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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 300x180, sad-food-toast-and-uniden-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11597745 No.11597745 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most saddest or most humiliating meal you've ever eaten, /ck/?

>> No.11597749

that gruel your mother cooks for me in the morning

>> No.11597754

Your mother's cum

>> No.11597755

I'm pretty sure there was a week period over spring break in college when my roommates went home and I was alone with no friends and just holed up in my apartment unbathed eating nothing but carrots and a giant tub of hummus like once a day to make it last so I didn't have to go out and see the sun or talk to anyone

>> No.11597758

Your dad's shitpussy

>> No.11597769

thank you for the blog

>> No.11597773

The last baked potato wrapped in the last piece of bread.

>> No.11597781

half-eaten wonderbread out of a dumpster

>> No.11597789

your mum's pussy

>> No.11597810

This one summer I didn't have any money so I was eating lots of beans and rice. The bad part is I would get the shits constantly. One time after shitting I felt a fart coming, so I let it rip. Low and behold some reserve shit was launched out of me on to the bath mat. Never trust a fart boyos.

>> No.11597938

beans and rice with some kielbasa or kale was my fucking poverty meal. Drown that bitch in hot sauce and get ready to shit yourself inside out.

>> No.11597994

>saltines and butter
>nutella sandwich. toasted two pieces of wheat bread, threw two tablespoons of nutella on it
>the worst?
>no bread, so i made a nutella rollup, with a tortilla
laziness made me do it

>> No.11598006

Can of beans, right out of the can. No bowl, no spoon, nothing.

>> No.11598143

this but everyday for me.

>> No.11598324

Currently eating nothing but two chicken breasts a day

I’ve never felt so suicidal

>> No.11598345

I ate about a cup of chocolate chips and about a quarter pound block of cheddar last week for dinner

>> No.11598355

I ate a block of government cheese over 3 days when I was homeless a few years ago. Halfway through day two got a bottle of tobasco off a Dennys counter to put on it.

>> No.11598377

You sound like a cool dude

>> No.11598385

Nothing but 4-6 steel reserves a day for about a week.

>> No.11598415

The morning after I confronted my ex wife and the guy she was fucking. I was making breakfast and slammed the plastic spatula on the kitchen counter a until it broke. Does that count?

>> No.11598419

lmfao cuck

>> No.11598421

Why are biggest losers on 4channel on /ck/? You faggots depress me so much I feel like giving up.

>> No.11598425

Put shredded cheese in bread and microwaved it. Then I'd squirt ketchup in it and eat it. Had that every day a while back after middle school.

>> No.11598438

Wait till it happens to you, if it's not happening already

>> No.11598441

My body once went into shock from not having anything but a single Cup O' Noodles a day and Miller Lite for a month when my parents cut me off in college. I ate an old box of strawberry Honey Bunches of Oats just so I could muster the strength to type my last page of my final college paper.

It felt like the saddest because no one was around to help me, but my roommate's parents found out a few nights later and bought me a pizza and some wings. 9 months later I was homeless, but the eating was actually better than when I was trying to be prideful.

Most humiliating was turkey hearts/gizzards/etc. that were barely heated.

>> No.11598468

Craft singles with a spot of yellow mustard. I do this currently so my kids can have actual food.
Gosh I sure do hate this world.

>> No.11598473
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christmas last year
notchicken patties and popcorn
beer was good

>> No.11598478
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bad pic

>> No.11598488

They still hand out government cheese?

>> No.11598514

Should I be humiliated by sitting down with a block of cheddar cheese, a bottle of wine, and a big bottle of pepsi and just finishing them all off over the course of an evening? Because that's paradise.

>> No.11598518

None of those are bad though.
It's even advertised to eat nutella with wheat bread.
Also that's literally an americrepe

>> No.11598531

One time when I was 6 or 7 years old I went to a really old distant relative's house, whom I never met before.

They offered me some zucchini bread, and I gladly accepted.

Then they asked if I would like a little bit of butter on my zucchini bread. I said sure.

Then they proceeded to absolutely slather the piece of zucchini bread with I-Cant-Believe-Its-Not-Butter so thick like they were frosting a fucking cake.

Me, being a somewhat autistic boy, tried my best to decline it. I think I said something like "I can't eat it, theres too much stuff on it"

My mother glared at me like her eyes were laser beams and she was trying to set me on fire. And she said something like "DO NOT be rude, you are a guest in this house and you WILL eat this"

So there I was, tears in my eyes gagging and trying my best not to vomit, while choking down a piece of zucchini bread with half a tub of warm butter substitute on top.

>> No.11598542

No because you didn't eat the spatula, you big fucking baby. No wonder she needed a better man.

>> No.11598549


>> No.11598567
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In 2008 I took the day off work and college just to sit on my ass and watch E3 video game conferences.

I ate an entire frozen pizza, a bag of popcorn and like 6 cans of cream soda in like 4 hours.

>> No.11598573
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I hereby pass on to you, before the eyes of men and God, the curse of the cuckold. The curse shall not be lifted until you are cuckolded and find another loser to pass the curse onto. A terrible burden has been release from me!

>> No.11598586
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Please do.

>> No.11598593

What kind of skeltal takes four hours to eat a single frozen pizza?

>> No.11598597

Well I ate the bag of popcorn first, and I had a can of cream soda in between each slice.

>> No.11598598

I went to this jewish restaurant in some sad strip mall in San Diego a long time ago. Just went by myself to try it. It was run by a family, dad, wife, daughter about 18. I was the only one in there and they all doted over me like I was their first customer, but it didn't look like it just opened, it was slightly dirty and worn down feeling. The daughter was my, very akward, waitress and the dad watched from the kitchen while the mom watched from behind the register. Place was dead silent.
Anyway I did my best to ignore them, eat my food and go. I had matzo soup and I don't remember what else but it wasn't good. I gave the poor girl a $20 tip (like $40-$50 today), I don't know why, just wanted to cheer her up but it probably made her even more ashamed since it was an over-the-top tip.
Had a similar experience at a place in Spain recently too except the doña was a huge cunt and was screaming at her staff in the kitchen. Waitress came out to my table crying and shaking. Very uncomfortable but it was one of these one-restaurant towns so no other choice.

Oh, another place down in Honduras. This place to be exact
https://goo dot gl slash maps/VtbnN4vAmev
They built this big hotel down there hoping tourists would come, no tourists ever came. The dining room was a really fancy ball room, probably 100 gleaming white tables with plush velvet high-backed chairs and tableware set out gleaming under chandeliers. I walked in there and noped right the fuck out. Think I just skipped dinner that night. They probably hadn't had a customer in weeks but had full staff ready to watch me eat every bite of my meal and ask if everything was good and would I like anything else every two seconds. I felt bad for turning right around when I saw the dining room but it would have been worse of I stayed. I was kinda laughing to myself like oh no, not this again.

>> No.11598609

Jail food.

>> No.11598660
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>> No.11598696

as a kid, ate mayonnaise sandwiches on day-old Wonder Bread when we were super poor; my mom swears she never gave me
that, but inremember the look in her eyes when she served it to me

>> No.11598702
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When i was an apprentice i lost my driving licence for speeding. This meant i had to live in a shitty hostel for contractors at my work. This place truly sucked, my room was a little larger than a single bed, I had to use shared showers and the kitchen consisted of a microwave and a fridge, which if you left any food in would be stolen.
At this point in my life i was really into illegal raves, meaning that my biggest expense was drugs, cocaine, mdma and ketamine being my main ones. I was paid weekly, which greatly facilitated my drug habit as i only had to wait a week at the most of more money.
Sorry for the preamble but i feel the context is important.
One week after spending all my money on drugs, I quickly ran out of ready meals and soup my dad gave me on weekends, leaving me in a position with no food or money. I only had to wait 24hrs to get paid, so i thoughy I'd just go hungry and eat the next day. That night i couldn't get to sleep because of hunger pains and i ended up going to an ATM at the local petrol station at midnight and buying some ready break (instant oats) and cooking it in the microwave with some uht milk i stole from the fridge.
During that meal, I had some pretty long thoughts about how depressing my life had become and it was probably my lowest moment.

>> No.11598713

>entire bag of chips
>entire bag of cheese
Wa La.

>> No.11598763
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Recently I visited my girlfriend in college and stayed at her dorm. Her dorm has a three-day policy, and I was staying there for a week, meaning we had to stay elsewhere a few days in. We opted to go to a nearby motel, and to the steakhouse across the street for dinner.

I was super in the mood for a blooming onion, but only ended up eating a small fraction of it, meaning I took about 80% of this bad boy back to the motel in a box.

Now, we went back to the motel and got pretty stoned. I hadn't gotten high in well over a year, so I got hit pretty hard, and got pretty hungry.

It was at this point that I realize that we have no plates and no silverware. So, ultimately, what this results in is me, fat, naked, and stoned out of my gourd, shovelling a half-warmed blooming onion into my face while hovering over a trash can, while my girlfriend ate a steak microwaved on a bed of Kleenex tissues with her bare hands.

>sorry for the blog post

>> No.11598772

I mixed flour and water into little biscuits and fried them up. Was out of money, starving, and knew nothing about how to use flour.

>> No.11598778

>day-old Wonder Bread
What? Do you typically eat the whole fucking loaf the day you buy it?

>> No.11598815

One time I was tripping on acid in the forest and drank an ice cold can of Progresso clam chowder. It was pretty good.

>> No.11598817

Imagine being a poorfag lmao

>> No.11598823

You can buy "day old" bread from their factory

>> No.11598854

Extra value baked beans on microwave popadums smeared with mayo. Topped off with cheese slice.

>> No.11599408

It's kind of weird to think about some old construction worker showing up to a rave

>> No.11599417

>buying bread from the factory outlet across town
oh yeah, that's called being poor as fuck.

The type of poor that drives 5 miles to save 25 cents

>> No.11599419

I ate half a tray of flapjack that had been in the bin for 4 days. I threw it out when i didnt feel hungry then i got high and got the munchies 4 days later so i found it in the bin and ate it.

>> No.11599433

Unrelated but i woke up in a pool of my own vomit, so i masturbated, came on my belly and went back to sleep

>> No.11599435

Is that really a thing? And can't you season it or some shit?

>> No.11599436


>> No.11599457
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>Windows 7

>> No.11599478

He literally answered the itt you fucking faggot

>> No.11599485


>> No.11599491

get some crackers and you're classy

>> No.11599494


Imagine being an American with shit tier digestion. Jesus fuck. This is what lack of fiber does to you.

>> No.11599502


Normotrons lurk and post OC

Froggies, Reddonaldos, newcunts, fast food scum and sip subhumans force stale memes, shout down discussions and wallow in self pity

It's always been this way. /ck/ is secretly a board for high functioning artisans, but superficially a board for mouthbreathing autists

>> No.11599503

Thought they did away with free cheese.

>> No.11599504


Proud of you anon. But rly tho buy some cheap produce and legumes, definitely not more expensive than the shit you're eating

>> No.11599508

>Windows 7
>Anchor Steam Christmas

I don't see the issue here

>> No.11599517


>> No.11599529


>> No.11599538

Plain rice with butter for a couple of days.

>> No.11599544

>eating nothing but carrots and a giant tub of hummus
da fuck are you? a middle easter rabbit?

>> No.11599580

I was 21 at the time

>> No.11599584 [DELETED] 
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Been delressed for a long time with things getting progressively worse over the last 3 years.

My go to for depression food was eating baked beans out of the can. Not reheated or anything just open the shit and eat it out with a spoon because i wasn't even worth heating food for.

>> No.11599618

Microwave mashed potato with sliced up tinned hot dogs

I used to sit alone in my university room in first year listening to all the normies partying eating this

>> No.11599654

What did that? A bear?

>> No.11599658

Excuse me, can you elaborate on what you meant by this post?

>> No.11599763

A Kraft singles with some mustard squirted on it. Or bone broth with pepper.

>> No.11599782

That's why poor people are poor. And drugs.

>> No.11599801

No idea what did it anon. Whatever did it was hungry for more than depression beenz though.

>> No.11599830
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Jesus Christ..

>> No.11599840

Guy in college sold it to me for a couple dollars and said it was government cheese. Was like a huge waxy block of off brand valveeta. I didnt have anywhere to stay between semesters so I usually just lived in my car between shifts and the cheese wasnt going to last

>> No.11599882


>> No.11599893

every day i eat canned sardines and rice

>> No.11599924

Expired cheddar cheese and refrigerated pepperoni on toasted stale bread.

It's not delivery, it's Destruggle.

>> No.11599925

I used all of my load within the first weeks of uni so I spent the rest of the term eating nothing but two jam sandwiches everyday

>> No.11599932

Rice and ketchup for 2 weeks

>> No.11599945

ur mum

>> No.11599951

Literally lmfao

>> No.11599966

Reminds me of this

>> No.11600062

Pasta with just mayo. Unironically I got addicted to eating it that way now.
Ketchup sandwiches too.

>> No.11600072

Probably was still frozen

>> No.11600074

I had to visit the US and it was by far the saddest culinary 3 weeks of my life.

>> No.11600083

Granted the food quality is shit but I enjoy my time there:
There’s loads to do.

>> No.11600377
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One time when I was ~8 my dad made me eat soggy rice and BBQ sauce. It was not a fun time

>> No.11601176

a bowl of water with a glass of water i garnished the water with some pepper

>> No.11601187

how did you prepare it? I mean if you plated it well it could be served in a popup.

>> No.11601193

what is delress? is it contagious?

>> No.11601206

Nothing is a probably the saddest meal I ever ate.

>> No.11601207

I had a friend in the US army who had nothing but chicken breasts, protein shakes and pre-workout. His life was pain. He ended up getting discharged because he ended up tearing a ligament in his foot because he worked out so much.

>> No.11601220

Kale isnt fibre?

>> No.11601224

Dude why

>> No.11601237

I used to microwave hash browns and put them between bread, along with ketchup

I ate that every day for lunch for a year

>> No.11601705

My boyfriend's cum while I was dressed as a french maid

>> No.11601708

t. drink about 6 pints of steel every work day for years, more on weekends

kill me /ck/

>> No.11601728

post a pic, faggot

>> No.11601789

I'm more concerned about the state of that desktop, what the fuck are you doing nigger

>> No.11601814


That place in Honduras is probably a front for money laundering, desu you missed out.

I have an uncle that lives in Panama, and there´s tons of up scale restaurants that are just fronts. He said you can get a really nice steak for like 1.50

>> No.11601817


Such is life.

>> No.11601820

I enjoyed that

>> No.11601871
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i eat a lot of sad shit

this is tonights cusine

>> No.11601886

Saltine crackers with mayonnaise on them. That was a whole meal. I don't even like mayo

Alternative, once i ate a whole can of spam cold with a pocket knife

>> No.11601895

Crackers dipped in raw pre made tomato sauce

>> No.11601906
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Two slices of white bread rolled into a ball. Did this for months.
Also, drinking lukewarm vodka out of an empty water bottle so at least I don't feel crippling depression. (Did this several times).

>> No.11601925
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At uni I'd spent my monthly allowance on weed and beer 5 days before the end of the month and by the 3rd day with no food I went to the food bank and pic was all they had left :(

>> No.11601931
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fish and chips

>> No.11602030

What's in the "pigmeetup" folder?

>> No.11602373

That's plgmeetup you fatty

>> No.11602538

Last year, I got laid off work because of a downsizing and lived off a pot of penne, croutons, canned veggies, tomato sauce, canned chicken of the sea and block cheese because I was a shit planner at the time and couldn't go shopping that week.

>> No.11602540
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>> No.11602635
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Underwood canned meats are the top quality of potted meat.
Even at walmart they're like $2 for one can.
Spread that shit on a cracker and that's a great snack bud.

Now if you were eating a 25 cent can of vienna sausages, THATS some sad meat

>> No.11602752


>> No.11602988
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Taken from google but on at least three occasions I've just had four of these as my entire daily intake. Not because I'm poor. I'm massively lazy and had no other food in the freezer. Feel a piece of me die everytime I make them.

>> No.11603051

I compulsively eat anything I see on the ground. doesn't matter that I have food at home, I'm not poor or starving, doesn't matter that other people are around, doesn't matter if it's a crumb or a whole meal, but I just pick up whatever trash people leave on the floor of the bus or drop on the street and start eating it. I avoid places where birds gather because I see the crumbs and start feeling the need to go and start licking my finger and picking them up out of the dirt

>> No.11603088

In prison. Some inmate who hated me , snorted into my already pathetic dish and forced me to eat it. Alternatively, I would have his wiener up m.... you get it.

>> No.11603471

There was a time toward the end of college when I was so broke all I had left to eat were some frozen breaded fish filets and soy sauce. Not recommended.

>> No.11603479

Also plain rice for a week straight because I was broke.

>> No.11603533

A bag of those nuggets are amazing, with a good mustard, homemade ranch, famous Dave's devils spit sauce, and sriracha to dip in. Pair it with a 6 pack of PBR, a bagged caesar salad or some macaroni and cheese, and you have an amazing meal for cheap.

>> No.11603631

I once ate nothing but salted nori and rice for three days because I had nothing else to eat.

>> No.11603745

Rice and mustard

>> No.11603781

oh I did this for a month but ate oats and drank kefir as well
p good for '''''poverty'''''

>> No.11603784

One time I lived on a hippie farm in rural NC. I was poor, but I had my own apartment. I had only a jar of honey to eat, so I tried to freeze the honey in order to change the consistency and excite my palate. It didn't work well.

>> No.11603839

why did you decide to have kids if you can't provide for them? Thats pretty fucked up

>> No.11603848

huh why didnt you eat them out of their to-go containers?

>> No.11603851

Black people don’t think of the long term consequences of their actions.

>> No.11603858

>high functioning artisans
>mouthbreathing autists
Same thing faggo

>> No.11603879

Did you destroy a forest afterwards?

>> No.11603909

Even if the first world (Australia here) that's almost always true about LARGE empty restaurants run by minorities.
They get family to play restaurant while the real money is made behind the scenes. Still sad to see one of these places fail.

>> No.11603917
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>> No.11603923

Pretty ok desu dude

>> No.11603926

Literal fag lmao

>> No.11604041
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Third worlder here

Not exactly humiliating but prolly this. Steamed cassava. Eaten as is with black coffee for breakfast, and served with wild edible and grilled catfish/snakefish and a little condiments (salt, chilli pepper) for lunch and dinner.

For context, we were poor back then, asian financial crisis hit hard and my dad lost his job as an electrician for power company. We moved to the countryside to farm on our land while setting up small sundry shop to make ends meet. Rice is practically a luxury so we only eat rice once a day, sometimes every other day, with all the money is spent on me and my siblings' education. Most family plant cassava in their backyard (since it require little care) and we usually fish by the river so everything is practically free. We cook stuff mainly with firewood because kerosene is expensive (and used mainly as source for light) and cooking oil is also expensive and used only sparingly so most of our dish is either steamed, boiled or grilled

At least our family never went hungry, not even once back then despite eating eating stuff that is essentially famine food on daily basis. All of us finished college educationn and the farm and supermarket are doing great now

>> No.11604216

Spaghetti and hot sauce.

>> No.11604340
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I've never felt ashamed of anything I've ever eaten, my parents were upper middle class, and we always ate very well.

I eat weird stuff a the time, because I feel like it.

My saddest meal was probably me chugging liquor and booze after work because I've been single forever, and none of my hobbies interest me.

Thanks for visiting my blog, dont forget to like subscribe and hit notifications for my impending self implosion

>> No.11604345

Probably drinking hot sauce or eating ketchup packets

>> No.11604360

Zucchini bread with that margarine is just great! What is wrong with you?

>> No.11604377

Those oriental noodle things with a flavor packet ...used to be 4 for a dollar...when I first moved to Maine...cabin in woods...no refrigerator or anything...eventually I learned how to cope...kept food such as meat in below zero Maine winter in shed...used wood stove to cook local farm squash in a stew with fresh tomatoes and onions and garlic...some of which I grew.. harvested dandelion greens for salad, made ginsengand St. Johnswort and apple blossom tea from our own woods that I foraged...did ok in end but still eat poor except for fruit and bakery bread...

>> No.11604753

That's a fantastic album.

>> No.11605170


>> No.11605211

Based and Dinopilled

>> No.11605704

They're British turkey dinosaurs, not the Dino nuggets you're used to. They're flavourless, and have the texture of cardboard.

>> No.11605714

I used to eat a lot of "slop". Basically off-brand instant mashed potatoes and a can of beans and bacon. Would sometimes throw in a bit of garlic and onion, but it didn't do much for the flavour.

It wound up being this semi-liquid semi-solid grey-ish blob with almost no texture, and tasted like nothing. It was okay, though, since it gave me enough calories to get through the day.

Wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.11605719

Pepperjack cheese slice lel

>> No.11605734

Back in 2008 I got laid off and couldn't find any work. Eventually sold my car and returned my apt. Went dumpster diving nesr some fast food joints around the area. Stale fries, and day old burgers weren't too bad, with some drinking fountain water at a local library in my bottle.

>> No.11605748

Literally nothing. Way too often. Im sick right now and need calories.

>> No.11605888
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I got blackout drunk once and ate some leftover food my sister had in a pan. It was sitting out for easily 2 days

I am not proud of that night

>> No.11605952


>> No.11606855
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When I first moved out I completely fucked up my budget and had no money for 6 days.
The last 3 days I had practically no food and ended up mixing a can of tunafish that had been sitting on top of the fridge at work for longer than I'd worked there with 3 cans of spaghetti-o's. I still have nightmares about that shitty tomato sauce with the pungent stench of tuna fish filling my whole apartment.

>> No.11606882

A coworker of mine opened a can of plain beans, drained but not rinsed, and ate it cold with an avocado on the side.

>> No.11607024

stale hot dog bun with mayo

>> No.11607036

nothing wrong with that

>> No.11607074

beans have fiber anon and rice as at least a little

>> No.11607109

you can't eat carpet daddy

>> No.11607110

ketchup on a hamburger bun

>> No.11607126

go to rehab

>> No.11607138

The containers weren't microwavable and I was fuckin baked

>> No.11607198

Lightly seasoned water, every day for weeks. Called it a broth and logged it at 100kcal. Just to be "on the safe side".

>> No.11607220

Trail mix with hot sauce was pretty bad

>> No.11607245

Amy's Baking Company is allegedly one. I still don't understand how it is supposed to work

>> No.11607443

proud of you anon
There's a little Polish hole in the wall near my house. Whenever I go in they're sold out of everything.
>"no pierogie today mane"
>"sorry mane no kraut"
>"You want ham sub mane?"
>Four dollars for basically whatever they have available that day plus chips and a drink. >really nice people
>they love my little brother
>give him his food for free
>try to set him up with their nieces
>offer him a job
>works two days
>on the second day an old polish guy wearing a gold chain starts yelling at deli man in polish
>"sorry mane, boss not trust you"

>> No.11607452

forgot to mention that their is always like four polish dudes sitting around in their watching TV and sometimes a literal retarded black guy. I have no idea where they found him.

>> No.11607479

thanksgiving dinner in jail

>> No.11607493

That's pretty cool , anon. How does it taste?

>> No.11608500

A few months ago i didnt have a stove so my main meal for like 4 months was salami and spinach wraps, fucking awful. But the sadest meal might of been the time i ate saltine and butter sandwiches

>> No.11609176

Keked and checked

>> No.11609255

post the screen saver pls

>> No.11609266
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>might of

>> No.11609285

There were days when my meal for the whole day was 2 shots of vodka and a slice of bread.
Depression is a bitch.

>> No.11609718
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Definitely this lamb and baby spinach poverty meal

>> No.11609733

Thanks! I agree. Love Judas priest. Also sad satan.

>> No.11609755

When I was working super long shifts, like 72 hours a week, I'd come home and just be floored. one time I wanted to eat a fuck ton of food and apparently my better judgement had got lost in the exhaustion. I made about 3 people's worth of pasta, with pesto/mustard/balsamic vinegar/butter as a sauce. I had it with frozen veggies and olives stirred through.
And I ate the whole thing before questioning wtf I was doing. It was the most confusing set of flavours I'd ever had

>> No.11609785

Do people actually consider such a thing when eating? Like sitting there, eating, thinking "OMG, this is a humiliating meal. How will I ever live this down?"

If you think like this, this is probably one of the reasons your life sucks

>> No.11609792

it's a shame you ruined what looks like good lamb with your retarded cooking anon, the fact that you use paper plates tells me you are a total pleb so I guess you wouldn't know better.

>> No.11609794

>>11609755 here. I didn't think it was humiliating, but I was aware how bad it was after and that it was quite weird. I look back on it now and laugh, but it's laughing at myself for sure

>> No.11609799

let me tell you my meals this week
monday: three cans of tuna, just the regular no-name kind
tuesday: three cans of tune, just the regular no-name kind
wednesday: pasta noodles with hot sauce for both lunch and dinner
today: a "baked" potato, cooked in the microwave. ill probably have pasta noodles with hot sauce again for dinner today

>> No.11609861
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His what now?

>> No.11609886

When I was a longer stupider bitch I may have drunkenly spent an entire paycheck on a few trays worth of pot brownies. I had literally zero other food to get through the next week until I got paid again. Needles to say my productivity that week did not impress my boss and my bf wasn't keen on taking the entire rent for me. (He forgave me after a handy though)

>> No.11609890

I used to eat grilled cheese made in the microwave everyday. Eventually i started toasting the bread first.

>> No.11609949

is that doggo alright though

>> No.11610004

you claim a certain amount of customers to explain money coming in, when in reality you get a lot less customers

>> No.11610028

In college i would make hot dog bacon
Slice your hot dog thin the long way and cook it in a pan like bacon. Its not very good but its probably the best way to eat a hot dog

>> No.11610085
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8 pcs of hot dog and 4 pcs of frankfurters that went stale. that was my meal for one day, i puked some of the stale frankfurters out.

>> No.11610089

elbow macaroni and ketchup

>> No.11610094
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fucking shit, forgot that pic was in swedish.

>> No.11610270

dry, uncooked ramen
would sprinkle some of the packet on, but most would fall through

>> No.11610289

I was wondering why I couldn't read anything.

>> No.11610407

dab'd and check'd

>> No.11610498

I'm >>11603051. I'm definitely ashamed of it in the moment that I'm doing it, especially if there are other people around. I do it anyway

>> No.11610535

I doubt he's a rich white woman.

>> No.11610643

Anon why? That's actually sad

>> No.11610833

>Implying most of 4chan is only fake sad.

>> No.11611402

That's not Swedish. That's Danish.

>> No.11611415

Mac and cheese in the hospital last month. I believe it was just macaroni noodles, cheddar cheese, and margarine lazily mixed together. There was a pool of grease in the little bowl after I finished eating.

>> No.11611435

I can only imagine the kind of disgusting pig you’re dating...

>> No.11611448

i knew some kids in high school who did this

>> No.11611480

Cutting? You can braise it in chicken stock or marinade it to give it some flavor unless you have like cancer or something

>> No.11611485

Fuck man get help you will be moving on to majorska or Cisco soon enough

>> No.11611492

Did you ever visit them again after that?

>> No.11611496
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Wait so you pounded down like 7 sodas? Holy shit

>> No.11611526

>Her dorm has a three-day policy, and I was staying there for a week, meaning we had to stay elsewhere a few days in.
what kind of whipped cuckold actually pays attention to this policy?

>> No.11611662
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>> No.11611706

I find that kinda entertaining in that everyone does stupid shit like this before they get the hang of cooking it's not sad or humiliating but it probably was a lesson learned

>> No.11611713

The fuck are those things !!?

>> No.11611726

3.797 million square miles and you cant manage to find a decent meal? This strikes me as more of an operator error.

>> No.11611729

Basic tortillas and butter. I was so poor that I subsisted on one egg and tortillas of flour, water and vegetable oil for 2 weeks. Then I ran out of eggs and started eating them with butter. Then I ran out of butter and started eating them plain. My roommates started offering me food randomly because they could see how malnourished I was. Very embarrassing.

>> No.11611740

Kielbasa was my poverty meal earlier this year, can't even stand to look at it anymore. Early college was hash browns and eggs every single day followed by a putrid peanut butter sandwich for lunch and dinner

Also I think the repetition is what makes a poverty meal a poverty meal for me, not necessarily the quality, but that helps

>> No.11611744


watch the entire thing

>> No.11611761

ur gonna make it bro

>> No.11611778

you're just fucking jealous because we've transcended and you're stuck in you're stuck in /r9k/ dealing with the classic autists you faggot

>> No.11611818

dear god anon that's the type of shit that drives a man insane
this is chaos of the ninth degree

>> No.11611830

once I was "experimenting" and put orange juice in box Mac and cheese

>> No.11611834 [DELETED] 

HELLO THERE pls stop scrolling

hi im twigglet you all know me basically i dont post much any more but i'm going to start posting again but i have something to announce!!!

i'm praying that this post will be allowed despite it probably conflicting with one of the rules, but i'm not trying to start an argument and this isnt an opinion its just a thing of respect???

basically, over the past year or so i've been discovering things about myself and i've come to the conclusion that i don't want to be referred to as a "boy" or a "guy" any more. most of you who've stuck around are old enough to know what this means and mature enough to respect it, but i identify as a non-binary gender called genderfluid!!

non-binary means that i'm not a boy or a girl, i'm another gender that you might not have heard of. genderfluid means i can fluctuate between feeling like a guy or a girl or "flow" between them depending on circumstance!!!

as a result of this, i'd really really really appreciate it if you didn't call me a "guy" or a "boy" etc etc, and if you need to talk about the way i am by body (which you dont need to) you can say "DMAB" which means "designated male at birth".

also, i no longer feel comfortable with the pronouns "He/his/him/himself" as it is obviously generally linked to being a guy. the pronouns i prefer are "Ze/hirs/hir/hirself" (it's a widely used thing!!!! i can link you to the pages of all this stuff on wikipedia if you want).

i know it might take a bit of getting used to, but i just ask you that you please respect my wishes and don't misgender me. if you don't understand what being trans is, send me a message. if you disagree with this could you at least not make a big commotion on the forums and just??? talk to me about it personally; i can take whatever opinion you've got but i don't want this forum to be angry just because of something like this.

thank you thank you thank you for reading this

have a good day <3

>> No.11611984


>> No.11612117

Eating disorder?

>> No.11612147

>wa la
kill yourself, mongoloid

>> No.11612160


>> No.11612559

Try plain rice for 3 weeks straight.

>> No.11612605

Was really broke, down to eating just ingredients pretty much, flour and spices made into flatbread, I found myself with some money so got a pile of bread making supplies and peanut butter to keep me going, and splurged on some smoked trout that was on sale. Got home, made some bread, and realized what a mistake the trout was, I wanted an actual meal more than anything, so I did the best I could, smoked trout and peanut butter sandwich.

>> No.11612621

what the fuck

>> No.11612702

half-cooked dumpling wrappers in anchovy stock.
instant noodles flavoured with soot from a nearby barbecue pit.

>> No.11612988
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I'm no longer friends with steel reserve.
Now blingbling blue rasberry MD 20/20 is my bestfriend.

>> No.11613052

It was a hospital meal. Nothing about it was remotely decent. The mashed potatoes were made with whey and water, the five or six mini carrots were boiled to mush and the pork chop was as tough as a 300 y/o flip-flop. No salt on anything.
The entire time I was thinking about how much debt I was going to be in and how uncomfortably the IV gauge was poking my wrist.

>> No.11613105

My family was super poor when I was a kid and sometimes we had to live off church donations. Once ate a box of off brand mac and cheese but we had to use water to mix in the cheese dust since we had no milk or butter.

>> No.11613123
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>> No.11613125

The Saddest that I still do semi-regularly (every 2-3 month or so) is, Kraft dinner + mixed in a can of tomato soup + package of ground beef.
My parents used to make it all the time and call it "goulash". They grew up in deep rural poverty and can still barely cook anything other than "one-pot" type meals like that

>> No.11613137

Baked potato with tesco own brand noodles. I'm so fucking glad I'm not that poor or mentally ill anymore.

>> No.11613162

sometimes i microwave my protein bars because melted chocolate sounds appealing but it never comes out even and some of the chocolate burns my fingers while the center becomes so hard it could chip a tooth

>> No.11613186

Uh what

>> No.11613196

Beans don't give me horrendous shits.

>> No.11613212


>> No.11613221

4 tiny slices of bread and tomato ketchup for breakfast in a Polish hospital. Apart from that, everything was much better than hospitals here in the UK.

>> No.11613226

Based as fuck pols

>> No.11613986
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A piece of chicken cook in an air fryer with sour cream smeared on it with a spoonful of peanut butter and some carrots dipped in Caesar dressing.

>> No.11614704

That’s my comfort food now. Perfect rainy day meal.

>> No.11614733

Not really a meal but i just ate a box of moldy strawberries and some mushy apples from the food bank. Ive also binged on cold canned beans and bread from the garbage bin. Most of my meals are pretty sad desu

>> No.11614951
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Food pantry used to hand these out by the dozens and I'd have to add all kinds of shit to stop from killing myself from eating the same thing every day. At my lowest I strained and rinsed off the broth/gravy, put it in a blender with milk and eggs and apple juice, and added some flour to make a beef stew pancake batter.