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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 924 KB, 4032x3024, pub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11707154 No.11707154 [Reply] [Original]

>Welcome to the pub, sir. What can I get you?

>> No.11707160

Something that isn't hoppy as fuck.

>> No.11707165


>> No.11707174

Millenials are fucking retards. What's the ball thing in between pickled rick and the harry potter symbol?

>> No.11707179

No shit. What’s with all the hops?
What happened to good old lagers?

>> No.11707183

If you're drinking to kill yourself because you've lost all hope in humanity, I suppose it's appropriate.

>> No.11707186

can of coors

>> No.11707188

>Please leave, Nazi.

>> No.11707190

I try not to spout soiboi memes but they're making it pretty hard.

>> No.11707191
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>> No.11707219


>> No.11707232

Ok so we have:
Yoda - light beer
Vader - dark beer
Groot - Hopefully some pun with root beer
Pickle - sour
Orb thing - no idea
Harry Potter - some kind of butter beer equivalent
Minecraft - no idea

>> No.11707234 [DELETED] 

What's that triangle thing

>> No.11707235

Deathly Hallows from Harry Potter

>> No.11707239

ugh something in a bottle please i'm not drinking that shit on draft

>> No.11707241


>> No.11707254

>combs from the right instead of the left
Literally Hitler.

>> No.11707280

"Which way to the exit?"

>> No.11707295

Sorry, I must have walked into the children and toddler's bar by accident. Goodbye.

>> No.11707325

the absolute state of modern "adults"

>> No.11707329
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>> No.11707340

absolutely disgusting

>> No.11707341

Seeing this makes me feel like an angry old man, but fuck those faggots.

>> No.11707345
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>> No.11707348

It would be hypocritical of me to make fun of this since I have Gunpla models placed about my living room and Patlabor posters up on my walls. Still, shit like this just feels like it was put up by a bunch of tryhards.

>> No.11707350


>> No.11707358

I'll have an IPA off the nitro tap, please good sir.

>> No.11707362

Gunpla is still niche and a rather dedicated hobby to get into. Patlabor is cool. You at least need effort and time to do gunpla

that thing is just super low effort soy adults jumping onto the soy pop culture wagon to be "cool"

>> No.11707397

I try to be a decent mellow guy, but if I see this in someone's home I'm burning the place to the ground.

>> No.11707431

Never seen Patlabor but it’s on my list. Maybe I’ll watch it tonight

>> No.11707434

are they all overhopped ipas?? because if its one thing i love about beer its making taste like a pine tree.

>> No.11707439
File: 260 KB, 1200x1035, 1507626785217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, surely you remember those penguin things in that starwars movie....?

>> No.11707441

I doubt these types even know other beers than IPAs exist

>> No.11707470

Movies are pretty much my favorite films, especially the second one. TV show is great too.

>> No.11707476

I'll take a meme sour with an Empireal stout to wash the taste out of my mouth. Yeah just pour them both, I'm gonna go take a shit.

>> No.11707481

>tfw can only drink whiskey with ice

How do I git gud at drinking neat?

>> No.11707486

>matching porg tattoos

>> No.11707499


>> No.11707503

Don't drink neat. Add a teaspoon of water and let it sit for 10 minutes.

>> No.11707547

look at the sadness in their eyes

>> No.11707567

>One medium groot and two small vaders with blueberry juice for me. Ohh also can i pay with my phone? XDD

>> No.11707575

>buying something that was designed for merchandise
shit taste

>> No.11707588

The only people that ever request Apple Pay in my experience have been super old guys

>> No.11707605

This guy looks like his main form of sexual intercourse is pegging.

>> No.11707624

This is genuinely upsetting

>> No.11707625

>childrens and toddlers bar

Oh fuck I am laffin

>> No.11707635

If I saw that, I would probably immediately walk out.

>> No.11707702

Do you have chocolate milk?

>> No.11707734

Minecraft- probably some local shit it's fucking craft-beer

>> No.11707813
File: 110 KB, 540x540, you're_making_me_nervous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically cannot match most of the phrases to their franchise/IP.

>> No.11707817
File: 227 KB, 729x849, 1546311035646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cab fare please.

>> No.11707818

>we don’t care what others think
>have stupid wall decoration that is used to get upvotes from other people

>> No.11707828

These guys have a shared girlfriend with neon blue hair.

>> No.11707872

This thread makes me want to blow my head off.

>> No.11707987
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>> No.11708356
File: 191 KB, 500x647, 1532286665523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80's/90's nerd with a collared shirt, pen in top pocket and suspenders used to be made fun of
>fashion has come full circle
>now it's the trendy, popular look

>> No.11708387

its so funny because shit like this is just house-wife tier HomeGoods level shit except for faggy trendy 'nerd' culture

>> No.11708398

Nobody dresses like that, faggot

>> No.11708408

This is our life now.
To be angry old men shaking our fists at these faggots for ruining something we were shamed for.

>> No.11708417

>preferring bottled over draft

>> No.11708419

I hardly know what any of that shit is refering to. Star wars...thats about it. Its shit like this that makes me feel so disconnected from everyone. If you shut out pop culture for too long, its like youre in another country.

>> No.11708421

>heh. he wants a beer that doesn't make him feel like he's been gargling sand.

>> No.11708499

Just a wild guess based on the context: something from the avengers

>> No.11708515

Its the based way

>> No.11708537

How can a person’s life be so devoid of any meaning or emotion or love or pain or joy or sorrow or depth or despair or anything to the point that this is what they latch onto and how they express themselves. It is the death of the human spirit in the form of a kid’s toy. Man is dead, all hail the overman.

>> No.11708839

Feels good, doesn't it?

>> No.11708846
File: 34 KB, 480x300, TELEMMGLPICT000155681471_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqHaZ8JMGQ_nOZ1URPL9FaE8iZ_6TH--rKxBA8mEVjkI4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11708903

No wonder boomers hate them

>> No.11708927

Why would anyone associate kids movies like Guardians of the Galaxy with adult stuff like Rick and Morty? Its an entirely different audience

>> No.11708953

I remembered seeing a video why movies like falling down won't be made any more. It had to do something with subliminal messages to white people about increasing immigration problems and how alienating it is to be a white man in his own country.

>> No.11708989
File: 17 KB, 249x249, 3c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a girl bartender, the Pickle Rick one so I can watch her grab it with her dexterous fingers and rape her by proxy

>> No.11709039
File: 55 KB, 678x452, images-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this in my kitchen.

>> No.11709048

By the way one of these feminists does animal porn.

>> No.11709227

Real talk though to everyone pretending not to know where all these phrases come from it's no longer in cich to pretend not to care about things.

>> No.11709230

It's kind of funny though

>> No.11709261

>we believe in magic
>we have epic adventures
Adventure time (looked this one up probably wrong)
>Once Upon a Time
brothers grimm?
>Galaxies far far away
This one is braindead easy
>We do wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff
I hate Doctor Who
>going where no man has gone before
Star Trek > Star wars
>Answer is 42
Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
>odds are ever in our favor
Hunger games bullshit
>Always have elevenses
>Rooting for the starks
Looked this one up as it's Game of Thrones and I only watched the first 3 episodes

>> No.11709456

Okay, this is epic.

>> No.11709479

>Adventure time (looked this one up probably wrong)
I'm like 80% sure it's a Warcraft reference because that's definitely the Warcraft font. No clue if the actual line pertains to anything.

>> No.11709537
File: 147 KB, 700x910, 1546097358321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11709546

>good old lagers
There were never any good lagers in the US post prohibition, and most imports are terrible, and most lagers in places like Germany aren't really very good compared to an average West Coast IPA.

>> No.11709555

>we're still rooting for the starks
Who the fuck else would you be rooting for? Sure Jon is a Targarian, but he still cares about his Stark family.

>> No.11709563

What really bothers me is that the Porgs weren't some focus-tested cute animal sidekick forced in the film by the studio looking for something to market heavily towards kids, they were created because it was easier to paste some CGI over some puffins (Porgs are basically a puffin body with a pug's face) than it was to digitally erase them.

That's a completely surface reading of the film rooted heavily in applying current sociocultural context to an almost 30 year old film.

>> No.11709565

Which one?

>> No.11709569

I thought it was Peter Pan.

>> No.11709619

> After half an hour of drinking his """special""" beer he suddenly doesn't care that much about what he drinks anymore.

>> No.11709627

Above the btch with the horn and below the guy.

>> No.11709628

Peter Pan is borderline proper literature. It's too intelligent for your average geek.

>> No.11709632


>> No.11709674

Maybe I'm getting old, it what is that orb thing beside the harry potter thing.

Also, I'd probably get water, I'd be scared of being s0yspiked otherwise

>> No.11709684

Is this a self serve pub, or are the taps hidden behind the bar for some reason?

>> No.11709709

Actual poor people don't go to bars, they pick up a case of whatever is on sale for the cheapest and drink at home.