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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11623699 No.11623699 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Jewish cuisine so terrible?

>> No.11623705

Bagels are great
Delimeats are great

These alone redeem any obscure religious punishment food you might cherrypick

>> No.11623706


>> No.11623714

This looks bad but chakshuka or however it's called looks alright.

>> No.11623720

Lol bacon xDDDD goose goose

>> No.11623722

this is cholent

>> No.11623738

delimeats are not jewish, neither is round bread with a hole it.

>> No.11623763

Every deli culture worth a shit was founded by Jewish diaspora

>> No.11623832


>> No.11623844

Italian deli is better.

>> No.11623858

Salumeri != deli

>> No.11624350 [DELETED] 

Because they are cultural leeches...like gypsies, except too fucking lazy to move around....

>> No.11624362

Tried some
Not really into sucking down infant forskin like oyster shooters though.

>> No.11624379

Explain bagels you filthy nigger

>> No.11624406

Take it to /pol/ or /b/, you fucking moron.
Inb4 who could be behind this post. I’m catholic english.

>> No.11624429

Is deli culture a thing?

>> No.11624450

>never heard of New York
>never heard of Montreal

The flyover meme is real

>> No.11624497

I feel like flyover states would be the most comfy places to live. NY is loaded with assholes and everything's a popularity contest.

>> No.11624530
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>Implying any true Englishman would submit to popery

>> No.11624581


>> No.11624599

So sound like an idiot when you talk about things you don’t know.

>> No.11625065

don't you have migrant feet to be kissing, christianboi?

>> No.11625081

Eternal anglo strikes again

>> No.11625086

Its literally all based around foods they made so they could survive moving from whatever country kicked them out. Its fitting food for such a disgusting race of course.

>> No.11625092

It's bland, but there are far worse cuisines out there. I'd imagine the purpose of this thread wasn't to actually discuss food though, It's far more likely that OP couldn't resist an opportunity to make a "LOL JEWS" thread. Either way, carry on.

>> No.11625107

You're pretty quick on the uptake, you might just fit in here my fine feathered /pol/ditor.

>> No.11625162

modern beef pastrami is. bagels are too. other european "ring breads" have a totally different taste and texture

>> No.11625171
File: 566 KB, 446x560, syrian jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, man. U tell me. I am going to burn this book since I have a fire going.

>> No.11625181

What a slop o shit
No wonder they've been kicked out of every country in the world

>> No.11625188

spanish/middle eastern jews are the only ones with decent food. Eastern europeans are only good for pickle and bread products

>> No.11625220

who tf names their kid poopa

>> No.11625229

looks like a poopa dweck

>> No.11625233

lmao, right?
And what's a leppo?

>> No.11625234

that looks fucking delicious

>> No.11625798

You’re kidding right?

>> No.11625978

>good delis in New York are Jewish
>ALL delis that are good are jewish

>> No.11626163

libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson was asked about his views on Aleppo (related to the war in Syria) and responded "What's a leppo?"

>> No.11626224 [DELETED] 

>All the Jews here making up for their terrible food.
>I would have thought that the Jews would know how to use an oven by now.......
Ohh sorry that was Hitler.

>> No.11626264 [DELETED] 

Oy Vey, not so fast schlomo..everyone knows the jews stole all foods and learned to work as the middleman on all sides..claiming "creation" purely for profit of goys..

>> No.11626271

All the best deli meats contain pork, retard.

>> No.11626302

You have to give them the Matzo, since every other culture prefers their bread fluffy and/or moist.

>> No.11626347

Because all the cooks pocket their funds and use cheap shit ingredients that's why.

>> No.11626359

Great arguments, kids.

>> No.11626366

le epic disinfo

>> No.11626394

>not even a protestant

you need to go back

>> No.11626543

Because it's stolen off other people just like everything else jewish.

>> No.11626548

>muh cultural appropriation
Fuck off, libtard. Cross pollination has always been part of culture.

>> No.11626558

Oh look it's a /pol/ comes to /ck/ episode! These are weird, why the fuck did they make these?

>> No.11626580

>lulz @ ebin funny foreign name

>> No.11626696 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11626703

>Every deli culture worth a shit was founded by Jewish diaspora

Man you need to, like, travel more or something. German pork deli is great. Scandinavian fish-and-pork deli is great. Italian everything is just astounding. Don't know much about French deli culture but, based on prior experiences? Great.

>> No.11626720

Isnt deli short for Delikatessen? Thats german.

>> No.11626751
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>steal German food
>call it jewish

>> No.11626761

charcuterie is great

>> No.11626764


German deli is Jewish.

>> No.11626766

>unleavened bread
>invented by kikes
Lol, humans have been making unleavened seed/nut/grain breads since the paleolithic.

>> No.11626769

>German deli is Jewish.
I guess that explains all the fucking pork in German deli?

>> No.11626775

I would like to travel more but I'm ugly :(

>> No.11626783

oy gevalt!

>> No.11626793

>German deli is Jewish.
Ah yes, invented by traditional Jewish last name "Randlkofer"

Get fucked

>> No.11626796

>I would like to travel more but I'm ugly :(
What does that have to do with literally anything. If you don't want to travel alone, you don't need to fuck to find a travelling partner.

>> No.11626799

Ugly people travel more than pretty people if you take models out of the equation. There is less to keep you in your local area. Nobody really likes you. Nobody you are familiar with wants to keep you around. So you should be traveling as much as you can afford.

>> No.11626807


>> No.11626813
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Aside from all the people mentioning pork

> Leberwurst is PORK and MILK/ CREAM

wew lad off you go

>> No.11626816

Is pork a cow meat now? Or do you get your milk/cream from pigs? What are you saying?

>> No.11626880

milk and meat isn't kosher my niqqa

>> No.11626889

Unless if you're a Karaite (Jewish people who reject the Talmud and follows closer to Christianity), you can eat poultry meat and milk together, or goat meat with milk sauce.

>> No.11626932

it's spelled nigger you fucking newfag

>> No.11627172 [DELETED] 

Because Jews are terrible

>> No.11627801

Not him but i hope either you kys or your parents take your internet away.

>> No.11628613

Ah, yes. Nothing like a nice, kosher Blutwurst.

>> No.11628941 [DELETED] 

are you really implying that jews don't have german last names?
the majority of american Jews have german last names, it's basically what pol and company look for when compiling their famed "info graphics".

>> No.11628953 [DELETED] 

why are libertarians so painfully dim?
do they purposefully keep their heads in the sand or is it a kind of broad tactic to appeal to the vast uneducated class, like what republicans have been doing for the last 20 years.

>> No.11629139

Shakshuka is a North African (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) dish stolen by Jews.

>> No.11629310

>stop giving us a bad name you Anglo cuck, gas the kikes race war now
>t. True Catholic

>> No.11629312

>Newyork has the best deli
>Outside NY all deli is a hobo begging with rodent tail

>> No.11629355 [DELETED] 

You're either a Democrat a Republican or a Russian college student payed to spread disinformation on the most genuine party in America. I will continue to vote libertarian until the duopoly has ended. Voting third party is not a wasted vote.

>> No.11630691 [DELETED] 


>> No.11630742

Of course they have German last names, but they don't have arbitrary German last names, they have specific ones.

Like, to take a random example, NOT RANDLKOFER.

>> No.11630746

Long-Cooked Eggs An intriguing alterna-
tive to the standard hard-cooked egg is the
Middle Eastern hamindas (Hebrew) or beid
hamine (Arabic), which are cooked for any-
where from 6 to 18 hours. They derive
from the Sephardic Sabbath mixed stew
(called hamin, from the Hebrew for “hot”),
which was put together on Friday, cooked
slowly in the oven overnight, and served as
a midday Sabbath meal. Eggs included in
the stew shell and all, or alternatively long-
simmered in water, come out with a
stronger flavor and a striking, tan-colored
white. During prolonged heating in alkaline
conditions, the quarter-gram of glucose
sugar in the white reacts with albumen pro-
tein to generate flavors and pigments typi-
cal of browned foods (see the explanation
of the Maillard reaction on p. 778). The
white will be very tender and the yolk
creamy if the cooking temperature is kept in
a very narrow range, between 160 and

Is it really bad? Sounds good to me.

>> No.11630944

>follows closer to Christianity
lol i know karaites and youre fucking retarded.

>> No.11630947
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>> No.11630953
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>> No.11631274


>> No.11631285

/ck/ is a pro Israel board, dipshit.

>> No.11631307

What is this idiocy meant to imply? That some dude who massacred people and left europe in ruins with express purpose of massacring as many people as possible is a saint because he fed a deer once?

What do you think goes into wurst, by the way? Fucking trees and rainbows?

>> No.11631311

Calm down my valued Hebrew friend. Happy Hanukkah!

>> No.11631334

This, they also pull the same shit with hummus and many other middle-eastern foods.

>> No.11631412

but israeli food is mostly palestinian

>> No.11631421

What exactly is a stew supposed to look like, smartarse?

>> No.11631996

Pick one and only one you fucking Scouse prick.

>> No.11632005

How the fuck can your name get any worse?

>> No.11632022

Catholics that support Jews may as well be honorary Jews, why even believe in Jesus if you take every word of the old testament as law?

The only food Jews do right is bread, that's how shit Jewish culture is. They hate food that actually tastes good.

>> No.11632024

So is Israel lol.

>> No.11632039 [DELETED] 

Palestine doesn't exist

>> No.11632548

t. Bibi

>> No.11632685

Reflects the people

>> No.11632697
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what kind of pleb doesnt know about the roman jewish artichokes

>> No.11632702

ummmmm no?

>> No.11632707
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>> No.11632742

At least he's not a complete retard who couldn't get into college. What's the lolbertarian stance on education? Let me guess, more privatization?

>> No.11632755

The uninformed rural peoples meme has been a trope in literature for centuries

>> No.11632772

that deer was jewish btw

>> No.11632788 [DELETED] 

But anon, the two party system formed naturally in our free Democracy and very early in the country's lifespan, vying to gain votes by going with the least radical/objectionable platforms.

Multi-party systems are why other countries have established Communists and Nazis actually gaining votes in general elections.

>> No.11632800
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you were saying?

>> No.11632953

This, they're just Arabs who due to the influence of Islam never really developed national identities until it was forced on them by europeans. That's not to say they don't have a claim to the land they live on but to imply there's a significant difference in culture or ethnicity from one side of the Jordan to the other is unrealistic, why else do they use a Latin word as the name of their nation, a word that starts with a letter that doesn't even exist in their native language.

>> No.11632993
File: 150 KB, 500x333, MAGI computer faggot detected.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The flyover meme is real
lmao @ this city cuck
Why would I let my meat be handled by a middle man when I can get actually fresh meat straight from the source? It will even be cheaper too. Bragging about having to rely on delis is like bragging about getting your milk from the local walmart.

>> No.11633003

In some flyover areas Walmart is literally all they have.

>> No.11633007

I've lived in Brooklyn, epicenter of Jewish trickery, and I can't imagine how big of hipster faggot high on the smell of his own stale farts you would have to be to believe in something called """"""deli culture"""""""

>> No.11633019

The random boiled eggs make that look like a chinese dish.
>like what republicans have been doing for the last 20 years.
When did republicans starting vying for the votes of illegals, hippies, and nignogs? News to me.
> to imply there's a significant difference in culture or ethnicity from one side of the Jordan to the other is unrealistic
I agree, which is why the territory of Israel should just be given to the Hashemite kingdom (Jordan) and be done with it.

>> No.11633049


>> No.11633050

/pol/'ed up real quick in this thread. Moderate levels of /pol/, to be precise.
>t. polfag

>> No.11633054

Somehow I can tell that you never went there before

>> No.11633069

You watched seinfeld or something and figured "hey they're in NYC! That must mean all jews are from brooklyn!"?

>> No.11633074

Brooklyn has the world's largest Hasidic colonies where everyone walking outside have big furry hats and coats

>> No.11633091

bread with a hole is really fucking jewish, you pay more for less, how can it get anymore jewish?

>> No.11633454
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There is no such thing as Jewish cuisine you bigot. Yiddish food is a mixture of German, Russian and other Easter/Central European food traditions, Israeli food is literally just Levantine food eaten by Meds and Arabs for millenia.

Jewish culture is multicultural, there's no such thing as pure Jewish food.

>> No.11633575

>tl;dr jews jewed their food from other cultures

>> No.11633634

Bread with a hole is a Central Asian innovation during the Radhanite trade.


What is uniquely Ashkenazi Jewish is mostly Central Asian by origin.

>> No.11633697

ITT: 70+ posters who fail to realize Eastern Med national cuisines are largely interchangeable due to historical ease of travel and trade, migration, similar climate, and regional empires.

>> No.11633857

>bragging about Montreal
i can tell you are not from here

>> No.11633873
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chopped liver so good

>> No.11634006

Lmaoing at this >True Catholic faggot

>> No.11634026

Who would have thought that militant vegans on /ck/ and overweight nazi larps on /pol/ are a match made in heaven
Traditional jewish food is great, try brisket or shaksuka you dumb cunts

>> No.11634337

What kind of Jewish foods can you eat in the shower?

>> No.11634686

>When did republicans starting vying for the votes of illegals, hippies, and nignogs? News to me.
the lowest common denominator is an uneducated rural white, do you still not understand?

>> No.11634724 [DELETED] 

Hey fagot, didn’t that wetback in dago land tell you to give up capitalism and let migrants rape your wife?

>> No.11634756

>you're so non-white you can't even spell English words properly

>> No.11634936

>Doesn’t that make it your covenant with your jew god to eat my shit?

>> No.11634938

There is no such thing as "Jewish" food

>> No.11634941

>non-white tries making sense in English again

>> No.11634952

And I can tell you've never been to moshes

>> No.11635005

damn coin clippers really do brag about food you didn't invent

>> No.11635008

they are terrible people

>> No.11635013

>they are terrible people

They are like gypsies, except too lazy to move.

>> No.11635022
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Mein bruder

>> No.11635027

“You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud"
“You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses”
*Fish could be eaten if it had fins and scales. This excluded all shellfish and fish that had fins but no scales, e.g., shark, catfish, and eels.
*if any of the unclean creeping things dies and falls into a clay water pot, the water is to be considered unclean, and a source of contamination. The clay pot must be broken and if the carcass of a creeping thing touches the oven, it must be broken as well.
...to name a few...

>> No.11635035

Firstly, Seinfeld takes place on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
Secondly, here are more Jews in Brooklyn than any other borough. 25% of the borough is Jewish, and there are an immense amount of both Hasidic/Orthodox and secular Jewish neighborhoods. Such as Williamsburg, Crown Heights, Boro Park, Midwood, and Flatbush.

>> No.11635045

They were lost in a desert for 40 fucking years, you expect that kind of people to come up with good recipes?

>> No.11635799
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Because they are cheapskates and also despite their liberal pretense are very conservative and thus avert outside influences.

>> No.11635831

Filthy fucking papist. If you're real English, you'll bend the left knee.

>> No.11635870
File: 286 KB, 2000x1125, BingoBangoBongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poop deck
>aroma of aleppo
>legends of syrian jews

>> No.11636017

Anything shower related and Jewish don't go well together.

>> No.11636034

>7 hours later, someone finally picks up the joke

>> No.11636049

>We wuz syrians goy

>> No.11636877

>Implying that "Jewish" food is actually a thing
You know like Catholic food, Muslim food, Islamic food, Buddhist food, Shinto food...

It's a religion you fucktards, not a cuisine

>> No.11637731

>Every deli culture worth a shit was stolen by Jewish diaspora


>> No.11638398

My comment got deleted by mossad mods..

>> No.11638410

my favorite way to fuck with yids is refer to potato pancakes as draniki instead of latkes, then pretend to have no idea what a latke is when it inevitably triggers their autism

>> No.11638570

White births are under 50% last I checked. Whether you're scared or say good riddance it's not going to last.

>can't start foreign wars because he doesn't even know where they are

>> No.11638588

>It's a religion you fucktards, not a cuisine
"Jewish" is a race. No different than "white" or "nigger". Jews are NOT white.

>> No.11638644

challah is fucking delicious
so is matzo ball soup
so are knishes
not sure on spelling because I'm not a dirty hooknose, but jew food is good man

>> No.11638672

So you are saying you consider pizza and pasta "White" food, not Italian Cuisine?

>>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.11638687

Jews don't identity as white.

>> No.11638821

beacuse Jews are cut off from god and therefore cannot create through divine inspiration. they have weak imaginations.
>inb4 back to /pol/

just look how white artistic greatness and contributions through history dwarf the jews'. they have nothing. they always need a host nation to support them otherwise they would die

>> No.11638822

This is the most nonsensical statement in this entire thread and that is saying a lot.

>> No.11638866

Jews themselves say they're not white?
they just larp as whites when it suites them

>> No.11638869
File: 214 KB, 1000x750, Obviously+its+not+all++but+the+number+of+them+_2012d85f966f95e16f0b585f6ec4fb14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11639268

>some of the greatest classical musicians/composers are/were jewish
>some of the greatest playwrites/authors are/were jewish
>some of the greatest directors/actors/comedians are/were jewish
>some of the greatest scientific minds are/were jewish
>etc., etc.
Braindead sturmdrumpfer.

>> No.11639280
File: 108 KB, 876x493, Anti Semetic California.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ all these Braindead anti-semetic liberals who think Palestainans are all saints and Jews are all evil child murderers.

Just admit you're racist pieces of shit.

>> No.11639301

>anti-semetic liberals who think Palestainans are all saints and Jews are all evil child murderers.

You do realize that the Jews who currently OCCUPY Israel have killed more innocent Palestanian civilians than the entirety of the holocaust? Think about that for a minute.

>> No.11639308

>Think about that for a minute.
I did. It sounds like bullshit.

>> No.11639315


So in your mind, gassing those evil Jews probably saved thousands of innocent Muslims right?

>> No.11639330



>> No.11639339

Jewish breakfast foods are good

>> No.11639342
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Yeah, man. Gotta watch out for all those JEWS killing the muslims, right? As everyone knows, the biggest threat to the Islamic world is JEWS. Good thing the ones that were dragged out of their dwellings, interned and killed were dealt with. Who knows how many Islamic lives were saved by that single noble action.

>> No.11639354

Daily reminder: Standing against the policies of fascist Israel has no relationship to anti-semitism. In fact, there are many progressive jews who oppose their unjust policies.

>> No.11639355

>why is Jewish cuisine so terrible
The Nazis stole bubby's recipe book along with the Monet. Sadly, the recipes were never returned.

>> No.11639357

and who do you think is responsible for getting America involved in the middle east? I mean, really....

>> No.11639362

It's always the fault of someone else, right?

>> No.11639372

>Gotta watch out for all those JEWS killing the muslims, right?

You seem igorant of the fact that the vast majority of Muslims killed in the past century are at the hands of Jews.

And you right wing FrumpGrumpDump supporters funding Jew weapons & bombs.... blood is on your hands as well.

>> No.11639377

The English. The eternal Anglo is the enemy of the world and uses his jew mercs to do his bidding. If Jews controlled the world why would they choose to set up shop back in that shit hole dessert?

>> No.11639381


It's funny how the oppressed have become the oppressors. Jews today are literally doing to the Muslims what the Nazis did to them. It's like those jews didn't learn anything from the war.

>> No.11639391

> "Liberals don't hate all Jews. Only the crooked evil ones currently Occupying Palestine."


>> No.11639395
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Yeah, bro. Seems like it. You fucking moron.

>> No.11639404

>fascist Israel

Is every fucking thing "facist" to you irgnorant liberals? Do you even understand what Facist means?

>> No.11639406
File: 57 KB, 640x458, FlAVNtdX0B8oCvFuyVoaRPEbXXPC-SEvPI6EJwsraEI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare to...

>> No.11639409

in the game of race, that's been the precedence that's been set.

Are we going to pretend white people have been blamed for literally every problem in literally every racial group for at least the last 3-4 decades? Why shouldn't they play the blame game to?

>> No.11639432

> Jew loving fascist hating on Muslims

Back to /pol/ you go

>> No.11639473

That's shitty reasoning. Not only did Whites actually commit all these awful, oftentimes grossly inhumane transgressions against sub races, nearly all of the transgressions are documented, taught in schools and sometimes even openly celebrated as a flex of superiority. Saying "the Jews made us do it" is the biggest scapegoat and most cowardly cop-out in all human history.

>Michele de Cuneo, who participated in Columbus's second expedition to the Americas (page 143):
>While I was in the boat, I captured a very beautiful woman, whom the Lord Admiral [Columbus] gave to me. When I had taken her to my cabin she was naked — as was their custom. I was filled with a desire to take my pleasure with her and attempted to satisfy my desire. She was unwilling, and so treated me with her nails that I wished I had never begun. I then took a piece of rope and whipped her soundly, and she let forth such incredible screams that you would not have believed your ears. Eventually we came to such terms, I assure you, that you would have thought she had been brought up in a school for whores.

Imagine sailing around, invading peoples' lands and, totally unprovoked, just slaughtering them, enslaving them, torturing them and keeping the choice females for personal rape pets, totally destroying their ways of life to transform them into tools of your system and then having no idea why you're frequently called 'devil' by them. The years later blaming it all on Jews. People who had absolutely nothing to do with anything. The big thing today is to see and interracial couple, two people who have found an attraction to each other by natural means, and bounce around pulling your hair out at them, screaming "NOOOO! LOOK WHAT THE JEWS DID!!" It makes no damn sense.

>> No.11639508

>Standing against the policies of fascist Israel has no relationship to anti-semitism.

I'm not racist, I swear! I don't hate all niggers, I only hate those niggers who commit all the crimes!

>> No.11639563

Lol just because you guys sweep the shitty stuff you did under the rug you think you never did anything bad.

No other group so openly and honestly owns up to the shitty stuff from the past than white people. It should be commended that we haven't dodged blame, and have even tried to make amends unlike like other groups, but instead it's just made it open season for blaming whites for shit.

I'm not even saying whites didn't do bad shit. We're just the only ones who seem to accept any responsibility for it.

The fact that you honestly think Jews have NEVER done anything wrong and are just this poor abused, peaceful people just shows how little you'll own up to.

>> No.11639581

>poopa dweck
How are we supposed to take jews seriously when they make their kids things like Shlomo or Eye-sack?

>> No.11639608

We keep the good food for ourselves

>> No.11639618

the beady eye'd menace striketh again!

>> No.11639655

>literally "white" in polish
>literally states that it' traditional polish food (and as well jewish) because ikes always steal local food
Neck yourself, kikel.

>> No.11639672

Anyone know how much arsenic I need to poison a 1000 gallon well? Asking for a friend, obvs.

>> No.11639700

>the west carves up the middle east into arbitrary "countries" to be controlled by the victors of WWI disregarding the advice of the foremost middle east expert, T. E. Lawrence who predicted endless conflict from it
>Britain issues the Balfour Declaration after WWI laying out a plan to grant Palestine to the Jews even though the vast majority of inhabitants were Muslim with only a handful of jews for centuries
>the west implements the Balfour Declaration after WWII
Why are Mideast Muslims so angry? They should just be nice little pets of the west.

>> No.11639722

>Italian sailors

>Spanish commissioners

You're full of shit twice over.
t. half Italian

>> No.11639737
File: 6 KB, 168x148, because the lawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or they could make their own borders and countries. Just because some clueless old white colonialists a hundred years ago wrote up a piece of paper saying "Your borders are here now." doesn't mean that they can't do the same thing themselves, does it?

>> No.11639755
File: 21 KB, 300x300, christopher-columbus-9254209-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh you mean that blue-eyed, fair-skinned, European praefectus? Yeah... he ain't even White and shit, mane. He's practically African.

This is what it's come to.

>> No.11639765

>asking for a friend
kill your fucking self you piece of shit, take every god damn comment you've ever repeated because you thought it was "so funny! so clever!" to hell with you, fuck you're so stupid

>> No.11639874


>charge $14 a pound for roast beef
>cutting a hole out of bread and still selling it
>not jewish

>> No.11639886
File: 48 KB, 335x202, 1535486558663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Jew
>eat pork anyways

>> No.11639937

>Wars all directly/indirectly caused by I****l

>> No.11640068

Annnddd...that's what they're doing which the west, Russia and Israelis are fighting tooth and nail with absolutely no end in sight.
>hey lets declare war on a military tactic, terrorism, used by weaker forces (including the Israelis and US in it's revolution) so we can ensure we have perpetual war.

>> No.11640469

I had a friend in college who was a big jew and whenever we did potlucks he'd make this crap called kugel. It was like egg noodles, cream, nutmeg and breadcrumbs or something baked in a casserole dish. Wasn't very good, but always got a chuckle out of me because I'd spend half the day prepping something fancy and the big kike would show up with a nasty dish of baked noodles and cream that no one would touch

>> No.11641370

if it was nasty, he definitely didn't prepare it correctly. noodle kugel slaps desu

>> No.11641390

new to 4chan. definitely did not expect the "desu" haha

>> No.11641940
