forge and use your old cooking oil to smelt scrap metal in your backyard.

>> No.11837517

Bloody hell.

>> No.11837539

it's an absolute catastrophe!

>> No.11837554

Not me, but thanks for the kek

Woah, my lease IS up in a month and I'm moving to a place (a shitty house) on the eastside. Not even kidding.
Are you the hacker 4chan?

Anyway here's what I did:
Poured it into a trash bag and put that trash bag into the existing trash.

I deep fry maybe once every 3 months, so I'm not keeping that gross shit around

>> No.11837581

Fair enough. Oil don't keep dat long.
I don't deep fry enough so I always have to buy new oil and throw it all out every time. Leading me to deep fry even less.

>> No.11837585

I know it doesn't clog your drain. It causes problems in the sewer.

>> No.11837588

It's still a LIQUID in the sewer, how would it cause any problems?
I know bacon fat is bad because it gets hard.

>> No.11837601

>Here’s what happens when you put oil down the drain: It makes its way through your pipes and gets into the sewer, where it joins up with the area’s wastewater. This wastewater can contain a wide assortment of chemicals as well as other people’s grease, and when fatty acids bond with calcium (which is common in sewer water), the two bond into a soapy, waxy compound. These little fatty blobs stick to each other as well as the walls and ceiling of the sewer, creating something that’s called a “fatberg” (yes, a fatberg). These fatbergs continue to grow and grow over time; one that weighed 130 tons was recently removed from a British sewer system and a part of it is now on display in a museum! Eventually they’ll cause water from the sewer to flow back up into your drains, which can make for a very, very bad day.

>> No.11837654

Flush it down the toilet.

>> No.11837663

I've made soap before. It's never included putting fat into sewer water. There is absolutely no way this is true.

>> No.11837672

It is.


>> No.11837698

I will continue to dump all my oils down my drains and there is nothing you can say or do to convince me otherwise.
I will not pay to dispose of cooking or motor oil, that is a fucking scam.

>> No.11837788

I just dump mine on off my balcony.

>> No.11837803

I live on the 5th floor of my building, I can't really do that.

>> No.11837829
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Cooking oil works as torch fuel
>tfw light your back yard / balcony with the smell of fried fish

>> No.11837837

Based, redpilled, and high IQ (>150)

>> No.11837841

Truth. Although I do wonder about that place that dips their burgies in a perpetual pot of bubbling tallow

Maybe they just have shit taste

>> No.11837852
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I live on the 11th. Live a little. I just yeet it far enough that it lands in the parking lot of my neighboring apartment building and not mine for deniability

pic related, so many parking lots to choose from, all within lobbing range

>> No.11837858

It does however include mixing fat with an alkaline compound which is literally what he was saying

>> No.11837878

This is the type of recycling I can get behind.
You gave me confidence to try it myself. Thanks anon.
I'm pretty sure people aren't dumping lye down their drains! lol!

>> No.11837886

I watched a video on that place that supposedly has like 80 year old oil. I can't imagine it would be good...

>> No.11837915
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>Eventually they’ll cause water from the sewer to flow back up into your drains, which can make for a very, very bad day.
Can confirm this happens, I lived in a ghetto apartment complex for a while and on two occasions sewage backed up into the shower, once while I was attempting to use it.

>> No.11837925

looks like it would be one hell of a waste, were you to pour it down a drain.
i'd suggest straining it and reusing it at least once more.

>> No.11837926

reuse it

>> No.11837950

That shit is PURE FLAVOR, do NOT toss it out

>> No.11838066

I live on the 3rd. I fear the day someone walks out suddenly while I do it. There's a huge patch of dead grass there now. I feel kind of bad. I've started dumping the grease in big jars and throwing them in the dumpster when they're full.

>> No.11838158
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Meanwhile in China...

>> No.11838199

>Using your used fry oil to power you Klan torches.
Of course.

>> No.11838210
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>> No.11838369

Pour it in a plastic container, keep in your fridge until full then put it in the trash. Or once full go camping and burn it for fun.
Do not put it in a water drain.

>> No.11838374


>> No.11838383

Okay dude I just hope I don't live near you.

Is it really that hard to just dump your fucking oil in the trash can? You can dump it when the bag is full and needing to be taken out to the street and it will just soak into the rest of the trash.

>> No.11838384

Enjoy your botulism

>> No.11838414


>> No.11838461


>reusing frying oil puts you at risk for botulism
>botulinum bacteria die past 160F

anon I hope you are not trying to deep fry things at less than 160F, I can't help you if that's the case

>> No.11838464

botulinum toxin is deactivated above frying temperatures (180)

>> No.11838465


>> No.11838489

Shut the FUCK up! You wouldn't even being to know my life. I would probably crush you like a puny bug. I don't throw my oil over the patio because I'm 5 stories up. It would likely cover my downstairs neighbors' patio and furniture with oil. Not that YOU would know anything about that, given you still live at home with MOMMY in her basement. I have a little something called RESPECT for my fellow Americans. I wouldn't go around RUINING other peoples' things because I want to look cool on the internet. You millennial need to GROW UP and start respecting others. I swear to GOD if I ever saw you on the street I would make you eat those filthy words you just typed. You would be so SORRY. I cannot wait until the day karma finds you.

>> No.11838615
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>> No.11839586


>> No.11839661

The bacteria don't die at 160F, but the toxin is rendered harmless.

>> No.11839678

Just pour it down the drain with hot water lmao fuck these haters

>> No.11839769

Any soap or washing liquid breaks those fat molecules, that is how they word and wash fat away. So mix this stuff with some soap and hot water. Then down the tubes with it. Really schools in your country sucks.

>> No.11839777


Both of these are retards. Pipes don't have the surface soap needs to fully work.
You have a toilet that you flush extremely fatty shits down on a daily basis though.
Will leave some stains you have to get out with the toilet brush but far better than clogging your pipes.

>> No.11839801
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/ck/ is awesome for these reasons. Never stop dumping oil, anywhere and everywhere!

>> No.11840092

I've been pouring grease and oil down my drains for years with no problems. Just have hot water running at the same time and leave the hot water on for about a minute afterwards.

Wa la.

>> No.11840101

>squeeze a little Dawn into the grease to break down the oils/fats
>pour down drain with scalding hot water for at least a minute
Alakazam alakazoom, there ain't no more grease in this fuckin room.

>> No.11840106

Comfy. Where you from?

>> No.11840170
File: 61 KB, 697x929, 20190101_011237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ottawa! A few blocks south of parliament hill

I like it, very comfy city, and not super populated like bigger cities. Big enough for good food, small enough that everyone is still friendly

>> No.11840201

Don’t do it anon! It’ll make mustard gas!

>> No.11840728

I've always loved those comfy apartment block settings that are tidy and neat. Sadly, the only ones we have here in burgerland are the old, decrepit brown ones that are ghettos with mangled playground equipment in the courtyards and are home to drug dens.

>> No.11840760

If it comes down to it you can just freeze it into ice cubes to use in any beverage of your choosing. Gives it a nice flavor.

>> No.11840855
File: 151 KB, 985x554, Skating-on-the-Rideau-Canal-at-night-winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got plenty of those too, just not downtown in our capital city! I used to live in Toronto, and outside of a very small area, it was exactly what you're describing. I completely agree though, ever since I was a little kid I wanted to live in a spot like this.

>pic related, one block east of my apartment we have the rideau canal, an 8km long skating rink in the winter. Filled with hockey games, cute couples on dates, families on an outing, and a metric shit-ton of beaver tails

My apartment is actually only very slightly out of frame, if the picture extended left about a half block it would include my building.
After living for decades in shitty spots like you described, to finally be in a clean and cozy place feels like heaven. Shockingly affordable too, it's a very cheap city to live in compared to others of similar size

>> No.11840858
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>did you get the oil?
yes chef
>then what the FUCK is this
oil chef
yes chef, raw sewage
yes chef

>> No.11841064

Get a jar or coffee tin and pour it in there

>> No.11841097

See you in 5 seconds when you check for your (you)s dipshit.

>> No.11841308

Hot water won't completely remove oil and it's going to eventually reach cold liquids where it'll solidify

>> No.11841321

How the fuck does a LIQUID magically turn into a solid?

>> No.11841325

You’re thinking of your tampons.

>> No.11841353

>off to the Ottawa Pd fb

>> No.11841369

I'm gonna throw oil at them if they try to arrest me

>> No.11841798
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>> No.11841807

Always drain oil in the garbage. In fact, don't even trust garbage disposals. You know why people's home's smell right? Garbage in their sinks, rotting away, for years and years. That smell does not go away.

>> No.11841834

>Still thinks garbage disposals are as shitty as the ones his parents used
>Doesn't believe technology progresses
t. retard

>> No.11841848

And this guy is right. Even if the oil itself is OK, you have altered its flavor with carcinogens. Besides that, you are inviting pathogens reusing oil even if it was kept. Get rid of it, in the garbage.

The best you can do is 'season' your favorite pan, before immediately cooking something else in it. Otherwise you are bound to become ill.

>> No.11841849
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Y-you guys mean you don't just reuse it?

>> No.11841860 [DELETED] 

Do you think ice is also magic?

(Why did my post get deleted instead of just the guy calling me a nigger?)

>> No.11841870

Yeah man they magically invented 99.9% bacteria free garbage disposals with no cracks or crevices

Trust me bro your fucking house smells. Stop using the disposal. Scrape your food. You are the dishwasher, that machine just has jet dry.

>> No.11841886

Depends on what I fry in it, honestly. I tend to use it maybe two or three times max, and that's when I'm not frying certain things that leave flavor or excessive debris. If it's veg oil I dont reuse at all, but if it's, say, peanut oil, I will.

Depends on how much I'm using too I guess. A little pot for a personal portion of fries? Nah. A fuckhuge outdoor pot to deep fry a whole turkey? Probably

>> No.11841887

That was a different thread you goddamn retard. I know the difference between water and OIL. Oil doesn't freeze by touching cold water

>> No.11841896

>That was a different thread you goddamn retard.
lmao I just realized that

>> No.11841912

Absolute braindead.