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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.39 MB, 1242x1550, 55DD5B1E-D594-445A-9A5A-3629861C836A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11671568 No.11671568 [Reply] [Original]

>people literally drink this

>> No.11671571

I'd drink it straight from the source.

>> No.11671584

Fuuuuuck, would LOVE to sniff those balls, lick the crack, and motorboat them ugggh

>> No.11671593

it tastes good. deal with it.

>> No.11671604

those are not balls

>> No.11671607

I've never drank sheep's milk. Good cheese tho

>> No.11671610

imagine rubbing them all over your face, though

>> No.11671623

Warm, velvety and a firm but supple give.

>> No.11671631

Who touched you?

>> No.11671652

I touched myself, in fact I'm doing it right now

>> No.11671664

I do wanna touch them but not in a sexual way

>> No.11671679
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>> No.11671683
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>> No.11671774

You jelly soyboi?

>> No.11671827

1. Vegan Mommy nursing her own babby with milk-
>My child is drinking life giving nourishment.
2. Same idiot posting online-
>Carnists drink milk and poison themselves with unhealthy animals fats in liquid form. They are drinking death!! Milk is unhealthy and not vegan!!

>> No.11671948

Were all cum, snot, spit, blood and sweat

>> No.11671952 [DELETED] 

t. non white subhuman

>> No.11671955

This shit is making me horny as fuck for some reason

>> No.11672276

looks like we got a boy that don't fuck with fungus...

>> No.11672412

is there anyway to induce lactation in animals without getting them pregnant?

>> No.11672415
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Only low t dairy fairies latently compensating for closeted homosexuality drink milk

>> No.11672460

is it weirder than eating fucking plants?

>> No.11672468

yeah but animal milk is INFERIOR because animals are LOWER LIFE FORMS than... wait... uh oh...

muh pus

>> No.11672473

Okay? So now you're a homophobic vegan? I'm sure that'll go over great at the next intersectional studies task force meeting.

>> No.11672484
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>> No.11672490

What if I'm a trap? Well, I guess the old saying is true: you gotta drink milk to get milkers.

>> No.11672504

i can fap to this

>> No.11672648

Do farmers put their dick in that thing and fuck up the milk?

>> No.11672667

>yeah but animal milk is INFERIOR because animals are LOWER LIFE FORMS



>> No.11672674

The sheep? Most certainly.

>> No.11672683

>muh infographics
fuck off retard

>> No.11672684


>> No.11672701

wtf is this?

>> No.11672723

A noni. They make a fermented juice with it. Idk what the fuck it has to do with milking a cow.

>> No.11672733

hnnnnnng oh my god bro i gotta fap now

>> No.11672752
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Remember that time those people went to jail for being vegan and killing their baby with breast milk?

>> No.11672757

just had the greatest fap
thanks friendo

>> No.11672767
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>> No.11672787

That thing would suck the skin off your dick

>> No.11672816

gib milkies pls

>> No.11672975

>t. lactose intolerant degenerate shitposter

>> No.11673030

You think the molk of a nutritionally deficient rerard will magically have complete nutrients? The mother's vegan diet made her milk useless.

>> No.11673050
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>> No.11673124

Gets me hard.

>> No.11673697
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>> No.11673770

I mean, this wouldn't be the worst thing to masturbate to..

>> No.11674701

It might be.

>> No.11674813

I just wanna hug the fuck out of Apu, he's so cute!

>> No.11674982

heh, not bad kid

*flicks you a quarter*

>> No.11674987
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I love this board.

>> No.11675005

What does Sheep Milk taste like?

>> No.11675045
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>milk is for babies
>humans think other wise
>keep drinking milk far beyond the need for it
>humans are adult babies
>so much so we reinforce youth and being young in society

>> No.11675090

This post turned me on.

>> No.11675153

small insect drill inside the bud and their saliva makes it grow kinda cancerous, and they eat that overgrown flesh. those insects have a really fucked up life cycle with like 5 different phases over the years, some are even asexual and shit

>> No.11675162

>thinking nutrients care about the base purpose for food
Why are you grinding grain to make flour that's unnatural?
Why are you cracking open eggs before they can becomes chicks that's unnatural?

>> No.11675172

vegans really are fascinating

>> No.11675175


milk isn't for anything it's just a liquid

>> No.11675203
File: 33 KB, 474x355, strawberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Yes it really is.

Look at these strawberries. Imagine eating them. Try and feel weird about it. Try and represent eating strawberries as a weird thing. You just cannot.

In its most natural setting, people regularly do eat strawberries. You walk along a lane, see some strawberries happen to be growing there, you pick them, you eat them.

Nobody thinks about going up to a cow and squeezing it and drinking what comes out. Even if you have the cleanest possible cow and try and make it as non-weird as possible. We have to build up a whole myth around it, putting cartoon cows on the cartons, and never depicting the actual milking process, because that's just how weird it is.

>> No.11675219

>Nobody thinks about going up to a cow and squeezing it and drinking what comes out
You've never lived on a farm.

>> We have to build up a whole myth around it...
Not everybody was as sheltered as you, sweetie.

>> No.11675228

MOST people don't live on farms, retard.

>> No.11675230

I accept your correction. Carry on with your silly rant.

>> No.11675232

That looks like a white woman's backside

>> No.11675240

Incidentally cities have a build up of niggers and immigrants who are lactose intolerant.

>> No.11676259

why the hate on moo juice, faggot?

>> No.11676411

You sound like whoever the fuck was the weird ass nigga who fondled a cow until he found out it made shit we could eat

>> No.11676427

>until he found out it made shit we could eat
It wasn't some discovery, any primitives that saw a babby animal drinking milk would have made the connection that it's the same process that humans do.
Not to mention that when they slaughtered some female animal they would have consumed very nearly everything, including drinking the milk from directly inside it and confirming that it's not only edible but tasty and nutritious.

>> No.11676465

Humans are the only thing on earth that drink the milk of another animal. Think about that.

>> No.11676473
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>> No.11676600

Humans are the only animal on Earth that has the means to milk other animals.

Humans are the only animal on Earth that has also been on the moon.

Think about that.

>> No.11676691

so hot i cum cat she hiss penis

>> No.11676697

We also offer our loved ones severed plant genitals, and prepare the various body parts of plants as part of our diet.

>> No.11676699

what a goddamn dumb thing to say
humans also do a lotta things that other animals don't do

>> No.11677514
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Imagine being such a fucking untermensch you can't into milk

>> No.11677523

Imagine dying early from not being vegan

>> No.11677529

Imagine being an insufferable pious crybaby for your entire life

>> No.11677532

>Literally you having to post "muh bacon" whenever someone mentions they're vegan.

>> No.11677616

>having 3 threads at all fucking times about how much you don't cook certain things
Fuck off

>> No.11677623

You know what you can do if there's a thread you don't like?
>Don't go in it

Instead meatcucks always get triggered and spew their butthurt over everyone.

>> No.11677733
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>think about that

>> No.11677767

is that from Charlie the Lonesome Cougar?

>> No.11677826


Are you retarded, son? Dinosaur had their eggs Stolen and cracked by smaller animals. Its as natural as it gets.

>> No.11677842

>appeal to nature fallacy

>> No.11677848


>> No.11677852

a reminder that cow udders become engorged, tender and swollen if they are not milked on a regular basis.

>> No.11677854


I want to lick and suck on those for 14 hours

>> No.11677856

Because they've been selectively bred to a damaging extent by the dairy industry.

>> No.11677859

appealing to nature is not a fallacy you degenerate.

>> No.11677865
File: 271 KB, 2100x1200, Appeal-to-Nature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11677868

The "dairy industry" didn't exist until 70 years ago, you insufferable fag.

>> No.11677874

And cows in the wild do not require milking.


>> No.11677880

But thats wrong. Wild cows die of udder infections all the time in the wild if their calfs ween too early.

>> No.11677881

You are literally the example from

Time to accept your role as a meatcuck:
>Heart getting cucked by the meat industry
>BMI getting cucked by the dairy industry
>Brain getting debate-cucked by vegans

>> No.11677883

>"here see! this website says it's a fallacy, so it must be true!"

An argument is either valid or not. What you think constitutes "nature" or "natural" is moot.

>> No.11677884

>if the calfs ween too early
>if humans don't come along and enslave them

You've already lost. You were checkmated. Time to go.

>> No.11677886

You literally do not have an agrument.
Veganiggers are insuferable nigger cucks.

>> No.11677890

I never had an argument to begin with dummy, I only pointed out to you that appealing to nature isn't a fallacy, there are only bad arguments.

>> No.11677893

You're tarding out big time there bucko. Way to make vegans look superior.

>> No.11677897

>dairys didn't exist until 70 years ago.
Wtf? Milk was delivered house to house in cities by horse drawn dairy carts in the 19th century.

>> No.11677909


>> No.11677912

It is a fallacy. Natural doesn't mean better. Unnaturual doesn't mean worse.

>> No.11677919

>appealing to nature isn't a fallacy
>t. antivaxer

>> No.11677920
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Holy shit is greentext "hurr" and "durr" the only arguments this retard has

>> No.11677921

What you think is natural is moot. There is only what is natural and what is unnatural.

Let's even take the example given in the picture: "My remedy is natural, therefore it's good for you. So is Cyanide."

The cyanide part may be right. I'm not a chemist so I wouldn't know the exact origins of cyanide, so I'll just assume it is found in nature. But what I can tell you is that the first half of the first sentence is misleading because we are to assume that the remedy is natural. The remedy itself may just be cyanide, therefore it is no longer a remedy, since by definition remedies are suppose to cure ailments.

It is an invalid example of a fallacy, it is just a bad argument.

>> No.11677924

>What you think is natural is moot. There is only what is natural and what is unnatural
Exactly, and neither is inherently better than the other. Therefore appealling to nature is a fallacy. QED dumb veganigger.

>> No.11677926

>t. antivaxer
As far as I'm aware, humans naturally build up immunities to certain diseases by exposure to our environment. We get sick sometimes, but our immune systems become better because of it. I don't see how administering vaccines is any different.

>> No.11677933

>Exactly, and neither is inherently better than the other.
No, that supports my argument dummy. When someone accuses someone of appealing to "nature," such as in the case of the example I previously made, they are assuming something that is unnatural to humans is natural and therefore a fallacy. What I am saying is that objective nature exists regardless of what the accuser or the accused thinks is natural, therefore it is not a fallacy, it is an argument constructed on definitions of nature that are wrong.

>> No.11677935
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>people literally inject this

>> No.11677937

>objective nature exists
Awfully big assumption there, bucko.

>> No.11677939

Its fucking good

>> No.11677940

>humans do it therefore its bad!

>> No.11677944

Well, for one thing, vaccines kill and cripple a lot of people: https://youtu.be/dUogHxlVGOM

>> No.11677946

>we cant know anything dude, like, it's all about our subjective experience that cannot be absolute, man.

>> No.11677947


>> No.11677955

humans do what? Care to elaborate on that vague greentext that isn't an actual quote from my post?
well then those specific vaccines are unnatural to humans, they could be cyanide vaccines for all I know.

>> No.11677964

All vaccines are unnatural to humans.

>> No.11677966

how so?

>> No.11677971

Because they're a man-made mixture of poisons?

>> No.11677972

Are you a bot?

>> No.11677974

>something that causes death is automatically unnatural

>> No.11677983

Nobody correct this idiot.
Let nature take its course.

>> No.11677986

man did not make the dead bacteria/viruses in vaccines. And just because it's a mixture doesn't make it man-made
if something in nature causes death in humans, it is UNNATURAL for humans to consider it a remedy/cure/vaccine. Retard.

>> No.11678035

Is chemotherapy unnatural?

>> No.11678065

>a mixture of chemicals in a syringe isn' t unnatural
Lol k.

>> No.11678067
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milk truck arrive

>> No.11678092

the radiation decays that occur in chemo exist in nature.
if you were to pee into a syringe, that is also a mixture of chemicals in a syringe that your body naturally has filtered out. But nobody is saying to inject yourself with your own piss to build your immunities, that is unnatural.

>> No.11678097

a tropical fruit that literally smells like shit.

>> No.11678099

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are different things.

>> No.11678126

Imagine actually drinking a glass of white stuff that came from a disgusting farm beast.
Haven't drank milk since I was a baby, I'll use it in recipes sometimes but cannot fathom actually downing a glass of this horseshit

>> No.11678143

>be chinese
>actually love milk
>cant drink more than half a glass without risking diarrhea due to adult-onset lactose intolerance like most asians

feels bad man

>> No.11678155

I don't have to imagine it, I am doing it as we speak. It's fucking delicious.

>> No.11678157

So is milk healthy or unhealthy? Guess it depends on which side of a vegans mouth he's lying out of at any given time?


>> No.11678159

No food is healthy or unhealthy. Only diet as a whole can be.

>> No.11678196

>this dude posts threads like this on multiple boards
>100+ posts every time

>> No.11678199

OP posted this same thread on /r9k/ yesterday and broke down so badly he admitted he only pretends to be vegan for moral superiority over others.

>> No.11679148

>T. Vegan in a thread about milk

>> No.11679178

better stop posting on this extremely unnatural means of communication then

>> No.11679182

Nature milk meant to be drunk

Vegans: Can this nut be milk?

>> No.11679340

I have aphantasia so I can't imagine.

>> No.11679349
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>Living a long time

I think you confused that with the 'living dead' which is what vegans look like IRL lol.


>> No.11679358
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>Laughing at retards in a starvation cult
>We're triggered.

yeah I dont get that either.

>> No.11679363

Not true, saying you are making a fallacy is acceptable unless it's the only aspect of the rebutal. You have been proven wrong, and it just happens you are fitting as a fallacy. You are now complaining that losing the argument make you win it because people explained their points, and you didn't. Grow up, open those eyes, read fucking books.

>> No.11680058
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>> No.11680140
File: 56 KB, 1313x695, Beautiful Vegan Teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very common refrain for vegans, I wonder why?

