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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 115 KB, 791x1024, Dt6vNojWwAAXHZx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11827813 No.11827813 [Reply] [Original]

>it's a "1500-word anecdote before they even post the ingredients" recipe

When will they stop this shit? I didn't ask to read a short story.

>> No.11827825

Imagine if they put that effort into actually explaining the finer points and techniques of their recipes

Also the reason they do this is because they're women

>> No.11827925

More words on page = more space for ads.

>> No.11827937

You don't have to tell me twice, but back in the stone age

>> No.11827977

those look tasty, what is the recipe?

>> No.11827984

>Shortly after the attacks of Sept. 11 2001,

We're in for the long haul, boys

>> No.11827993

Yes we are. Now only if OP would post the rest of it.

>> No.11828009

imagine the people who get off on that novel length story before the recipe


>> No.11828015

>Shortly after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Regina Schrambling wrote of the healing power of cooking. “The food is not really the thing,” she said. “It's the making of it that gets you through a bad time.” This recipe, adapted from "The New Carryout Cuisine" by Phyllis Méras with Linda Glick Conway, was one she turned to in the trying days that followed. A mere two steps, and ready in less than an hour, it’s comfort in a pan, just as good for when the darkness creeps up as it is for those days when you just need a bit more. And to those who might scoff at the two sticks of butter? Consider taking Schrambling’s words to heart: “Abstemiousness,” she wrote, “is not an option when you're feeling low.”
literally two seconds in google

>> No.11828042

I don't get recipes from blogs so I find these constant threads far more annoying.

>> No.11828051

>When will they stop this shit?
When you stop clicking on the fucking link.

>> No.11828280

you gotta do what you gotta do to beat the SEO mafia
i'll spoil it for you: there's cream of mushroom soup and a crockpot at the bottom of the page

>> No.11829039

it's because of google. word count and more photos of the same thing get ranked higher.

>> No.11829046
File: 275 KB, 960x960, 1545924653700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at grocery store
>think of an idea for snacks
>suck at baking so look up recipes on phone
>no recipes here, only autobiographies
>repeat five times
>give up and go home

I thought you guys were just memeing but it's actually even worse than it sounds

>> No.11829048

>Nothing about learning how the media covered up the true story of how gas chambers don't melt steel beams.

>> No.11829050


>> No.11829069

this is why you stick to chef john and recipe books

>> No.11829082

Yeay sexism

>> No.11829085


>> No.11829112
File: 97 KB, 310x170, fc12c2e508c13f4be4644ffb26586e12[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw trying to find the recipe

>> No.11829113
File: 530 KB, 2828x1895, mom-blogger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom blogs. I'm sick of them too.
EVERY FUCKING TIME, they introduce themselves, and then its required that they mention the weather makes this perfect, and how much hubby loves this, and the wonderful children she shit out loves it too.
Hubby works so hard, and he comes home from work and I give him this, and then he cums on my face! The kids are so busy with school, and they are such picky eaters, but they love this! TeeHee!

>> No.11829127

Why do you think it came up so high in your Google search? All those lovely key words in the story.

>> No.11829969

Is really that hard to just scroll down and get to the actual recipe? Like, you know you don't actually have to read that part do you?

>> No.11829972

You have to go back to your le echochamber

>> No.11829981

Yeah realizing you want a recipe when you're at a crowded store and only have your smartphone is the fucking worst. Websites in general are an absolute mess to begin with, and then you have to read about someone's daughter's epilepsy before you can get to the ingredients.

>> No.11829989

do you guys just froth at the mouth to claim any virtue points?

>> No.11830255

Christ almighty in heaven with all his Angels

>> No.11830276

Sadly this is the world we live in now

>> No.11830293

>Ree, my safespace is being invaded by cucks
>Go back to plebbit

Showed that snowflake, didn't ya champ.

Better than this fucking place, I gotta wade through, 10 pages of retards flinging shit at each other about fast food and jews to find a shitty vertical recipe about how to stuff hotdogs into a McDouble, or the 2 dudes who are passable lecturing kiddies on basics... again

>> No.11830417
File: 15 KB, 435x435, ADD22A71-F06D-4CC3-A291-1F6C3CDDBCA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys cocksucker, back to fucking r*ddit

>> No.11830430

>feed your feelings
>butter is baaaaaad
will we ever be free of these orthorexic idiots

>> No.11830465

kys you turbofaggot

>> No.11830571

>They hated him not for what he was, but because they did not want to believe it to be true
Eesh, it's like the bible all over again :3

>> No.11830626
File: 109 KB, 1207x729, recipe filter extension.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get an extension called RecipeFilter for Chrome.
It takes the recipe off a page, wherever it is, and puts it up at the front of the page in a pop-up so you never have to scroll and scroll to find it.
It helps if you also have ABP with the Fanboy's Annoyances filter, because sometimes it can get fucked up if there's a newsletter subscription popup.

>> No.11830673

>using Google for recipes
>needing to look up extentions on your computer to find them
>needing to use a computer to cook
Are you 12 or are you just high functiong?

>> No.11830690
File: 11 KB, 248x252, 1282366764398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cook more skillful things than just throwing raw food in a hot pan. One day you'll progress beyond pouring bowls of cereal and microwaving hot pockets, and when(if) you do, you'll find that there's an amazing wealth of information out there on the internet that you have direct access to, including many new takes on classic recipes, tips and tricks, and very intricate information on technique and the origins of food. Don't try so hard to be patronizing, you just make yourself look really, really stupid.

>> No.11830703

Speaking of realizing things regarding the amazing wealth of information out there: the stuff in mom blogs that requires plugins and extensions to make readable is usually bullshit. The good information is usually well curated. And it's far more likely found in a book, be it physical or digital.

I'm sure you enjoy Aunt Myrna's Famous Casserole (Jim just LOVES it, and so do the boys), but I think if you want to educate yourself you're better off reading Jacques Pepin.

>> No.11830718

You're purposely limiting the scope of your abilities by preassigning value to things without investigating them? Bold choice.
Yeah, sometimes they're not good recipes, sometimes they're only okay, but more often than not I'm looking through multiple recipes to find different techniques to splice together in order to create something better than any recipe exists for. You're not a chef if you ardently follow the path real chefs before you mapped out, you're just a line cook.

>> No.11830759

You guys are probably best to ask. I've never baked anything, and I like the idea of some kind of bar-shaped treat like OP.

Ops example however has people saying its not good. What are some easy things to bake that don't have crazy ingredients or techniques? I'd hate to spend all the monies giving it a go to have it wasted.

>> No.11830780

You'd have to be literally retarded to only know how to cook with shit you find on the internet. You don't deserve to cook if you need to read a recipe to make something. You have a fucking brain, you can memorize things, you have a mouth, you can ask for information from actual people that cook. You don't need some shitty fucking book or website to tell you how to cook, it's not that hard.

>> No.11830785

Cookies are generally a good place to start, and you can easily make any standard butter/sugar cookie recipe (like classic chocolate chip cookies) into cookie bars simply by adding an extra egg and baking it off in a baking dish rather than in cookie shapes (it will take longer to bake by about 1.5 times)
Pumpkin bars and no-bake cheesecake bars are easy, or cheesecake brownies. There's also a recipe called 7 Layer Cookie Bars or "Magic" cookie bars that is extremely easy for starting baking. You can leave the nuts or coconut off these if you don't like them. Good luck bro.

>> No.11830789

bread its flour salt water and yeast

>> No.11830815

>it's not that hard
Look, stubborn retard, there's whole realms of food out there and no one has it all memorized, not even a great and learned chef. You don't have every single pastry, every type of dough and custard, every kind of filling and frosting memorized. There's no way to learn if you don't read and research and there is never a point where anyone has learned so much that they never need to read again. You're literally upset about reading and learning, get a hold of yourself you braindead waste of nigger spunk.

>> No.11830851

why would you get this upset over someone reading and learning?

>> No.11830976
File: 1.27 MB, 1080x1062, 5f95668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here.

>> No.11830990

This is one the things I don't understand how people get bothered over. If you don't care to read the flavor text then simply scroll down. Wow, a whole 1/2 second.

>> No.11831009

I find that kind of thing to be a great red flag for what is sure to be a crappy recipe. It tells you you're doing your recipe searching wrong.

Stop reading mom blogs and find an expert in your desired field and learn from them.

>> No.11831016

Imagine being such a fucking child that you don't have your grocery list planned out before you left to go to the store.

I'm surprised people today can even function.

>> No.11831031

>Bold choice.
I don't think it's bold to start with learning from experts before I learn from mom blogs. I think that's logical.

>>Yeah, sometimes they're not good recipes
In my experience they're usually bad recipes.

>>but more often than not I'm looking through multiple recipes to find different techniques to splice together in order to create something better than any recipe exists for.
I'm skeptical. If you have experience with cooking fundamentals you don't need to do so much research. You take your knowledge of the basics, then you get ideas or inspiration from what you read. If you don't have experience with the fundamentals then you're just some kid throwing shit together.

>>You're not a chef if you ardently follow the path real chefs before you mapped out, you're just a line cook.
Agreed. And I've got nothing against experimenting or learning. I just think that types of websites you are talking about seem awful for that. The problem with the internet is that it has no barrier to entry, and thus it's overwhelmingly filled with bullshit. Sticking with trusted sources avoids that problem.

>> No.11831035

With all the ads and scripts, it slows down load times, and sometimes it's a slide show or is blocked by a paywall, even that extra 1/2 second is an inch that will become a mile.


>> No.11831047

It usually means you’re looking for a mom tier dish in the first place like hasselback steak or pecan cake pops or some shit

>> No.11831049
File: 86 KB, 811x836, casey hudson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11831065

Why would you ever look for mom tier dishes?

>> No.11831071

Fuck they stole my idea.

>> No.11831076


It's textbook projection. He feels intimidated by complex recipes and tasty food because he grew up in a whitebread home and never learned how to cook properly. He thinks what he's used to should be normal, so instead of learning new things and expanding his perspective he lashes out at people who do. There's probably a dash of racism and dislike of "ethnic" foods lurking around in there somewhere too.

>> No.11831113

If you didn't realize already, food blogs are a hobby for bored married women. It will never stop, it's all they have