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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 994 KB, 1200x800, LCBGraduation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11760272 No.11760272 [Reply] [Original]

>graduated from CIA today
>sweet starting salary soon to become real

AMA bros

>> No.11760298

What's it like blogging here because you have nobody to talk to about this?

>> No.11760330

many people know about this, but i figured i should post it here to motivate some people that browse this board and have achieved nothing related to food in their life

>> No.11760346

>an actual glow-in-the-dark CIA nigger
You ain't gettin' me this time, fed.

>> No.11760350

Which one of those faggots in the pic are you?

>> No.11760357

>cia grad
>starting salary
Kek. Enjoy your 2 year stage if you plan on doing anything with your education.

>> No.11760369

it's a stock photo

dream on, i already got a couple of sweet full time job offers

>> No.11760372


>> No.11760383

wow so funny, are you some sort of a comedian?

>> No.11760456

You came here to brag and are shocked people are dragging you?
If you want to do something useful just start doing it. Give some useful info about what you learned.

>> No.11760500

Was getting caught part of your plan?

>> No.11760764


Do you have any work experience or do you just have a culinary degree?

Experience and work ethic is way more valuable than a culinary degree in this field

>> No.11760820

What's the food like at Langley?
What's your favorite kind of hat?

>> No.11760863
File: 65 KB, 600x450, 1459998101839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working in a kitchen
fucking lol

>> No.11760875

So everybody here?

>> No.11760881

>he went to school to cook
God dam how much more of a failure could you be?

>> No.11760904
File: 19 KB, 385x383, 1452602223131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for people who don't have the common sense to ask for a job at a restaurant they want to work at. It's a vocation that doesn't require formal qualifications where you can apprentice at literally anywhere in the world. To go to school for it is plain silly.

>> No.11761001

look at all the ashamed parents in the background

>> No.11761008
File: 96 KB, 1104x1174, Death Art Degree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better become a baker.

>> No.11761091

>Culinary Institute of America
Why the fuck would they choose to have the same acronym as the Central Intelligence Agency, especially when they're also an American organization?

>> No.11761100

>sweet starting salary soon to become real
oh no

>> No.11761108

no bakery would hire a cia student with zero experience
they hire apprentices instead

>> No.11761155

>all these fat retards SEETHING itt

it's an $80k worth degree, you better believe it' s valuable

>> No.11761179

>phd in cooking
>any kitchen i want

>> No.11761183
File: 77 KB, 500x333, 1466417833668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80k culinary degree.
Bless your heart sweet summer child. Don't get too upset when you're making as much as the guy that started as a dish washer 2 years ago.

>> No.11761184

>it's an $80k worth degree
All it takes to get into CIA is 2 years kitchen experience and taking out the loans to pay for it. If you think you're going to graduate and make $80k/year you're fucking delusional. Even if you do make it to that point you've basically sold your soul to a heartless industry and given up any chance of having a happy life.

>> No.11761205

No it will be you who will be hurt when I'll make bank (at least $96k starting salary) working as a junior sous at the fancy medditeranean asian fusion kittchy

>> No.11761320

he's not saying he's going to make 80k starting salary, he's saying the degree itself is worth that much. as in, he paid 80k for it.

his starting salary will probably be more than 80k/year.

>> No.11761391

You guys are fucking delusional. I have a formal cooking school education, worked in the industry since 2001, have been head chef at multiple restaurants and I only cracked 60k this year.

>> No.11761404

>formal cooking school education
buttfuck community college culinary course can't be compared to CIA though

>> No.11761412
File: 36 KB, 311x418, 1397776974747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buttfuck community college

>> No.11761459

stop anon, you're destroying this poor, hard working anon's dream

>> No.11761497

>buttfuck community college
Whatever your education it's straight up naive to think you're gonna start off with earning power of a high end profesional.
Fine dining? Enjoy your 12-16 hour day at a $150 day rate.
Hotel? All unionized so your pay is determined by seniority.
Open your own restaurant? That 80k you're in debt just doubled without investors. And odds are you'll fold in the first three years.

Cooking is not high paying or glamourous. You do it because you are good and have the call to create or because you know nothing else and need to survive.

>> No.11761501

Joke's on you faggot. After a year of being junior sous I'll be up for promotion and be making 6 figures next year. How does it feel poor fag?

>> No.11761544

Godspeed to you then, you oddly smug crazyperson

>> No.11761571

I think the greatest trick the american jews pulled off, is convincing the public that a college degree will get them 6 figure jobs

>> No.11761737

I can see you ya dark skinned glowing fucker

>> No.11761804

Would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane and why?

>> No.11761971

You're a big guy

>> No.11762088
File: 34 KB, 590x550, 1543292928295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this smug and delusional about getting an education in culinary.

Working in a kitchen is literal hell. Enjoy working weekends and holidays for the rest of your life with a crew of bitter, disfunctuional highschool dropouts.
And good luck with the "six figure salary" you're not making that unless your the personal chef for a 3rd world military dictator.

Thanks for the larf tho homie.

>> No.11762134

Have fun starting in pantry for Chili's at 10.50 an hour.

>> No.11762208
File: 16 KB, 302x289, 1535072659169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sweet starting salary soon to become real

>> No.11762281


how big a guy are you

>> No.11762310

>mfw this guy thinks his degree trumps experience or seniority
You're going to get paid the same as any other person starting out, degree or not. Think you got a good job offer already? Congrats, it's the same offer anyone who was starting off at that particular restaurant would get, degree or not. They don't pay better to retain a useless person with more money than sense. Head chefs and owners notoriously do not give a flying fuck about culinary degrees over useful experience.

>> No.11762475

Seeing all this negativity towards the degree. I’m admittedly not an industry insider but I do know several people whose first jobs out of CIA were in 3-star kitchens. Seems like it must mean something to those employers.

>> No.11762504

Kya glow in the dark nigger

>> No.11762890
File: 291 KB, 1200x1200, did it to em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying money to learn how to cook

>> No.11763189

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I got accepted i said fuck u now im sous at one of the best places in poughkeepsie have fun with ur debt faggot HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA

>> No.11763219

It wasn't the degree which got them hired. It was their work ethic and skills.

>> No.11763270

These people had cooked before but not for long professionally and not at a comparable restaurant. Seems odd to completely discount their main experience. Honest question though, how would those skills and work ethic be measured by a prospective employer looking at someone straight out of school? Wouldn’t they be getting that info from the CIA instructors?

>> No.11763990
File: 794 KB, 569x802, cia3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh you dont get to bring friends

>> No.11764759

There was no graduation ceremony today. Why must you lie?

>> No.11764823

>taking culinary program at local college
>instructor tells straight up i'll just start as commis ii anyways
>told me during his time it took him just 1 year to climb up to commis ii so the 3 years i'm studying here is just wasting money
Feels bad man
But at least I got to know the guy before he left, he's a cool guy

>> No.11764858

congrats, anon! be sure to post pics of some of the stuff you'll be making at your new job!

>> No.11764879

you nnow how you can tell these fuckers have ZERO practical experience in cooking? holy shit my sides!!

your “degree” is good for exactly one thing: putting you into a cycle of poverty that you will never escape; you now have the qualifications to work as prep in mid-tier hotel restaurant, and perhaps work yoor way up to head of cateribg whre you will spend all day fighting to get weekend coverage for the last minute wedding of some vegetarian couple, while arguing with purveyors who give you the shit real restaurants have already rejected; you will never have a family life unless you stop cooking and get a corporate job

no chef at an up and coming restaurant will ever hire a CIA grad fresh out of school, so get ready to work dish for 3-4 years and hope the restaurant survives long enough for you to catch the chef’s eye; after 7-8 years you’ll climb out of prep and maybe get a sous job at a failing restaurant that good chefs have long abandoned; you’ll live paycheck to paycheck, and each time you lose a job, your wife will cry about how you never get to take vacation; enjoy your pending substance abuse problem btw

save yourself the pain: get a steady job as assistant manager at Whole Foods

>> No.11764891

you do NOT know “several” people who have done this; at beat you may vaaguely know of ONE, who got the job because of connections, not because of his degree....you can’t bullshit pros, anon

>> No.11765086

Leftmost guy is kinda big>>11760298

>> No.11765492

Personal experience here

I've been a cook for just about 3 years now in a casino. I started in a Sports bar making $10.50/hr. I just recently transitioned to our "fine dining" steakhouse and got promoted to "Specialty" Certified Cook making $14.50/hr. And I can tell you that every single chef that I have worked with thus far, has nothing but bad things to say about CIA graduates. They come out of school thinking they're hot shit, demanding better pay than everyone else in the kitchen and demanding Chef positions. You got a 80k piece of paper saying you have some knowledge in the kitchen. Congratulations. Most if not all restaurants in the country will almost ALWAYS hire the ones with experience over those with degrees.

However, if you do graduate from a culinary school and are willing to stick with the shit pay for a few years and work your way up, that degree looks damn good on your resume along with your however many years of experience you have.

Long story short, don't be a dickbag who thinks they're better than everyone. Do the shit work until you network enough and you don't have to anymore.

>> No.11765514

massive depression and suicide in 10 years

>> No.11765519

>Be me, neet
>Not doing anything with my life
>Like food and cooking
>Dad insists that I should go to cooking school
>Find out that he gave them my information and now CIA won't stop calling and emailing me

Fucking hell. I think I'm just going to work at Panda Express, they're like 15 or 16 starting.

>> No.11765526

>culinary institute of america

how does it feel knowing you will never be a better chef than Pres. Truman

>> No.11765528

I make a buck more than you as a groundsman trimming trees and the only bullshit I have to deal with is when we don't stop at the gas station with the sandwiches that I prefer. Though admittedly you could move up to much higher pay while I train into lineman work. Just wanted you to know.

>> No.11765541

At the end of the day, I'm doing what I love. Cooking is my passion and I don't see another career change happening anytime soon.

>> No.11765542

This guy knows what he is talking about, op is a larping faggot
Shame about your pay anon, hope it improves soon, even for kitchen tier jobs that isn't great
I was on 15$/h as a dishpig, now at 18

>> No.11765548
File: 416 KB, 680x679, PcrT1t6UllWoMvrZcRHROFtEqojES-xi8GtgUvM9VJw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a professional cook is a bullshit job and idk why anyone would go to school for it lmao.
>shit pay
>no weekends off ever
>unreasonable hours and poor work life balance

>> No.11765565

Thanks anon. Actually there's talk of another promotion coming for me. Demi Chef in another restaurant. Not sure if salaried or not, but a sizeable pay bump for sure.

>> No.11766502

>Most if not all restaurants in the country will almost ALWAYS hire the ones with experience over those with degrees.
and it won't be long before i will be able to sue them over those decisions. and rightfully so.

>> No.11766515

WTF does this have to do with /ck/ faggot?

>> No.11766837

Maybe my info is out of date, but don't CIA require you to have 6 months prior restaurant experience before you can jump on? It's how they keep their graduation rate higher than the other schools.

>> No.11766857

am I gonna get laid like everyone says I am in culinary school? I start next week

>> No.11766886

Its because we hate ourselves mostly

>> No.11766887

what are burger king's health insurance policies like?

>> No.11766893

well how big are you?

>> No.11766968

post (glowing) hand

>> No.11766969


>> No.11766971

>he doesn't find it funny
Cheer up anon, go on Tinder or whatever usually makes us humans feel happy and whole

>> No.11766980

. . . . . .
have you ever been to the BLS?

You're about to start crying real soon.
wasted money can be recuperated - wasted time is always lost.

>> No.11768159

BLS is basic life support

>> No.11768216

>thinks lawyers are free or cheap
Retards thinking they can sue their way out of shit have never set foot in a courtroom.