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File: 106 KB, 610x457, 283861-frozen-burger-boxes-edit-thumb-610x457-385896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11576923 No.11576923 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the best microwave burger?

>> No.11576936

A thread died for this.

>> No.11576961

I don't think you could pay me to eat one of those

>> No.11576970

I’ve never had one but I’ll rate them based on the box.
>1. Fast Bites Cheese-Burger
The meat looks nicely textured, as if it were formed at home. The bun has some nice seeds as well. 9/10
>2. Ball Park Flame Grilled SLIDERS
Bun looks soft and the meat fits perfectly; very aesthically-pleasing. 8/10
>3. cheeseburger
Meat looks well-textured, though not as nice as Fast Bites. Still looks enjoyable. 6.5/10
>4. New! Banquet Burger Sliders
Meat looks mostly unappetizing and square-ish, though the meat to bun ratio is very nice. Overall, very average burger. 5/10
>5. Smart Ones Mini Cheeseburger
Hmm. Actually, I think I like this more than the above. A second look yields a nice looking bun and patty, though nothing special. It’s a solid 6/10.
>6. White Castle Cheeseburgers
Very little meat compared to bun size; appears to be soggy and mostly bread. 3/10
>7. Fast Fixin’ On the Go! Flame-grilled Cheeseburgers
Looks a bit like plastic stage-prop food; suspiciously white, thin bun hiding a very shiny tomato. I would avoid this at all costs. 1.5/10

>> No.11576977


>> No.11576994
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is fast bites the related to pic?

>> No.11577044

You can microwave the patty but PLEASE toast the bun in a pan or something. Microwaved buns are the worst.

>> No.11577067
File: 167 KB, 1000x899, Rustlers-Deluxe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11577106

>free trip to detroit

>> No.11577145

>free trip to Detroit
>get robbed
>haha now you're stuck in Detroit

>> No.11577151

fuck man just get a pan, 80/20, cheese & a bun

>> No.11577156
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>> No.11577157
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Thanks for that observation, newfriend.

>> No.11577161

still waiting for their free trip to North Korea promotion

>> No.11577177

fast bites is wat they sell at the doller store here my mother buys it

>> No.11577220


>> No.11577227

at the very least, just buy the frozen burger patties and assemble the burger yourself with fresh condiments
microwaved bread is nasty as shit

>> No.11577229

Cook em low and slow and they're all "good" enough, but I can only speak for the Fast Bites and White Castle. I'd probably stay away from that Fast Fixin one though

>> No.11577277
File: 35 KB, 315x315, A_smile_to_protect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have almost eaten one fast bites a day for the last 2 years, its actually insane how a dollar tree cheese burger is so good.

>> No.11577284

How do you feel

>> No.11577302

stupid anime poster

>> No.11577310

someone post that /v/ greentext plz

>> No.11577317

Perfectly fine and i have went days eating only them for breakfast lunch and dinner.

>> No.11577320
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White Castle are the best frozen burgers but these aren't terrible.

>> No.11577355

I eat these more than I’d like to admit. In fact I had this exact one yesterday.

>> No.11577365


>> No.11577432
File: 171 KB, 1000x899, Rustlers-BBQ-Rib-FB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them are absolutely fucking rancid.
The LEAST rancid one, is Rustlers BBQ rib.

>> No.11577543

So I should avoid White Castle even if they're cheap? I guess $3 for six isn't good.

>> No.11577548

I've eaten a lot of low-class gas station food, but by God I've never stooped so low as to eat one of these. Godspeed OP, hope you find one you like.

>> No.11577565

How is it

>> No.11578340


I don't bother with the microwave. I just throw them on the griddle i instead

>> No.11578362

wait a minute.. What?

>> No.11578372

Ball park?

>> No.11578375

Bloody ell do americunts actually do this?

>> No.11578389

Tastes like garbage.

>> No.11578397

This question is like asking, "What is the best shit to eat? Do you like runny shit? Do you like chunky shit with some texture?" At the end of the day, it's still shit.

>> No.11579539


It's not though is it

>> No.11579557

I read the packaging once when I saw it at the dollar store. That's not something you want to put in your body.

If you're pathetic enough to buy a microwave burger, just buy a pack of buns and some frozen beef patties. Put on a slice of cheese, some condiments and caramelized onions on if you feel like it.

I had 4 white castles once and ended up in the hospital with diverticulitis right fucking next to my appendix. Only a few centimeters away from an appendectomy according to the CT scan. Worst antibiotic treatment of my life.

Just cook it and learn how to properly dispose of animal fat. I do not recommend frozen burgers.

>> No.11579673
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Haven't eaten many frozen burgers but these are alright. Once you put some condiments on, they're just a little better than McDonald's. I probably won't ever buy one again.

>> No.11579699
File: 55 KB, 500x543, 5017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Action packed trip to Detroit

>> No.11579705

Rustlers Quarter Pounder. Eat at least one a week.

Microwave is fine but frying it in a pan with some onions is even better. And toasting the bun.

>> No.11579710

Kroger has a decent store-brand bbq pork rib sandwich in the frozen section...COME AT ME, BURGER FAGS.

>> No.11579713

white castle obvs

>> No.11579723

Your mom

>> No.11580055

White Castle by a mile. I could live off the motherfuckers but after eating a box I start tasting them in everything so I have to raise up off 'em for a while

>> No.11580059

based story about how he ate too many white castles poster

>> No.11580068

>I had 4 white castles once and ended up in the hospital with diverticulitis right fucking next to my appendix.
I don't think the burgers caused that

>> No.11580072
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For me, it's Great Value brand. They used to sell the 2 pack here for $4 and that was great but now it's only the 4 pack for $6 which I know is a better deal but I feel bad paying $6.
>white castle
hamburger > cheeseburger
>cold but not frozen section red package burger
not bad, but not good
>drive thru
small, not worth it
>jumbo burger from frozen section
It's a lot of effort to microwave it properly, you can't do the whole thing at once. Have to disassemble it and cook the patty by itself, then microwave the bun and cheese by themselves

but great value (walmart) brand, by far my favorite. frozen or thawed, micro 30 seconds upside down, 30 seconds right side up, set on a paper towel because the cheese always melts down the bun and you don't want to touch that shit. have to limit myself to one a day at most