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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11673934 No.11673934 [Reply] [Original]

> go on a 10 day waterfast
> np, body goes trough the usual, hunger declines after 2 days, ketosis, adapting etc.
> day 11: be careful to adapt back, eat some veggies, eggs, fruits in moderation. goes well
> day 12: lose all discipline. Go on a fastfood shopping spree and eat all the carb heavy junk with a hunger that won't be stilled
> Wont' take long for body to reciprocate and all kinds of stuff and gasses inside produce
> decimating me from within, every next minute gasses waiting to escape trough either asshole or mouth/ All night wanted to die.
Things recovered in the morning
And this was the {(clearly unhealthy) process my body was forced to innitiate to adapt back to my more usual food-intake


> go on a 10 day waterfast for 2nd time, learned my lesson. Will stay away from all those unhealthy processed foods this time around
> All goes the same.
> Day 11: Eat an excessive amount of fruit
> experience the same effects

Only after fruit! Not vegetables or seeds, water, fish or whatever -- only fruit

Can someone explain why fruits are so 'healthy' if they come with a significant compromise of carbohydrate intake which -i can now empirically testify to- goes not over well with your body which is supposed to so significantly benefit from all that nutricion intake?

>> No.11674044

Fruit is a meme, leafy greens and non root vegetables are the way forward anon

>> No.11674085

what a worthless responce

>> No.11674122


Let's see... What, oh what, could give you that gas after you're eating food in excess that your body can't process? Why it's your gut microbiome!
You don't just starve yourself, but you starve them too guy. All of the sudden you flood the gates with unprocessed sugars (plant cell wall materials, ...) and you assume it'll all go fine and dandy? These things start metabolizing like mad, and you assume it'll be fine with just eating vegetables..

>> No.11674134

What a worthless human being

>> No.11674179
File: 1.98 MB, 300x169, 1349878434692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat an excessive amount
there's your problem

>> No.11674197

I haven't seen this gif in years. Thank you

>> No.11674209

>go on a 10 day waterfast

>> No.11674263

Fruit are not healthy. They are for putting on fat to get you through the winter. Dont fall for the vegan tricks.

>> No.11674300

The majority of fatties don't have the discipline to adopt long-term lifestyle changes, so instead they opt for whatever meme is making the rounds on social media. When it inevitably fails they fall off the wagon for 6 months or until the next new year, pick up a new meme, and repeat ad infinitum.

>> No.11674302

why not

not the point
This anecdote indicates a discrepancy with the nutritious value fruit has to offer your body and the additional disadvantages alongside

>> No.11674304

>why not
Because there's no logical reason to go on a silly meme diet.

>> No.11674340

>not the point
yeah, it is. eat any type of food excessively after not eating for 10 days and you're going to be bloated and gassy and feel like shit.

>> No.11674359
File: 393 KB, 750x1334, BF2AD59B-69D1-495D-A3E8-FE1EE524F4FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should break your fast with lighter stuff, I suggest liquids (fruit juice, smoothies w/o anything acidic) or apple sauce, and then slowly introduce things like veggies/eggs/fruits. Or just learn better discipline next time and don’t binge like a fatty.
Pic related is my progress so far, I’m aiming for 7 days and then I’m planning to break it with an almond milk + spinach smoothie and some salad.

Good luck with future fasts anon <3

>> No.11674368

What fruit did you eat?
Watermelon is good for breaking a fast due it being mostly water.
Maybe you shouldn't have eaten an 'excessive' amount

>> No.11674410

>why not
Because it's worse for you than being a ginormous fatass that tries any other diet, or just does nothing cause you'll go straight back

>> No.11674431

i went on a 10 day eat-anything-i-want fast.
it was a good way to have anything i want and it was healthy and delicious too.

>> No.11674496

Macros dumbass. Eggs have fat and protein.

>> No.11674511


>> No.11674532

except fasting actually works really well

>> No.11674544

You're supposed to drink bone or chicken broth dipshit

>> No.11674545

except vegetables
idk how it works exactly either

>> No.11674549

every thread retards commenting when the point of op goes completely over their heads

>> No.11674557
File: 26 KB, 524x336, l2mcontempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IF or a single 24-hour fast/week has some benefits, but fatties don't understand research. So you get idiots like OP starving themselves for a week and a half and wondering why their body reacts to their first solid intake. And their solution? BLAME FRUIT.

>> No.11674569

if you have fucked up gut bacteria, they will eat the fibre you give them and process it by releasing toxic gasses. imagine a mismanaged compost pile that smells like ammonia and rotten eggs, that is what happens in your guts on a small scale.

Try introducing more pro-biotics before high fibre foods after a fast. Start with low fibre foods after a fast as well, like broths, kefir, yogurt, or long cooked low fibre vegetables.

>> No.11674640

Break your fast with liver next time. Chicken or beef works. I'm fond of breaking a fast with pate, gives me something to look forward to. Most of the minerals you are deficient in at the end of a fast are concentrated in the liver.

>> No.11674660

fatties should water fast for a month


>> No.11674680

this. if you eat fermented food after your fast and eat healthy for 1-2 weeks after your fast you can do in a month what the gaps diet wants to do in a year

>> No.11674683

*eat healthily

>> No.11674691
File: 11 KB, 150x174, officespacemb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>links random youtuber for "proof"

>> No.11674706
File: 144 KB, 950x535, BerriesFI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here
> imagine a mismanaged compost pile that smells like ammonia and rotten eggs, that is what happens in your guts on a small scale.
this is a really really good description
so what, you saying have fucked up gut bacteria ??

the instance in my example was primarily heaps of blackberries and raspberries
much like < img

>> No.11674820


>> No.11674823

our GI tract is populated by lots of bacteria that function to breakdown food into available nutrients. We have much more than one type of bacteria, but the largest population of pro-biotic bacteria seem to control the smaller ones, "obligate" bacteria when in proper amounts. If there is damage to the pro-biotic population of gut bacteria, the obligate types can multiply and their emissions are harmful to the body. Damage to the good bacteria may come from a course of anti-biotics, dental work, food poisoning, even sustained use of chlorinated tap-water can damage bacteria levels in the gut *have you had any of these?*. Basically the obligate bacteria are held in check by the probiotic ones, and the small trace amounts of bad bacteria produce poisons not nutrients. We carry a lot of future diseases around in our guts, and they are released or allowed to proliferate when our bodies and in turn, gut bacteria are mis-managed.

>> No.11674827
File: 272 KB, 540x413, DC38C67C-A4B3-446A-9C80-115D52702CF3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>links random blogger for “proof”

>> No.11674903

Fruits are CLEANSERS and vegetables are BUILDERS.

When you go on a fruit fast, it's so cleansing that it's very easy to experience cravings because your body is being cleaned on a cellular level. Parasites also (probably) have a role to play in your cravings since you are getting rid of their food source.

Keep going, and get on a parasite detox in order to kill the cravings.

>> No.11674961


>> No.11675085

>parasite detox
a cyanide pill?

>> No.11675217
File: 38 KB, 433x433, 1545763899224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me wreck my body starving it completely of needed carbohydrates, while putting a huge strain on my kidneys overconsuming protein

>> No.11675303


>> No.11675313

2:3 IF, protein bomb on first day after fasting, then ketogenic diet until the fast resumes

>> No.11675338
File: 48 KB, 634x461, zerocarbqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Fasting is beneficial if you are eating a diet that contains carbohydrates. The reason fasting is beneficial is because of the absence of damaging, inflammatory carbohydrates in the body, not the lack of food.

Sugar damages our bodies in many ways. There is no benefit of eating sugar, so eliminating sugar is a huge relief to our bodies. You can read all about the why and how sugar is so damaging in this article by Gary Taubes.

Eliminating wheat products and gluten is another reason fasting is beneficial. Wheat products, even so called healthy low carb fiber rich wheat products, are damaging to our bodies in many ways. The over consumption of wheat products is responsible for the growth of many metabolic diseases like Celiac disease, Diabetes and Heart disease. Wheat products also use up more nutrients in your body creating the need for supplements.

Fiber is another product that is wreaking havoc on our digestive symptoms. The human body cannot digest fiber. All it does is run through our intestines scaring them up and stealing water and nutrients from our bodies. Since I started a zero carb diet over 8 years ago, I can personally testify that no fiber is needed for intestinal health. In fact, the reason I am still ZC after all these years is because it cured me of life long digestive issues. Read all about the dangers and problems caused by dietary fiber here.

Fruit is high in carbohydrates and fructose. Fructose is more damaging than sugar (sucrose), especially harmful to our immune systems. I wrote a little about that in this post. Why would we want to put anything in our bodies that is going to suppress our immune system?! You can read more about the specific dangers of fructose here.

>> No.11675344

missing links on fructose

>> No.11675546

>the countries with the longest life expectancy consume a great deal of carbs
It's almost as if carbs are a good thing, in moderation, and ketofags/carnivores are just peddling the latest fad diets that don't yield real results

>> No.11675572

>*have you had any of these?*
only non-chlorinated tap water (europe)

i think you're overcomplicating things, cause this does not add up

>> No.11675578

are you high?

>> No.11675587

>needed carbohydrates
your liver will produce every carbohydrate you truly need

>> No.11675610

hate to break it to you but you're not zero carb. When you exhale CO2, one of those oxygens comes from H2O and the other comes from carbohydrates.

>t. organic chem student

>> No.11675619

carbs effect us mentally the same as hard drugs uppers, psychostimulants, just to a (much) lesser extend

>> No.11675626

Bullshit detected.

>> No.11675634

That's a ridiculous crock of shit. The healthiest, longest-living people in the world get 45-55% of their daily calories from carbohydrates. Anybody that rails against an entire macronutrient is ignorant, end of story.

>> No.11675898

>be eating small amount, healthy foods and losing weight leading up to christmas
>Parents come over for christmas and insist they prepare everything
>Eat fuck huge amounts of sandwhiches and seafood and other bullshit
>Gassy for 3 days, liquidy shit
>Never again

>> No.11675954

i didn't speak of physical effects
i also never claimed hard drugs are inherently and exclusively negative

>> No.11676095

So what would happen if you instead of eating, got completely wasted on alcohol on day 11?

>> No.11677827

alcohol is already pretty much at maximum impact capacity and especially velocity after more or less 2 days probably, but yeah the impact would be extreme.
idk if it would provoke those same unfavorable effects

>> No.11677911
File: 497 KB, 1179x711, Bang-Flash-677384 Diana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fruits are a meme. They are basically vegetables with sugar. You can get all your minerals, vitamins and fibre from veggies.

>> No.11678178

How the fuck do people do fasts or water fasts? Do you not work or something? If I go a day without eating the next day I'm absolutely crippled by migraines

>> No.11678346

because you're an addict and don't know it

>> No.11678351

It's just you.

>> No.11678427

>If I go a day without eating the next day I'm absolutely crippled by migraines

You have a medical condition of some kind. That's not normal.

>> No.11678545

you can't claim that without trying it yourself

>> No.11678563


>> No.11678627

>links Amerilard study as “proof”

>> No.11678929


>> No.11679543

of course fruit isn't good for you retard
Why do you think steve jobs is dead af now
&he ate exclusively fruits

>> No.11679679

I imagine that if you work out frequently or have a high-labor job then removing carbs would be rather detrimental to performance

>> No.11679685

Am I also a water addict? An oxygen addict? I have a relatively active lifestyle so eating is kinda necessary to keep up the pace.

>> No.11679802

fruits are considered healthy because they contain a lot of nutrients and are less calorie dense than a lot of foods in a traditional Western diet. An apple has as many calories as 2 rashers of bacon. I could easily eat 10 pieces of bacon but I would be tired of apples by the time I got to 5

>> No.11679931

it's all in the ingredients
for example >>11675619

more likely by the time you got to no 3 or 2 even

>> No.11681298

I eat about 200g of pasta everyday and even I know you're retarded.