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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11782604 No.11782604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

real talk, how do you think Donald trump would make an assemble his cheeseburger?

for instance, he's hosting a bbq, and has offered to make everyone a burger that he finds delicious.

what would it be, and how would it be made?

>> No.11782610


probably just the american style

American OR Cheddar Cheese
White Onions
Yellow Mustard


>> No.11782630

it really is the best form of the cheeseburger there is.

I think he'd probably grill the burger, and add tomato, maybe nix the pickle, and add tomato.

thick bun, or slim bun?
I say a spongy thinner bun for maximum juiciness and burger flavor.

>> No.11782680

probably just a bun and the burger
I have been served this once, and everyone else was surprised with me when I asked if they at least had lettuce.

>> No.11782685

he'd end up fucking it up, i can assure you of that

>> No.11782691

>people born into extreme wealth
>having barbecues or burgers
lmao just lmao

>> No.11782755

He'd order his peon slave sycophants to assemble it like mcdicks and be quick about it.

>> No.11782766

I would imagine cold unmelted Kraft Singles as the cheese

>> No.11782768

Implying Trump has ever cooked a burger in his life.

>> No.11782771

he would probably just make 1000 hamberders while flying on his jet ski, either that or egg roles

>> No.11782775

by making it so good you'd literally kill yourself if you weren't given a 2nd burger immediately?

possibly, if not likely.

>> No.11782776


>> No.11783002

Well done with ketchup, just like my 2 yo toddler son.

>> No.11783031

He loves McDonald's. Fast food doesnt magically lose its appeal once you become wealthy

>> No.11783035

I call this the big don
2 steamed buns 2 all beef natural patties with two cheeses, slice of onion, slice of tomato, thousand island sauce, miracle whip and a pickle.

>> No.11783043

He would just lay it out on a plate the way McDonalds gave it to him, and if anybody claimed he didn't make it himself he would start ranting about fake news.

>> No.11783053

two all russian patties, special sauce, lettuce, american cheese, pickled onions, on a poppy seed (check out the) bun!

>> No.11783056

wouldn't he just tell someone else to make the burger for him?

>> No.11783059

Be careful OP, I got banned for posting hamberders the other day.
To answer your question, I'm sure he likes them plain, cooked to fuck, with extra ketchup.

>> No.11783115

he would hire someone to do it and not know and not care about any of the details

>> No.11783143

lots of russian dressing and a little pickle

>> No.11783186

Fuck a trump, have you guys ever had an Oklahoma onion burger? Go look it up its ez to make at home, try it out man

>> No.11783276

He'd hype it up as the greatest burger ever and then give you a lukewarm hot dog with some watery ketchup on top

>> No.11783297

Probably a fairly standard arrangement, nothing wild.

>> No.11783304
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It would be an all American burger filled with freedom and bravery

>> No.11783343


>guys, we're having the worlds greatest cheeseburgers made with the greatest beef, cheese, bread and ketchup in the world tonight constructed according to my meticulous plans. Really true, you'll see
>slightly warm Bar-S hotdogs wrapped in stale great value hfcs hotdog buns slathered with great value ketchup and mustard
>see, these are real cheeseburgers, don't listen to the fake news deniers, these are the worlds greatest cheeseburgers ever in the history of man, trust me, really they are

>> No.11783360

Rich people don't stay rich by only eating the most expensive food they can find

>> No.11783364

He would probably just get everyone McDonalds.

>> No.11783374

Three weeks later
>Some people are saying they weren't cheeseburgers. Maybe they're right, maybe they're wrong, hard to say. I personally don't think they're right, but who knows? Who knows.

>> No.11783392
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First of all, Donald Trump never cooked in his life. Not even scrambled eggs. He never sliced a vegetable in his life. As a millionaire he was brought up a sheltered, spoiled brat. Second, by now he is legit entering senile territory. Thirdly, he's a germophobe. Taking these into consideration, I present you, the hamberder:
>frozen, store bought patty
>frozen, store bought, unevenly cut bun
>a single slice of american processed "cheese"
>a heavy layer of salt on said "cheese"
>microwaved for 50 minutes (to make sure that all the bacteria are "one hundred and ten percent" killed)

>> No.11783425
File: 1.90 MB, 267x200, yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's mopped floors, washed dishes, prepped food, did laundry and every other task and chore you could think of. Don't act like you know anything about my President

>> No.11783442
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>millionaires are totally just regular people, gais

>> No.11783496
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What I say is the 100% truth.

>> No.11783503

Different anon here

You're wasting your breath, this is contrarian dumbass central.

>> No.11783507

My truth includes 2% fact extract and 5.4 milligrams of validity per liter.

>> No.11783529

how does it feel being butthurt because of trump for 3 whole years

>> No.11783562

I actually enjoy immensely the Trump presidency and if I were an American I'd vote for him because he accelerates perfectly the crumbling of the US Empire.

>> No.11783591

He lives rent free in your troubled mind.

>> No.11783650

>plain, cooked to fuck, with extra ketchup.
This seems likely

>> No.11783655


>> No.11783680

>resorting to fantasy
retarded and seething libcuck.

>> No.11783689

Friendly reminder that Trump has a bigger dick than your king nigger.

>> No.11783693

If you want to accelerate the US crumbling you vote left.

>> No.11783700
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Uhm, anon...

>> No.11783730

He's right, though.

>> No.11783741
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Lmao not even remotely, it's pure seething fiction you created in his head. You WANT him to be right, big difference. You can't cope with reality so you create your own.

>> No.11783751

*he created in his head

>> No.11783752
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>> No.11783757

>rent free
Hardly. Unless you're a member of the oligarchy, you and your descendants, should you be stupid enough to bring them into the dystopia he's establishing, are paying through the nose.

>> No.11783763

Wrong again. Thanks for playing, anon.

>> No.11783766

>being insecure about someone else's penis size
The absolute state of the right wing.

>> No.11783769

Holy shit, everyone suspected that, but it's now confirmed, lmao!

>> No.11783776

>the dystopia he's establishing
Oh, please. Stop pretending that there is any significant difference between Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, or Hillary. It's the fucking ruling class.

>> No.11784049


>> No.11784268

I can imagine papa Trump would be really good at a family barbecue

>> No.11784281

he would order it from mcdonalds like he did with clemson

>> No.11784455

Trump wouldn't use beef for the burger we all know it would be filled with BALONEY!!

>> No.11784473

Nice /pol/ thread. Anyway, reminder that Trump will win 2020 because the Democrats are that fucking useless.

>> No.11784490


>> No.11784511

You didn't need to post anything past the first sentence. We all understand English.

>> No.11784539 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 632x852, 1532050246451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys hate the guy so much? He comes off as very easy-going and even if he's actually an asshole he's still the most harmless president of all time. It's been two years and literally nothing has changed, yet everyone screeches about him every single minute of the day. I don't understand.

>> No.11784542

Liberals. Not even once.

>> No.11784544 [DELETED] 

It's not even a matter of what he does anymore. The vocal "opposition" to him just stems from a combination of leftover anger that their candidate of choice lost and a heavy smattering of leftist propaganda.

>> No.11784545 [DELETED] 

There's people who are this way about every president. The best thing to do is disassociate yourself from political faggots, all they do is bitch.

>> No.11784619


>> No.11784625 [DELETED] 

This. Their lives are devoid of any meaning so they get consumed by politics. It's fine to have opinions but you should still be able to shoot the shit with people you disagree with desu

>> No.11784680

warren buffet also goes ham on mcdonalds

>> No.11784743

Yeah I'm sure he goes to his beach side resorts or vacation home and helicopters in 5 French chefs to make his dinner instead of just being a normal person and making some dogs or burgers with his sons

>> No.11784746

I doubt he even knows how to boil an egg, let alone grill a burger

>> No.11784763 [DELETED] 

>longest shutdown in history
>its all liberal propaganda and tears

I was middle of the road, trying to give him a chance since I mostly lean right but he has been shit. If he was the CEO of a company, he would have been told to leave and given severance pay at least 6 times by now. If anything, he has shown how broken the US political system is if he is able to get away with the shit he does without consequence other than the "liberal propaganda" you mentioned. Not sure its propaganda though unless they are secretly the ones controlling his twitter feed.

>> No.11784791

Surely you're yolking

>> No.11784796
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Definitely a healthy homemade whitecastle.

>> No.11784808

He would brag about how awesome it is for two years and do nothing. Just like with the fence.

He is just a shitty tv celebrity. He was an actor paid to play a retarded billionaire on some reality tv show.

>> No.11784810


>> No.11784818
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Still no wall, cletus

>> No.11784820 [DELETED] 

here's fucking hoping all the dumbshit cucks will finally wake the fuck up and see who's been fucking them all along

not the jews, not the immigrants, not the """deep state""" or whatever other bullshit controlled opposition they want you to believe, but the rich

our problem isn't that the elites are somehow less moral than before. they're just more powerful, and the more powerful you are, the less accountable you are, and the more you can get away with.

>> No.11784829
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Taxing billionaires is like another attack pearl harbor

>> No.11784842

he was saying the guy doesn't cook and he's right, you're a clueless poorfag and that's why cooking is cost effective for you, instant ramen eating faggot.

>> No.11784845 [DELETED] 

and you will literally never see a good explanation why. their brains shut down.

Tucker Carlson brought this up recently and the entire right wing imploded. Ben "ok, this is epic" Shapiro peed his pants over it but the fact of the matter is this: the rich have been taking the rest of us for a fucking ride since the 80s, and eventually it'll get bad enough that people will wake up from the propaganda they've been fed day in and day out and see with their own fucking eyes what was in front of them all along.

or so I fucking hope. we're already hurtling at breakneck speed toward a cyberpunk dystopia that would put Philip K Dick to shame. You think it's bad now imagine how bad it'll be when corporations are the governments, not just indirectly through lobbying. it'll make sharecropping look like fucking summer camp

>> No.11784866

no yolks here anon, this is srs business

>> No.11784872

considering he made a meatloaf and other dishes I would say he knows how to cook and even if he didn't he's still better than you and me

>> No.11784873

If we're being honest, a cyberpunk dystopia sounds hella cool and is kind of working against your point but I get what you're saying..

>> No.11784887

>he knows how to cook and even if he didn't he's still better than you and me
Did this make any sense in your head when you wrote it?

>> No.11784898

The sad part is there's a good proportion of he US population that wouldn't actually mind living in a dystopian cyberpunk hellhole

>> No.11784899

Living in a post apocalyptic hellhole to own the libs EPIC STYLE

>> No.11784900

it's almost midnight where I live and I usually wake up at 4 in the morning but what's wrong with my post?

>> No.11784904

>implying it's just conservatives
Last time I checked most corporations are trying to shill progressive values protect their image not conservatives

>> No.11784913

Conservatives enabled them, because muh based entrepreneur. Republifucks first let the corporations run the whole country and now get fucked over by them. Kino pottery.

>> No.11784918

If he didn't know how to cook how could he be better than you or me?

>> No.11784938

Then why are you still directing most of your anger towards conservatives instead of the tycoons. You're just playing into the division the mass media has fed you, playing into the game of red vs blue that they shill to keep you distracted. Most conservatives are poor rural folks who are easily swayed by elites, they're the "proletariat" you desperately need to change the American political system not your enemy anon. Stop being a hypocrite and practice what you preach it's what got Trump elected in the first place anyways

>> No.11784945

Because dumb conservative hicks are immune to reason. You can only speak to them by being direct and vulgar.

>> No.11784959

>/ck/ food & cooking

>> No.11784967
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I don't understand why this thread is so long and salty. We know the answer.

>> No.11784970

he's better overall

>> No.11784976

he would make a meatloaf sandwich

>> No.11784978

Still no wall.

>> No.11785003

How about a wall of delicious McDonald's ™ hamburgers?

>> No.11785006

Whatever is cheap, quick, and small, yet filling. He's a "busy" man. He can't afford to wait for food.

>> No.11785033

sounds good

>> No.11785093

>Delicious mcd

Hes busy he has to whine on twitter all day

>> No.11785098

Non American detected

>> No.11785101

I have made a lot of burgers in my life and believe me, everybody loved it. Those were the best burgers they had this day, if ever.

>> No.11785104

you mean make 3-4 tweets a day that probably takes less than 10 minutes

>> No.11785107

Then why with all this free time he acomplished nothing? Loser!

>> No.11785113 [DELETED] 

Even I, a poorfag can explain. Trends in the recent time after tax cuts actually increased tax collections (mind you, the deficit is larger because we end up spending more than collecting). This led to incentivizing behavior of company who outsource labor to have more work domestically since it is cheaper now. Thus, you see more jobs today. You see, it's not all about elite hogging all the money, you shouldn't force nor berate them all. They are self-interested individuals who want to see profit and not see much in charity. If they see an opportunity that benefits them and to an extent, you, then they might oblige. They end up paying way more than the average taxpayer and estimated to pay about 30% of the entire tax collected as the 1%. If you provoke them too much especially in California, silicon valley may very well move into Texas. This is what happened to some clothing company last time I remember from econ where they moved to a different state because taxes were too much.

>> No.11785114

and that loser is a billionaire president what does that make you and i

>> No.11785118

He inherited his wealth. He is a moocher.

>> No.11785124

In a lot of cases it's not even outsourcing jobs, it's turning jobs into outsourcing.

Contractor companies are a huge % of the workforce now, when 30-50 years ago a large company like a manufacturer would employ hundreds of people at a plant, all given a middle class wage.

Now, that same plant may have 150 employees, but contract out about 100-200 people at half the wages, to cut costs and avoid benefits and dealing with workplace hazard incidents.

>> No.11785126

That's kinda the sad thing with Donald, probably the reason why he tries so hard with his image as if to prove some worth after his father. You see, it's not all black and white. You should probably understand others from their own perspective.

>> No.11785133

He has a yerrible image. Brash, orange, not eloquent and the obvious toupee.

>> No.11785136

There's alot of issues with outsources. If we take Apple's example, it's practically a sweatshop in China but who cares, it's a different country. Ultimately, there needs to be some way or incentive to keep jobs here but with today, it's always black and white to each side who refuses middle ground. And I don't know why we even bother talking about this. This thread turned into some reformatory politics. Let's talk about burgers, shall we?

>> No.11785238

he still made made a shit ton of money on his own before his dad died in the late 90s and thanks to donald the trump organization is doing better than ever

>> No.11785242

eloquent fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
it seems like he is

>> No.11785272

Real talk, how would you season burgers? I was thinking along the lines of breadcrumbs, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Anything else?

>> No.11785276

>Daddy is so powerful and awesome! He is perfect in every way.

>> No.11785285

never said that I said he was better than you and me unless one of us is secretly a billionaire and ruler of a first world country

>> No.11785303

With a safety net of a wealthy daddy with connections. Such a great businesssman, whos scared of releasing tax returns tee hee.

>I have the best brain
Nah dude, your delusional

>> No.11785321

yep he turned the trump organization into a successful international corporation did way better than his father mother grandfather and grandmother
what have you done

>> No.11785323
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>9 year old chinks make burgers 14 hours a day
>flash freeze them and ship to 'Merica

Not sure where I'm going with this... Everything in my head leads to massive war and killing off billions of people.


>> No.11785329

Yeah, its such a success to not waste your parents empire. Also if he was transparent about his wealth I would bite, but this coward will never release anything.

This guy bankrupted a fucking casino. What an absolute unit.

>> No.11785349

it was more of city state before Trump inherited it and he turned it into a successful kingdom
it's sad the only argument you have is tax returns and 4 bankruptcies something which is pretty common especially chapter 11 bankruptcy which can and have saved businesses

>> No.11785362

Ahh you mean the casino that made Trump a shit ton of money while screwing over investors.
It was a huge success for trump and a failure for investors.

>> No.11785430

My guess is that he would purchase fast food and pass it off as his own cooking.

>> No.11785439

>he isnt a good businessman, but that means he is good

This will exactly happen to you looking at his presidency, he will make his families and cronies rich while he breaks all his promises. Pottery.

>> No.11785447
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>trying to have a intellectual political conversation on a fucking cooking board

>> No.11785450

ahh you're so retarded and know so little
he screwed over his cronies but you wouldn't know that libtard

>> No.11785456

I think the implication is he has never cooked anything in his life since he's always had maids or mcdonalds do that for him

>> No.11785458

miracle whip unnecessary

>> No.11785460

amusing but he is on record for having a huge cock, not that he's ever misrepresented by the media or anything

>> No.11785462

>trying to talk about cooking on /pol/ 3.0
Go eat a soy onion you pozzed cuck.

>> No.11785513

and his screwing over you lol

>> No.11785531

Kosher salt, pepper, garlic and onion, a few pinches of cayenne and red pepper flakes

>> No.11785561

real talk he would put his real talk like basicially just can you even

>> No.11785578

he has a fucking chef. aint you seen the posts of him trying to eat a burger with a knife and fork?

>> No.11785604

not really since mid 2016 I've been doing great

>> No.11785645
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>> No.11785681
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Here's your (((You))), you fucking faggot.

>> No.11785700

Yeah, I bet

>> No.11785712

only seen it with KFC and pizza

>> No.11785730
File: 594 KB, 1024x972, 1545078674340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys already took /v/, /co/, /int/ and /tv/ Don't you dare take /ck/ away from me a swell.

>> No.11785756

You /pol/tards would know a lot about the size of Trump's cock.

>> No.11786220

If he finds someone delicious he makes them a burger?

>> No.11786273

/pol/tards, always obsessed with cocks, real traditional values

>> No.11786853
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/ck/ was always ours

the right makes the food, sonny

>> No.11786948

this but uniroically

>> No.11787193

what an unamerican bootlicker you are

>> No.11787423

not really I just know when someone is better than me overall so stop projecting

>> No.11787506

The regulars for /ck/ who can only cook with a microwave have more talent than those /pol/ shits who have to have someone else microwave their teddies for them.
Besides, they think this place gets as much attention as a that in a gym, not nearly enough people to possibly stroke their egos as much as they need to survive.

>> No.11787615

He may be better than you, but that's not setting a very high bar for everyone else.

>> No.11787693

he's better than everyone that's not a first world leader even before he was president he was still better than most

>> No.11787757


>> No.11788133

>solipsistic narcisism fueled by daddy's money, and an inherent ability to only communicate in troll level quips is superior
Reevaluate your values before you end up blending in with a typical magatard rally crowd, ok?