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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 688 KB, 1080x1844, 1544758624467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11611760 No.11611760 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you drinking soylent for all of your nutritional needs?

>> No.11611773

Just look at those tits.

>> No.11611777

>Image may contain: 1 person, sitting
Da fuq does this mean? Whats its purpose?

>> No.11611781


>> No.11611791


>> No.11611794

I did, and had to stop. Soylent contains no cholesterol, by design. The body needs cholesterol to produce sex hormones. Living on nothing but Soylent leaves you sexually nonfunctional. The soy doesn't even have to do anything; you'll get ED from the nutrient deficiency alone.

>> No.11611800

Had one for breakfast today. If you let memes decide what you eat or drink, you are a mongoloid

>> No.11611805

It's boring, overpriced, and unsatisfying.

>> No.11611808

>t. soyboy

>> No.11611813
File: 92 KB, 640x571, 7C787900-E7A7-42AA-BF47-62E3C8FDC5AB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away Jew
Soy is worse than beer

>> No.11611814
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>> No.11611816
File: 100 KB, 412x600, Rob+Rhinehart+Soylent+Trish+Host+Austin+Party+VbkBjubahvul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11611821
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Do you think they hurt?

>> No.11611825
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do you think they leak?

>> No.11611842


>> No.11612104

Good god, imagine being this retarded
The body creates cholesterol. None is needed dietarily. Dietary cholesterol is terrible for you.

>> No.11612116

Isn't he just fat?

>> No.11612292
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>peddle estro-drink as superior food
>look like a weak fat bitch with soytits

>> No.11612306

Just when they are bare rubbing against fabric.
Absolutely, they require regular fondling as well or else they get backed up and ache.

>> No.11612310
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>> No.11612346

Because I have taste buds, aren't a lazy fuck, and can eat like a king for the same price with minimal effort.

>> No.11612359

Phytoestrogen doesn't cause gynecomastia, unlike mammalian estrogen

>> No.11612376

Okay Rob

>> No.11612392
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>> No.11612571

he's really fat but his arms are tiny because he never works anything physical
he probably has like a 30% bodyfat and 0 muscle mass

>> No.11612610

>Dietary cholesterol is terrible for you.
Good god, imagine being this retarded

>> No.11612698
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>> No.11612704

those look like ham lips. dude must love ham.

>> No.11612746


>> No.11613207

>There is much evidence to support roles for these factors, but the degree to which each of them participates remains uncertain.
So they tried to draw conclusion and didn't. Wow, great paper. I love one that base their reference from 1960s studies rather than use calculated science, data and understanding rather than drawing conclusions from other data and failing. Did you even read your study?

>> No.11613224
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>> No.11613536

Jesus Christ. You might as well be taking straight estrogen at that point.

>> No.11613575
File: 521 KB, 716x603, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11613653
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No thanks I'm straight.

>> No.11613677

I saw many people like that any they weren't even vegans. Gyno is mostly fast and shit genetics.

>> No.11615147

Is that nose jewish?

>> No.11615699

I've never tried it, but I'll usually have an Ensure instead of breakfast if I'm running late, or for lunch (with a pepperoni stick) if I didn't make one the night before.

But even with (((Soy)))lent, as long as you don't base every meal around it, you should be fine, no? It's like having McDonald's once in a while is fine, but every meal might not be?

>> No.11616157

Because I enjoy eating solid mass and don't wish to gain lead poisoning

>> No.11616159

I just ate an entire bag of shrimp and I'm still alive. Checkmate gaytheists. Carnivore 4 lyfe.

>> No.11616171

There are better "All in one" type drinks/powders out there.

>> No.11616178
File: 98 KB, 821x869, 1529978869214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never drink soylent shit before
>almost never drink milk
>have manboobs

feels bad

>> No.11616188

It's mostly genetic and exacerbated by excess weight

>> No.11616201

wew that's some pretty damning evidence of the soy causes tits argument.
Probably a screen readout for blind people. A lot of wiki pages have those under images.

>> No.11616210

Oh no!

>> No.11616217
File: 135 KB, 731x839, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you even read your study?

There's so much variability in results from "dietary cholesterol" that there are obviously other factors and controls. Vitamin C is an example.

>> No.11616234
File: 45 KB, 322x237, Screenshot_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one seems "an antioxidant problem".

That's 2 for 2, and I'm done for now.

>> No.11616242
File: 66 KB, 476x571, 1415355589602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf. It's been the bane of my existence my entire life and no one that isn't suffering it will ever understand.

>> No.11616259

Posture. Fitness of pecs, also including overall cardio. Nutrition.

Nurture is of much greater effects than nature.

>> No.11616261

… "Genes are some 99.5% similar."

>> No.11616319

Nonsense. Gynecomastia is a result of hormone levels particularly during puberty or old age. Unless you're on medication or drugs that mess with your hormone levels, it's going to be a result of your genetics. Not to mention that some men are going to develop inert mammary glands as well, is that a result of posture?

>> No.11616349

Hormone balances are very based on controllable factors.

Even height is correlated to protein intakes.

>> No.11616363

Correlation is nice but did you know that it's not causal? You usually learn this by middle school. Go ahead and try to grow a few inches in your skeleton by gorging on protein bars, I'll await your progress.

>> No.11616368

>what are optimal growth periods

>> No.11616374

It's almost like those are governed mostly by your genetics or something. Again, this is well known to people that study medicine or have a basic understanding of science. Consider actually having a rudimentary understanding of a subject before trying to make an argument.

>> No.11616382

>block puberty with chemicals
>never have a puberty

>ensure optimal diet during puberty
>produce optimal results afterwards

It's not rocket science. You have a window in which to greatly affect your physical outcome. It just so happens that it's between the ages of 10 and 14.

>> No.11616383



Also, protein is part of a large amount of bodily functions.

>> No.11616384
File: 1 KB, 159x107, Summary of Those Arguments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11616393

Let me quote myself
>Unless you're on medication or drugs that mess with your hormone levels

So by taking such medication you can alter yourself somewhat but how much is determined by... guess what. I'll let you stew on that for a while.

Nonetheless, this has nothing to do with the fact that gynecomastia is the result of natural hormone fluctuations during "optimal growth periods" (or "optimal" decay periods, incidentally).

Not even an argument. Nothing about how protein is used would undermine anything I've said.

>> No.11616408

Quoting "nature" over and again is only so relevant. Just because something has trends only defines those windows. There are potentially others (it's possible producing much more GH and much less DHT [and plausibly much more T] with diets – keto / low carb).

The RDA of 50 g/day, all the utility of it, and the huge percentage of malnutrition of other nutrients (especially vitamin C) are suggestive of protein / nutrition being very relevant for height (amongst what's already researched).

>> No.11617345
File: 694 KB, 3560x1160, progress-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has bigger manboobs than I did when I was 300+ lbs

>> No.11617424
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>Nurture is of much greater effects than nature.

You majored in some useless Hugh Manatees shit, didn't you?

>> No.11617469

overrated movie. If it wasn't so famous it would be considered some shitty half assed "sci fi" flick

>> No.11617493

Body composition and nutrient availability determines hormones.

Nutrition and fitness (flexibility, strength, and cardio) are hugely responsible for gene expression.

These things are researched. If you're interested, it's obviously helpful looking them up and shelving the garbageposting.

>> No.11618936

because if i did, i would die from malnutrition. also i'm not a homosexual.

>> No.11618950

Soy is in everything, man. If you eat junk foods or storebought, premade shit, it tends to be LOADED with soy.

>> No.11619738

same. even got down to a body fat% that's probably quite unhealthy trying to see if they'd go away. no dice.

>> No.11619863

>says the faggot who fell for the (((commercial))) memes
kys, eunuch.

>> No.11619868

>whiteknighting for some bitchtits beta eunuch
What a giant faggot.

>> No.11620017
File: 739 KB, 1080x1844, 1544758961813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11620078

Because huel is better

>> No.11620114

>soylent ceo
>has manboobs

very surprising

>> No.11620196

Other anon here looking for the truth. I had eggs and I'm conflicted. lol

I found this thing, what do you think?


It has a lot of sources at the end of the article that show dietary cholesterol has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.11620200
File: 628 KB, 2448x3264, 79u8309rqw901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got all my nutritional needs right here.

>> No.11620213


> >>11619410

>> No.11620592
File: 277 KB, 270x200, 1544034477946.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"everyone I don't like is an incel"

>> No.11620601

Probably drank a lot of dairy during puberty. You know, the stuff that contains mammalian estrogen that stunts the development of boys and causes gynocomastia.

>> No.11620648

Canuck here. Banning soylent is probably the only thing our government did right in the recent years.

>> No.11620662

Damn those tits are fancy!

>> No.11620881
File: 90 KB, 750x750, 13365c4bb8d6180558b2a6e21eb1263d368504b2bddc291f7111f0be07122914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get to post it again

>> No.11622361


desu the right still looks WAY fatter than a 24.91 bmi should be

>> No.11623069
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1570, 1515362533934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong again, idiot.

>> No.11623076
File: 108 KB, 900x960, worrybun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honestly not even funny anymore.
Where the fuck will society be in 20 years? Fuck!

>> No.11623296

thank you mr. nesquicks

>> No.11623329

Great job. Now prove it with science instead of one study that is hearsay.

>> No.11623436

You blind or something?

>> No.11623500

>adam davenport
What the fuck? I'm used to having to open bottles/jars/containers for my female coworkers, but never a "male".

>> No.11624044


>A 60-year-old man was referred to the endocrinology clinic for evaluation of bilateral gynecomastia of 6 months' duration. He reported erectile dysfunction and decreased libido. On further review of systems, he reported no changes in testicular size, no history of testicular trauma, no sexually transmitted diseases, no headaches, no visual changes, and no change in muscular mass or strength. Initial laboratory assessment showed estrone and estradiol concentrations to be 4-fold increased above the upper limit of the reference range. Subsequent findings from testicular ultrasonography; computed tomography of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis; and positron emission tomography were normal. Because of the normal findings from the imaging evaluation, the patient was interviewed again, and he described a daily intake of 3 quarts of soy milk. After he discontinued drinking soy milk, his breast tenderness resolved and his estradiol concentration slowly returned to normal.

>> No.11625352

To think this dude will get more pussy than any of us :(

>> No.11625375

>one guy drinks 3 gallons of soy milk a day

>> No.11625420
File: 462 KB, 588x628, soy1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one guy can't tell the difference between a quart and a gallon

>> No.11625821

How is Chris-chan still alive?

>> No.11625890

he recently married mewtwo

>> No.11626147

You could start by questioning the pol incel narrative of soy = man tits. Read actual papers on the topic, soy doesn't turn you into a woman-man hybrid. The real enemy are plastics.

>> No.11627581
File: 28 KB, 450x470, medical-vector-illustration-difference-between-450w-503038006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh. And your explanation for this >>11624044 is...?

>> No.11628810

Sals death scene is perfect and elevates the rest of the movie to greatness

>> No.11628961

what happaned to you r stomach/chest hair?
also nice going, just gotta hit the gym so you can mold that body into something that doesn't resemble an uncooked biscuit

>> No.11628967

>hurr durr I don't actually read the study I just spam links
Anyone who posts more than two links at a time should be permabanned.

>> No.11628973

Or he's a soyboy. Occams razor.

>> No.11629185

I trim it in the summer/fall because I get hairy as FUCK and it makes me really hot and sweaty

>> No.11629211

Pretty much. I think it's what's called skinnyfat, where you're not exactly overweight but you have no muscle tone. It's fairly easy to control with body weight exercises, but there are a lot of people without even that much discipline.

>> No.11630991

you're concerned about society because some company made defective bottles?
Well you'll be glad to know they've rectified that with "soylent 2.0", which fixed that problem.

>> No.11632401

weak bait

>> No.11632451

Gym and run regularly m8

>> No.11633188


>> No.11633201

Because, among other things, it actively inhibits the development of lean muscle, which I need to do my job with.

>> No.11633354
File: 37 KB, 350x350, pep i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W3 guidelines for multimedia web publishing dictate that all images must have an alternate text in the event of failure to load an image, or inability of the user to make any meaningful interpretation of it. unsure if that's what's going on here.

is this neogaf?

>> No.11633953

I don't want to get too strong

>> No.11634050
File: 577 KB, 659x3838, Men's_penises_are_half-an-inch_SMALLER_if_they_are_exposed_to_high_levels_of_chemicals_in_non-stick_frying_pans_and_fast_food_packaging_while_in_the_womb,_study_finds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole fuckton of things mess with your hormones/endocrine system. Not just food so you need to be on the look out.

>> No.11634136

Why aren't you drinking soylent for all of your nutritional needs?
the name imply there might be soy in it

>> No.11634648

If it makes you feel any better the japs have turned manboobs into a fetish and there are some great doujins with them. Not traps, just guys with manboobs or big pecs. Wish I could remember the pixiv tag.

>> No.11634653

I like to shit. The velvet feels when I empty my bowels, also the toilet is my safe haven. I spend a good 30mins on my smartphone.

>> No.11634655

the article itself is pure clickbaith bullshit
the study found a correlation between people LIVING in areas where the factories processing teflon were located
instead of pressing for better enviromental protection laws for these companies they decided to spin horror stories about non stick pans

>> No.11635266

jesus is that cosmo

>> No.11635275

Found the brainlet

>> No.11635350

Because I'm not a fucking weirdo who hates food.

That whole company is doomed because people like to eat food.

>> No.11635393

west-coast ideologies and fads disgust me

>> No.11635393,1 [INTERNAL] 

God you must be a homo.