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File: 36 KB, 296x596, Brokeback Mountain funny iced beer in a glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11807935 No.11807935 [Reply] [Original]

My father in-law ices his beer.

Like drops 4 or 5 cubes into a glass and pours a can in.

Is this normal? Do people do this?

>> No.11807937

No, I've never seen it.

>> No.11807938

It's a bit strange. If he's icing shitty macro lagers, it doesn't really matter though. That's basically like adding ice to a soda.

>> No.11807939

They do it to cider. No reason beer should be different.

>> No.11807954

I work in a restaurant. I've seen my fair share of crazy old(er) women do it. Or to white wine as well.

>> No.11807969

Your father in law is a homosexual. He is scamming your mother for money.

>> No.11807971

No, but boomers do.

>> No.11807974

I do it. It keeps the beer cold, so why not? It’s only a thing with the older folks in my country where it’s hot and humid as fuck all year.

>> No.11807980

Like some sort of dowry scam? What makes you think that? OP doesn't sound Indian or anything.

>> No.11807999

it’s not bad if you pour some beer over ice, drink, repeat
like a 1/4 bottle at a time
filling a gkass and letting the ice dilute it well tgat seens dumb

>> No.11808005

i mean its not normal but if you are already drinking a flavorless mom beer like Bud Light, what is the difference

>> No.11808017

One of my Aunts does this. It's totally weird and not normal at all.

>> No.11808019

creepy wine aunt?

>> No.11808036

Standard in Vietnam, they even make special shaped ice to fit the glass.

>> No.11808043

Does anyone remember al/ck/ threads? Where are they now?On some other board? Or are they gone completely?

>> No.11808050

Bur of course they couldn't handle not raiding other /ck/ threads while commiserating, so they ended up not maintaining the tradition.

>> No.11808059
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 477732678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad does this. But only because he's a dumbass who somehow forgets to restock the beer in the fridge and it's warm. And it's Budweiser or coors or some shit. FUCK YOU DAD!

>> No.11808062

I like to freeze my beers so they're icy when I crack them open.

>> No.11808070

I told you to respect your elders, son. You're not too old for Goofy Time.

>> No.11808090

It's popular in some SEA countries with lighter lagers and beers. Never ever with dark or strong beers though

>> No.11808117

I don’t find that to be normal. Most people just refrigerate beer until cold, and drink it out of what it came in. Some people might pour it into a glass, but I rarely even see that.

>> No.11808146

I do this

>> No.11808313

Depends to be honest. If it's 45 degrees it's so hot that your beer will go warm before you've had more than a couple of sips.
So you're left with a choice of
>Keep a bottle of beer cold in the fridge and refill a small glass really often
>Drink like normal and put up with warm beer
>Add ice, which keeps it cold for longer but eventually waters down the beer

>> No.11808334

Normal in some places, never heard of in others

>> No.11808335

Your father in law is a fucking dumb cunt

>> No.11809224

>do people do this?
Your father in law does.
He’s people.
This is a dumb thread.

>> No.11809243

Happened to my grandfather in Russia like 50 years ago. Guy in pub took a bottle of warm beer, poured it in a glass and threw few ice cubes in. Dunno if it’s a thing in Russia tho.

>> No.11809338

Depends on the weather really. I can see it working when very hot, but I'd personally use a chilled beer sleeve for my pint/ tinnie/ bottle.

>> No.11809375

it's an (((american))) thing

>> No.11809388

Standard practice in some areas of SEA. If you don't your beer is 90 degrees before you finish it. I still do it sometimes on hot days.

>> No.11809533


Olives or a pickle is a better choice

>> No.11809618

tell your fucking dad to wrap paper towel around his beer. then dampen it. stick it in the freezer. 10-15mins it will be ice cold. works best with cans

>> No.11809629

i dont want to dilute my beer so no thanks
that being said i do salt my beer most of the time

>> No.11809640

>Is this normal? Do people do this?
My mother does this but it's usually shit tier Pinot Grigio (not Franzia but close to just as bad)

>> No.11809670

That does not work at all... How would that even help it cool faster?

>> No.11809675

I have only tried it with cans. trust me it fucking works. go google it

>> No.11809702

i do this everytime i buy beer, it really works within 20 mins
the paper towel freezes quickly and its like having a thin ice pack around the around

>> No.11809831

yeah it's a jungle asian thing
hes definately been going down and doing the dirty with prozzies

>> No.11809834

tell your moms to get tested

>> No.11809837

My mom does

>> No.11809840

>so why not?
It melts and changes the flavor, retard.

>> No.11809900

It's fine for american macro adjunct lagers since they're just pisswater anyway. However, it would be an abomination before god to do it with a craft beer.

>> No.11809910


only because they are too poor to afford refrigeration.

>> No.11810045

if they are too poor for refrigerators, how do they have ice

>> No.11810051


they buy a big block of it every day from the ice man. cheaper than running fridges in tropical heat all day long.

>> No.11810058

So the ice man has a freezer?

>> No.11810065


presumably, yes. it must be profitable for him.

>> No.11810869

My mother does this with white wine

>> No.11810987

No no no OP!
>do americans really do this

Once more now!, from the top.

>> No.11811007

i feel your pain man. my father in law drinks an entire bottle of white wine in a single sitting, via a coffee mug filled with ice cubes. He thinks he think he's drinking coffee.

>> No.11811160

this. it's a gook thing

>> No.11811271

During the summer, yes. Why would you care if it "dilutes the flavour". You put it in soda and other stuff, but somehow beer is untouchable.
You are probably some asshole that tells other people how to eat their steak or tell them what toppings they are allowed on their pizza.

>> No.11811311

>beer purists
Theres nothing cringier

>> No.11811317

>Why would you care if it "dilutes the flavour"

Because beer with a diluted flavor tastes awful. Since I'm drinking it for the taste rather than the alcohol that ruins the experience.

>> No.11811391

And when I want to drink it for refreshment on a hot day I want my drink to be cold. If you aren't a child you probably have a go-to beer, so I don't care if I don't get the full authentic flavour and there is like 2 ounces extra water in my pint since I have drank the same beer a thousand times before.

>> No.11811402

You drink it to get drunk. Not for the taste

>> No.11811630

I did it a few times, mainly for shits and giggles, but my friends treated me like a blasphemer

>> No.11811649

Most beers aren't 8.2%

>> No.11811652

I like my go-to beer to be cold too. Thankfully, you can achieve this in many different ways that don't involve watering the drink down. Personally, I keep my beers in the fridge.

Nonsense. That's what liquor is for.

>> No.11811682

But drinking liquor makes you an alcoholic

>> No.11811688

My dad does this too.
I've also seen him drink half a beer bottle, fill it back up with water and drink the rest. Bud Light, too. Fucking boomers man

>> No.11811700

>being offended by others watering down water beer
This goes deeper doesnt it

>> No.11811712

No, being dependent on any form of alcohol makes you an alcoholic.

Why are you purposefully acting like a retard?

>> No.11811735

The only person I've seen do this is a kurdish guy who doesn't really drink.
I know it's pretty common to have ice in cider a lot of places though

>> No.11811742

Damn reddit is right you really do need a sarcasm tag online

>> No.11811755

You didn't' explain why you were being sarcastic (aka acting like a retard), anon.

>> No.11811840

Not much deeper than observing my boomer dad's shit taste. He also eats 2 marie callender tv dinners every night. When I was a kid he used to eat mayo out of the jar with a spoon.

>> No.11811864

>Joking is now off limits

Do you want our species to crumble before the sands of time, anon?

>> No.11811894

Are you trying to say that you actually found that funny?

>> No.11811897

>sarcastic (aka acting like a retard
Self preservation is a magical thing

>> No.11811904

seek a divorce, immediately.

>> No.11811910

Are you implying we're both not smiling our asses off right now?

>> No.11811924

Not him, but it's a standard joke format. One guy says he only drinks to get drunk. Another guy says that's what liquor is for. The response to that is that drinking liquor would make him alcoholic. Humor often lies in internal contradictions that the audience is left to connect for themselves. This is one such case.

>> No.11811930

>he doesnt joke about his worrying alcohol consumption
Oh right I forgot this is the only board that banned alcohol threads

>> No.11811934

Damn I made that joke and didnt even know its a standard joke. Not that I thought I was being original.

>> No.11811938

jannys shut em down

>> No.11811944

I wouldn't know, I'm asking. You can just say "I found it funny" and that's that.

Sorry, I had no idea that was an established joke.

>> No.11812990

It’s pretty nice on a humid summer day after you’ve been working outside, best if you use a shitty beer like a coors lite, it’s pretty refreshing if you’re looking for something other than water and not sweet