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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11631901 No.11631901 [Reply] [Original]

>Feel like going to a busy all you can eat joint by myself
Cause no friends. Is that bad?

>> No.11631904
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>> No.11631906

yes having no friends is bad, but no living your shitty life regardless is good

>> No.11631914

I've thought about it myself, I won't lie. But I never could just on the fact that I'd look like such a loser

>> No.11631915

You think your life isn't shitty too?

>> No.11631927

All you can eat is fine on your own. If you go with a friend, half the time one of you is up at the buffet. Also, people might think your dining companion is up at the buffet anyway, rather than thinking youre a complete fucking loser eating alone.

>> No.11631929

I prefer dining alone. Where are you, OP? We can eat alone separately at the same place and nod at each other from time to time.

>> No.11631937

I go to my favorite Chinese buffet for lunch by myself almost every week.
I like it there because usually half of the tables are only one person eating alone. It's quiet and no one judges or looks up from their table. I go in, eat, pay, thank the lady, and leave. No problemo.

>> No.11631942

lol, think Ill take a rain check. Dining alone is great desu,but only in a quiet restaurant I hate the hustle and bustle of a busy place.

>> No.11631948

This is what I'm talking about. I guess i just have to scout out a quiet place in my city. Gotta binge eat to get out of the house and release some endorphins.

>> No.11632007


Yeah it's a little weird, m8. I would probably call the police, if I saw something like that. 9/10 times mass shooters are done by a single person in a public place.

>> No.11632035

people with social lives are happier than you in ways you cannot even comprehend, hiki-san

>> No.11632102

I'm half convinced this is a long running joke on /ck/ because I don't want to believe you're all this socially retarded to be nervous to eat alone. No one gives a fuck about you and if you're there with anyone and if they do they're an even bigger loser than you are because they are spending their meal thinking about what other people are doing with their lives.

>> No.11632192


Top kek this makes very little sense. What kind of person would even consider this?

>> No.11632197

You're on you lunch break,bruh.

>> No.11632219
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>dress up in business attire
>carry a briefcase
>walk in during lunch hours
>eat fast and leave
everyone will think you're on your lunch break

>> No.11632234

>I don't care and THAT'S what makes me cool

>> No.11632237

gr8 b8

>> No.11632302

I tried this once, but they turned me away because they had a no singles policy. You can get around it though by telling them that you are meeting with someone who will show up later, they can't kick you out after you are sitting at a table.

>> No.11632422

Did you bring your falcon and were you sent to the mines?

>> No.11632432

maybe bring like an extra coat/hat/phone and set it on the table? others will think your with someone. i've gone out to eat alone before more than once and it isn't great, was not a buffet though.

>> No.11632672

I would, I'd tell the waitress seabass is picking up the tab and nod, anon would nod back as the waitress looks to see what I'm nodding at. free dinner.
when's dinner anon?

>> No.11632821

Just go, who cares?

>> No.11633068


>> No.11633089

cause is an entirely different word than 'cause which is just a shortened "because"
idiot frog fucker

>> No.11633275

can i join too? let's all dine at the same place alone and nod at one another

>> No.11633281

this. speak with a heavy foreign accent too

>> No.11633312

find a lonely fatty there and gorge together

>> No.11633315

Only time I ever did this was as a shitty alcoholic teenager still in high school. I drove about 20 minutes from my then shitty podunk town to a chinese buffet with a blunt and liter of vodka. Drank a quarter of it on the way there, another quarter in the parking lot before going in, then midway through my meal went back out to the parking lot to smoke the blunt and drink another quarter. I was so fucked up (being a lightweight 17 year old back then) that when I tried to drive back home after my drunk fuck feast I tried driving into a lane of oncoming traffic. Turned around and passed out in a CVS parking lot for a while at that point, still amazed to this day that the cops didn't get called, but then again being that much of a fuck up at that age in small town America, it seems like many people would rather turn a blind eye until absolutely necessary rather than address that some kid has a bad problem.

Good times. What was this thread about again?

>> No.11633317

I never even notice people eating by themselves. Literally not a single person cares, except for you. Nobody gives a shit about you dude just go eat lol what in the fuck

>> No.11633322

bad blogpost

>> No.11633337


>> No.11633343

i called a friend once to go out with me because i knew my other friends were busy.
she said she'd go eat and then we'd find something else to do since she didn't have to work til the next afternoon.
she got a call saying her brother was in a car wreck and had broken his clavicle and ankle.
i went with her to visit him and pick on him a bit. his parents were otw in from out of town to sit with him and take him home when they released him, but his sister wanted to wait until they got there.
there was only a shitty couch in the room to sit on, so she graciously dismissed me.
i went to the movies and then i went to a hibachi place by my self and met some cool people who i still talk to on a semi-regular basis.
to hell with other peoples' opinion.

>> No.11633348

in case any of you autistic spergs didn't get the moral of the story.
sometimes people just feel like going out and circumstances dictate they they end up alone.

>> No.11633387

thanks, keep me posted

>> No.11633504

This is incredibly autistic. You're an adult. The cool thing about that is that you can do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.11633513
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>go to Chinese buffet
>ask specifically for a booth
>grab all of the orange chicken and sweet and sour chicken
>put my feet up on the bench
>stare at other people eating

>> No.11633521

i almost want some takeout from a nice restaurant, done it before. but i cook pretty good so na.

>> No.11633524

said the guy who will get angry when i point out he has a pokemon machine he brings everywhere

>> No.11634042

Whenever I do eat out with family, I literally never see anyone else dining alone. If you think this is normal, you're delusional as fuck.

>> No.11634070

Imagine being this retarded.(you)

>> No.11634075


>> No.11634082

I guess you must not eat out much.

I travel on business most weeks out of the year. You bet people eat alone on a regular basis. You just don't see it for some reason.

>> No.11634090

Are you fags afraid to travel alone too? Pro tip for those of you still in high school (physically and/or mentally): 99% of the time, 99% of other people are paying absolutely no attention to you or what you're doing.

>> No.11634094

I'm not counting mcdonalds or subway places. Mostly actual resultant with like a server and host.

>> No.11634097


>> No.11634100

>99% of other people are paying absolutely no attention to you
not true. It's more like 70% of the time.

>> No.11634101

Either way why would you care?

>> No.11634103

>I'm not counting mcdonalds or subway places
Neither am I. I'm sure as fuck not going there when I'm eating on the company's dime.

>> Mostly actual resultant with like a server and host.
Right, that's where I'm going too. Though it's usually for lunch when I'm dining alone. In the evening I'm usually dining with clients.

>> No.11634113

Because wheter you admit it or not, it impacts your overall enjoyment. When you have people obviously looking at you/checking you out, one can't help but wonder why they're doing that. Causes you to question yourself, you wonder just how retarded you look and it can cause anxiety for many people. So much so it completely ruins the moment. It's why I never leave my room. No one can look at me or judge me in here. I have complete control in this environment.

>> No.11634119

>when I'm dining alone

>> No.11634129

>When you have people obviously looking at you/checking you out, one can't help but wonder why they're doing that
I don't understand how this is a thing. I don't even look at other people in a restaurant. If they were staring at me I would never know.

>>Causes you to question yourself
It does?

>> you wonder just how retarded you look
No, I don't wonder that at all.

>> I have complete control in this environment.
You have complete control in every enviornment. Why would you even know if someone was staring at you? Don't you have your own thoughts to occupy your mind with? Why would you even care what the other people in the restaurant were doing?

>> No.11634142

>I don't even look at other people in a restaurant.
So you're unaware of your surroundings? You're a woman I take it?
>It does?
Sometimes, yes.
>You have complete control in every enviornment.
Completely untrue.

>> No.11634150

That would be weird, yes. Drive-thrus, delivery, pickup exist for a reason anon. Please don't go somewhere and sitdown by yourself, that's just weird and sad. Will no doubt attract unwanted attention in a restaurant.

>> No.11634156

No one else who goes to an all you can eat joint is going to judge you.

>> No.11634166

>So you're unaware of your surroundings?
I'm aware of the basics, but not to the degree that I know where each person in the restaurant is looking at any given moment.


>>Completely untrue.
How do you not have "control" over your own actions? Do random people operate your body by remote control?

also, you didn't answer my questions. They were not rhetorical:
>1) Why would you even know if someone was staring at you?

>2) Don't you have your own thoughts to occupy your mind with?

>3) Why would you even care what the other people in the restaurant were doing?

>> No.11634185

Your extreme case of autism is not the norm.
Most people are able to enjoy living life doing what they please with absolute disdain for plebs like you who can't stop watching what everyone else is doing.
EVEN IF someone was eyeing you, and EVEN IF they thought in their heads that you looked weird eating alone, EVEN IF they didn't like it, so what? What's going to happen? How is it going to actually affect you? It's not, none of it is a real issue.
Why don't you get mental health help?

>> No.11634190

>How do you not have "control" over your own actions?
I had no idea having control of your own actions was the same as having control of your environment... We got a real genius over here.
>1) Why would you even know if someone was staring at you?
Because I see them looking at me Einstein
>2) Don't you have your own thoughts to occupy your mind with?
Sometimes, not 24/7
>3) Why would you even care what the other people in the restaurant were doing?
I wouldn't care if what they're doing doesn't involve me, but this hasn't always been the case.

>> No.11634195

>EVEN IF they didn't like it, so what? What's going to happen? How is it going to actually affect you? It's not, none of it is a real issue.

This 100%

>> No.11634214

I'll give you fags an example. I was at this smoothie place with my gf once (yes, I have a gf. The only gf I've ever had). We were the first ones there, we order. Soon later two little cunts come in and one keeps on looking at me/us. I catch her doing this like three fucking times. Probably because I'm with a qt hapa that is 6 years younger than me. It bothers me. So much so I can remember now and this happened months ago. She just looked at me with this smug look. Soon after that I leave the place and some dude walking with his friends walk past me and my qt hapa and just yells fuck you at me for no reason whatsoever. People just don't like me for whatever reason. They do things and it impacts me. Maybe I just have shit luck, who knows. Point being, yes. doing odd shit in public like eating alone or just being with a qt girl can create unwanted attention which can completely ruin the experience.

>> No.11634251

>one keeps on looking at me/us.
who gives a shit?
Pay attention to your GF, not what some fucktards are doing across the restaurant.

>> It bothers me. So much so I can remember now and this happened months ago
Mental illness. See a shrink.

>> No.11634258

>I had no idea having control of your own actions was the same as having control of your environment
You're aware that you can change your environment by means of your actions, right?

>>Because I see them looking at me Einstein
Why would your attention be focused on them at all? Focus your attention on your business, not theirs. Who gives a shit what they are doing?

>>I wouldn't care if what they're doing doesn't involve me,
Even if they were staring directly at you, so the hell what?

>> No.11634281

I really don't think remembering one bad moment means he's got a mental illness. Especially when he doesn't leave his room very often in the first place.