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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 550x445, 79B659D1-469C-4BDD-B903-0F33254A2E37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11618795 No.11618795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why does this american ice cream company have locks for their ice cream?

>> No.11618803

a marketing gimmick

>> No.11618804

Because mexicans break into my house every week and eat all the cherry garcia as they throw trash all over the kitchen and change my clocks to metric.

>> No.11618809

Locking something up increases its value. Just look at the mona lisa. They're economists.

>> No.11618824

Supposed to be for people with roommates, or people who don't trust their spouse or children.

>> No.11619116
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Locks are so capitalist, desu. I thought hippies were all about free love

>> No.11619133

If someone really wants that icecream they'll just use a knife and cut around right below the lock.

>> No.11619146

I see you were watching the newest video from Lockpicking Lawyer, too

>> No.11619173

True, but it's like a lot of locks in that's really more about being tamper evident than actual security.

>> No.11619190

Just steal the ice cream if you want it that bad what the fuck

>> No.11619228

>change my clocks to metric.

>> No.11619239

He probably means his digital clock, from am/pm to 24 hour.

>> No.11619255

It's a meme
But you're autism cucked you from getting the joke

>> No.11619271


>> No.11619352

It's for hitting people that say "Merry Christmas" in the back of the head.

>> No.11619369

so the flavor can't get out

>> No.11619412

You just watched that YouTube video, didn't you?

>> No.11619430

best flavor

>> No.11619464

To prevent niggers and spics from stealing it. Duh.

>> No.11619466
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Because pic related.

>> No.11619509
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two in the pink...

>> No.11619534

>pedophile logo

>> No.11619535

Better yet, just cut a circle out of the bottom and place it upside down

>> No.11619652
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made me lol

>> No.11619690
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Because we're that fat
Lol reminds me of Jr. High there was this fat kid who lived next door to the school and he was fat because his parents bought him all the best snacks and soda he wanted but they worked 9-5s so we would jump the fence and sneak into Richards garage and steal all the Cheetos, Dr. Peppers, and Mt Dews and hand that shit out on the block like the Godfather and thanksgiving turkeys.

>mfw I heard him complaining to one of his friends how his family kept eating all his snacks.

>> No.11620185

To appeal to hipsters who don't mind being stupid. I bet they collect them too and hang them from magnets on their mini refregerators.

>> No.11620205

because stupid fucking roomates dont give a shit that you spent $6 on this overpriced shit and you want to eat all of it

>> No.11620369
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>anti-Trump ice cream company that supports open borders

>advocated putting locks on food

they are practically starving little brown children to death, racist assholes

>> No.11620376

Aren't those containers made of paper

>> No.11620385

You'd still need to be a hungry hungry hippo to actually cut trough it to fill your greedy fucking mouth.

>> No.11620390

I'm just questioning the effectiveness of a lock with more structural integrity than the container it's protecting.

>> No.11621178

My real question was how is this going to stop anyone? If someone really wants your fucking ice cream they'll take a knife to the bottom and eat it all anyways. And then put it back in the freezer, so you think you have ice cream.

>> No.11621194
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*cuts a hole on the bottom and eats it that way*

[spoiler] i'm not sure they thought this through

>> No.11621300

Trump said he hated locks so based B&J added locks to their ice cream.

>> No.11621308
File: 21 KB, 230x219, 1544941563762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change my clocks to metric

>> No.11621312

No. Metric.

>> No.11621317

Since when is The Shocker a pedo symbol?

>> No.11621325

Do do people on /ck/ not understand the idea of a novelty item and/or gag gift? Not everything is pure function.

>> No.11621329

>come home and see your ice cream container has been cut open
>see that the lock has not been decoded and go to bed with the certainty that nobody has stolen your ice cream

>> No.11621336

Do you know what it means to waste plastic in this day and age? Pointless crap like this is obliterating potential generations.

>> No.11621755

he was referring to the good humor, its connected to pizza gate.

>> No.11621802


>> No.11622471

Based and lock pilled

>> No.11622497

Liberals are very tricky to get to know on the inside. They often like to act like white people are the devil even though they just spent the day working for, and getting paid by white people. Just like this lock, they are secure from everyday people. Which is good because only retards associate with SJW things.

>> No.11622823

>muh environment, muh plastics!!!
Shut it, libtard

>> No.11622840

>Do do people on /ck/ not understand the idea of a novelty item and/or gag gift?
Yes, of course we understand it. It's BLASPHEMY against our GOD-EMPEROR. He won, get over it!

>> No.11623164

It's connected to the FBI's recognized list of symbols associated with the practice of pedohpilia, it's been around since long before pizzagate, don't fall for the limited hangout

>> No.11623169

Audible kek

>> No.11623176

Because fat American fucks can't be trusted with their own ice cream.

>> No.11623193

Not in that order, i assume.

>> No.11623224

You underestimate how lazy people are.

>> No.11623343

>Being this conservatarded about a stupid joke item

>> No.11623352

If that's true that's pathetic.

>> No.11623354

LMAO what

>> No.11623367

>not caring about the world your kids are going to inherit
Oh wait, no one would breed with you.

>> No.11623372

He mentioned pizzagate as if it were a real thing and not a manufactured bullshit attack on the DNC. He's full of shit.

>> No.11623373

Based and orangepilled!

>> No.11623490

When I was homeless, I found an apartment complex that I could break into with a plastic card, in this case I used my library card. I noticed there was a family moving out, and were no longer staying in the apartment but had yet to move all their things out of it.
I broke in there at night when nobody was there, and ate all their ice cream. They had a bunch of those oreo shortcake type bars. Ate the whole box. Also made some Tyson chicken tenders in the oven, and ate a few other goodies. Didn't touch anything else, what the fuck am I going to do with it? Didn't have any interest in selling shit as I've never been addicted to drugs or anything. Just wanted to eat their food desu.

>> No.11623506


I'm literally too dumb to get how it works, why can't you pull it off and the carton cap with it? How does it attach itself to the carton so that it can't be pulled off?

>> No.11623531

>the world my kids are going to inherit
Lmao wtf kinda retarded logic is that? People are just people and we've been here for a long time trying to navel gaze about the problems we think will happen 60+ years down the road will just inevitably lead to other problems. Do a good job raising your children and entrust in their ability to manage crises as they arise.

>> No.11623539

It's not supposed to be truly functional. It's supposed to be a talking point for viral marketing.

Yes, you could easily pull it off the rim of the carton.

>> No.11623553

>>>11618795 (OP)
>My real question was how is this going to stop anyone? If someone really wants your fucking ice cream they'll take a knife to the bottom and eat it all anyways. And then put it back in the freezer, so you think you have ice cream.
Sneaking a bite would never be just be stopping at one bite.

>> No.11623802
File: 26 KB, 331x261, 6b4df9f1a402f1cfb7be40a26089617dd66cd670b027216430617848be4318cb-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that was fast

>> No.11623923

>Pizzagate stooge shoots up pizza place to liberate children who aren't there in a basement the building doesn't have

>> No.11624309

A lock is only as strong as its weakest link

>> No.11624328
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oh no

>> No.11624566

And luckily, the only shot fire, hits a hard drive containing their... contracts? Business dealings? Heh. Sure thing pedo squad. And it is known they had a basement, don't make me work for five minutes to find the fucking pictures of them standing there staring at it, or the interview where Alefantis him fucking self says they store their sauce in the basement.

>> No.11624742
File: 39 KB, 855x467, Protect your mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this fucking retarded

>> No.11624808

Had to look it up
>Edgar Maddison Welch, 29, also received 36 months of probation and was ordered to pay $5,744.33 in restitution for firing three shots with an AR-15 rifle inside the Comet Ping Pong restaurant in northwest Washington in December. He claimed he was attempting to find and rescue child sex slaves that he believed were being held at the restaurant -- a belief allegedly based on his reading of a false story circulating online that connected Hillary Clinton's campaign adviser to the pizzeria through coded messages in his leaked emails.

>>pol isn't completely retarded

>> No.11624827

And now they're getting epically trolled by some douche calling himself "Q" that's telling them exactly what they want to hear.

>> No.11624834

/pol/ is actually hazardous to your health

>> No.11625347
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>just gonna drop this here

>> No.11625367
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>> No.11625422

Dude, just fuck all the way off to the domain you belong on already.

>> No.11625434

>Increase in standardization of use of sugar, especially HFCS, in cheaper foods
>Constant reduction in income for all but the highest paid Americans

>> No.11625444

Two different restaurants, poltard.

>> No.11625480
File: 299 KB, 970x1481, 1531899926198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated for 2017
Sorry for shitty drawing, the data comes from the same website but they use a different scale now that many states are going above 35% so i did a shitty paint job
.....Its getting worse bros

>> No.11625507

If Trump changed his mind and decided open borders were good, would the SJW crowd suddenly hate the idea?