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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 500x500, A3F91FD9-ACFB-47FB-B2C9-74F1099A1BC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11683414 No.11683414 [Reply] [Original]

Vegans: Your opinion on them? I personally made it to 8 days on a vegan diet once, and I felt like shit the entire time. Vegan “burgers” taste horrible, and while I do agree with the fact that we need more fruits and veggies, the entire movement is just overkill. You switching to a vegan diet isn’t going to overthrow the millions of livestock that get butchered every day worldwide, so just stop acting like a bleeding heart. Humans will usually go with whatever tastes the best, not with what’s the best for us physically and mentally, unless we’re a fucking athlete. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents. What’s yours, /ck/?

>> No.11683433

don't ever post here or on my wife's son's forum again

>> No.11683439

You have no power here.

>> No.11683440
File: 28 KB, 608x402, 1476642469073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current year
>still being a meatcuck

>> No.11683445

>still killing plants like an insensitive fuck

How do you sleep at night?

>> No.11683463

I think now that we understand the environmental and health impact of meat eating we should really all eat less meat. As more people adopt this mentality you will have more food options as alternatives so eg. Insects. So good all round.

Also veganism is already much more mainstream so isn't really seen as "alternative" anymore. Nobody gives a shit about them. Also 80% of vegans fall back into vegetarianism or meat at some point.

>t. Normal guy that tells vegan girls he's a flexitarian to score puss

>> No.11683495

Based as fuck. I am going vegan for Veganuary.

>> No.11683502

>80% of vegans fall back into meat
I've never seen a source for this but everyone says it. I've dug deep into google and only found 404. Can you prove this?

>> No.11683517
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They do their thing, good for them. More meat for us.

It's a pain to cook though, you have to focus on spice and salt everything like crazy for it to taste like anything. Even put some sodium bicarbonate for the shit to have actually appealing colors.
Whereas with meat, you just have to cook it to get the flavor and the color and you even get free sauce by deglazing.

My gf wanted to make me eat some "faux gras", some cheap (not so cheap actually) imitation of foie gras, because it makes the poor goose suffer, which is a shitty reason imo. I wish the suffering in my life was for something. At least the hurtiing goose have a purpose.

And as for the vegan groups, the ones who vandalize fish stores and butcher stores, they can go suck a dick. Which they already do.
Bunch of faggots.

>> No.11683526

>i like meat
>people who don't like meat are faggots
keep eating meat and pointing fingers, closet faggot
>slurp slurp mmm meat in my mouth

>> No.11683536
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I don't care if they don't like meat. I do care when they start breaking windows, attacking butchers and fishers and using tumblr buzzwords like it's supposed to be valid ideologies.
Same retards as the trannies and headmates folks.

>> No.11683543

Ok, so because you've had a poor experience; we shouldn't be vegans?

>You switching to a vegan diet isn’t going to overthrow the millions of livestock that get butchered every day worldwide, so just stop acting like a bleeding heart.

Yeah, obviously, but that doesn't mean I have to be apart of that or support it. And everybody should be against the mass slaughter of animals cause it's contributing to fucking our planet.

>humans go with what tastes best

Do you cook? I mean vegans have a pretty wide palate; I can't imagine you couldn't make decent meals. They even have meal plans now that you can just order if you need to.

i mean that seems to be true. Just a quick google.


>> No.11683653

Lmao. So any group that has ever vandalized is a problem? 95% of the world falls under meatcucks, and in that group their are pedos, rapists, murderers, vandals, and retards.
All meatcucks are pedos, rapists, murderers, vandals, and retards.
Kill all meatcucks.

>> No.11683657

>blog/news article says it must be true!
I don't see a source.

>> No.11683684

You don't even have the energy to kys you noodle armed freak

>> No.11683699

post body with timestamp

>> No.11683711
File: 99 KB, 425x282, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't even have the energy to kys you noodle armed freak

>> No.11683767

At least they have a noble cause (decrease the suffering inflicted on living beings) which is more than most of us can say. One of my issues with them is in their attempt to be what they consider "consistent" they include things like bee keeping and backyard egg production under the umbrella of animal suffering and as a practitioner of both, that couldn't be further from the truth.

They also don't focus enough on encouraging home gardening and eating local, in season produce. The amount of ground wasted and damage inflicted on the environment in suburban america to maintain a 1950's chemical company advertisement of what is beautiful is criminal. Hell, even in rural america very few people have gardens.

I have started going w/o meat 1-2 days/week as a tribute to their cause, though. I also only buy meat from local farmers who I know treat their animals humanely and hunt where I only take the shot if I'm certain it will be an immediate death. Frankly, I don't quite understand the fuming, vituperative attacks inflicted on them by carnists who end up sounding like raving lunatics.

>> No.11684491
File: 101 KB, 789x594, Peak Vegan health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Member of anorexia cult


>> No.11684498
File: 67 KB, 400x400, Elite Vegan Athlete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegans aren't skinny we're LEAN!!

>> No.11684500

>pretending to not be a vegan to shill your fad diet

>> No.11684514
File: 25 KB, 480x360, Vegans commit genocide against small animals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least they have a noble cause (decrease the suffering inflicted on living beings) which is more than most of us can say.

That's a lie, and the lie only stands because our side is completely silenced in the (((media)))

Every aspect of harvesting vegetables, from clear-cutting forests, to deep tilling the soil, to use of chemical pesticides, poisons and kills countless small animals. Vegans hands are literally dripping in the blood of wild animals.


>> No.11684523

Assume = Ass (out of) u (and) me

>> No.11684538

That was clever when I was 11. Which is about the mental age vegans regress to.

>> No.11684612

If you listen to these female vegan bloggers on Jewtube, they literally babby-talk to their viewers, "raw alignment" is a virtual lesbian lover for all these super libtard empty head follower sluts she has. Half of her posts are her waking up in bed talking to her viewers like a lover in bed with them.

TMI OK I get it, she's also the next vegan to go full carnivore, coming soon.....


Comment section her fans are asking her if she is eating meat lol....

>> No.11684627

I'm not fully a vegan (I try to limit my meat/animal product intake, but I still eat them), but i think they're morally in the right. Sure one person going vegan isn't going to stop factory farming, but if enough people become vegan, or at least reduce their intake of animal products, there will be less demand for something. Plus making sacrifices in order to not to be a part of something you find morally reprehensible shows a strong will and strength of character.

Honesty I find that there are more obnoxious people complaining about annoying vegans than there are actual annoying vegans irl, and I think it's because people get defensive when they see them making a decision that they know is right, but that they themselves don't have the willpower to make. To me it's similar to obese girls making disparaging remarks about thin girls.

>> No.11684633

>I think it's because people get defensive when they see them making a decision that they know is right, but that they themselves don't have the willpower to make.
Nah, veganism is a moral decision that assumes the immorality of everyone who doesn't make it. That's why people get defensive

>> No.11684667

You are literally saying that if we can just clear-cut more forests we can finally save the world. Veganism is insane from the first Vegan Intro 101.

Even honest vegans admit this


>> No.11684691

>stare at the sun
>the earth is FLAT

you watch this shit?

>> No.11684702
File: 56 KB, 1313x695, Beautiful Vegan Teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le triggered vegan.

Worry about your teeth in ten years, don't worry about healthy people's hobbies.


>> No.11684713


here is your hero explaining gravity.


>veganisim is an illuminati agenda

fucking dumb tinfoil

>> No.11684722

Really? ‘Cause I Googled it just now and got the exact relevant information despite putting in the inaccurate number 80% (turns out it’s actually 84%!). Are you sure you actually tried?

>> No.11684738

You do realize that much more vegetables and chemicals are used for meat production

>> No.11684775
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>It takes tons and tons of vegetables and chemicals to feed cows like this....

>> No.11684786
File: 20 KB, 258x320, 0051YzF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol You are way more serious about flat earth than any of Sv3rige's fans you perfect imbecile.

If you're as retarded as your Jewtube vegan pals, you should quick start making videos about him "exposing" Sv3rige the flat earth crazy!!

(Having reached 50K subscribers, he needs your help to get to 100K please do your part like your vegan pals!)

>> No.11684827

Most grass-fed labeled beef in the US isn't really grass-fed, https://www.americangrassfedbeef.com/grass-fed-hoax.asp.. Switching from factory-farmed cows into purely pasture raised cows would be unsustainable. There is simply not enough landmass to support the meat consumption we have today.

>> No.11684837

>small animals killed by tractors
Believe it or not, there are even large scale concientious farmers who run their tractors from the interior of the field out so the critters can escape outward instead of being forced inward to be ground up.
Yes, that is a bane based on the undue influence agri/chemical megacorporations have on the government. If half of the amount of agricultural/chemical megacorporate welfare subsidy gibmedats went into researching large scale sustainable agricultural methods, we would have an agricultural system that was not dependent on petroleum based chemicals where the dead soil is simply a means to hold the root within 10 years.

>> No.11684847

I think the terms "vegan" and "vegetarian" are used wrong. The difference is (put simply) that vegans find it wrong to eat and use animals products. Vegetarians just don't eat any animal products (not egg, not dairy), but put no moral to it.

I understand that this is not how the terms are used today, but I think it would do them more just to use corret terms.

>> No.11684860
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>Most grass-fed labeled beef in the US isn't really grass-fed,

May or may not be true, but I buy Australian these days.

>Switching from factory-farmed cows into purely pasture raised cows would be unsustainable.

In your opinion? What a fucking retarded statement. Literally everything that comes out of the mind of these vegans is super meaningless

>There is simply not enough landmass to support the meat consumption we have today.

So you won't be able to continue feeding Africa for free with American grown food?? Oh my Lawdie!!! Kill yourself and one more African will be able to eat idiot.

>> No.11684877
File: 107 KB, 750x498, Swiss Pastures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm I would say the vegans are vegetarians who have gone into full cult mode, they literally starve themselves into emaciation, to prove how retarded they are. Mind you--- Vegans money pays for pesticides, forest clearing and industrial cultivation which grinds up countless animals.


My money goes for cow food and to ranchers so they can pay the tax on their land, for cows to eat.


>> No.11684889
File: 53 KB, 1021x572, Manic Skeletal Vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hm I would say the vegans are vegetarians who have gone into full cult mode, they literally starve themselves into emaciation, to prove how retarded they are.

Woops forgot to cite that...


>> No.11684942

Was veggie for 3 years, vegan for 2. Gave it up for a few reasons. I was attracted to more traditional, conservative, outdoorsy type girls. Most of whom were into fishing/hunting/camping, and being vegan was kind of a detriment to getting with them and I really don't like the hipster, hardcore liberal chicks who vegan girls tend to be. I got into /fit/ness, and found it was hard to eat enough protein without going heavy on carbs such as beans. Tore a muscle really bad while running and realized that my diet wasn't conducive to my activity. Realized that on an individual level, I wasn't really making a difference in terms of animal suffering/pollution etc, just wasn't worth the personal sacrifice. Going out for dinner w/ friends was a pain in the ass, I was sick of always being the variable in the equation that dictated where we went based on the menu. Don't really regret going back to meat, plus I have a lot more energy now, but that might because I started working out daily. Also, a field plowed to produce veggies is still covered with animal killing pesticides etc, so animals are still dying. Also, Also, when vegans were protesting the restaurant Antler in Toronto by harassing customers, the owner etc. it filled me with disdain for vegans and I wanted nothing to do with them.

>> No.11685163

>we need more fruits and veggies
This was where you made your error. The evidence that we need to eat even more of this shit is part of the vegetarian/vegan con. Meat is where your nutrients are, fruits are for putting on fat before the winter, veggies are just filler for poorfags.

>> No.11685183

There is literally no reason ever to be a vegan or anything of the sort. There also isn't a reason to ever be some kind of meat-only eater or something like that.

The human diet should always be balanced, meats, veggies, carbs, sugars, etc, you need it all and there's no reason to not have everything. Unless specifically a doctor tells you to go on a specific diet (for whatever reason) or you're allergic to something; you should eat a well balanced diet at all times in your life.

If someone is vegan or anything like that to "stick it to the man" or "to protect the animals/environment" or anything like that; it's safe to say they're just straight up fucking braindead.