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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 102 KB, 678x381, KFC-Canada-Brings-Back-Extra-Crispy-Chicken-For-A-Limited-Time-678x381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11687391 No.11687391 [Reply] [Original]

Why is KFC based and delicious everywhere but America?

>> No.11687395

Because they can be.

>> No.11687398

Same reason why is OP a faggot.

>> No.11687405
File: 45 KB, 500x475, Carmen_Sandiego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething American.

>Takes a bite of extra crunchy KFC chicken
Feels good man.

>> No.11687603

What specifically don't you find good about American KFC? I've had KFC in countries outside of the US and they didn't taste any different to me personally, but maybe there's some particular menu item you're thinking of here?

>> No.11687604

If there is more than 3 black people on shift it will be shit. No exceptions. This is fast food law.

>> No.11687610

I had KFC....once....

The "breading" was filled with tiny feathers (like 0.5 cm long). None of the chicken had been picked clean of feathers at all.

>> No.11687611
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does it even matter when pic related exists

>> No.11687618

Which third world country do you live in?

>> No.11687626


>> No.11687646

>Five outlets in Greater Copenhagen and one each in Aarhus, Herning and Odense as of 2018.
There probably isn't much quality control when your nation only has 8 stores.

>> No.11687761

Poland KFC is God-tier

>> No.11687906

Went to Jollibee for the first time in NYC

I can't go back to KFC after that experience

>> No.11688002

>go to another country and eat american fast food instead of experiencing the local specialties which are unavailable in the US
Baffling, that is.

>> No.11688034
File: 106 KB, 1024x682, kfc bastion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best KFC I've ever eaten was a zinger burger at Camp Bastion in Helmand, Afghanistan.

>> No.11688045

US KFC sucks, KFC in China was way better

>> No.11688119

KFC in Guam is pretty rad.

>> No.11688123

>shit-tier fries on par with microwavable ones you buy from your cheap discount grocery store
>mashed potato is literally powdered instant potatoes, the only saving grace is the gravy
>chicken is a less seasoned version of popeye's

>> No.11688135

Two reasons, people outside the US still are new to that garbage, and people in the US have given up on KFC for different and better chains meaning the quality and effort has dropped back home. I mean why try when you're just making the same old bloated KFC or Mc Donalds, it's like a catch 22 that will just end with them dying out.

>> No.11688333

It's pretty eh. The McDonalds is though. The McLumberjack is unironically one of the burgers I've had

>> No.11688546
File: 1.00 MB, 946x582, kfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baffling, that is.
It's not baffling. Most of the time when you go to a foreign country other than Canada or Mexico from the US you end up at these places called "airports" and you grab fast food from them because you didn't make a reservation at the nonexistent jacket and tie Michelin 3-star fine dining airport restaurant.

>> No.11688560

>people in the US have given up on KFC for different and better chains meaning the quality and effort has dropped back home
Why do you people keep making that ridiculous claim? 21% of KFC's business ($4.8 billion) comes from the US. That's way more revenue than any other fried chicken franchise in the US e.g. Popeye's is at $200 million. Just because KFC make an even larger amount of money in China doesn't mean they aren't making money in the US.

>> No.11688609

Niggers steal too much product

>> No.11688623

Strayan here and our KFC is fucking great
I even go out of my way to have it sometimes
Apparently American KFC is too greasy or oily or something?

>> No.11688626 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 477732678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-Americans getting all the good KFC
>Americans have to fight with niggers just to get piss poor nigger-cooked shit KFC
Fuck this pisses me off. How can we fix this?

>> No.11688642
File: 1.85 MB, 1072x1429, 20180424_193710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big 3 just take turns being the best in America. Currently Popeye's is on top but Church's is one re-branding/new marketing campaign away from overtaking. KFC will be back on top one day

>> No.11688668

Are you talking about food quality or sales? Because KFC has never come anywhere close to selling less food in the US than Popeye's or Church's.

>> No.11688689

Also do all of you get this idea of Popeye's and/or Church's doing more business than KFC from the same source of information? I keep on seeing this come up and it seems like a really weird thing for multiple different people to post about when it definitely isn't true. I wonder if some youtube celebrity lots of people watch made that claim or something.

>> No.11688725

>those fries

>> No.11688732

God Bless America.

>> No.11688741

We're talking about food quality, dumbass. Everybody knows KFC makes the most money and nobody cares, except you I guess

>> No.11688746
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Directions to Long Johns

>> No.11688787
File: 640 KB, 723x606, CC0C0A30-4C5A-469B-8A26-55E1F147A909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your autism is showing

>> No.11688907

>We're talking about food quality
> Everybody knows KFC makes the most money
Well this anon was talking about popularity instead of just quality:
>people in the US have given up on KFC for different and better chains meaning the quality and effort has dropped back home
And this one (might be you) wrote:
>Currently Popeye's is on top but Church's is one re-branding/new marketing campaign away from overtaking. KFC will be back on top one day
How the fuck is being "one re-branding/new marketing campaign away from overtaking" about food quality and not number of sales? Are you just backpedaling now that you realize you were wrong about which chain was more popular, or did you just not read anyone's posts in this thread except mine?

>> No.11688971

Ibiza has a KFC/pizza Hut combo, I don't understand why nobody else is doing this, three pieces of chicken and two slices of deep pan, game changer right there.

>> No.11688977

What am I looking at? It looks terrible.

>> No.11688990
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>another fast food thread

>> No.11688998
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>another dumb frogposter

>> No.11689001
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>> No.11689030

These anons are referring to the general consensus in the United States that KFC fell the fuck off in quality years ago and the public perception has shifted in favor of the other large chains. Nobody is talking about sales, again except you

>> No.11689048

USA has basically zero control over meat quality. Stuff you eat is considered horrendous in Europe.

>> No.11689169

>These anons are referring to the general consensus in the United States that KFC fell the fuck off in quality years ago and the public perception has shifted in favor of the other large chains. Nobody is talking about sales, again except you
No, you just don't understand how to read and/or are intentionally pretending not to see the mistaken claims about chain popularity so you don't have to acknowledge you were wrong. Either way I'll go ahead and break it down even further for you:
>people in the US have given up on KFC for different and better chains meaning the quality and effort has dropped back home
Quality is mentioned here as a consequence of something other than quality. So saying that post is only about quality is nonsensical, it would amount to saying "quality going down caused quality to go down." In reality it's clearly a claim that quality went down *because* people have given up on KFC for other chains, which is both a claim about sales and a claim that isn't true. And people can't be giving up on KFC for other chains to the point where it's causing a major, noticeable, nationwide drop in quality yet still be doing fine in sales, you have to pick one. And here:
>Currently Popeye's is on top but Church's is one re-branding/new marketing campaign away from overtaking. KFC will be back on top one day
Once again, how is being "one re-branding/new marketing campaign away from overtaking" about food quality and not number of sales? "Because it isn't" is the obvious answer. A marketing campaign isn't going to increase food quality you dishonest retard. It would increase popularity / sales.

>> No.11689197

Jollibee is absolutely disgusting. Their chicken it gooey and covered in chicken fat, like a slimey loogey deep fried and breaded.

>> No.11689278

Listen, pal, thanks for the breakdown (didn't read but appreciate the effort). I'm gonna give this one to you. I concede. You won. Just recall this exchange when it finally dawns on you that KFC sucks. Happy new year, you pathetic piece of shit

>> No.11689287

Every time I've tried going to a Bojangles it's been closed, some accident occurred that prevents me from going or whatever.

>> No.11689290

I don't even eat at KFC. I just don't like dishonest retards.

>> No.11689300
File: 81 KB, 720x693, 1430172560384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you sure showed me!

>> No.11690031

That's me holding a piece of KFC chicken. Posted this on their yelp along with a scathing review

>> No.11690066

i live in singapore and KFC sucks

last 3 times i went their chicken was cold and breading soggy

we have jolibee, popeyes and church's (called texas chicken locally ) . We dont need KFC

>> No.11690083

only nigs eat that greasy shit. bojangles is superior fite me

>> No.11690085

most countries have bad food
if they have any good food it is most definitely being served in the USA already and widely available where you live

>> No.11690089

There are just better options for FC in America anyway. Internationally the product is scarce compared to the US

>> No.11690098
File: 40 KB, 220x312, 220px-Colonel_Blimp_cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, no, Col. Blimp.

>> No.11690105

I had mcdonalds in London, and it tasted pretty much the same trash I expected in america. But Paris, the food was on a different level. nigga even my damn twix tasted better, with a slightly nutty taste. and the cooked food god damn nigga. them niggas know food.

>> No.11690116

Same reason bk is shit
Black people

>> No.11690181

yikes, is that supposed to be clever?
yeah lets just allow our enemies to fortify themselves and just ignore it

>> No.11690863

what are the biscuits covered in? syrup or butter?
Long johns is good but not in a traditional fried chicken kinda way. Sometimes you just want regular fried chicken.
Good chicken but no good sides at all.

>> No.11690878


In my area BK is hispanic central, the majority of people eating and working there are mexican/guatemalan/honduran. I have no idea why but it's been that way for like 15 years.

I have no idea why but they fucking love the bk.

>> No.11691779
File: 3.35 MB, 3456x4608, bun-stroller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there a lot of niggers in denmark?

>> No.11692112
