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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 248 KB, 919x439, community.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11617890 No.11617890 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11617929
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(not saying you're wrong, just curious)

also, for me, it's almond butter

>> No.11617992

Water scarcity is a meme. Oat milk is better than almond milk though

>> No.11617997

allergic to them anyways.

>> No.11618014
File: 105 KB, 960x818, bdae3cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's water

>> No.11618018

oat milk is better anyway

>> No.11618023

Also PUFA rich. Cashew is much better, but fucking expensive.

>> No.11618027

I mean yeah she was probably pretty happy she got to live instead of dying from starvation or a jackal ripping her gut open and letting her bleed out over the course of 5-6 hours.

also yeah water's usually my favorite. I don't realy like the taste of milk, too many calories for me too.

>> No.11618034
File: 213 KB, 1125x1063, ad81a56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alternative is not being bred into torture and a death at 1/20th of her lifespan rather.

>> No.11618041

How dare you suggest such reasonable alternatives

>> No.11618060

That's an alternative. But instead people will just turn to hunting and killing them instead, because some people like the meat and milk and resources.
It's like saying "the alternative is just to stop having war". Sure it'd be nice, but whoever stops first is going to get their face blown off by the competition. In this case, in terms of profit.

also cows of the modern age are dumb as a fucking box of rocks, if you let them out into the wild they'd freeze to death because they don't know how to do shit.

>> No.11618065

This was probably drawn by someone who is "pro-choice"

>> No.11618070
File: 132 KB, 877x900, 03477ECF4E4C48C28D29E17593650D98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally accurate and fair comparison anon.

>> No.11618075

I mean that's the comparison so that image is going for. If his post isn't accurate or fair, then your image isn't either.

>> No.11618078

Can someone explain to me why the fuck oat drink is so fucking expensive? Oats cost fuck all, so why is oatly etc over twice as expensive as full fat milk?

>> No.11618082

Cats can do just fine by themselves though.

>> No.11618084

You could say that about a lot of domesticated animals. Also, hunting is way better for everyone and everything involved

>> No.11618104

The truck bees in to pollinate the Almonds. And truck them back out as they are rentals.

>> No.11618105
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>> No.11618118

>human life is worth the same as animal life
this is your brain on an ideological starvation diet

>> No.11618119

The amount of soy in this thread is too damn high

>> No.11618135

Domesticated cats are among the most successful hunters on earth and can survive just fine without human care. Witness the "feral cat overpopulation" spergouts on >>>/an/

>> No.11618156

Nice Strawman
This is your brain on overconsumptive NPC ideology

>> No.11618159

Until they end up hunted to extinction because there's no sustainable product.
>buh hunting limits
and then we're right back at the begining, people wanting a change.

>> No.11618164

Joke's on you, though. I'm all for abortions myself. Especially when blacks get them.
I just don't want to pay for it. Just like I don't expect you to pay for my steak.

>> No.11618195

There are loads of sustainable meat alternatives and year round produce everywhere in the first world. Not to mention the advancements they're making with lab grown meat

>> No.11618196

When predators kill for food in the wild they kill as rapidly as possible since a struggling animal is very likely to cause injury. They usually go for the neck, either severing the spinal chord or puncturing the jugular/carotid arteries both of which kill fast.

>> No.11618208

>everyone I disagree with is an NPC
>every argument I can't refute is a strawman
eat some chicken ffs, your brain is literally atrophied

>> No.11618233

>meat alternatives
okay, people don't generally like meat alternatives though. So they'll stick to what they know instead because people don't like change. You can produce as much cricket meat and lab grown fungus as your heart desires, people are not going to want to spend $50 for a pound of lab meat, or eat fucking bugs. Sorry to break it to you. It ain't gonna change until it's cheaper than actual meat. Not the same price, people aren't going to want to try some new "weird" thing. it has to be cheaper. And that won't ever happen. the beef industry in particular will cut their margins even thinner if it means remaining in business.

>> No.11618246

Lab grown meat will be in direct competition with real meat in the next 2 to 4 years brah. Humanity advances. Sticking to the old ways is a quick way to stagnate or even fall backward. Sorry to break it to you, the meat industry is going to experience some turbulence real soon. Hell it already is. The trend right now is consuming less and less meat. More alternatives pop up every day

>> No.11618257

>the trend
no, the vocal minority screams about it. Meat still takes up just as much shelf space as it has for the last 3 decades. Hip and trendy restaurants now serve more vegan options. That's a good thing. Mcdonalds has vegan options even. Doesn't change that when you say mcdonalds, 99% of people think big mac and chicken nuggets.
Don't get your hopes up about that change. I'd like to see it if only for more variety and competition in the market. But I think it's unlikely.

>> No.11618258

>A fetus is a living being

>> No.11618261

>2 to 4 years
You wish. Those things always develop very slowly.

>> No.11618291


>> No.11618301

And it's not gonna have any strange chemicals in it, right? It'd be sure hypocritical of you to decry Mcdonalds for putting steroids in their chicken, only for lab scientists to do the same.

>> No.11618304

>strange chemicals
What's a strange chemical to you

>> No.11618308

I hope so, I've been following this shit for a long time and waiting. I'm not a vegan but I think if we could have real meat and other animal products without having to kill for it, then that's obviously better. Just hope it's nutritionally the same because some of the information from some companies had them saying it has no fat, no iron, etc. and trying to say it's healthier when they most likely don't know how or can't produce those things yet so they try to turn it into a positive. Even if it doesn't taste quite as good, I'd still switch to eating that instead if it was nutritionally the same.

>> No.11618329

Imagine being dumb enough to make this picture.
Imagine being dumb enough to repost it.

>> No.11618426

Yeah I heard about the fat thing too. Idk I'm pretty optimistic on the stuff. I should've dumped some money into the stocks awhile ago though

>> No.11618433

Everyone itt drives and everyone that sell almond milk too
>fucking oat water
Next I'll I'll be wearing a saddle and neighing

>> No.11618467

Fuck you, OP. My mother had an allergy. A bee killed her when I was seven. I watched it happen.

>> No.11618472

that's pretty cool right on man

>> No.11618482

>thinking a domestic breed could achieve its full lifespan in the wild

Nah most won't survive their first calving without someone there to pull the calf. Once again an "animal activist" shows how absolutely clueless they are.

>> No.11618488

>the alternative is never existing

I know vegans have depression related to their malnutrition, but does that mean you have to project your suicidal wishes onto every other living thing?

>> No.11618491

Sounds like you need someone to talk to, anon

>> No.11618505

>coasties stop drinking real milk because of cruelty or some shit
>end up ruining the environment looking for alternatives
great job guys

>> No.11618507


>> No.11618510

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.11618520

range ban vegans

>> No.11618545

>stop eating [x]
You vegans are getting too demanding.

>> No.11618550


>> No.11618654

how bout coconut milk tho

>> No.11618658


>> No.11618667

okay yea but damn i dont want to kill no bees, i love those honey boys

>> No.11618673

We will literally die if we kill bees you ignorant sister fucker

>> No.11618690

Try rice milk. It's actually delicious

>> No.11618700

I love rice milk its actually pretty creamy for plant based milk, but its high in calories and since i drink alot of this stuff im worried about high consuption of rice products

>> No.11618736

Imagine being dumb enough to miss the point.
Imagine not looking at the picture and the pic it replied to and not seeing the overlap.

>> No.11618755


>> No.11618775

i do, but if i can go lower kcal i will

>> No.11618816

How does water become "scarce" ? Does it drip into the earth and evaporate in heck?

>> No.11618828

We breed bee colonies by the thousands. If a few more have colony collapse you simply have to pay a little more so they can breed more.

>> No.11618836

>When predators kill for food in the wild they kill as rapidly as possible

And when humans kill farm animals by law they stun them unconscious before killing them with a bolt gun which is even more quick and painless to the animal. They literally do not feel a thing nor have any of the foreboding of a predator in their sight, nor feel it sink its fangs into flesh...

Predators may aim to kill 'as quickly as possible' but in reality you know as well as I that that is not always the case. Some predators do toy with their food, others injure the animal in such a way that it does not directly kill it. They wound their prey and thier prey can no longer keep up with the rest of the herd for protection. They fall behind and slowly die from blood loss/starvation in their physically weakened state.

>> No.11618838

>Almond trees
>demanding water
wtf, the trees grow wild there, and it's mediteranean-dry climate.

>> No.11618845

>the alternative is cultural genocide and you obeying me because I was first in the cult and thus at a higher social class

>> No.11618860


>Muslim populations rising
>Central part of faith includes the slaughter of an animal at time of year and to share that animal meat with the community or poor

Too bad bub. Vegans aren't going to get to any substantial number to overcome religious sanctioned meat slaughter.

>> No.11619070

The rampant incest in the middle east will naturally quell the population with horrific genetic mutations and diseases

>> No.11619171


>> No.11619949

>water intensive
Yes, of course. Water absorbed by tree roots is destroyed forever and removed from the ecosystem.

>> No.11619956

You’ve literally never seen a cat with a mouse.

>> No.11619974

based and redpilled

>> No.11620044

It's the morally right thing to do regarding meat, and it's hopefully not too far off into the future. Vegans and vegetarians will flock to cultured meat once it's affordable.

>> No.11620068
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That's a caul birth you absolute flyover brainlet Kool aid chugging fucktard

>> No.11620083

I don't care about context. If you don't think the fetus in the video is alive at fifteen weeks you're subhuman.

>> No.11620098

Now I'm curious, what do people do to trees with a shitload of flowers to mak them harmful to bees? And does the same apply to cherries?

Depends on the area.

>> No.11620125

Good thing they get plently of genetically diverse women to breed all across Europe

>> No.11620137

How did so many fine countries turn into literal cucks in less than a century

>> No.11620143
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You know how.

>> No.11620164

True. Americans should have killed european refugees on sight.

>> No.11620167

>I don't care about context.
Ah. I see. Enjoy your magical thinking..have a good night.

>> No.11620190

So you can rationalize that the fetus in the video responding to stimulus is not "alive". Your ideology has blinded you.
>have a good night
Running away little bitch.

>> No.11620199

Blaming the jews is just a cop out that negates the personal responsibility Europeans and americans need to take for ruining western civilization through bunk elected officials.

>> No.11620207

>A child that is.already born is a fetus.
I see your utter retardation has blinded you. Sadly you're too dumb to run away, thus I must. For both our sake.

>> No.11620212

You can blame the host or you can blame the virus. Europe and America have been subverted by an insidious force via otherwise noble social constructs.

>> No.11620217

Oh, you're playing the gotcha game. So that child wasn't alive fifteen minutes prior when it was safely tucked away in its mother's womb. I see now. You're the one practicing magical thinking.

>> No.11620222

gonna go buy some almond milk

>> No.11620226

this is the shittiest pic I have seen in a while

>> No.11620228

What an absolute brainlet.

>> No.11620229

I value human life more than animals.

>> No.11620236

>what do people do to trees with a shitload of flowers to mak them harmful to bees?
Pesticides. Also bees are trucked in from all over America to pollinate the almond orchards in California. This makes it very easy for honeybee diseases and pests to spread as the bees from different colonies mingle. Once pollination season is over, the hives are trucked back to their original apiaries, where the bees then can spread the diseases they picked up to the local honeybee population.

>> No.11620237

Lol you are so wrong. Watch how hyenas eat sometime, you'll have nightmares

>> No.11620253

Delusional af

>> No.11620255

Then why the hell is good ribeye still $17 a fucking pound?

>> No.11620262

by this logic vegans should be anti abortion but i doubt that's the case for many

>> No.11620265

Who's playing gotcha? Seems like you. You're talking about abortion, which is rarley available after 24 weeks and even then never as late as a full term child ffs. Now YOU are relying on the technical definition of fetus to advance your argument by posting a child that has been born then saying well fifteen minutes ago it was a fetus. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.11620271

Stop trying to defend abortion so hard, Shlomo. We're onto you.

>> No.11620273

Swriois question: what is it about almonds that is bad for bees? Aren't honeybees "farmed" for the purpose of pollinating almonds which would increase the demand and therefore population of this introduved species? Are the almonds being treated woth neonicitinoids or something (which would be illegal and the neonic's fault not the almond's)?

>> No.11620278
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Veganism has merits but don't pretend nature isn't cruel and horrific

>> No.11620280

If you can't connect the fact that a 15 week old fetus looks and acts like a human baby to pre-24 week abortion being an abomination, there's no de-programming you and you're better off just being culled for the sake of the herd.

>> No.11620281

I've yet to find a better milk than almond milk.

It's cheap, good, and soy/estrogen free. What else should I be drinking if it's so bad for the environment? Oat milk is too expensive.

>> No.11620282

(((big oats)))

>> No.11620283

Oh cool. A misdirect and ad hominem. Thanks for playing.

>> No.11620286


The suffering makes them taste better.

>> No.11620293

nvm this guy answered it
also fuck me and my typos I may actually be retarded

>> No.11620295

She must have done something pants on head retarded if she got stung to death. Bees don't just go around stinging people.


>> No.11620297

So you're not defending abortion? Nice misdirect.

>> No.11620300

>a 15 week old fetus looks and acts like a human baby
it doesn't.
>The bulk of the scientific literature on the subject, however, finds that the brain connections needed to feel pain are not in place until at least 24 weeks, which is also the earliest possible time a fetus becomes viable outside the womb.
>Crucially, the co-ordinated brain activity required for consciousness does not occur until 24-25 weeks of pregnancy. We cannot say when consciousness first emerges, but it cannot rationally be called before the end of the second trimester at 24 weeks of pregnancy.
>Some campaigners have incorrectly stated that the formation of organs in the first trimester means that a baby is fully formed by week 12. While most organs are indeed present as very basic structures by week 12 of pregnancy, they are in fact missing many crucial components and some, such as the eyes, liver and pancreas are only beginning to develop. Importantly, the thalamus (necessary for pain and conscious perception) does not appear until the end of the second trimester, and the folding of the cortex does not develop until the third trimester.

>> No.11620301

Have you had hazelnut milk? It's hard to find because fucking nutella buying all the hazelnuts but they're mostly grown in like Nebraska and Oklahoma with no extra water and little to no pesticides. Hazelnut milk is absolute GOAT tier.

>> No.11620309

no but that sounds good. i live in austin so there's a lot of this boujee shit around i'm sure i can find it. i'll keep an eye out.

>> No.11620311

>A bee killed my mother
And now we know the origin of Monsanto

>> No.11620318

>working this hard to justify murder of the unborn
Yup, marked for the cull.

>> No.11620331

>Many believe that a human being is defined by a unique human genome, and a new life begins at conception. Nobody can really tell you when an individual life begins, however depending on your values, the facts can help show when a life does not begin.

>A genetically unique cell called a zygote is formed at fertilisation (normally two weeks into the gestational period). This divides into a “blastocyst” over the following seven to 10 days, until implantation in the womb at three weeks. The implanted blastocyst becomes an embryo at eight weeks, and can only begin to be considered an immature foetus by 11-12 weeks.

>If life begins at fertilisation, then the morning-after pill, which is legal and accepted in Ireland, is a form of termination that would be morally indistinguishable from a late-term abortion.

>> No.11620337

Anything after 3 weeks is objectively murder.

>> No.11620341

I blame the host for not keeping healthy and staving off the virus. Jews have been around for thousands of years. Blaming them for this is just passing the buck.

>> No.11620346

This right? Sharks gonna shark, jews gonna jew. It was mens greed, and the need to keep Jews around so that they could commit the sin of Usury while circumventing moral and ecclesiastic law, that caused them to invite them in.

>> No.11620350
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>all this abortion hate

I've never understood why 4chan attracts so many hardcore christfags these days

>> No.11620363

People on /pol larped as stormfags until the dim.thought they were unironically welcome.

>> No.11620364

newfags from reddit came and saw people being ironic and thought they were serious. that's literally all it is.

>> No.11620366

We're tired of (((their))) shit and realizing that we don't have to take it anymore. Simple as that.

>> No.11620373
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, RISE UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yeah! you sure showed him!

>> No.11620379
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>implying the whole world is just jews v christians

what a fuckin ego

>> No.11620395

This much cringe in just one post!
A tip o the fedora to you too sir.

>> No.11620401

I'm anti abortion but you're a fucking retard

>> No.11620406
File: 48 KB, 500x495, ho0ly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus man please step away from the internet

>> No.11620421

not true. nobody larps in /pol/

>> No.11620474

Hanging them upside down and slitting their throats is what mudslimes and kikes do. No cow being tortured to death like that is happy or tastes good which is why they have to use so much spice or weird time consuming processes with their beef.

>> No.11620484

>the trend right now is consuming less and less meat
Maybe in Fagifornia. In the real world people eat the same.amount of meat that we always have.

>> No.11620635


>> No.11620684

>not swinely
fucking vegans

>> No.11620741
File: 2.51 MB, 1074x1311, Screenshot_20181215-203607~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of thing going on in California. Don't think we're all soy cucks.

>> No.11620914

Animals don't have souls

>> No.11620930

fucking source my dude?

>> No.11621727
File: 1.34 MB, 1546x1599, Screenshot_20181216-011205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@bartz.barbecue on Instagram
Traveling BBQ truck that frequents LA area breweries
Also look at @heritagebarbecue for similar itinerant bbq in Orange county (pic related is theirs)

>> No.11621852

>eating a baby
If this is anything other than anti-veal propaganda they fucked up (even though veal age is more like a teenager development-wise, so still pretty embarrassing).
>muh male newborn chicks
Yep, those don't make it to the table. 0/10.

>> No.11622112

Wolves kill shee just for fun

>> No.11622140

>If this is anything other than anti-veal propaganda they fucked up
Suckling pig ...

>> No.11622153
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Just added a 10 lbs bag to my next Amazon order; thanks for the tip, OP!

>> No.11622159

Pack hunters just swarm and feast, don't worry killing it. Lone hunters make sure it is dead before they eat.

>> No.11622163
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Humans are merely animals, good and evil are a meme created by kin selection and reciprocal altruism, and the universe doesn't care.

>> No.11622240
File: 47 KB, 600x568, media-1544965555686-Dec_16_2018_08_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11622306

lmao the butthurt libertarian salt in response to this image is hilarious

>> No.11622314


When predators kill food in the wild, they don't actually bother making sure it's dead before they begin to eat. As long as it's disabled and can't move, they will eat it alive, letting it suffer in total agony as it watches and feels itself get devoured. While some species to tend to deliver killing blows, this usually comes at the end of a long hunt where the victim was harried, harassed, and bled out until the point of utter exhaustion, and is by no means "killed as rapidly as possible."

>> No.11622356

Fun fact: Humans are the only animal that kills and tortures for "fun." You make it sound as if wild animals are as evil as homo sapiens which derives pleasure from killing and torturing both life and the earth itself.

>> No.11622392

>evil and good exist in nature

>> No.11622397

>Fun fact: Humans are the only animal that kills and tortures for "fun."
Not even remotely true.

>> No.11622403

you have obviously never owned a cat if you think that's true, cats will torture mice and frogs for hours until they are dead

>> No.11622411
File: 288 KB, 476x550, 1517214113064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh (((You))).

>> No.11622419

>Fun fact: Humans are the only animal that kills and tortures for "fun."

lol ignorant vegas, I grow chickens and practically every year some animal kills some of them, it's usually a weasel or fox, but sometimes its a raccoon, they don't eat them, they don't even take bites from them, they just kill as many of them as possible. One year I had a weasel get inside the house and kill over 20 chickens, it didn't eat any of them before leaving.

>> No.11622437

Are honeybees the only pollinator? Are honeybees native to the Americas?

>> No.11622479


Wolves and bears do not typically kill in that fashion for one. Sounds like you're parroting vegan propaganda without doing anything of you're own research.

>> No.11623258

do some research, one almond takes about 4 litres of water to grow.

>> No.11623339

Imagine being so retarded you didn't learn your fallacies in middle school. What country are you from anon?

>> No.11623349

What? How was that implied? Are you stupid? God I love these vegan threads. It always brings the DUMBEST fucking people. It's like going to the special Olympics to laugh at retards. Easy.

>> No.11623381

Fun fact: you're an ignorant retard.

>> No.11623411

Habitat destruction and pesticides have diminished the non-honeybee pollinators far below levels necessary to pollinate even a fraction of the agricultural crops which is why farmers pay a shitload of money to have apiaries truck in honeybees for pollination of crops.

>> No.11623634

I am mildly allergic to almonds, so sure thing OP

>> No.11623807

Fuck, I'm in NorCal. Any good shit like this around Sacramento? I just moved here from South Carolina in August.

>> No.11623836

Ah yes, that most popular of dishes

>> No.11623851

wow, you sure showed him.

>> No.11623867
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>> No.11623909
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Mm mm, bitch!

>> No.11623919

They must be retarded if they think a child wrote this.
Even worse if an adult has piss poor handwriting with a limited vocabulary wrote this

>> No.11623931

I'd love to see a black mirror episode like this

>> No.11623943

I'm here in Monterey
I'm gonna have to make a trip now.
Thank you

>> No.11624270

You have great local beer up and down the Central Coast, but it's still worth taking a socal long weekend trip to tour the brewery and food truck scene. The drive is less than five hours as long as you avoid peak traffic.

>> No.11624305
File: 91 KB, 640x480, 640px-Tri-tip,_baked_beans_and_toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santa Maria style BBQ is fantastic. Easily the most underrated of the genre
Kinders is a great regional chain in NorCal. Their ball tip and tri tip sandwiches are dank. Anyone that does a good tri tip tho will be a good lead, peep mom and pop corner stores and see if they're smoking something its usually tri tip or chicken quarters.

>> No.11625500

you've never seen that liveleak vid of crocs going after a zebra, have you?

>> No.11625648

Fuck bees

>> No.11625671

t. took freshman humanities course

Mark Twain is a retard btw

>> No.11625685

Nothing wrong with this at all

>> No.11625702

So many butt-blasted carnists, sorry m8. It invariably becomes “but you’re not pro-life”!!!! even if you are

>> No.11625820


>> No.11625851
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>not the Super Mario Galaxy version


>> No.11625886

A swine will happily eat a human child if given the chance.

>> No.11625892


>> No.11625898

>3(three) whole responses
Marxists never cease to amuse me

>> No.11625899

Oops, looks like your argument fell apart

>> No.11625921

Uh, no, retard. Predators try NOT to kill them so their hearts can keep pumping fresh blood. They eat them torturously from the ass up while they scream in agony

>> No.11626125

In the wild a lot of predators basically torture prey by handicapping them so the young predators can practice killing them and since theyre so small and inexperienced its extremely painful.

>> No.11626128

Bees started this shit, i'm ending it.

>> No.11626176

>Literally eating cancer

>> No.11626846

If you eat literally anything farmed by major corporate farms you are contributing to the extinction of pollinating insects (and by extension the total collapse of our food supply). Enjoy having grocery stores full of every vegetable and fruit you could want while you can, because in a few decades that won't be a thing anymore.

>> No.11626986

Not going to happen in the near future, they're just shilling for more VC cash. They don't have the tech to create growth medium from plant matter, that might be solved with genetically engineered bacteria and yeasts ... that's existing tech. The far bigger problem is how to clean it during production.

Dialysis is a far inferior, highly complex and expensive alternative to a real kidney and that's a billion dollar industry which has existed for over half a century.

Until we have Star Trek replicators or we can just genetically engineer tubular cows without a central nervous system, the only scalable way to get animal cells is for a normal animal to grow them.

>> No.11628981
File: 56 KB, 720x880, anomalolous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they cost a lot of water, they HELP bees. so it evens out for the lefties.

>> No.11629102


Denying that a human fetus is alive is pseudoscience. So if someone hates abortion because they realize its murder. I can't say they are inherently wrong.

>> No.11629131

there's a big leap between "alive" and "human being"

>> No.11629142


>> No.11629335

t. Maculey culkin

>> No.11629528

The almond industry doesn't help bees lmao. See >>11620236

>> No.11631127
File: 148 KB, 332x332, 1544329254024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck bees and fuck bee keepers

>> No.11631231

>if you're not a libertarian you're a marxist
exactly the kind of thinking I'd expect desu