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11585351 No.11585351 [Reply] [Original]

So, why is nutrition so fucked? Why are they so many competing theories of nutrition from seemingly decently reputable sources? Is it because it's still a relatively new science? Is it because it's so heavily intertwined with the sale of commodities that amount to trillions of dollars of business that depend on people believing one viewpoint over another?

This is not a thread to argue about what your preferred nutritional theories are, it's about a meta analysis of nutritional science as a whole, why there seems to be a lack of consensus, and what should be done to fix this problem.

>> No.11585380

Because people can't accept that not one diet is better than the other. If you eat a certain way and are in good health, what's the problem?

One of the issues is people also can't accept that a well balanced diet is the best route to go, instead they want to be different and almost prove to other people that their keto, or vegan, or what ever is better than someone else.

Nutrition is black and white to be honest, it just has different effects on different people. For example, I can't drink soda, or sugary drinks gives me headaches, heartburn, you name it, but I can polish off a 6 pack of beer and be perfectly fine. Or I can eat a snack sized bag of candy and be fine as well.

>> No.11585391
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nutritional science is kiked by cannibalistic blood drinking pedovores who call us goyim (cattle)
wakey wakey sheeple

>> No.11585396

we still dont know much about the human body, lots of current medicine has roots with early human civilization remedies which were found by happenstance, trial, and error
you want real progress you have to do what nazis allegedly did and experiment on humans

>> No.11585401

banning “inhumane” experiments turned nutrition into astrology

>> No.11585430

Nutrition has to unravel a bunch of blatant bold faced lies pushed by the government for business purposes (having 9 fucking servings of grain/carbs a day, sugar bring fine but fats being evil, etc)

Plus the single biggest variable in nutrition is the subject themselves. Well established core concepts surrounding nutrition are constantly thrown out just because there was an exception to the rule who pushed hard enough. (works on my machine!.png)

>> No.11585445

This. Lack of controlled experiments yields inferior data. Nutrition will never be a real science.

>> No.11585462

The problem is that this “news” about nutrition and studies conducted rarely disclose the source of funding for the study as the funder tends to dictate the outcome of the study. So people hear about it and take it for gospel, that combined with new doctors are tought from old doctors, so the information they know is already 40 years behind.

>> No.11585487
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There's also a big lack of science literacy in the media so that leads to a lot of confusion

>> No.11586417
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Food companies pay scientists to get the results they want. Experienced researchers can choose the outcome they get without outright lying by manipulating the way they conduct the study.

>> No.11586432

1) every person's body is different and what works for one wrecks the other

2) supposedly scientific approaches to nutrition suffer from the same problems as every other field approached "scientifically": poor experimental design in studies, little replication of studies, p-hacking

3) paid shills from various industries

>> No.11586443

The medical industry (and society in general) are also incentivized to keep the class of worker bees alive, but do not necessarily want them to thrive or improve. Army Rangers and athletes and captains of industry alike are all on 500 mg of test e, but no doctor or scientific study is going to come out and encourage as much, because it'll disrupt the status quo.

>> No.11586469
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My gf genuinely thinks she knows a ton about nutrition, despite the fact that she's never taken a nutrition class before (she once believed a vegan tumblr blogs words for fact, even though the blogger literally said everything was her opinion and not backed up with scientific research). I love her but damn this shit can be annoying as fuck.

It's not the biggest deal because I know a shit ton of people who do this sort of thing too. I'm neutral about the whole subject because everyone who tells me what is and what isn't going to kill you always speak with complete undeniable confidence in their word.

>> No.11586482

I was a Ranger and never took test e or anything else. The main difficulty with Ranger school is going with only 3 hours of sleep/day for weeks at a time. You would literally fall asleep while walking.

>> No.11586510

nutrition is pretty difficult to study senpai. these things take time. if you start drinking a coke every day and never exercising, it will still take you YEARS to get diabetes. it's hard to conduct a 40-year study that involves the participants following a strict diet, or at least omitting something, for.... 40 years.

>> No.11586534

Weird, my friend just finished up at SF school in Ft. Bragg, and now he's into all sorts of designer shit like test e and tren. I told him to get on that shit like three years ago, but he said what pushed him over the edge to try it was the fact that they never tested for it.

>> No.11586566

you niggas mean testosterone enanthate? most of the SEALs i know use cypionate.

>> No.11586572


>> No.11586665

desu baka senpai cuck

>> No.11586716

what's the difference?

>> No.11586736

The attached ester determines a large portion of the bioavailability, and in practice determines how frequently you'll need to inject. Enanthate has a schedule of 2-4 weeks, which is pretty long. A longer release schedule isn't necessarily better, though, because you'll be above where you want to be early on, and below in the late stages, so it's all an optimization game.

>> No.11586752

so to keep your levels consistently high you go for cypionate but for convenience do enanthate?

>> No.11586765

The only people conducting research on nutrition are funded by corporations who have a vested interest in the outcomes of the experiments

>> No.11586767

Pretty much, but as far as I know, cypionate is somewhat long-lasting as well.

>> No.11586865

>Is it because it's still a relatively new science
No. Sciences that have existed for centuries are still shrouded in mystery. Humans are primitive and don't have an answer.

>> No.11586878

I new some guys that did it, but I was in really good shape at the time and just didn't feel like I needed it. But yeah, the army turns a blind eye to it, they won't bust you for it if you're not parading it out in the open.

>> No.11586993

nutrition doesnt seem so hard, just make sure you get recommended daily allowances of vitamins and minerals and stuff and try to not eat complete shit, am i in the right ballpark?

>> No.11587038

No, because the "recommended daily allowances" are guesswork at best and propaganda at worst.

>> No.11587044

This. Also scientific studies show vitamin supplements are ineffective.

>> No.11587073

while the amount part was wrong and taking supplements might not help arent i right that eating things such as fruits adn veggies and whole grains that have vitamins minerals and antioxidants inside of them is of a benefit to your body

>> No.11587250

My opinion is that exercise and fasting are more beneficial to your health than diet. Sumo wrestlers are morbidly obese but don't have nearly the same rate of cardiovascular disease as non-exercising obese people do.

>> No.11587253

i get exercise but why fasting?

>> No.11587260

Everyone processes food differently.

>> No.11587275

Fasting has a lot of benefits that have been studied, too much for one post. Weight loss, increased lifespan, heart health, blood pressure, diabetes among other benefits.


>> No.11587287

“Nutrition” gov/industrial manipulated, ask to any biologists or bio-chemistry about the insanity of the nutrition guidelines.

>> No.11587290

Human body has been devoloping for billions of years. The complexity that can be created with that time is something our brains cannot comprehend. So basically because we don’t know enough about human body.

>> No.11587382

it's hard to do long term RCTs for diet, and epidemiological studies are worthless.

>> No.11587397

lotta money to be made i guess

>> No.11588747

There are many many factors to conaider when researching nutrition. Some factors pertain to human bodies - some of which pertain to previous eating habits of those bodies. Other pertain to ingredients and their methods of cooking and length of time. Other factors pertain to regularity and/or amount. Other factors pertain to isolated nutrients versus nutrients combined with other nutrients.

Also, investigating and singeling out the protein found in red meat on its own is not necessarily accurate as it almost never is a) consumed without the rest of the meat present or b) without other foods.

Throw in some highly biased and profitable consumeristic shit diets and people's incentives to perform accurate, time-consuming and broad nutrition research is basically non-existant.

Most the nutritional "facts" we have today are incidental findings from research looking at other stuff.