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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11826379 No.11826379 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you actually try his recipes?
Everything he makes is either normal shit + mace and lemon peel or it's primitive and bland looking.

>> No.11826400

not yet but it looks dank and hes really doing the reenactment thing. Quit hating because he gets more pussy than you

>> No.11826412


>> No.11826420

I unsubscribed and stopped watching him when he started adding overtly political stuff to his channel about black slavery

>> No.11826421

I don't give a shit about his life. His food looks like ass and I came to /ck/ to discuss it.

>> No.11826424

no, im not fucking autistic

>> No.11826430

There's literally nothing different from what he's doing and what furries do, they're broth cringey autistic roleplaying to escape reality

>> No.11826431

brainded /pol/yp lmao

>> No.11826438

I thought about trying to make an orange fool but got kinda sick from the one in washington already

>> No.11826440

>falling for weak bait
>writing lmao in reply to weak bait
You can go back now.

>> No.11826441
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11826443

Those were probably his best videos cause he made shit like barbecue and cornbread hash.
That stuff actually looked good, but modern recipes are probably better.

>> No.11826444


>> No.11826446

looks like Violent J

>> No.11826452

Nothing about what I said suggested I lean either way. All I said was that I stopped because he was adding stuff about black slavery. If you have a brain that works, then it's easy to see that this does not tell you either way that I think it's good or bad, or even if I have a position about it at all.

I just didn't want to hear about /pol/ stuff there any more than I do here with your unintentional irony.

>> No.11826456

>history is fantasy roleplaying.

>> No.11826460

history isnt now so its basically fantasy

>> No.11826470

made leek meatballs with mushrooms once, it was alright. goes well with some orange fool :)

>> No.11826477
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Walter Staib will wreck your shit

>> No.11826486

>getting triggered by facts
>isolate yourself in a knee-jerk reaction to the reality you don't like
lol what a fucking snowflake, safespace much?

>> No.11826489 [DELETED] 
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Donald trump

>> No.11826493

is based

>> No.11826497

>history isnt now
So fucking poetic. You just blew my mind!

>> No.11826509

On jewish investors

>> No.11826513

>how many buzzwords can I fit into one post?

>> No.11826532

Doesn't he recreate authentic food from when stoves weren't a thing? No shit it's going to be primitive and bland.

>> No.11826546

I want an earth oven desu.

>> No.11826564

Why the fuck do any of you watch his videos if you don't try his recipes?

>> No.11826574

I agree with the man's politics.

>> No.11826579

>it's primitive and bland

Spoilers: colonial food was primitive and bland.

>> No.11826589

So do historical LARPers just like this shit ironically?

>> No.11826600

Reenactors are too old to do things ironically.
They do it for the learning experience and to appreciate the struggles of their forbears, to better connect with their history.

>> No.11826610 [DELETED] 
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*triggers libtards*

>> No.11826618 [DELETED] 
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Non-white anon here. It's hilarious to see /pol/tards become infatuated with someone they believe to be one of their own, and then get buttblasted when he outs himself as a regular guy that doesn't buy into nazi bullshit. Watching the right implode is a treat.

>> No.11826622

Sounds lame. If they want to connect with struggle they should do something real like help the LGBTI community get accepted by mainstream society.

>> No.11826626

0/10 apply yourself.

>> No.11826627 [DELETED] 


Serously. Fuck white people. I hope they all get some disease like AIDS but only affects whites. We'd all be happier if whites were just genocided off this planet.

>> No.11826632 [DELETED] 
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I wouldn't say "fuck [insert race name] here". You're just falseflagging so more Trumpets can pretend they're persecuted. Nice try tho.

>> No.11826639


You're just full of hate & shit, aren't you?

>> No.11826641

anon... they're historical reenactors. everything they do is gay

>> No.11826646


Fuck off back to /pol/, racist piece of shit.

>> No.11826647

I'm not the one disparaging a dude for enjoying a wholesome hobby.

>> No.11826661


Tell us how you really feel, loser.

>> No.11826677


>> No.11826684

I know it's true of all recipes "you can always make them your own" but there's something extra inviting about the colonial period's language, like with his Duck in redwine recipe it calls for "gravy" but I made an italian style gravy and used that instead of a brown gravy like he interpreted it and it turned out really nice.

>> No.11826705

The feelings mutual, shitskin

>> No.11826709

orange. fool.

>> No.11826722

That sounds nice, anon.

>> No.11826725

Why are you shitting on a decent guy? Man, /pol/tards are so vitriolic against anyone that doesn't support their nazi bullshit.

>> No.11826755

You don't know he's a decent guy you fucking idiot, you only know him from his faggy cosplaying nonsense

>> No.11826781

the recipe did not mean some guinea tomato sauce when it said gravy.
fuck outta here with that grease ball shit

>> No.11826811

This level of hostility towards anyone that isn't on your team is why Dems won back the House.

>> No.11826814
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>> No.11826828
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His german recipe videos always look tasty.

>> No.11826853
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>> No.11826895

>black slaves never existed and even if they did, they didn't eat
Orange fool logic there kid, lol!

>> No.11826913



>> No.11827027

he's not trying to make good food idiot he's making period-accurate food

>> No.11827563
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No, but I've made some of the Mrs. Crocombe recipes from English Heritage.

The curry--well "Victorian England curry"--was surprisingly good. I've made it a few times since then. Though I added garlic and shallots, unlike the hoighty-toity Lord and Lady Braebrooke who view them as pauper's food.

I also did the Christmas pudding and the soup, which were fine.

>> No.11827582

I bet Mrs.Crocombe's warm pie is a treat to savor.

>> No.11827596

except nobody said that. go suck nigger dick and die of aids somewhere else.

>> No.11827608
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>that thumbnail
looks like he pissed his trousers.

>> No.11827624
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I used his French Bread recipe and then used that same bread to create his Pain Perdu recipe (French Toast).


Just buy French Bread.
And that maple syrup that he creates to put on the Pain Perdu is pure shit - use whatever syrup you like best.

>> No.11827626

Why do you keep hatin on this guy. His mushroom ketchup looks cool

>> No.11827634

I loved the crossover videos with her and Townsends.

>> No.11827644

Jack Scalfani is the only saucier we can admire here on 4channel's /ck/ board.

>> No.11827647
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Townsends videos would make for excellent YOUTUBE POOP comedy style videos

>> No.11827659

Like the farting tv preachers?

>> No.11827661
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>> No.11827669

>youtube poop

You must be 18 years or older to browse 4chan

>> No.11827674
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>Never go on /ck/.
>See one of my favorite comfy youtubers on front page.
>Expect a comfy and wholesome thread.
>Nothing but shitposting.

Welp, back to my normal boards.

>> No.11827680

Not intentionality, but I tried making fried tripe a few times, end result was very close to what he does in his video.
Tastes good, it's just very chewy.

>> No.11827681

I'm just autistic, geez. Calm down.

>> No.11827682

>Expect a comfy and wholesome thread.
get a load of this faggot

>> No.11827688

tell /his/ they're a bunch of faeries

>> No.11827697

Anglo's are afraid of vegetables it's something so culturally ingrained they will probably go extinct because of it.

>> No.11827699

Only poor people eat vegetables.

>> No.11827706

The more common an interest, the shittier the board, in general terms. Cooking and food is something everybody can have an opinion on, no matter how stupid.
It derives from this that /ck/ is one of the worst boards along with /b/ /pol/ /tv/ and /soc/.

>> No.11827708

go back and stay there, queer

>> No.11827752
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This guy is pretty good too when it comes to historical cooking / food.

>> No.11827768

>The colonial language is so inviting and open to interpretation.... I bet when the English colonists said gravy they meant Alfredo Sauce. What a wonderful period of our country's history :)
Juuussstalikemymudderusedtamake, aahh Classico duck, hail mary.

>> No.11827867

>normal boards
The only ones that could remotely fit that description are /diy/ (mainly because /pol/tards are too stupid to even know the difference between a screwdriver and hammer) and /out/ in some threads although magatard shutins have infiltrated there pushing a scorched earth agenda too.

>> No.11827876

youa're a fucking idiot

>> No.11827878


Can someone shop this to make it look like he pee'd his pants?

>> No.11827922

Who inherits the Townsend & Son when he dies? His future son-in-law?

>> No.11827928

>thinking a board full of engineers isnt full of /pol/
the only reason it doesn't come up is because /co/ trash like you stays off it.

>> No.11827939

>makes food from before people actually had taste
>complains how it's old and bland
What did you expect you retard

>> No.11827944

his wife's kids obviously

>> No.11827946

they were very cute. I liked the one where they introduced the apple picking guy. I wouldn't mind a youtube series of life at the house!

>> No.11827991

>Guy Fieri in 2040

>> No.11828238


Have you seen the nutter with the geodesic domes?
Not to mention all the "we're building sex toys but we're not allowed to openly discuss it" threads.

>> No.11828272

I can't stand this guys face, he looks like a baby and an old man at the same time

>> No.11828304

> too old to do things ironically
Are you old enough to understand that old people are just like you, except older?

>> No.11828318


>> No.11828331

Well what about that bothers you? He's only interested in showing foods of the past and there were black slaves in the time period that he covers, and I haven't seen any video where the current-day free African American re-enactors look like they're having a bad time of it.

>> No.11828445

Reminding me that slavery existed undermines my worldview.
Undermining my worldview violates the NAP.

>> No.11828760

People have been asking for it but I suppose it is out of their budget. I suppose they could strike a deal with Netflix for an edutainment series, could be in sum a cheap partnership with a built in audience.

Apple picking guy was cute.

>> No.11828880

Yet another boomer delusion, courtesy of the obsolete past.

>> No.11829009

Do they really fancy themselves engineers? I've only been there a few times, but if those guys were really engineers buildings and bridges would be collapsing like dominoes on a vibrator.

>> No.11829236


>> No.11829279
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>slaves existing is political
stay off of /his/

>> No.11829286

how do I watch his videos? I only found a couple shorts on youtube