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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11675933 No.11675933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you can't call yourself a meat-eater if you're too much of a pussy to see where your meat comes from:


>> No.11675943

Can I call myself a meat eater if I lick a cow's pussy until she cums and then fuck her?

>> No.11675948

Yes I can.

This was a mooving post.

>> No.11675949

wow I can't believe animals have to die for me to eat meat

>> No.11675950

a roast beef eater maybe

>> No.11675955

wow then how about you watch it happen pussy

>> No.11675958
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*yaaaaaawn!* I lived at a farm, used to kill chickens by curb stomping them, killed pigs with a hammer, worked at slaughter house during summers so I could buy a car, poisoned hundreds of rabbits so I could deliver your delicious vegan food to your tables.
city boys are such pussies, booohoohooo! little lamb is dead bwaaaaah! mom! my feweings hurt!

>> No.11675964
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epic man :-)
you should advertise it to everyone you meet
everyone will think you're a real tough guy for bludgeoning animals to death that can't fight back

>> No.11675968

not him but i do
i enjoy hunting, but i hate the living conditions of the animals that become supermarket meat

>> No.11675979

>i enjoy hunting, but i hate the living conditions of the animals that become supermarket meat
so does this mean you don't eat meat at restaurants unless you hunt it yourself?

because 95% of them come from factory farming

>> No.11675986

Well.... I'm convinced. Where do I go to sign up for this veganism thing?

>> No.11675985

actually they sometimes try to fight back so I just hit them harder :3 it's funny

>> No.11675988

And I am supposed to feel what exactly?

>> No.11676000

I fapped. Eat shit, vegans

>> No.11676011
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i like how vegans always get shit for just trying to end unnecessary suffering of animals

>> No.11676025

I dont have to watch shit since I hunt, clean, and butcher my own meat.

>> No.11676031

Also check'd
They're weak and they deserve it. When the shit hits the fan, they'll be first against the wall along with SJWs. You don't want to be on that side of things.

>> No.11676035

>I dont have to watch shit since I hunt, clean, and butcher my own meat.
that's fine man, no problem with that

that means you eat vegan everytime you eat out at a restaurant though, right?

>> No.11676046

You have to have gay anal sex and be penetrated by a man to be a vegan.

>> No.11676076

>2 hours



>> No.11676081

I know exactly where my meat comes from.
A local pigfarmer. I go there and select a young pig at the start of the year and watch the little guy grow up. Visit it with my cousin's daughter and feed it treats, pet it on the snout, see that it's having fun rummaging in the dirt...
And then in December we butcher it.
I get my small game from hunting it myself or from hunters I know.

If YOU are buying from some giant farm that employs retarded illegals who kick the animals because they don't have basic human emotions themselves it's not really my problem.

>> No.11676093

I think the video brings attention to the fact that we treat our food like shit, thus we are eating shit food. Tortured meat fed on Monsanto grains and kept in a tiny cage is going to taste of absolute misery.

>> No.11676122

Finished watching it. Pretty interesting.
Didn't phase me though. As long as the meat tastes good I don't care how much the animals are tortured.

>> No.11676130

>meat comes from dead animals
woah really unironically made me think

>> No.11676136
File: 1.70 MB, 320x240, deer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11676139


>> No.11676140

what did he catch? a rat?

>> No.11676143


I like how vegans always get shit for shitposting in /ck/*

>> No.11676155
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only if the cow consented first

>> No.11676157
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absolutely based

>> No.11676161

Awwww, does the slaughterhouse make little baby upset?

Maybe you should cry it out then take a nap.

>> No.11676162


>> No.11676163

YEs i CaN

>> No.11676169

watched it without issue
Probably gonna have a burger this weekend

>> No.11676185
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>> No.11676189

Nice pun you reddit bitch, i would love to make you my personal cock sleeve

>> No.11676193

are we just gonna pretend that /g/ didn't drive this mentally ill man to suicide?

>> No.11676200

Speak for your self vegan hypocrite. How many small animals do you massacre in your intensive farming operations that bring you your fresh garden salad??


>> No.11676201
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>> No.11676203

He was (((killed))) in a train accident. Fucking CIA NIGGERS.

>> No.11676210

i thought he hanged himself

>> No.11676211

>itt: pencil wristed gamers pretending killing a live animal is the same emotionless void as their pretend nternet shootem ups
You faggots would end up dry heaving in a thorn bush if you improbably managed to kill and started field dressing a deer.

>> No.11676214
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sure buddy :-)
let's ignore the fact that 90% of all grains farmed go towards feeding factory animals in the first place

>> No.11676216

Ok, what next?

>> No.11676218

Vegans are the cause of industrial scale unnecessary suffering, mutilation and death of millions of wild animals. Wash the blood off your own hands vegan hypocrite.



>> No.11676219

next you kys

>> No.11676222

My diet isn't so depressing that I feel the need to.

>> No.11676227


>> No.11676238

He doesn't look happy or healthy, clearly he's a liar.

>> No.11676240

>I pay farmers to eradicate, genocide with pesticides and crush millions of small mammals and reptiles on their farms for my perfect garden salads
>Then I preach about loving animals.
>Don't pay attention to my hands they're dripping with the blood of wild animals

If you love animals you would fight the hypocrite veganites.



>> No.11676254
File: 528 KB, 574x566, slimy_girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11676260

c r i n g e

Is /reddit/ down again?

>> No.11676263

An enormous lie. Fuck me has a vegan ever told the truth? And has any libtard vegan NPC ever woke up and resented the fact they were massively lied to to trick them into Veganism?

70%, or more, of cows in the US and Australia spend the majority of their lives on pasture, eating grass, not stealing your precious soy you retarded emaciated vegan shill.

All your so called statistics would only be marginally true, in a skewed reading of chicken and hog operations (neither of which meat a health conscious redpilled carnivore would eat)
