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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11761207 No.11761207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's Monday night. Post your favorite sandwiches while waiting for the mods to do their fucking job while we're being raided by T_D.

>> No.11761224

For me, its the patty melt on rye

>> No.11761226

Prosciutto, mozzarella, lots of black pep, few slices of tomato, and some fresh basil

>> No.11761227

>leaving the crust on the brie
Yikes. Do people actually do that? That. Is. So. Gross.

Also that's like sandwich bread. Burgers are only supposed to be put on hamburger buns. Is this like a "European" burger.

>> No.11761239

That's a beef patty. It's a burger when it's on a bun, and it's not on a bun, so it's not a burger.

>> No.11761244

Banh Mi
Bacon cheeseburger + special sauce

>> No.11761243
File: 138 KB, 1069x897, 1547532119050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a bizzare thing for a redditard like you to say

>> No.11761252

That's a burger.

t. American

>> No.11761253
File: 113 KB, 594x396, 1547544717793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Filet-O-Fish served in the Whitehouse dinning room.

>> No.11761258

Trumps faces in this photo set is pure bliss

>> No.11761260

He looks like he's gonna sneeze. Did he sneeze?

>> No.11761264

>the president will never buy you all the fast food you want

>> No.11761270

>cherry picking a few reddit posts that are entirely reasonable
>thinks this is some kind of an argument when /pol/eddit is spamming the board with "muh god emperor" bullshit
You do understand that Trump worship is pure reddit, right?

>> No.11761272

can you even imagine walking in there and just grabbing up 3 or 4 filets o fish and jist going to town while talking with the bois about how fuckin hilarious the whole situation is? cant even imagine how comfy the evening was for those lads

>> No.11761273

based and based pilled. all 4chan users from the last 2 years are from reddit or saw it on a news site. that's just the way it goes

>> No.11761277

Turkey, cream cheese, cranberry, rocket sandwich
Bacon, egg, mushroom
Roast pork, coleslaw, potato salad in a baguette
Spaghetti Bolognese, crumbled veal in a crusty roll
Croque Monsieur
Grilled sate chicken, peanut sauce, pickled veg
Coarse and fine liverwurst, dill pickle, saeurkraut

>> No.11761279

PB&J(Strawberry Jam)

>> No.11761282
File: 60 KB, 885x516, 1547527213563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why imagine?

>> No.11761283

This would be me

>> No.11761284

>cutting the crust off brie
Literally nobody does this.

>> No.11761289

He looks like a confused old man.

>> No.11761293

Filet o fish tho

>> No.11761294

I mean, he is 72.

>> No.11761299

>This would be me
I know, right, if there are leftovers he can always sous vide them.

>> No.11761302

He knows how triggered people will be by this, and imagining all the Twitter equivalent of (You)s he's going to get.

>> No.11761306

burgers and fries

>> No.11761371

Holy shit that pic is pure cancer

>> No.11761377

Reddit is pure cancer

>> No.11761413

*trump worship
Trump worship is pure cancer, and Trump worship is pure Reddit.

>> No.11761420
File: 32 KB, 600x329, get lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your shithole website.

>> No.11761425

Do you agree with the pic in this comment:

>> No.11761450

Absolutely. Everyone with half a brain would agree with those comments. The only people who don't are god emperor drumpf cultists, and they unironically come from T_D, which is a board on reddit, which invaded /pol/ a few years ago and has been slowly spreading their cancer across 4chan(nel).

Reddit isn't shit because of it's opinions. It's shit because it fosters a cult like hivemind that rewards retarded group think at the cost of anything original. Trump worship is the epitome of reddit.

>> No.11761457
File: 91 KB, 323x323, 1543028852679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11761496

So American adults are correct to be triggered as fuck and fantasizing about having Michelle serving a "stellar veggie plate" and how Obama might have pulled it off? And kvetching about how to "do it right" with casual dress instead of formal, and other minor shit that is completely irrelevant?

The whole thing is completely, utterly irrelevant. For the life of me I cannot fathom how a functioning adult human being could possibly care about any of this. Let alone be hamster-wheeling about how to "pull it off" or if some random staff looks like "a stiff". Crazy.

The more I see this shit the more I think that there is some kind of pervasive chemical poisoning going on here. This isn't normal human adult thinking or behavior.

>> No.11761503

>tfw redditor trolls are now more talented than all of 4chan

>> No.11761506

Remember: Two Scoops was enough to send pissbabbys into a seething rage and make the fucking national headlines.
He could've hired the finest chefs in Washington goddamn DC and paid for it all out of pocket and they'd all be pissed about it because OH SO NOW HE'S FUCKING WHITE HOUSE STAFF OUT OF MONEY TOO

The man could fart loudly and it'd send these people into a fit.

>> No.11761509

They're not trolls, they're 100 percent dead serious. Take a peak for yourself.

>> No.11761511
File: 604 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-05-13-00-52-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was on fucking CNN, dude.

>> No.11761525
File: 4 KB, 250x140, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember that time that trump couldn't figure out how to close an umbrella and just threw it on the ground at the top of the boarding ramp to airforce one on national television?
>who are these mentally ill people who think that the person holding the highest office in the most powerful country in the world should show a tiny bit of competence, decor, and basic life skills?!!

>> No.11761528

He got elected, didn't he, faggot?

>> No.11761537

nobody is saying the man is competent. I voted for him specifically to watch this trainwreck unfold and it's been better than I could have ever, ever hoped.
But the amount of people losing their shit over this is just silly. Is it absolutely hysterical? Yes. Would they have torn him a new asshole no matter what he did? Yes. So shhhh.

>> No.11761547

The man is competent. The fact that he's President and accomplishing a fair amount of his goals is proof enough for most people.

>> No.11761549

>Caring about how someone uses an umbrella? That could have malfunctioned?

>> No.11761564

You're like some bitch ex girlfriend with the whole "it's not what you said, it's HOW you said it" bullshit when you said something completely unrelated. How the fuck could a functioning adult give a shit about umbrella decorum? What the fuck you faggot cuck.

>> No.11761620

>accomplishing a fair amount of his goals
He had control of the entire government for 2 years and accomplished absolutely nothing other than a tax reform that disenfranchised his core base.