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11722781 No.11722781 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't everyone living off mealworms yet? You can buy one pack and keep breeding them indefinitely for free food, and they'll literally subsist on garbage like styrofoam for zero feeding costs.

>> No.11722798

Not everyone wants to be a literal bugman.

>> No.11722809

>Why isn't everyone living off mealworms yet?

Because Worm Lives Matter, you fucking racist.

>> No.11722820

Are they breaking them down into something nutritional? You can also eat styrofoam doesn't mean you'll gain anything from it.

>> No.11722823

>why doesn't everyone embrace the NWO diet?
Because we want to eat proper food, not garbage and pests while the elites feast on grass feed steaks.

>> No.11722850

Their bodies are nutritional. The fact you have them living off styrofoam doesn't make them stop having calories or protein when you eat them later.

>> No.11722884

Food nutrients affect the nutrient of the meat you consume, that's why grass feed animals have higher macronutritional value than those on soy and other grains.

>> No.11722887

Imagine the smell

>> No.11722896

Are bugs the new meme being pushed like veganism? That's ok if you live near them I guess

>> No.11722899

Been thinking of trying to grow them but too lazy to do research.

>> No.11722924

Do you really want to eat something you feed styrofoam?

>> No.11722946

Well again, I'm pretty sure they're not going to magically become zero protein and zero calorie just because they lived off styrofoam. They would die long before reaching either of those states like most any other animal would.

>> No.11722958

As long as I can afford food I will leave insects for future generations in desperate times...

>> No.11722977

>subsist on garbage like styrofoam

So then you shit out micro plastic that ends up in the ocean and poisons sea life and sea food.

>cancer cycle

>> No.11722989

you gonna eat worms with gut fillings full of tiny styrofoam bits? thats a recipe for stomach cancer

>> No.11722996

>Mealworms (the larvae of Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus) from different sources chew and eat Styrofoam, a common PS product. The Styrofoam was efficiently degraded in the larval gut within a retention time of less than 24 h. Fed with Styrofoam as the sole diet, the larvae lived as well as those fed with a normal diet (bran) over a period of one month. The analysis of fecula egested from Styrofoam-feeding larvae, using gel permeation chromatography (GPC), solid state 13C cross polarization/magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (CP/MAS NMR) spectroscopy and thermogravimetric Fourier transform infrared (TG-FTIR) spectroscopy, substantiated that cleavage/depolymerization of long-chain PS molecules and the formation of depolymerized metabolites occurred in the larval gut.
Sounds like it works fine without altering the mealworms compared to bran fed controls.

>> No.11722997

He's obviously just shitposting; styrofoam has no nutritional value to mealworms....or anything else for that matter. Nothing can digest polystyrene.

>> No.11723006

That's like saying you eat grass when you eat a hamburger. The animals break these materials down into different components used for their own biological processes and shit out the waste.

>> No.11723013

Wrong. Try looking it up next time instead of just making a retarded assumption:

>> No.11723024

Goddamn. Maybe I’ll start eating these little guys

>> No.11723029

I have heard about those mealworms fed on styrofoam before but I still think it just bonkers that they can actually live on the stuff.

>> No.11723047

I could acctually imagone eating those. No way I could munch on some giant grasshopper like I saw in Nevada or on huge spiders but mealworms look pretty nice. Dipped in batter and pan fried and served with roast potatoes, or served in fried rice instead of chicken.

>> No.11723063
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>Because we want to eat proper food, not garbage and pests while the elites feast on grass feed steaks.
We can't keep eating meat, it's not sustainable.
>"Something needed to change in the food industry," Sturek said. "There needed to be better sources of protein for people, more sustainable sources of protein, and crickets filled in all the boxes."
>"The millennials, they get it," he said. "We can't have beef anymore. It's too expensive. Cheap beef is too expensive, for our health and for the environment."

>> No.11723072

The environment is a meme

>> No.11723073

While you and the horde of idiots stop eating meat, that'll make meat more sustainable for us civilized folk. You can eat meal worms all you want.

>> No.11723081

>and they'll literally subsist on garbage
That's why.

>> No.11723083
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>As long as I can afford food I will leave insects for future generations in desperate times...
We're already in desperate times. Climate change is only going to get worse if we don't adapt to realistic food sources.

>> No.11723102

If you trace backwards from your food to the different states the material in your food used to be in throughout its billions of years on Earth you'll find garbage no matter what you're talking about. The key is not eating something while its *current* state is garbage.

>> No.11723114

t. literal dumpster diver

>> No.11723128

I'm Vegan so I can't eat worms.

>> No.11723134

You're literally convincing no one.

>> No.11723141

Because I work a normal job that doesn't require me to live like an iguana to survive.

>> No.11723151

>Why isn't everyone living off mealworms yet?
Why arent you?
Case closed.

>> No.11723173

learn to read

you dont eat the stomach content of cows

but these worms are so small you are eating everything without gutting including small tony bits if plastic styrofoam

>> No.11723186

Why not? You poison them to stop them from damaging crops and grain, so why couldn't you eat them?

>> No.11723191

Realistically worms and other insects like crickets as the new protein source should be rolled out as part of a universal basic income program. If fewer and fewer people can't work because of increasing labor automation and increasingly more depend on a new UBI program for their basic needs then you could begin steering food choices through eligibility requirements in the sustainable directions we'll need to collectively survive.

>> No.11723194

Sounds like you didn't read:
>Within a 16-day test period, 47.7% of the ingested Styrofoam carbon was converted into CO2, and the residue (ca. 49.2%) was egested as fecula with a limited fraction incorporated into biomass (ca. 0.5%). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282046766_Biodegradation_and_Mineralization_of_Polystyrene_by_Plastic-Eating_Mealworms_Part_1_Chemical_and_Physical_Characterization_and_Isotopic_Tests [accessed Jan 07 2019].

>> No.11723264
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We just fry them here in Germany. They are like protein crisps. Tasty snack.

>> No.11723297

Pigs eat garbage too, an people love to eat them.

>> No.11723318

People love to eat pigs which are fed properly and not with garbage.

>> No.11723329

Because I'm not a fucking animal, you disgusting NWO shill.

>> No.11723331

>zoomers already eating plastic eating worms
God goyim, the bestest goy generation

>> No.11723369

I don't need free food as I have a job that pays me quite well, AND I not a third worlder living in a shithole that has to eat bugs...

>> No.11723371
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>I'm not a fucking animal
Pretty sure you are. Hominidae includes orangutans, gorillas, chimps, and humans. Not like you're a plant or bacterium.

>> No.11723408

What if I identify as an attack helicopter?

>> No.11723417

We're not even dying. Nobody gives a fuck about the poor. Good riddance.

>> No.11723424

It's okay anon. I identify as a dreadnought.

>> No.11723429

why would you say that?
jesus christ im gagging thinking about a crate full of those things crawling around

>> No.11723441

They only smell if you never clean the container and leave them to wallow in their own shit and prematurely dead siblings.

>> No.11723802

I'm not eating Muslim trash

>> No.11723817

"We" do that? Mein Neger, I'm German too and I haven't never seen that shit offered in restaurants or grocery stores yet.

>> No.11723864

which is what people who are too lazy to work for actual food would do instead of farming worms

>> No.11724440

>I haven't never seen that shit offered in restaurants or grocery stores yet.
"Yet" is right. It's pretty clearly all this NWO population reduction and resource hoarding shit is going to happen in the EU first. You guys are the test subjects for all the most ridiculous assaults on human dignity before the Bilderberg Group rolls it out to the rest of the world, same as with the recent refugee / immigrant flooding agenda.

>> No.11724500

LEARN TO READ. Im talking about the styrofoam in their stomachs that they have no yet digested

>> No.11724507

im not fucking livestock
if everything i do has to be as awful as popular to offset some dumb cunt boomer who doesn't have to deal with this, what's the point of living?
i bet the people pushing this shit don't want to eat mealworms

>> No.11724513

of course they don't its pushed by (((them)))

>> No.11724515
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For real, hamsters, hedgehogs, small animals, all love eating mealworms. I'm sure it would be tasty if you just ground them up into a patty
>superworms are even tastier than mealworms, but their a bitch to breed each one individually so people prefer mealworm colonies.

>> No.11724517
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I prefer to raise and eat rabbit.

>> No.11724550

>hey you need to be happy living in tiny apartment pods that cost almost your entire paycheck even when you're living with 5 other people
>don't forget to conserve water and turn down your usage of your limited internet access
>you also need to learn to accept eating bugs

get your hands off me you fucking glowing scum

>> No.11724605

You learn to read. There isn't any undigested styrofoam in their stomachs unless you eat them two seconds after feeding them styrofoam. Their fucking worms, their GI tract is like a centimeter long and they don't carry around undigested food like a ruminant you stupid fuck. 99.95% of the styrofoam they digest is either converted to carbon dioxide or expelled as shit.

>> No.11724626


>not 100%

enjoy your petrochemicals you plastic eating human bottom feeder

>> No.11724729

>The analysis of fecula egested from Styrofoam-feeding larvae, using gel permeation chromatography (GPC), solid state 13C cross polarization/magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (CP/MAS NMR) spectroscopy and thermogravimetric Fourier transform infrared (TG-FTIR) spectroscopy, substantiated that cleavage/depolymerization of long-chain PS molecules and the formation of depolymerized metabolites occurred in the larval gut.

Based nonsense poster

>> No.11724759

I sure hope your income is 'civilized' enough to withstand the coming price hikes on meat, then.

>> No.11724775

Honeslty, I think I would rather do this than go vegan.

>> No.11724878

raising white meat is cheap, you just have to break the cultural stigma on keeping chickens that have developed since the end of WW2.

Hell my parents on a scant 18 acres produce enough chicken, eggs, and american guinea hogs to feed themselves, stock the freezers and fridge of me and my siblings, and still keep some left over for trade and sale. it's not that hard.

>> No.11724893

A). Protein powders are very fundamental to the production of interesting recipes. It's possible making frostings, creams, fudges, brownies, cookies, cakes, and toffees from whey, casein, and some flavoring (especially stevia, cocoa / cacao, coffee, citrus … ) … even cold-made.

B). The dairy industry already has a lot of of cheese and protein production. 100-150g protein / day is reasonable; and eggs are another aspect – a few chickens penned / roaming behind the house.

>> No.11724942

You know who is never going to live in a box, eat bugs, conserve energy? Rich fucks and big business
Even shit like pollution and recycling is touted as a little guy thing when our contributions to those are completely trivial compared to big businesses who don't give a fuck

>> No.11725778

because there are still to many coalburning Chinese.

>> No.11726259

I think the one on the right might make it through winter

>> No.11726263

Slavery was abandoned because having to raise and look after the workers you owned was TOO FUCKING EXPENSIVE

>> No.11726408

I'd rather die.

>> No.11726414

I've heard Jared Taylor make that same claim but I haven't seen any numbers. I think it's interesting, though, and something that at least COULD be true.
Have you got a source on it?

>> No.11726428

An anon predicted this months ago; organized shilling for bug eating

>> No.11726500

since 1.1.19 insects are allowed as human food in germany, so it needs just a little more time.

>> No.11726510

lab-grown meat is going to be way better and more successful than trying to convince people to eat bugs. we still need better technology to deal with pollution and other issues too.

don't you think eventually if everyone switched to eating bugs, people will say it causes the same problems that livestock do now?

>> No.11726511

you let the worms fast 1 day, so the gut is cleaned out.

>> No.11726515

Doesn't toxic shit still build up in the tissue? There's a reason people aren't eating styrofoam and don't allow it to be added to food. Maybe you can just use them to biodegrade stuff but then trying to eat them after they've eaten styrofoam and making that a habit seems like it's going to cause issues down the line.

>> No.11726522

>I'll eat shit, a billion flies can't be wrong
Enjoy yourself.

I'm not speaking about the mealworms health or survival. I'm speaking about their nutritional value, which is based on their diet. All plastics are estrogenic active, more likely than not this does have an effect, just like every fucking else. But this will oly be found after a couple generations of good goys have been feed it, like with sugar and corn.

>> No.11726536
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>I'd rather die.
Fortunately with the economic and environmental savings secured through the paradigm shift to sustainable and nutritious insect based meat the future unified global state will be able to invest more in proactively treating citizens for psychiatric maladies and preventing suicide before it happens. Eventually 100% of human activity will be recorded and AI monitored in real time. Also private firearm ownership can be phased out as better surveillance and law enforcement techniques are implemented, and potentially deadly pharmaceuticals can be more thoroughly locked down to organized distribution through medical professionals.

>> No.11726545

>There's a reason people aren't eating styrofoam and don't allow it to be added to food.
Yeah, that reason is WE can't digest styrofoam. Mealworms, unlike us, can.
>Maybe you can just use them to biodegrade stuff but then trying to eat them after they've eaten styrofoam and making that a habit seems like it's going to cause issues down the line.
The entire point of that finding about mealworms and styrofoam is that they break it down completely, get energy from it, and convert what they don't use as energy to carbon dioxide and fecal waste in a way that's completely indistinguishable from if they were eating bran or any other food. They don't leave behind styrofoam, nor do they carry styrofoam around in their bodily tissue after eating it. It's literally just digested.

>> No.11726556

>I'm not speaking about the mealworms health or survival. I'm speaking about their nutritional value, which is based on their diet.
Those two things aren't really separate. The fact you can keep mealworms on a styrofoam only diet and they end up equally as healthy and long-lived as mealworms on a control diet like bran is itself an indicator the nutritional content of these mealworms hasn't changed. For a given creature used for food to drop substantially in nutritional content you would inevitably also see that creature's health and longevity drop substantially.

>> No.11726579

>I would rather eat insects that give up my tasty big boy meaty treaties
Carnists are fucking weird.

>> No.11726582

>feeding them styrofoam
That can't be healthy to eat afterwards. That's like eating an oyster that was used to clean the bay.

>> No.11726590

>That can't be healthy to eat afterwards.
What specific unhealthy thing do you think is getting left behind in the mealworms that ate styrofoam exactly? A lot of you sound very convinced something's lingering in them that'll be bad to eat, yet when I read the studies posted here it sounds pretty clear the digestion is complete and the end result isn't distinguishable from if you fed the mealworms with anything else.

>> No.11726591
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God forbid people just eat beans,nuts, fungus or seeds as a protein replacement, no, lets gorge ourselves on worms because if you can't get your entire daily recommended intake of protein in a single mouthful then it's "not a viable protein source!!!"

>> No.11726627

Yeah, that'll go over well.

robot took your job? Now you have to eat bugs like a brainless lizard. Not your fault your company replaced you with a tireless automaton? Too bad! Should've went white collar!

>> No.11726640

Historically, a pig eating properly was a pig eating garbage. But it was compost garbage, with some scrapes of meat in it. They should be fed with the leftovers from beer making, corn husks, and even cow shit. Half of what a cow eats is undigested.

>> No.11726643

Do you think those “big businesses” pollute just for kicks? They’re filling a demand for products created by the consumer. That’s you. Where you live: what you eat, how you recreate, all those things are consumer preferences with far-reaching consequences. Just because someone else can get rich destroying the environment on your behalf doesn’t erase your culpability.

>> No.11726668
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Animal proteins are always adequate and complete sources of all nine essential amino acids, plant proteins usually aren't. And the couple of exceptions to that like quinoa or tofu are comparatively poor in protein even though they at least have some quantity of all nine essential amino acids. And in terms of overall protein content, cricket powder's at 60% while quinoa and tofu are only around 5%. Pretty big difference.
In order to bridge the gap plant based food products end up needing to be heavily processed by crushing the plants, obtaining oil through treatment with industrial solvents, heating the oil to remove the solvents, extracting carbohydrates and protein from the oil, separating of protein and carbs with acid, removing protein isolate impurities, adjusting pH of protein isolate to neutral, and finally drying. With insects they're ready to go as is, maybe with some roasting to improve the eating experience.
And as you can see with all those multivitamin studies showing no benefits when you try to consume basic vitamins and minerals out of context from natural sources in an artificially isolated form, you tend to miss a lot when trying to cut nature out of the picture. We don't know enough about the little details for how nutrition works to successfully supply complete nutritional needs in the same way eating meat directly from a naturally occurring animal source provides.

>> No.11726677
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>Yeah, that'll go over well.
I think you're underestimating how much wageslaves can be led to tolerate.

>> No.11726684

>if you can't get your entire daily recommended intake of protein in a single mouthful then it's "not a viable protein source!!!"
Called it. Enjoy your cricket powder.

>> No.11726687

Try reading again. There's more involved than just quantity.

>> No.11726701
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>I Used to Write for Sports Illustrated. Now I Deliver Packages for Amazon.
>Marco taught me to keep a lookout not just for porch pirates—lowlifes who swoop in behind us to pilfer packages—but also for portable toilets. In neighborhoods miles from a service station or any public lavatory, a Port-a-John, or a Honey Pot, can be no less welcome than an oasis in the desert. (The afternoon I leapt from the van and beelined to a Honey Pot, only to find it padlocked, was the closest I’ve come to crying on the job.)
>Delivering in El Sobrante one day, I popped into a convenience store on San Pablo Avenue. I bought an energy bar, but that was a mere pretext. “I wonder if I might use your lavatory,” I asked the proprietor, a gentleman of Indian descent, judging by his accent, in a dapper beret.
>A cloud passed over his face. “You make number one or two?”
>“Just one!” I promised.

>> No.11726702

I think you're underestimating the outrage of treating the bulk of your population as less than human.

>> No.11726713

You can keep a human on a soy and sugar diet and he might live to average age. And the simpler a creature is build, the easier this will be. But we already know that different feed to our food animals means different health outcomes for us.

That's like farmed fish feed on grains and shit is barely even worth the effort and cows raised on corn and soy will not benefit you. Just like envoiremental poisons will fuck up Thuna fish more than a hering, because the first lives longer and eats those already contaminated partially. We as the top predator will get fucked up far more than the mealworm with a lifespan of a couple weeks at best. This is a simple fact. Just like we feed cows and pigs shredded cows and pigs, fucked us up, so will this scheme to save some shekels. And enough stupid goys will still buy into it and let themselves and their children pay the price.

>> No.11726719

Haven't seen much outrage yet. Most people just continue to take it no matter how much shit is shoved down their throat. See:
Or how thousands of US workers have literally trained their own cost saving foreign H1B visa replacements as part of their requirements to still get a modest severance package. Or how pension plans quietly vanished along with the rest of progressively eroding worker benefits. Or how worker pay has stayed largely stagnant even though corporate profits have consistently increased over time. Or how American workers have learned to expect that health insurance is something you're given by your employer that you lose if your job goes away and you don't pay a small fortune out of your own pocket to keep it going. Or how intelligent, well educated, and highly skilled workers like mechanical engineers have been laid off to save money at budget season and end up working as cashiers at supermarkets.

>> No.11726729

>We as the top predator will get fucked up far more than the mealworm with a lifespan of a couple weeks at best. This is a simple fact
Fucked up by what specifically? In an example like meat from cows fed with different diets you can actually point to specific differences in animal health and meat quality. You can't do that for this mealworm case. You keep assuming something different is getting left behind in some way in the mealworm's body in order for it to be passed on to human consumers, but what I still haven't seen the slightest bit of mealworm specific evidence for is what actual material is being left behind and/or what actual change in bodily tissue is occurring to support this assumption.

>> No.11726760

Because the mealworm is a much simpler creature. It has no social aspects, no years of life, no complex matting or raising of its calfs which all gets affected by hormones which are affected by their diet. An insect is barely a bilogical machine. But this doesn't mean that they aren't storing all those things and metabolised remaining structures, which than go down the food chain. That's why I gave the Thuna example. Small fish might not get so amaged by envoiremental polutions, because their simpler life cycles don't give the effects time to show their true face. On the other side a thun lives for years and eats tousands of those small fish, which makes him accumulate all the shit they ate PLUS gives those time to break out during his life - or give it on to humans.

That's why simple mealworm health isn't relevant. What you would need is a genrational study on humans, to show that those can metabolise them properly and no bad side effects occur - which have to occur, as their bodies are mate of what they ate and plastic doesn't suddenly become grass feed steak. At best, they will be nutritionally empty, like butterfish, as their meat will not be able to be digested by humans. And even this means that you are harming your gut.

I'm simply not willing to promote or sign off something like this, just because the industry seeks cheap ways to feed useless eaters and get rid of their own waste. If it sounds too good to be true, it more than likely is. Err on the side of caution if your health is important to you, because we already know that ALL plastics are hormonally active, aka feminazing through the estrogenic factors. Do you really want to be raised for 20 years on an animals beeing feed this shit? This fuckery will not go well, mind my words.


>> No.11726783

A lot of what is mentioned in this thread reminded me of the conspiracy movies I watched as a teenager a decade ago. Seems OP is having the same problem the conspiracy film makers had, convincing people that what he says is the truth. Let's say we wanted people in America to start eating mealworms. That would be very difficult considering the fact that insects aren't really consumed in the states. So the discreet option would be to introduce it to an unknowing population through fillers in fast food. Eventually, it'd be marketable.

>> No.11726794

Much easier to just meme them how they memed veganism on a large scale to hipster coasties. Those starved of families and a reason to life will sacrfice everything and terrorise everyone not willing to bend to [insert envoiremental good boy points here].

And it's already on it's way to make eating meat a "unethical thing".

Every cult know that if you want to make your followrs be obidient, you have to starve them of proper nutrients aka protein. No matter how nutritional "free range" insects might be, they will go the same path as the industrial meat production, making them trash.

>> No.11726800

So let's say there is a "Grand Conspiracy", how would one stop it?

>> No.11726860

That's a lot of text just to say "no, I have no actual mealworm specific evidence for my claims."

>> No.11726862

Seek out proves of harm and rational explanations of reasons to doubt them. Understand that it's only those following such cults, which don't have real struggles in life (how to feed my family, how to pay my rent) and which are usually still in puberty and without responsibility, as people get conservative with age regarding all things. Once they have kids, they will understand that you don't just make experiments on their backs.

It also helps to show the benfits of traditional farming, like the envoremental benefits of letting slaughter animals grass on soil which is non profitable for agiculture and will become it once again, after a couple years of animal farming on them (see africa). Big cooperations simply look to make a profit. This is just another scheme, not beeing a good consumer and trying to stay away from getting influenced by them makes it easier to fight them.

But realistically it's too late, as they have already raised such good cattle of the biggest part of the population. We will get a society where there is a massive canion between those cattle eating shit and dying off diebeetus and suicide due to metal illness after a turbo consumerist short life and those elites scooping up grass feed beef and glasshouse gardened oragnic vegetables living till old age in nice health without a premature wrinkle in sight. Pretty much, like it always has been in feudal times.

>> No.11726869

I'm not the one needing to prove that some need form of food isn't safe for consumption. You need to prove it in a golden standard study over generations - at least you would need to, if those pushing it, wouldn't pay off those responsible for foof safety.

We know that feed will have cnseqeunces on the quality of the animals meat, so it's only logical to not think that insects are not workiing in the same way, let alone when not eve feeding them actual food.

Why do you fight every sensible argument so much? I mean, I'm not even arguing against insect eating as such on here.

>> No.11726934

You're the one not satisfied with the findings they break down styrofoam for energy leaving only carbon dioxide and fecal waste post-digestion and aren't distinguishable from bran fed mealworms. It's up to you to show what evidence you have for something specific making them different as a food from bran fed worms in spite of that because no such evidence of a difference has been found to my knowledge and you don't get to assume a difference without actual evidence specific to this case (evidence, not speculation about what seems "logical" to you).
>sensible argument
You're not making sensible arguments. You're appealing to cases involving other animals where we actually do have specific identifiable differences in the animal and their meat causing differences in nutritional content or health safety and trying to apply them to a case where we don't. And you haven't even come up with a hypothetical mechanism for how specifically this could happen with mealworms when plastic isn't being left behind in their bodies (all of the starting styrofoam was accounted for post-digestion as carbon dioxide and fecal matter).

>> No.11726951

I'm not satisfied, because this study doesn't answer any long term effects on humans. It's literally useless. It would be better if they even used monkey to test it at least.

I have also explained to you the basics of how every other animal creates differnt grades of meat depending on their diet, but somehow that's not the case on worms, because "they look just the same". Guess what, vegans look mostly finde as well, depiste their blood works, fertility and what not beeing fucked after the first couple years.

>You're appealing to cases involving other animals
Yes, because I don't have the pocket money nor the time to study it, and therefore have to wait till those responsible do it. I can only tell you how it's the case for every other animal and you are trying to make it seem unreasonable to point to what we already know, only blindly falling for a unsatisfiying study.

And my question is why? What's your motivation? Don't you care for the potential dangers, especially regadring the food source already beeing a danger in off itself to our endoctrine system? You are simply relativising proper points to study the subject more en detail, which only would make sense if you're benefiting from it's promotion, not caring for what might come out a couple years down the line.

Either give better arguments or explain your reason to not be bothered by lacking food safety - because that's simply what it is. "Looking healthy" is pretty much the standard for creatures with a fucking exo-sceleton.

>> No.11726960

How do you make your mealworms anon

>> No.11726965

>haven't seen much outrage yet
because you arent looking for it

>> No.11727987

If slavery was effective then North Korea would be the most prosperous country on Earth.

>> No.11728167

If you have to look for it then it isn't really much outrage.

>> No.11728206

Be skeptical all you want, just don't lie about speculative bullshit you have no actual evidence for. You're lying when you claim there's a negative effect on nutrition without having any evidence (actual evidence, not speculation based on completely different animals with known mechanisms for an impact on nutrition when you don't know of any specific similar mechanism in mealworms).

>> No.11728243

You would have to be somehow emotionally invested into this to be so ignorant. Or maybe you're just retarded, because you don't seem to understand that transfering our knowledge onto appropiate similar subjects is the first step in science.

>all known pain meds fuck with pregnancies
>new drug comes onto the market
>lel just suck it up, goy, there was no problem in vitro so its fine lmao

That's why I'm arguing for more studies to be done on it - unlike you, simply wanting to believe that one completely lacking study and somehow beeing to dense to understand the risks involved if that's not properly tested.

I'm really curious why you're so buttmad about someone wishing for more food safety tests before such a generational potentional danger should be released "into the wild"? Wouldn't you agree that multi-million cooperations should first pay and show that something is actually safe before selling it? Why endanger people without a need. It's not like we don't have anything else to eat besides insects and styropor.

Why is there even a need to feed styropor insects to humans? Wouldn't them eating styropor be enough of a good thing? To we really need to actually eat industrial trash? Doesn't this strike you as somehow dystopic? I'm honestly interested in your reasoning.

>> No.11728246

It only smellz

>> No.11728277

You don't even have a specific explanation for how this *could* actually work with mealworms in a hypothetical sense given the information we do have available, let alone any real evidence for your claims. Calling it speculative is being generous as fuck. And no, you don't have evidence it's the way things work in every other animal either. You have a small handful of animals where, unlike with the mealworms, we can actually point to real, observable differences-- real mechanisms for nutritional impact. So yes, you're lying. It's not ambiguous, you're simply lying because it feels right to you and you feel you're above the need for facts.

>> No.11728284

>is the first step in science.
Of course.

But you seem to be drawing conclusions, which is the LAST step in science, not the first.

>> No.11728300

all that says is "test worm poo poo with methods A and B, worm make C into D in worm tummy"

>> No.11728331

It's not a conclusion, it's reasons why it needs more testing. A conclusion would be if I would say that it WILL be bad. All I'm saying that our current data suggests that it will not be healthy but more testing is required.

>You don't even have a specific explanation for how this *could* actually work
The same way it works in other animals. Isn't that enough? Cows eating mainly soy, have more estrogens which they give on with their meat and dairy. Cows feed on omega 3 rich grass, have more omega 3 in their products.

Same should work for insects, despite them breaking their styropor up, hormons might just as much survive and be deposited in their bodies an liquids.

>And no, you don't have evidence it's the way things work in every other animal either.
You only have to read into their nutritional value. I was expecting you do to at least that much.

>So yes, you're lying. It's not ambiguous, you're simply lying because it feels right to you and you feel you're above the need for facts.
Jesus, did I ruin your shilling licence? No sane person would claim it's neferious to expect big buinesses to pay for testing befre we contergan ourself for their profit. Unlike yourself, I actually try to reason with you from an objective perspective. I have already eaten crickets and don't have a problem with it. It's people which somehow have found a new ideology which are blind to the downsides and risks.

>> No.11728674

>You only have to read into their nutritional value.
That link's for cows, not every other animal in existence like you're claiming. Can you stop lying for two seconds?

>> No.11728714

>our current data suggests that it will not be healthy
What data suggests that? The closest thing you've come up with are cows (not anything remotely similar to mealworms) being fed grass (not anything remotely similar to styrofoam). The real data for the topic you're trying to speak to says absolutely nothing about this being likely unhealthy.

>> No.11728730

Why would I eat worms? Retard.

>> No.11728761

Cultural marxism: the post
Eat bugs and subsist on meager welfare you worthless cow.

>> No.11728772

Try it and I'll shoot you, commie shill.

>> No.11728786
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Take away my meat and I'll kill you. Very simple. We've been through this, shills.

>> No.11728929
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>We have daily bug eating threads now attempting to normalise bug eating
Fuck off, I would rather every polar bear drown

>> No.11728990
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This is a thing they have in store for the lower class.

Worms for the lower class.
Red beef for the upper class.
And if you object to this, it means you are a bigot who doesn't think about environment and global warming.

It's the same way with CO2 emission. Politicians from environmental party are scolding us to make use feel responsible for Global warming.
They tell us to take the train instead of the airplane, but at the same time they travel on vacation +20 times every year by plane.

This is just how the elite wants to rule the world.

>> No.11728992

Maybe we should just have less people in the world? Then it is sustainable

Lets build some thunder domes and put 2 people in, while 1 person comes out

>> No.11728997

4U my plebeian friend

>> No.11729211

You'll get used to it. You always do.

>> No.11729547

I member
Eating bugs is NPC tier
Fuck NPCs

>> No.11729854


>> No.11729883

Wow a cool new food that bogged down in eco politics. I just think eating bugs is cool okay. Anywho, any good places to learn how to make a small meal worm farm. I would love to try.

>> No.11730017

This kit looks like a good combination of low cost yet including everything you need:
These are the instructions for it:
Here's some other links if you're just looking for information and not kits right now:
Pretty straightforward stuff, you probably won't have any trouble especially since heavy exchange of this sort of information and people putting it to use has been going on with the public internet for at least a good decade now. The basics are all well established and well articulated most anywhere you look nowadays, and supplies are easier than ever to get at in the post-Amazon age (although it looks like most products are much cheaper off of specialty websites instead of through Amazon for whatever reason).
All this kind of reminds me of psilocybin grow kits, or small scale personal hydroponic setups for apartments.

>> No.11730241

>I just think eating bugs is cool okay
I wish that was the only problem.

Your friends have gone full retard and wants to forbid beef on Fridays and other silly taxation ideas that restricts beef to the upper class.
Let's wait and see how it plays out in Sweden/Canada to see what's in store for the rest of us.

>> No.11730253

Why do you feel entitled to beef? It's a luxury, not a right. If it needs to be restricted at some point that's not exactly a crime against humanity.

>> No.11730288

Beef for thee but not for me, am I right?
One rule for the bankers and the politicians, another rule for the everyday citizen.

That's why we need you guys exposed for what you are to the broad populace.

>> No.11730387

So you'd be fine with it if people who work at banks have to participate with you, but it suddenly becomes intolerable if they don't? lol. This shit was sorted out thousands of years ago with the prodigal son parable, come on now.

>> No.11730435

>if people who work at banks have to participate with you
Not just them, but especially the environmentalist politicians, and especially you.
I want all of you and your politician friends to prove you are genuine and take the first step and never set your teeth on beef again.
Then we can discuss.

What we want to avoid is cases like this>>11728990
Where you as the ruling class lording over everybody else, but live by a completely different set of rules yourself.

>> No.11730500


>> No.11730509

>cheap beef is a human right
The absolute state of burgerfats.

>> No.11730527

The part that amuses me is he's OK with what he perceives as bad things happening to him as long as what he perceives as bad things also happens to other people. Like he doesn't want his own life bettered, he just wants a guarantee everyone else's lives are worsened along with his own.

>> No.11730538

Mealworms are gross and they metamorphosize into even grosser flying black beetles. I would never breed mealworms unless I got paid well.
t. reptile owner, I enjoy watching them get eaten

>> No.11730549

Either we are all allowed, or none of us are allowed.
But you and your politicians have to take the first step.

The "you first" principle. The "Leading by example" principle.

For example, if you want to raise taxation to 100% you should start turning in 100% of your income to the IRS or some charity.

See the problem is people who propose these kind of things usually put up a safeguard in place, they first move their wealth to a tax haven, THEN they jack up the taxes.

We want to avoid this.

>> No.11730569

Try reading the Bible. Making sure other people get dragged down to your level isn't going to make your own life any better. That's goofy and childish.

>> No.11730576

There is your counter argument Anon.

We want decreased corruption.
We want you to suffer the suffering you propose onto others.

>> No.11730587

>Feed garbage to mealworms
>feed mealworms to chickens
>Eat eggs and chicken like a human

I'll pass on the bugs

>> No.11730595

>Why isn't everyone living off mealworms yet?
because the majority of the population aren't frail bugmen yet

>> No.11730605


>> No.11730620

I'll eat mealworms after we eat all the rich people. After they're gone I'll be able to afford a modest amount of land and raise chickens and rabbits. I'll feed my mealworms all the styrofoam waste leftover from the bad old days and I'll feed them to my chickens.

>> No.11730630

There are sizable negative externalities to beef production. So far those have not been fully priced into the product due to lax regulation. Going forward, you may have to pay the full cost of beef including for the negative externalities. This makes you angry because you fear you won’t be able to afford it. You think it is the duty of policy makers to continue letting you not pay your fare to eat beef. Hope im following here.

>> No.11730671

>we took the poop and fancy x-rayed it 12 different ways, and then burned it while fancy x-raying it 6 different ways and have concluded it mostly turned from styrofoam to other things

not that guy but this is basically what they're saying right

>> No.11730676

>So far those have not been fully priced into the product due to lax regulation.
We can start with your country to make sure it will affect you.

But that's not really want you want, is it?
You want control ALL countries to do as you would like.

>> No.11730898

We know that's it the case in all animals, because every animals structures it's meat from what it eats. Many animals change even their colour depending on their nutrition.

I could look for dozens of studies, but you will claim, that it's only those I found and not all. You are simply ignorant and still haven't given a reason why. Slowly but surely shilling becomes the only option.



>> No.11730929

He is right.

The Norwegians have been feeding their Salmon farms with Rapeseed from Denmark, the end result is the salmon consist of the same oil as the rapeseed they ate.

A Zoo has tried to breed a species of poisonous frogs, but they failed, the frogs are no longer poisonous because they can't get the same food they get in the South American jungle.

>> No.11730967

Not only that, we know that the quality of breastmilk a mother gives to their child depends on her diet, which is why infants of vegan mothers die even though they are feed on breastmilk which should have all they need.

We can't magically make nutrients from nutrient-free non-food. Shiling not only insects, but non-food feed insects, is trully pushing the NWO diet, so that people while eating, starve to death like vegans do, once they run out off their body deposits. All you reading, take a good look at what has been and is still pushed. You will be feed worse shit than the meat cattle of the elite, because unlike those cows, they want to get rid of you. Be it through suicide or infertility caused by malnutrition. Veganism was the first wave, now the normalization tries to make you eat plastic "for the envoirement".

>> No.11731036

Just shut up and eat your plastic, you whiner. Rich people have a lot of better things to do than listen to your sob stories. Like eat steak.

>> No.11731092

Nobbody is speaking with the rich, we are speaking to our people and most of us will never accept it, just like most people even today laugh about vegans. If all that canibalism pushing, we might actually start eating the rich.

>> No.11731158

>billions of people throughout history live full, healthy lives on vegetarian diets

>> No.11731168

No human population on this planet lives vegan, unlike vegetarians, which still consume animals proteins through eggs and milk, no human can survive without malnutrition without those. And even a vegetarian diet is very often lacking, which is why those practicing them without modern food industries are skellies, like the hindu.

Animals products have unique vitamins and co-factors which you can't get without them, this is simply a fact. Your body can store them, sometimes even for years, but usually even the healthiest vegan goes anorexic plus hundreds of other problems within a decade. Let alone the fact that all nutrients in vegetables usually are harder to get due to far lower bio-availability and anti-nutrients preventing their absorbtion.

t. ex cegan after 7 years, daily horrific farts and shits which could have been classified as a bio-chemical weapon

>> No.11731186

No one serious is pushing veganism. The push is to eat less meat, especially less beef, because it's so economically inefficient and environmentally unfriendly. That could mean a shift to different proteins like fowl and eggs and pork, or it could mean finding "new" proteins like insects, or it could mean lab-grown meat becomes the holy grail of agriculture. But the current way we eat is unsustainable.

>> No.11731211

Lab grown meat can't be anything but hollow msucle fibers, as proper meat grows through the metabolization of natural nutrients. It's the same problem like with feeding cows soy and beeing surprised that their meat is worthless nutriencewise.

Plus, meat isn't a problem, when used in cooperation with agriculture. It even betters the land unlike modern agriculture.

Further the real problem is the third world population explosion due to gibsmedats and fucked up culture. While europe has seen a natural population decline to accomodate the uselessnes of a too big family, everyone else on this planet breeds without control - meanwhile those which care about the planet are only those which already get outbreed. Instead of starting to feed humans unnatural shit to make them into flesh goblins with multimilliard health problems, it would be much more human to implement a populatio control so that everyone can only have so much children as he is able to feed on the land he owns. But that would require no social wellfare but generosity like there was before the goverment took its place.

We can't leave our nature behind without ceasing to be human. Feeding off styropor insects and muscle fibers out of the lab will only profit big pharma, as a bad diet damages the gut health which is massivly important to psychlogical health. Selling of anti-depressants is more licrative than to sell people a healthy diet. It also makes them more easily to be controlled.

This is not the path we need to take.

>> No.11731220

Wouldn't better to eat more offal instead, just eat the entire animal instead of just the meat?

>> No.11731241
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>The push is to eat less meat
Who is being pushed? A minority of the planet.

Pushed by people with their heads in the cloud who thinks the planet can be saved if only they paid more taxes from Beef.

Do you have any plans for all the cows in South America, Asia and Africa?
You still need to figure out some way to tax their existence, right?
Because your problem is these animals exist, and they breathe out a gas you don't like.
Have figure out how to tax these animals to death.

>> No.11731308

The world doesn't have the resources for everyone to eat grassfed beef. You're obsessed with universal restrictions on consumption, so why count yourself out and claim non-industrial meat is a right and not a privilege?

Regarding lab-grown meat, it's still a young science. "Proper meat" isn't inevitable, but it's not impossible either.

The third world isn't a problem because they're too poor to eat large amounts of meat. They'll always be too poor. Western and second-world countries like China are the drivers of meat production and consumption.

As for population control, you know as well as I do that this would lead to a totalitarian state of genetic and wealth discrimination, and you would be one of the first to be sterilized. More importantly, you reduce populations by educating women, as we can see in Western countries, so it's not clear to me why you'd advocate for removing the right to reproduce (especially since you would probably be affected).

See above regarding who eats cows (civilized countries do). Civilized countries can sign on to quota systems. They can reduce their production. These aren't difficult methods to implement, it's just a matter of public support for them. The fact is people believe they're entitled to eat however much of whatever they want because unsustainable agricultural practices tricked you into thinking there were no drawbacks.

>> No.11731310

fuck off globohomo no one is eating bugs

>> No.11731323

>The third world isn't a problem because they're too poor to eat large amounts of meat
That's a lie.

There are gigantic herds of cows in Africa, South America and Asia.
These cows will still continue to exist, no matter how much you raise your taxes.
To you these cows are an annoyance.
To the farmers in those countries, these cows are their livelihood.
You want these cows dead somehow because you think it can save the planet.

How will you do it?
The answer you gave is a lie. These farmers aren't going to kill their cows just to please you.

The locals in South America, Africa and Asia have eaten Beef for millennia, long before you got the crazy idea to save the planet via taxation.

>> No.11731325

Not gonna google it or link anything but I feel like fungal species can digest styrofoam. Ffs, they can digest extensive hydrocarbons so why not polymerized styrenes

>> No.11731327
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shilling for the soylent green world

>> No.11731330

>The world doesn't have the resources for everyone to eat grassfed beef
It does, the question is only how many humans can live. Keeping in mind that technologization will make the maority of people especially everything under 100IQ world average ueless, it'S pretty clear in which way we need to go.

We can eitehr have billion useless eaters feed on soy and worms or an eden like paradise where people only reproduce to replace themselves and live in balance with their and nature as such. And I'm not talking about beef alone, but all meat anf fish. It would be far better for the whole planet if we wouldn't try to breed beyond sustainability.

>The third world isn't a problem because they're too poor to eat large amounts of meat.
Yet. Look at china and india, those able to affort it go full retard. The same goes with plastic. The worst world pollution comes from asia.

>you know as well as I do that this would lead to a totalitarian state of genetic and wealth discrimination
As has always been the case. I am arguing for something that always worked.

>and you would be one of the first to be sterilized.
Maybe, but more likely not. In either case I already have reproduced and am at 2% wp IQ. Sterelization isn't even needed. Without welfare people don't have the ability to feed 8 kids without beeing intelligent enough to get a good work place.

>you reduce populations by educating women
This is right, but with that come other social problems like that those kids beeing born are more likely retarded and emotionally malnutrished by their working mothers and absend fathers, as promiscuty rises and men don't care to waste away to pay for uncertain paternaty. Further, we will have far to few jobs in the first place, no way we can have the luxury of emplyong women which have been shown to be a net negativ in the work force.

It's all so much easier if you would let nature take it course. Eliminating those not able to survive and letting the others prosper.

>> No.11731334

>we can't keep eating meat
Well fucking duh we've been telling you this for how-
>let's eat bugs instead!

Strawman lol

literal shit-tier science here. Not only does this have no credibility but this it also makes no logical sense whatsoever

It's like trying to decipher the dreams of a delusional schizophrenic that repeats everything he hears

>> No.11731336
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>There are gigantic herds of cows in Africa, South America and Asia.
Partly right, partly wrong.

>How will you do it?
I won't be doing anything. Governments will do it once they see the necessity of reducing the agricultural footprint of livestock. India and Brazil are at a tipping point of ecological disaster, it's pretty much only a matter of time before crises (water, pollution) either force change or destroy those countries.

>> No.11731340

>I already have reproduced and am at 2% wp IQ
You're not fooling anyone, anon

>> No.11731341

You do know that interntional trade and cooperate waste is a far bigger pollutant than any food source? Ffs the five biggest transportation ship create more co2 than all cars on this planet, and yet they get cuts while the normal persona gets taxed beyond ability to pay. It's the same with meat.

>> No.11731344

There are enough of us only wasting their lunch break on here. Never drink your own koolaid, anon.

>> No.11731352
File: 76 KB, 680x335, life_on_the_african_savanna_i_by_mariangutu-d30o2wt.jpg?itok=9ZejptS3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>partly wrong
Goddamn Anon, don't be retarded.
The Africans are bush men, they are not a part of your bureaucracy. You don't have statistics over their cows, just like you don't have statistics over their crime rates.
Not to mention the wild buffalo and gnu herds.

We're talking about the greenest continent on the planet.
Africa is the one with the most cattle.

>Governments will do it once they see the necessity of reducing the agricultural footprint of livestock.
You still have your head stuck up in the cloud.
People will starve to death when you start killing their farm animals.
This means nothing to you because you are so far removed from reality.

>> No.11731366

He will kvecth about an autoritarian staate while simultanously begging papa staate to make eating meat illegal - all around the world.

Doesn't get much more dissociative.

>> No.11731416
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So... using the (((environmentalists))) logic, we can save the planet by destroying all life in Africa.

This has to be true, right?
Environmentalists wouldn't lie to us... right?
Grass eaters are evil. They must die for the sake of the planet.

>> No.11731426
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Evil incarnate.

Murdering our planet as we speak.

>> No.11731449
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Maybe we can save the planet if we taxed these animals.

As you well know, taxation solves everything. So we just ask the animals for taxes.

>> No.11731540
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we're not eating insects and that's the end of it. NWO cunts fuck off

>> No.11731542
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>Why isn't everyone living off mealworms yet?

>> No.11731606

I couldn't replace meat eating with insects, but I could happily mix it into my diet. Especially if they're farm-able and feed-able with food scraps.

>> No.11731625

Why does it NEED to be restricted and who is going to make and enforce that decision?

>> No.11731628

another scathing critique of modern progressivism, brought to you by 4chan

>> No.11731631

Wow, this thread is on fire! Though I wonder why this styrofoam - thing gets pushed that much by the shills? It's like
>just because the diet of any livingform affects the tissue of itself and at least it's immediate predators doesn't mean insects work that way too
talk about birbs dying because they're eating insects that absorbed toxic stuff through diet and shit
>impossible that it is the same case with meal worms and humans anon ;*

>> No.11731637

Why is it harder for you guys to accept that some hipsters are okay with eating bugs than that the illuminati shitposts about mealworms on /ck/?

>> No.11731638

bugs are some of the best sources of nutrition on the planet. also fried crickets for some odd reason taste like peanuts

>> No.11731644

unless they are somehow dissecting out their digestive tracts you'll also end up eating a lot of styrofoam too

>> No.11731652

Naw, more like this eating-paper, even though roasted in most cases, insects have the blandest tasting meat on earth

>> No.11731658

Vactationing at home in your own country is an awesome policy to pursue from a nationalist cultural standpoint, though. Much rather they do that then go abroad to get beheaded by Khalid and his sandnigger friends in Morocco.

>> No.11731669

It's not the illuminati. Shilling, be it simple advertising for a products or cultural memes on more specific boards are an old shoe.

Propaganda is as old as human conflict. Subversion and making your opponent think what you like him to, so that he doesn't fight your goals, but waste his energy on useless stuff are the basics of avoiding open conflict. Are some of them average retards? Sure. But cooperations and political figures pay for it to be worth memeing in the first place. You would have to be pretty new to not remember that it happens in waves. This is the 6th or 7th already in the last two years on here. People come and work just as hard to convince people of theor worms, just to shut up once people show up which know that they are talking shit. Observe the reactions. Is it natural to be angry that people are sceptical and demand more testing when telling them to eat plastic worms? You would only need to be angry if you either are very emotionally or financially involved.

4chins have become a very lucrative source of advertisment.

>> No.11731816

How should one cook them to make them good eats?

>> No.11731985

>cronyism and dietary restrictions placed by the state on the poor = capitalism
Cronyism is as bad as socialism.

>> No.11731988
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>Why does it NEED to be restricted
Two theories.

1. Environmentalists are lunatics who wants cows to cease existence to end their suffering in the farms.

2. The elites truly want you to eat shit, while they can dine the finest beef.
To make them feel better than you.

>> No.11732059

>the current way we eat is unsustainable.
No, it isn't. What is unsustainable is the hordes of chinks, pajeets, hues, and niggers feeding off the agricultural revolution unleashed by whites. If us white people had kept our agricultural advances to ourselves, pollution, climate change, and resource depletion wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.11732076

This is the hard truth nobody want to hear. If we would have shared our technology justa hundred years later after learning their problems, this all would have not have happened. But than again, european generosity got the better of us, becaue we considered them to be just as much human.

>> No.11732078

>pollution, climate change
I think we have been lied to.

Killing off all of the cows in captivity will no nothing compared to all the billions of grasseaters out in the wild.
These shills are more likely to be environmentalists who is fighting animal husbandry because they see it as evil.

>> No.11732107

>my parents on a scant 18 acres

>my wealthy landowner parents with 72843.4 square metres of property can raise enough chickens to feed themselves and their few siblings

Meanwhile I'm supposed to live in a 200 square metre apartment and raise my own protein. Ok dude.

>> No.11732144

>US number 2 producer of greenhouse gases contributing to global warming
>we dindu nuffin'


>> No.11732155

Are you actually concerned about the methane gas produced by grass eaters?

If you are, why haven't you launched some campaign about eliminating the billions of herd animals in the wild>>11731426?

Show us you genuinly believe you are saving the planet.
Go out and kill all those wild animals.

>> No.11732159

Never said that, but without the Chinks, India, and Brazil, the US and Europe's emissions wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.11732162

Reducing beef production in my country would have significant positive effects on water quality and wildlife habitat in some sensitive areas so I’d like to see beef become more expensive here in the US even if nobody else goes along with it. Obviously I would like other countries to do the right thing as well, though I don’t see why the idea of nations cooperating towards a common goal is so inconceivable to you. Other countries enacting similar regulations would prevent the US from feeling as much economic pain as it would if it acted alone.

>> No.11732165

The number of wild herd animals in the world isn't even a meaningful fraction of domesticated, stop being retarded.

>> No.11732219
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Where is your data on this?

According to Wikipedia there is about 900 million Buffalo in Africa alone.
Why don't you start there?

>> No.11732276

>Reducing beef production in my country would have significant positive effects on water quality and wildlife habitat in some sensitive areas
So that's it.
You want some wildlife around your house to ease your conscience and make you feel better.

And to achieve this, you would like millions of people in 3rd world countries to starve or to eat worms.
All for your sake.

>though I don’t see why the idea of nations cooperating towards a common goal is so inconceivable to you.
Here is a thought, maybe those 3rd world countries have other concerns than you do.

>> No.11732285

Their acreage was about 140 grand with out buildings a shitty maintained but decent house and full hookups with a new septic system. Get the fuck out of your overpriced city and all kinds of things are possible with your money.

>> No.11732316

When did they buy the land?

>> No.11732352

this so fucking much
and you can never discuss it with people because just saying "population problem" makes you sound like Hitler
3rd largest country in the world is U.S. with around 330 million people
if 1 billion more people just appeared out of thin air in the U.S. and became citizens there, it would still be the 3rd largest country
the world population is already a billion more than it was just a decade ago

>> No.11732356

I'm not the anon you're talking to, but I just bought 6 acres in Texas with a 2200sf home, a barn, and a fancy garden shed for under $200k. Formal purchase date was about 3 months ago. It's a 12 minute drive to the city.

>> No.11732454

>people in 3rd world countries
>in 3rd world countries
Nonwhites aren't human.

>> No.11732462
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Says nervous white man for the 700th time as his race is approaches extinction.

>> No.11732730

No, I want clean water in rivers and to not destroy resources we can’t get back just so you can have your daily double whopper. Also the notion that beef production is feeding the global poor is laughable. It’s an artificially cheap luxury product for the middle classes. We feed the global poor on plants.

>> No.11732844

>No, I want clean water in rivers and to not destroy resources we can’t get back just so you can have your daily double whopper

You know back before evil cattle took over there were around 100 million head of bison naturally roaming the plains doing all the same shit cows do now. It wasn't any different except for the fences.

>> No.11733049

Except it wasn’t the same thing. The native grasslands are mostly destroyed, in large part by nonnative plants introduced because they make better grazing for cattle, and again by ranchers driving off and killing numerous animal species because they competed with or preyed on cattle. Those native grasslands were productive and diverse to a degree that’s difficult to even imagine if you’ve never seen the remnants or been to the Serengeti. The fact that we let some elk and pronghorns live alongside cattle (in large part so we can hunt them, which I do) is better than nothing, but don’t pretend it’s at all comparable to what once existed there.

>> No.11733099
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>2. The elites truly want you to eat shit, while they can dine the finest beef.
>To make them feel better than you.
Completely this, what is the point of being king without serfs?

>> No.11733152

Nice retardation, fag.

>In the most recent and available census data at continental scale, the total estimated numbers of the three African buffalo savanna subspecies (S. c. caffer, S. c. brachyceros, S. c. aequinoctialis) are at 513,000 individuals.[31]


>> No.11733869

if the whole point of this was to be "eco-friendly" theyd be pushing for shit like lab-grown beef
the real point of pushing eating bugs on the plebs is because farms take up too much space, they want to shut them down and instead convert the space to condos

>> No.11734078

I prefer crickets myself.
Tried them once, they taste nutty when toasted. Tried mealworms at the same time, and while they're crunchy, they only taste what you feed them, which was eggs, and that was like eating popcorn with a raw egg mixed in.
So no stryrofoam. It was alright, but not as delicious as crickets. I would grow crickets, but my landlord doesn't allow it.

>> No.11734200

>beef production is feeding the global poor is laughable.
You literally have bush men in Africa who owns nothing but herds of cows.

They eat those cows.

>> No.11734221
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So half a billion in Africa alone, and nearly a billion globally.

My point still stands. You want to save to planet sooooo badly, why hasn't your orginasation begun to murder the wild buffaloes?
Could it be you are full of lies and bullshit when you talk about farm cows being responsible for earth's destruction?

>> No.11734297

We should genocide all vegans and bug eaters, we'd solve whatever "overpopulation" or "environment" meme problems we have if any.

>> No.11734388

The only predators of note for buffalo were mountain lions and Indians, and at least one of those is still around hunting throughout the plains. Wolves and coyotes were opportunistic feeders and never actually hunted bison. As for your non native plant argument I have no clue what your on about. Nobody went through and replanted hundreds of thousands of acres of grazing land, the shit growing in the pastures of the plains today are the same as they were two hundred years ago, unless they were previously tilled up for agricultural use.
The only really damaging thing we've done, and it has nothing to do with cattle directly, is dam up and redirect the rivers and streams that used to flood and move and redistribute the sediments and flora flowing through them every year during the spring melt.

And don't ever compare the serengeti, a tropical climate with two rainy seasons interspersed with periods of prolonged drought, with the the American plains which are temperate, receive year round percipitation and have vast natural reservoirs and river and stream systems fed by year round snow melt from the Rockies and the badlands.

>> No.11735753

>You goyim have grown too entitled and think you deserve to have human food
>Don't you know that this is unsustainable at the current rate of population growth?
>Work to prevent overpopulation? Silly goyim, population density allows us to exploi-, er, get an honest days work from you far easier

>> No.11735775

You ever actually seen a mealworm farm? enjoy breathing in flys.

>> No.11735824

None of you will ever know the frustration that comes from trying to teach substandard minimum wage workers with 4th grade reading levels how to pronounce those words. I get to fire them when they get attitudes with people on the phone at least.

>> No.11736340
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Your face when locusts are kosher.

>> No.11736364

I'm talking of jews in the metaphorical sense

>> No.11736883

idiot. he's right and you're wrong.


if you're going to be smug about something, you should at least look it up first.

>> No.11736933
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He posted a chart that said we have 1 billion cows in our farmlands. See>>11731336

But Africa alone has half a billion African buffalos in the wild.
You pretend you are concerned about how grass eaters breath out Methane, right?
So about about the billions of grass eaters in Africa?
Antilopes, Wildebeests, Buffalos, etc

That continent alone has more than enough wild animals to outnumber the cows we have in captivity.
And you can't use pigs in your statistics, because pigs don't develop Methane.

>> No.11737251

Do you not know how numbers work? It's half a MILLION in Africa, not billion. You better head back to remedial 1st grade math.

>> No.11737254

Shit. You got me there.

>> No.11737673

Does anyone have any experience about growing and breeding those little buggers? Curious.

>> No.11737729

Plenty of people have been maintaining mealworm bins inside apartments for a very long time now, whether for feeding other animals or preparing insect based food for themselves. It's not like they're all living inside fly infested rooms, that's retarded. More specifically that's retarded mostly because you would get fed up by that after just part of one night trying to sleep in a fly infestation, but also because flies aren't good for the mealworm bins either. If you have flies you're doing it wrong and should try reading some instructions online about how to do this the right way. You shouldn't even need to actively repel or kill flies if you set it up properly and actually take care of it and keep up with common sense cleaning habit, although you certainly can take some slightly more involved steps to repel or kill flies if you're really too lazy to keep up with basic sanitation.

>> No.11739370
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>> No.11740538

Yes. It's been going on for awhile. This and "bacteria meat"

>> No.11740563

>dude just live like the people in Snowpiercer, lmao

mentally ill

>> No.11740825

Friendly reminder: humans are made of bacteria called stem cells.

>> No.11740847

What's really weird is how most boomers are convinced from their childhood brainwashing "bacteria is bad" while most millennials are convinced from their childhood brainwashing "bacteria is good." Why does the media need to make these wildly extreme pendulum swings between calling entire broad categories of things good or bad every few years? Similar deal with fat in food being demonized during the 90s, or ketofags thinking carbohydrates are the reason for all weight and general health problems more recently.

>> No.11741132

Keeping the generations fighting which each other breaks up the family structure even more.

>> No.11741139

Because worms remind us of the primordial essence that we have just recently learned we REALLY REALLY REALLY need to escape

>> No.11741161

Nah, that's meat. Eating it still warm. Worms and insect s such are if anything what women and kids could find in less prosperous times. Otherwise they would never be worth the energy wasted on finding them.

If we would have ever cared for insects, we would not have left it behind, just like we haven't left leather and honeybees behind. The simple fact is that europeans never really ate insects as long as they had wild game.

>> No.11741664

>not waiting for lab meat

>> No.11741669

Based living poster

>> No.11741692

Youre probably the size of one as well

>> No.11742324

Normalizing bug eating or making it more common as a product or even in fast food won't mean people will stop eating meat or raising animals for meat in the same way the normalization and promotion of homosexuality hasn't turned everyone gay.

I could not give less of a fuck about the global warming scam or about the woes of some do nothing sitting negro in africa. I will continue to eat meat until you outlaw it, and if you just make it more expensive, human food eaters will raise their own animals, and if you outlaw this too then I will move somewhere else that allows it.

>> No.11742338
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>homosexuality hasn't turned everyone gay
It's a work in progress.

They already begun to force their children to use hormone blockers.

>> No.11742342


>>Thinking lab meat is somehow going to be better than the ecological and flavor disasters that were factory farmed meat and industrial monoculture crops.
History has shown us that while technology can theoretically improve our food and reduce its environmental impact, in practice our desire for MOAR and CHEAPER only makes it worse.

>> No.11742344

I'm a human being, not a pet.

>> No.11742368

And what will you do when they force you to eat it?
Will you fight like a man or perish like a dog?

>> No.11742392
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Well, it literally can't happen. There's the ongoing muslim invasion of the west and there's the fact that those mentally ill people don't usually reproduce and end up commiting suicide. I doubt they will make "everyone" gay. Of course they'll try their hardest and feminize every male they can, but this will only prompt muslims to come into power even sooner, and after seeing the weakness, decadence and horrors faggotry has brought upon their enemies, they'll probably keep it on the capital punishment list for thousands of years.

>> No.11742430

I am not going to eat bugs.

>> No.11742447

sorry, I'm not a schizo so I don't worry about that kind of thing

>> No.11742484
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>if you outlaw this too then I will move somewhere else that allows it.
Sounds like a problem that's already being worked on.

>> No.11742517

Then I'll do it illegally until they kill me.
Better to die a meat eater than to live like a soybugman.

>> No.11742671

Tribalism is ingrained in humanity to it's very core. The only way a owg would work is through genocidal tyranny. You can't enact t by at on a global scale without making so many enemies that you get ripped apart. The last group to even half heartedly try was destroyed after just taking half of one continent and a few isolated holdings in Africa.

>> No.11743675

>Links to an article that has 50+ ads on it that requires a subscription or you to disable ad blocker.
No thanks, I'll just look it up on my own: https://news.stanford.edu/pr/2015/pr-worms-digest-plastics-092915.html

Seems neat, but the study doesn't say they're good to eat, just that meal worms are capable of digesting Styrofoam. I wouldn't recommend it, but you can keep a few boxes filled with dry oats and the worms, just make sure you separate the dead and the different stages of life.
My grandma did this for a while to feed her birds, it does require daily maintenance tho.

>> No.11743693

Yeah, if people were robots this would work.
People, however, are not robots, and forcing an underclass to eat insects would not go well by any means.
You have to think about the imagery of it, by making them eat insects you would basically be telling them that they are considered less than human. Do you want a proletariat uprising? That is how you get a proletariat uprising.

>> No.11743696
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>unsunstainable meat production
You know what's the problem.

>> No.11743792

Man, this is THE wrong way to go about this.

Why tf are they showing a picture like that? Do they not understand that that hurts their cause?
Jesus, it looks like rotten food, the heck are they thinking?

No, they need to go about this slowly, it will involve a lot of hard work reversing the image of insects as things of death and disease.
I would suggest that they try and make it into something more palatable, something that does not look like an insect.

I would suggest they go to some companies that knows how to make stuff look and taste good no matter what, get the people who make cheetos, lays, orange juice, all that. These people are geniuses at making crap taste like heaven, and to change the image of insects they will need that genius.
Have them come up with some kind of product that is good to look at and good to taste, doesn't matter if it is healthy. Make it have an original flavor that people like if you can, and have it not obvious that the stuff has insects in it.
If done right, it will be one of those 'did you know?' facts about junk food, and over time it will become normalized to eat stuff containing insects.

That is how this is done, you don't just show a salad that looks to be teeming with bugs.

>> No.11743815

Every step the food goes through being eaten on the way to your plate is more energy that putting it there requires.
Plants need energy to live as well as to grow, insects need the same, chickens need the same. Most of what you feed an animal will go into maintaining themselves, not making more meat for you to eat.

>> No.11743835

Never gonna happen. Europeans haven't been eating bugs even during the worst famines and world wars. We have worms = death so deeply ingrained that not even kikes will be able to chang it culturally. But they don't understand, because they ain't us.

>> No.11743836

There is more to intelligence than IQ.
There is more to being a good person that is useful to society than how well they can do spacial reasoning.
How do I know this? You. You are exhibit A.

>> No.11743847

I think you mean "spatial", champ.

>> No.11743851

This is a savage black pill

>> No.11743852

Don't have a problem with people wanting to eat bugs.
I do have a problem with people forcing others to eat bugs, especially if they don't themselves already.

If you want to make a world where eating insects is a thing? Be the change you want, be an example in action.
Tired of people saying things need to be done and asking the government to force everyone to do it. If it is a good idea others will follow your example in time and of their own volition. If fact, all you do by trying to force it is make people push even harder against it.

>> No.11743861

No, I meant special.

>> No.11743868

IQ correlates with everything important. High trust, high functioning, high empathy, high standards in everything. There is a reason why countries with higher IQs are peak performance and everything you interact with and do is pretty much thanks to europeans.

If you want a participation trophe just claim "emotional" quotient. I care as much for what your likes think about us, like an oak would care about a pig scratching its skin on her bark.

All I did was tell you what needs to be done for it to at least not end up in a global catastrophe, but out of entitlement for equality you can't accept it and will lead all of us into certain death in an attempt to get into utopia.

>> No.11743884

This desu
Divide and conquer.
The young work on the front lines pushing their agendas in the democratic party, the old work as the false opposition in the republican party.

>> No.11743903

Every human should have a pig and learn to butcher it. You can keep it alive a full year on scraps, then on new years butcher it up, freeze, and eat what you need. Get another pig and start all over again. The meat/bones would last you a long time, maybe even a full year if you do it right.

>> No.11743907

The funny thing about (((them))) is that they are still, after all these years, just a scapegoat.

You want to fix the problems, start with yourself, the only (((them))) that matters here is society as a whole. Be the change you want in the world, if everyone tears themselves to pieces you and your children will stand.

Think of the story of Noah and the ark, there is great meaning there, build your boat.

>> No.11743912

That's what I did and part of my family still does. Nothing like learning to butcher a pig at 12. Sure saves you from becoming a faggot.

>> No.11743924

Is there an image of the bottom right one actually licking the toilet?

>> No.11743937

interesting that the OWG is coming about right as we have begun to be able to reach the stars.

Think back a few hundred years to the era of empires, watch as history takes the same path it always does, a circle.

Earth will become one and try to colonize the stars, but the distance separating her from her subjects will be too great and it will lose it's power over them. Another earth will fight among itself and other planets will step in to help, making them the new superpowers. Eventually, when we are on the verge of interstellar travel the solar system will coalesce for another expansion.

As above, so below, what was is what will be, time, space, and all of reality is akin to a fractal, symmetry is everywhere if you just look.

>> No.11743959

Cultures can be changed, instincts can be twisted, desires can be mislead.
Control the input, you control the output, this is the way of things.

>> No.11743969

Nobody said anything about forcing people to eat bugs. These articles are just about making it more appealing or efficient. Perhaps you’re afraid you won’t be able to eat as much meat as you do now if meat producers can no longer dump the externalities of their industry on everyone else for free, but nobody’s forcing you to eat bugs.

>> No.11743982

Meat and protection from homosexuality? sign me up.

>> No.11743996

>If we just get rid of everyone I deem not worth anything everything will turn out just fine and dandy.

Utopia for one is dystopia for all else, there is only one God and it is not me, you, or anyone with sin in their hearts.

Typo = incorrect

>> No.11744013

You must be really short sighted.

What is a suggestion today will become a demand tomorrow, and law the day after.
This is how things have always gone, sorry that I have pattern recognition.

>> No.11744027

Nah, for this to happen you need to destroy the whole structure of what it eans beeing an european. At that point getting to eat them bugs doesn't really matter anymore.

Europeans will rather starve to death than eat them on any relevant scale. You could make people go vegan easier, and that's not gonna happen, as it's a death sentance and sterilizes them after a decade.

>> No.11744036

>the slope is always slippery
Imagine being this paranoid and uptight.

>> No.11744053

I didn't say unworthly. I said useless in the context of a technologized world where people below a certain IQ can't find any job anymore due to automatization. I actually don't want it to happen, but I'm not the one in charge.

But if it has to happen it is much better for everyone if we simply select the best people to have a life worth living instead of let everyone breed and exist on a diet of insect slush.

You don't even need to kill people,you only need to make beeing able to compete the rule of reproduction. If you can't make it due to low IQ, you simple don't reproduce and live a life of your own wished till your death.

This is human and eugenic. That's how our species got to the moon, through favouring the better of us.

>> No.11744072

And your point is?
They have already almost done that.
You need to understand, there is an end goal to this that is not just ruining Europe. Take a closer look and you might see what is happening.

>> No.11744076

Sorry, as I said, you see a pattern play out enough times you start expecting it to keep on playing out the same way.

>> No.11744082

That is assuming that we are subservient to such processes, that we require natural selection to live on. You have accepted death as not just a part of life, but good.
God have mercy on you, and I hope you see that you are wrong.

>> No.11744106

>that we requiere natural selection
We don't requiere anything. Those which don't bow to NS will be replaced by those which do. That's how RNA got replaced by DNA, that's how homo sapiens replaced homo neanderthalensis and till will be how the man of the future will rise above the man of today, if we even will have a future.

Death is neutral. It's neither good nor bad. It just is. Your life has a purpose, death is only the end of your ability to acomplish it. If you would actually believe in God you would not fear death but be at peace him him. Beeing afraid of death is only preventing you to actually embrace life.

>> No.11744114

Read Biohistory by Penman. You will see why thse are cycles which will prevent future generations to follow it. You can buy the book or read it online for free. You'll understand.

>> No.11744131

That's never how it's been done at all. People have never been culled based on IQ. One only needs examine the political elites, business elites, etc. to realize intelligence has nothing to do with it. Ruthless, cruel, merciless shrewdness, yes, but that's more correlated with a lower IQ than higher. And disregarding the masses who can't find a functioning position in your techno utopia will ensure an upheaval that even your current fascist police state will be unable to hold back.

>> No.11744145

I don't fear death, not because I embrace it, but because Jesus has slain it.
True death can only be chosen, and from the sounds of it, you have.

>> No.11744146

Yeah, a bunch of logical leaps made by a professional lawnmower. That's what I base my opinions on, too.

>> No.11744224

>People have never been culled based on IQ.
IQ is not only "intelligence".

People have been culled in europe for centuries. We killed the 1% of criminals each year, reducing our criminality from SSA to nearly non in about 500 years. Only our best adapted survived. That's what I am proposing.

If you can't compete in a highly technologized society you simply wil not be able to earn a living and get kids, not due to law but due to the lacking money due to your own deficits. That's how society has been selected for millenia. That's why rich people aways got more kids than poor fucks.

>to realize intelligence has nothing to do with it. Ruthless, cruel, merciless shrewdness, yes, but that's more correlated with a lower IQ than higher.
Nah, you mean psychopathy. 10% of all people are and they always get on top of society due to no regard for othrs life. You will never change that without actually culling them genetically as well.

>in your techno utopia
Learn to read, I said muliple times that I don't want it but I do see it as unavoidable. And this is the only solution to make it the leastbad for all of us because you exactly don'T need any "fascist" police state. This you would need to keep all those nutritionally starved bugmen in check. My solution lets nature take it course.

You would do good on reading it. It speaks about the chemical and biological changes in epigenetics due to the childrens pre-natal and infant envorement and how effect a will have different result on each generation, resulting again in them raising children which will overturn the system at hand. That's why a stable political order is impossible.

>> No.11744494

I'm not quite cheap enough for that, but I'd try putting the fuckers in landfills.

>> No.11744517
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not my problem that pajeets, niggers and chinks shit out 8 kids they can't feed.
I have a literal cow pasture outside my house.

>> No.11744523

generally speaking when you eat bugs or any sort of filter feeders you fast them first so their guts are empty

>> No.11744586
File: 617 KB, 1920x800, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds like kind of a monarchical meme to get us peasants to eat literal garbage while the 1% gets to feast on foie gras and endangered cabbages.

Yum yum, eat up scum. Put those worms into your tum. Make me shoes and make me meat, and once you're done you get a treat.

>> No.11744616

>we can't have beef
hahaha faggot

>> No.11744757

And despite that wall of text you still have literally no evidence other than feeling paranoid and calling OP a shill.
>Is it natural to be angry that people are sceptical and demand more testing when telling them to eat plastic worms
I'm not angry, I even agree about the worms. I just think you're retarded.

>> No.11744817

Salieri was a chump.

>> No.11745284

What pattern of people trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle and then something bad happening has played out before so many times? Please enlighten us.

>> No.11745845

>trying to teach substandard minimum wage workers with 4th grade reading levels how to pronounce those words
why do you do this?

>> No.11745878

Because I'm not so poor that I can't afford to eat real meat. Granted, I'm a cheap ass and eat chicken almost every day, but for fuck's sake, worms?

Tell you what. Feed those mealworms to pigs, and I might eat the pigs.

>> No.11745926

Friendly reminder: chickens naturally eat bugs

>> No.11745986


That's fine. Granted, I'm pretty sure factory farmed chickens are primarily fed on corn or something similar, but the important thing is I don't have to put bugs in my mouth. The chicken digests it for me, and the butcher makes sure I don't have whatever was in the chicken's stomach in with my breasts and thighs.

>> No.11745998

If you consider things like propaganda due to political and financial reasons "feeling paranoid" you clearly aren't read at all in political terms and I couldn't care less if a brainlet thinks I'm retarded. The moajority of people here get it for a reason.