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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 640x640, modern times bedrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11528037 No.11528037 [Reply] [Original]

/beer/ general
Not a containment thread edition
Previous thread: >>11518297

>> No.11528040

first post

>> No.11528056
File: 1.62 MB, 2787x3715, 160505E9-331F-4FCD-8452-426FFEFD8071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried Bourbon county stout on tap yesterday. Honestly couldn’t figure out what the fuss was about. Seemed overhyped. In better news. Popped open an 18 month old aventinus eisbock. Truly the pinnacle of malt. Delicious. Following it up with a lovely pic related.

>> No.11528061

almost looks like a mikkeller label

>> No.11528062

Hey I have that chemistry book too

>> No.11528065

Which one? They're all pretty good reads.

>> No.11528072

The central science one. I've been meaning to finally get to it. It came in the mail a month ago but works been nuts and I've had zero energy to crack the fucker

>> No.11528079
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>> No.11528084

I agree, but the hype is more for the variants than the regular. we still had 2017 regular bcbs sitting on the shelf at my local liquor store in October.

>> No.11528086

smells like inbev

>> No.11528118

Why do Americans love Budweiser Light so much?

>> No.11528121

because we’re fat af and you can drink them all day and all night

>> No.11528125
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Tastes like nothing. Pic related is an actually decent light beer though

>> No.11528204
File: 278 KB, 492x494, chrome_2018-11-26_05-50-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have this on tap where i work and fucking holy god damn shit it's so dog darned delicious

>> No.11528206
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My favorite light beer

>> No.11528286
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Low ABV Berliners are great for drinking all day, and they actually taste like something.

>> No.11528324
File: 132 KB, 375x500, beer-_563774_hd_14d9632d12c5fe5156817c8f4709f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best beer, best design

>> No.11528363

Why'd them flemings name a coffee after the anti-gay-marriage bill?

>> No.11528372
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For me? It's gotta be Pabst Blue Ribbon™ of course. Affordable and delicious, it's truly the best beer!

>> No.11528414

Can't drink it anymore, it's inbev swill. Replaced it with St. Bernardus tripel.

Troegs barrel aged some of that at one point. I'd love to try it. Great beer.

>> No.11528453
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Rudy Van De Kelder's finally in secondary (didn't photograph it). He's back to being a red, just needed racked off the yeast. Tried a bit while I ran some quick tests, and he's definitely in the 10%ish range. Possibly a great success.

>> No.11528490

We dont have Bernardus tripel but we do have quad on tap. Dope as shit

>> No.11528745

the taste is rank
nothing special about this beer

>> No.11528880

acid reflux?

>> No.11528954
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>> No.11529003


This dude invented light beer in general.

>> No.11529068

I wish i could try fun stuff like this but unless i ship it from out of state costing a fuck-ton there's no kind of store anywhere near me in the midwest for buying stuff like that.

>> No.11529266

i remember you

>> No.11529438

Yeah it's based. I don't care if inbev bought it, as long as it's still good.

>> No.11530182

What shitty part of the midwest do you live in that you cant get beer?

>> No.11530747

Especially basic bitch stuff like stone?
>stone have 50 state distribution
Lazy much?

>> No.11530766
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>> No.11531173

Nebraska, i can get beer but mostly basic stuff apart from my local brewery which is its own brand.
They do? in basic bitch general stores or in select alcohol shops or bars or whatnot? I've only ever bought alcohol at stores within commute distance.

>> No.11531198

That's a beer for women.

>> No.11531470

Search "stone beer finder".

Most likely they will have other shit.

>> No.11531762
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>> No.11531768

>we still had 2017 regular bcbs sitting on the shelf at my local liquor store in October.
The worst part of living in a place with good beer culture is limited release stuff disappears right away

>> No.11532875

Theres your capitalist oportunity awaiting. Be the first microbrew/imported beer store in your area.

>> No.11533375


>> No.11533382

Can we all just like...stop pretending anyone on Earth likes beer and doesn't just tolerate it to get drunk?

>> No.11533449
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You know there is a more efficient way to kill these threads, right?

>> No.11533497


>> No.11533539

How does it compares to the Rochefort 10?
The 10 was great, taste like figs and dry fruits

>> No.11533655

Fuck off cunt

>> No.11533779

Nice, you put the beer in front of your meme chemistry books for the picture so you can try to look smart. Dumb faggot.

>> No.11534028

8 is also great

>> No.11534056

Maredsous has a similar set-up too, their 8 is a dubbel and the 10 is a tripel. If you like Rochefort, you'll enjoy them as well.

It's not as heavily bottle-conditioned as well so chances are it won't blow up on you as easily. My workplace is always 50/50 when it comes to bottle-conditioned beers (Boulevard Sixth Glass, Rocheforts, etc.) depends on which bartender opens the beer for us to pour. Still delicious nonetheless. Get a wide goblet for it if you can also

>> No.11534080

I like Molson :)

>> No.11535391
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>> No.11535409
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You can't make this up

>> No.11535482
File: 177 KB, 480x481, 10-Barrel-Raspberry-Crush-Berliner-Weisse-12OZ-CAN_bcceb03d-9a78-4e27-b305-9b11768d2f48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this in flyover land right now

>> No.11535489

His father was a dressmaker.
That's all I need to hear ahout light beers

>> No.11535573

I hate being drunk but love beer. I'm really hoping someone starts focusing on n/a beer and making it actually palatable

>> No.11535640

Dont drink 3 thousand in a sitting

>> No.11535659

OK, this may be a weird question, but here goes; what is your favourite ABV level/range for beers, and alcohol in general if you want to provide more detail?

>> No.11535917

I only drink once a week and am not obese so two beers does me in. Usually i just fall asleep from them and wake up groggy

>> No.11535968
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What is the worst style of beer and why is it India Pale Ale?

>> No.11536013
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>he doesn't know about pic related with some fresh lime juice

>> No.11536227

That's a normal beer interaction. I wouldn't classify that as "drunk" unless you are shooting for recruitment to a certain quasi religious group. Letting the depressant do its work after a normal day of work.

>> No.11536231

Because the Chad ipa fucked your mother and skipped town?

>> No.11536268
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I thought this article was ridiculous but I guess you've proven there's a market for this sort of thing.

>> No.11536319

I just dont like the feeling though. Once in awhile it's fine, but I dont want it as much as I want a beer.

>> No.11536332

What is the difference between a meme chemistry book and a normal chemistry book?

>> No.11536386

It all depends on how the judge in the glass house feels at any given moment.

When the red quad's all bottled up, I should shoot a pic of a few of them in front of my old university textbooks. They might be memey science books, but they'd at least be oldschool memes.

>> No.11536405

as far as I am concerned a chemistry book is about as un-meme as something can get

>> No.11536442

If I'm going to be drinking a lot, below 6%.

If I'm going to be driving, I really appreciate a mid-strength (around 3.5%) that tastes good. Thankfully these are becoming more common now.

If I'm just having a few beers and not driving then it doesn't matter.

>> No.11536601

On a weeknight? A single 8.5% pint with dinner or two 6.5s spread out over a few hours.
At a weekend lunch with a friend where I'm driving and have plans for later in the day? A 5.5% pale ale is ideal.
Friday night at home? Up to two pints of 8.5% or one triple around 10-11%.
Summer daytime drinking? Steady pints of 3.5-4%, usually Berliners or sours.
I don't drink liquor or wine.

>> No.11536640

I go by the beer. My favourite beer is Schloss Eggenberg's 23P Urbock at about 10%. I also really like Wychwood's Arrowaine, which is less than 4%.

My favourite cocktail's a bit of nonsense in around the 30% mark, but I also like single shot gin caesars.

I go by flavour - getting messed up is a bit of an afterthought.

>> No.11536709
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Make way for the obviously superior CUB beer

>> No.11536825
File: 1.28 MB, 1851x2468, 1540315409362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dog once picked up its own IPA because I don't take shit from anyone.

Stay thirsty, my friends.

>> No.11536848

>not liking IPA
It's like you don't like flavor

>> No.11536856

>not liking literal human feces
It's like you don't like flavor

>> No.11536859

You're exactly like the faggots that hate beer

>> No.11536860

The higher the better, obviously.

>> No.11536874

Pour a shot of coffee liqueur into a beer glass. Pour a stout over it. Drink it. Trust me on this.

>> No.11536909

Humans evolved to detect toxins as bitter tasting. We tend to survive when we spit out toxins because they taste bad as opposed to swallowing them to look and feel manly.
IPAs objectively taste toxic. Literally. You're not any more of a man for enjoying high IBU IPAs just as you're not any more of a man for enjoying high scoville chili peppers.

>> No.11536944

When will flyover stoutboi learn that modern IPAs tend to sit under 50 IBUs and often around 30?

>> No.11537066
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>IPAs objectively taste toxic

>> No.11537082

but he's right

>> No.11537110

So many tastelets in this thread ripping into IPA or Stout etc. What the fuck does it matter what you think is good? The craft beer market is so fucking huge that you can find any style you want. Just because every brewery makes an NEIPA now because its popular doesn't mean they stop making stouts. If you truly appreciate beer, you should be able to find positives in any style. Most styles have an insane amount of substyles or adjuncts that can totally shake it up too.

>> No.11537229
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>> No.11537231

Anti-IPA posters that aren't trolling are flyovers don't even know what NEIPAs are.

>> No.11537397

Flyovers are the only ones making decent ipas m80

>> No.11537443

just cracked a 11am lager, were in for a good day lads, got 7 more where that came from

>> No.11537547

living the dream

>> No.11537855

Go back to sleep, pumpkin. You're delirious.

>> No.11537911

>just randomly adding the word flyover to things you don't like even though they have nothing to do with the midwest

>> No.11538117

IPAs are alright if you ask me, but stouts and XPAs are the superior choice

>> No.11538124
File: 3.57 MB, 4032x3024, 20181110_224323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point is invalid and you are a low test nigger.

>> No.11538159

I hate beer, but that's an incredibly aesthetic can.
What's a good beer for people that hate beer? Those dark ones look okay, are the chocolatey ones good? I think Irish red something or other sounded pretty ok.

>> No.11538163

unironically a great tasting beer.

>> No.11538318
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This was lacking in flavor a bit, but it was alright.

>> No.11538757

Low bitternes (IBU) Stouts are the best beers for people who dont like "normal" beer (i.e. girlfriend).
Better if it has the word "chocolate" somewhere on the label.

>> No.11538768
File: 121 KB, 290x480, christmas ale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /festivedrinking/?

>> No.11539009

Can we get a discord? uwu

>> No.11539065

There is a glut of shitty IPAs flooding the market that sit on store shelves and get old. You can't be unaware that IPAs are over represented. Most IPAs taste extremely simliar with only small variations. No one makes malt-balanced IPAs like Dogfish Head or Samuel Smith, they are usually one note bitter hop bombs.

>> No.11539079

This is one of the very few christmas ales I enjoy

>> No.11539095

The midwest ipa is the only consistent ipa around. Both coasts have now made two meme ipas that will fade into nothing in a small amount of time. We saw it with the stereotypical west coast IPA, the shitty milkshake ipas, and now the hazy neipa. It's nice to have once in awhile, but most people just want something well balanced and easy. That's why the midwest ipa will forever be around while all the bullshit memepa's will be phased out by the next shitty trend.

>> No.11539108


get this zoomer swill out of here

now this is epic

>> No.11539154

I feel like winter ales fuck up the same way fall beers fuck up, just overspiced garbage, this one is pretty balanced with it. Sierra nevada's winter warmer is pretty good if your into something that tastes like malta. (spic malt drink)

>> No.11539162

A beer's manliness is determined solely by its color. Darker = manlier.

>> No.11539173

>IPA = sissy numales
>stout = masculine men of character and taste
Your post is correct.

>> No.11539215

The bigger more established breweries tend to do the seasonal beers better, imo. If I don't feel like risking getting a garbage beer, I love going for anything Sierra.
>inb4 big beer shill

based and redpilled

>> No.11539289

Yeah I bet you prefer a lot of things darker

>> No.11539298

only a true cuck would project their fantasies like this

>> No.11539310


>> No.11539328

Stout = Islay single malt whisky
IPA = Malört

>> No.11539338

Milkshakes were also New England. Mid Atlantic is about Tropical IPAs

>> No.11539725

why did you automatically assume it was sexual? he could've been talking about dark sausage meat which could go great with his dark drink.

>> No.11539796

>Being a beer snob

>> No.11539805


>> No.11540280
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>> No.11540297
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>> No.11540310

Your hamfisted effort at equating pretentious ass drinking culture sucks. Islay tourists are all faggots.

>> No.11540319

>beat you to it cunt

>> No.11540335

VB Loooong neck


>> No.11540372

Agreed, beer sure is delicious, mmm. Let's laugh at all the people who are obviously inferior to us because they don't drink beer. We sure are smart and attractive because of our beverage choice, don't you agree?

>> No.11540559
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Another week, another Monkish release.

>> No.11540573

XKCD is shitty every day.

>> No.11540623
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the GOAT

>> No.11540688
File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, stella-artois-premium-belgian-lager-beer-330-ml-4-8-abv_temp_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go
Simple as

Everything else is fag shit. You're drinking to get drunk, not to swill the booze in your mouth like wine and talk about it's "zesty woody accent" that you totally can pick up

Fucking benders

>> No.11540776

not yet

>> No.11540801
File: 31 KB, 699x699, ichnusa(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drank some unfiltered Sardinian beer, one hour later I had to pee and my dick was burning like fucking hell
dunno if the thing were connected but beer was delicious

>> No.11540845

>You're drinking to get drunk, not to swill the booze in your mouth like wine and talk about it's "zesty woody accent" that you totally can pick up
porque no los dos

>> No.11540853

Sardine beer sounds gross

>> No.11540856

Stella is the last beer I'd drink to get drunk

>> No.11540861

Then you're a bent freak

>> No.11540881
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victory never seems to impress, always disappoint. For PA brewers, Troegs is better.

>> No.11540887

my god that guy on the left must have to piss.

>> No.11540891
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everyone in that line disgusts me. only the worst people wait in line for beer

>> No.11541039

>he doesn't live near a brewery that produces beer worth waiting in line for
I genuinely feel sorry for you, Anon.

>> No.11541057
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, 15CEE373-E90D-4296-AB2A-B27DBABA7DAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Australian bros tried this? Not bad, pretty smooth taste.

>> No.11541058

>drinking to get drunk
Maybe you are. I'm drinking to enjoy a delicious and relaxing beverage that complements my meal.

>> No.11541063

>You must be wrong because my opinion is the only one that matters and I cant stand beer! In fact, I think beer is so gross and that my limited knowledge and palate are so important that I'm actively seeking out those who seem to enjoy it to tell them how wrong they are! Look, I'm even going to make a straw man argument and say that THEY are the ones being confrontational about it! Watch. Watch me pretend to be a retard! See how much you thought I was a retard? Jokes on you, I'm totally not a retard and just love cocks in my mouth GARBLEGARBLEGARBLEILOVECOCKS

Xkcd belongs on either /co/, /sci/ or /lgbt/. Fuck yourself.

>> No.11541075

That's from the company of sardinian women.

>> No.11541077

Bent freakazoid

>> No.11541079

Yeh it's ok. I bought case of it to take camping and it was good to session on.

Little Creatures has gotten pretty shit since Mitsubishi bought them out though, what used to be great beer is now overpriced average beer

>> No.11541081

Then you're not drinking beer idiot.

>> No.11541082

>stella is the the euro adjunct lager of le' highest class

InBev garbage.

>> No.11541104


Any good craft recommendations?

>> No.11541108

>Stella Artois used to market itself under the slogan "reassuringly expensive" but became popularly known in Britain as the "wife beater" beer because of its high alcohol content and perceived connection with aggression and binge drinking
>ABV 4.2-5.2%
i don't get it.

>> No.11541118

>he doesn't enjoy the taste of beer
What's it like to be a child? I forget, it's been so long.

>> No.11541149

>Beating your wife is a bad thing
Hello numale. "Wife beater" is a selling point like saying it has no artificial flavours.

>> No.11541152
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It was popular with the kind of dipshit who thinks paying extra for tarted up carlsberg at the pub made them look wealthy even though they pregamed eith frosty Jack before heading out. Most of its competition slid in at 5 or below so the 5.2 abv just masked the fact that it was only really popular with drunks trying to impress. The rest of degenerate chav culture is where the name came from.

>> No.11541184
File: 7 KB, 152x309, images (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried any beers from Feral brewing?

The Hop Hog and Karma Citra are both pretty good.

Sometimes they bring out an assorted six pack that is really good but it has a few dark stouts in there, not sure if that's your thing.

>> No.11541197
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>> No.11541209

t. Tarquin bender
Back to drinking shandys

>> No.11541237

I'm having another raspberry sour at this moment. Also had a hefeweizen earlier. Eos by Nebraska Brewing Co.

>> No.11541339

if he likes dog dags the closest thing from feral is sly fox
mountain goat summer ale is also a good similar one
note these 3 are all kinda pseudo-craft breweries that have been bought out by the big boys

>> No.11541459

Feral are pretty decent when they're fresh, but at most places you'll find them, they're shelf turds.

Most people who are really into craft beer don't drink them anymore, myself included.

>> No.11541557

I like kirin ichiban

>> No.11541562

Their Grand Cru (a blend of their bourbon quad and their whiskey barrel stout) is pretty fantastic.

>> No.11541587

He's an insecure faggot who feels threatened by anything that isn't NASCAR and Hooters.

>> No.11541810

I was always disappointed by it.

>> No.11542359

get a load of this guy

>> No.11542396

What should I go get here

>> No.11542620
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started with pic related yesterday
the more it went, the more the cherryish tones disappeared and at the end it was pretty much a sour toffee. great but I would have expected more from the barrel aging

>> No.11542626

Hitachino Nest are generally decent. You can get them here in the US at Whole Foods and bottle shops, but at about twice the price of that site.

>> No.11542627
File: 1.52 MB, 1050x1786, trou du diable impératrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and ended up with this one, which was way more tough and dry at the start, but since it was very dry you end pretty much quaffing it

>> No.11542645

Bruh if you don't want to drink beer that's 110% fine. Nobody gives the guy who drinks G&Ts in my group of friends any shit, and only one dumbass ever gave the straight edge guy any shit. I do like it, though.

>> No.11542748

I think this is pretty much the tone of that comic 1/3 way up the page. This being 4chan in the age of persecution, at least one person's going to at least pretend to sympathize with the guy passive-aggressively drinking beer to "fit in".

>> No.11542848

Yeah I know what you mean, I homebrew and it's pretty easy to beat anything they sell in a Woolworths/Coles bottle shop.
I just recommended Feral because it's pretty easy to find any where, I didn't want to recommend some obscure brand that can't be found in any bws.

Bridge Road and Stone & Wood are pretty good fresh.

>> No.11542996

Staropramen non-alcoholic tastes almost like the regular Staropramen imo.
But even though I like the taste of beer I still don't really appreciate the whole drinking beer without getting drunk thing. It's one of those things that worked for hundreds, even thousands of years and don't need to be reconstructed.

>> No.11543156

Belgium and Germany are quite good at it. Most other countries just throw a bunch of shit in the vat and hope it sticks.

>> No.11543230

What are the must try German beers? Preferably ones you can commonly find in normal grocery stores in Germany and not some specialty shop.

>> No.11543249

Aecht Schlenkerla for GOAT smoked beers
Anything Schneider Weisse for GOAT wheat beers
Classic Doppelbocks. Celebrator, Salvator, Korbinian etc.
Hacker-Pschorr is a really good hefe IMO.

>> No.11543265

Paulaner tap 6?

>> No.11543299

Sorry I'm new to beer. What are the normal yellow, light beers called? Seems like everyone here only drinks thick dark stuff.

>> No.11543451

>What are the normal yellow, light beers called?
Urine, a.k.a. IPA.

>> No.11543598
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Hey that's so cool anon!
I got this piece of shit resealable beer from my dad a while ago, gonna see how it tastes

>> No.11543607
File: 3.79 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20181129_184853712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fuck me I touched the lid and the whole thing blew off like a gunshot. I don't know where it is and my ears are still ringing. Glad it missed me desu

Tastes shit btw

>> No.11543608
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>> No.11543666

IPA's aren't light though, in color sure but not flavor. That anon is thinking of american lagers.

>> No.11543669

I wish. They're from all over the world, my friend.

>> No.11543704

Why do anons hate IPAs anyway? I'm a stout/porter and pilsner man myself, I don't get it. Their okay, they just over saturate the market is all.

>> No.11543706

Because 4chan is littered with contrarians

>> No.11543707

I don't like them because, well, I don't like them, and more importantly it's bloody hard to find anything else.

>> No.11543719

Its really not though

>> No.11543736

>I just recommended Feral because it's pretty easy to find any where
Cause they're bought. Same with Pirate Life, Little Creatures, 4 Pines. Wish there was a proper list for them all.

>inb4 Lion and Cub dindu nuffin
Every time one of these guys picks up a beer they make it blander. Every time.

>> No.11543767

It's not anons. It's one vocal cunt with a pile of memes.

>> No.11543774

Well, okay, it's hard to find anything else at supermarkets. If you go to an actual beer shop or pub it's not.

>> No.11543791

I find it more annoying cause they're an opportunity cost for the brewery. You gotta have a house pale, an American Pale, an IPA, a session ale, and then your next moves after might be a stout, something lagery, or a crazier IPA, and now you're either long past or a long way to messing with stuff like wheat or sours or barleywine.
I don't even hate IPAs, but I'm not a hophead, and neither are most people, so it's a wonder how someone hasn't cracked the skunky lager grip on sales without resorting to "moar IBU".

>> No.11543792

They taste like Pine Sol and soap. Yes, all of them.

>> No.11543798

>b-but m-muh NEIPA
Fruity Pine Sol and soap.

>> No.11543829

Stouts are basically black coffeeish in taste. Porters are a step down if you don't like intense coffee. Hefeweizens have a slightly sweeter profile than most beers, but I hear they can be a bit divisive; I like 'em, good for summer.

>> No.11543885

>Stouts are basically black coffeeish in taste. Porters are a step down if you don't like intense coffee.
Most stouts these days tend to be very slightly sweet, so I wouldn't say BLACK coffeeish.

>> No.11543894

I wouldn't say IPA's taste like poison but drinking one always tastes like I'm munching on pine needles

>> No.11543897

Again, no it's not. There are a lot of them, but there is still a TON of other available styles around and any store. Almost every widely distributed brewery has multiple styles available.

>> No.11543900

Not that guy but shop local, even my local Acme sells local brands like Neshaminy creek, which contain far less IPAs.

>> No.11543916

My local supermarkets' craft beer selection is over 90% IPA.

>> No.11543924

I don't understand the hype behind japanese macrobrews, and I'm a huge weeb. I think their beers are served cold as fuck just to mask the crappy taste. I drank plenty of Asahi, Sapporo, and Kirin on visits to nipland but I would never be able to tell them apart in a blind taste test.

>> No.11543925

I doubt it. Seriously. Most breweries force their other stuff on stores whether or not they want it or have a demand. Unless you live in some shit state that only pumps out ipas. Then you just live somewhere shitty

>> No.11543931

>Unless you live in some shit state that only pumps out ipas. Then you just live somewhere shitty
I live in California. I live somewhere shitty. No, really. 90% of craft beer in supermarkets here is IPA.

>> No.11543938

For example, my primary supermarket, the one two blocks away from my home, has about 40 IPAs, one stout, zero porters, and a few assorted pale ales and wheat beers. That's literally it for craft beers. I am not exaggerating.

>> No.11543939

That makes sense then. Sorry about that brah. Make a road trip to the midwest. Minnesota is starting to be overrun with traditional lagers and sours. I love it. Wisconsin next door has an incredible array of shit as well, but then you have to listen to delusional packer fans. It gets tough

>> No.11543944

>one stout
...and of course it's shitty retard Guinness.
I'd be fucked if it wasn't for my local (terribly overpriced) BevMo.

>> No.11543973

PA is also a good state for beers, Neshaminy creek, Troegs, Manayuk, Philadelphia, iron hill, Lancaster, lotta good beers. Lot less IPA's forced down your asshole.

>> No.11544013

Is that where troegs is from? I see that stuff posted here a little bit and want to try it out. A lot of out of state stuff has been weaseling it's way into mn lately so hopefully one day I can try it. I doubt i can sway my gf to use her vacation to go to PA

>> No.11544032

Yeah it's located in Hershey PA. Pretty good stuff from the very few I've had, heard good things of them but never bothered going down there.

>> No.11544071

No, you dunce, I think I know my local supermarkets better than you.

Tesco even removed all their remaining ales in favour of IPAs.

>> No.11544111

In my experience, the people complaining loudly about ipas are willingly oblivious to all the other options in front of them.

>> No.11544137

Rather funny that your experience is so counter to mine, isn't it?
Drink your fucking IPA, American. You better like it, because they took out Westmalle to stock it.

>> No.11544185

You have the palate of a child. Literally an eater of tendies and Kraft Mac and Cheese.

>> No.11544260

That is the brewers decision, and probably supported by their market. No one conspires to make them sell those.

>> No.11544268

No, they didn't and how the fuck would you know?

>> No.11544451

Yes, they did, and I know because it was on clearance one day and in its spot on its shelf was a new and interesting variety of IPA.

>> No.11544476

My local supermarket had a Sierra Nevada Narwhal in once. Once. It was lovely. It was immediately replaced by a "Hop Bullet" IPA that has since become a regular.

>> No.11544520
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Picked this up after work, pretty good desu, although I wouldn’t really say it stands out

>> No.11544812

I think you just want to be upset about something

>> No.11544867

I think I'd much rather have my Westmalles and my Chimays and my St. Bernarduses like the rest of bloody Europe and not be upset, but hey, perhaps I've completely misunderstood my own feelings and this is all an attempt to have sex with my mother.

>> No.11544879
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>> No.11544922

I used to feel the same. Only liked dark stouts and ales for years. Tasted a super hoppy IPA and thought "nah, thats not for me". A few months later I got this tingling in my gums like I wanted to chew on gum or a plastic straw. For some reason remembered the IPA. Got some, swished it in my a little, up in my gums and all I can describe it as is that it satisfied this craving for a "bite" that all other carbonated beverages don't seem to match. I still mostly drink darks, but once in a while I just fucking NEED that stringent kind of bite the IPA has.

Is this limited to me or does anyone else feel similarly, fairly specific to that "bite" I'm talking about?

>> No.11544985

Narwhal is a once a year release you fucking goon.

>> No.11545065
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Cringe or based?

>> No.11545074

Nah I agree. You have to get accustomed to the bitterness, just like when you first start drinking beer or coffee.

>> No.11545113

damn, that name brought back memories. i remember having troeg's perpetual back when i was in college in CT. i remember it tasting very bready but enjoying it nonetheless

anyway, i got a make-your-own sixer at the store today
>21st amendment blood orange IPA
>uinta hop nosh IPA
>founder's all day IPA
>reuben's hazealicious IPA
>paulaner hefeweizen
>pike brewing monk's uncle (tripel)

i've tried the first three.

>> No.11545228

But I liked both those things from the start.

>> No.11545258
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For me, it's Coopers pale ale

>> No.11545261

Hacker-Pschorr might be my favourite "no-nonsense" brewery. Their wheat is as good as their gold is as good as their dunkel. Their Oktoberfest beer is... well, I mean, it's good enough for Oktoberfest.

Very clean beers, basically right on target with what German wheats, golden lagers, and dark beers aim for.

>> No.11545279

In German - Helles. So Helles (Lager), Hellesbock (Maibock), etc. will be light beers. Pilsener or Pilsner is essentially the super light version of a Helles lager.

Pale Ales are a more hop/yeast forward version of essentially the same thing. It's a different yeast variety, brewed warmer, and not usually stored for as long (cold storage, or lagering an ale leads to a lagered ale, or a kolsch). India pale ales are hoppy, New England IPAs are a bit hazier and a little more fruity in their choice of hops. Technically any ale lighter than a golden/orange colour is a pale ale regardless of hop content, but brewers tend to bitter them up a fair amount.

>> No.11545295

They're brewed "dry" and pale... a Japanese take on the American-Industrial version of a pale German lager. Mexican beers did more or less the same thing, and packed them up in clear bottles to skunk them a bit.

>> No.11545298

She is hot. I don't blame you.

>> No.11545316

Lager, some pale ales, wheat beers

>> No.11545327

they're popular with weebs and are at least better than american macro lagers, but not as good as euro ones

>> No.11545450
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I love this shit.

>> No.11545467

Having another one tonight!

>> No.11545736

She certainly is enthusiastic so I dont think you have to try that hard but just know shes damaged goods going in.

>I'd prefer fucking your sister.

>> No.11545750

where the fuck is the al/ck threads? just woke up and opened a shitty lager to feel like a complete shit

>> No.11545794
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Unibroue never dissapoints.

>> No.11546163

Is any of their fancier shit worth?

>> No.11546180

I have the same exact edition of Meissler Inorganic, good stuff

I'm an organic chemist though, so I feel I should instantly talk down to you (presumably an anal chem faggot), while simultaneously sharing with you mutual disdain for p chemists

Fuck them

>> No.11546255

7% is the perfect abv imo

>> No.11546287

6.2 for me

>> No.11546731

8, I think.
>alcohol in general
Anything between 7 and 20. Anything too alcoholic I can't relax while drinking (it feels like I'm aiming to get drunk, rather than drinking to taste), and anything too low I can't get tipsy enough to relax.

>> No.11546775

4.7% master race
Then i can crush 12 pints

>> No.11546777

I wish I could afford twelve pints

>> No.11546796

Just back from Belgium and managed to bring a 6 pack of Westvleteren 12 back. I'll probably have one every 6 months or a year to see how they age.

>> No.11547222

Kek, dont mail beers.

>> No.11547235

>Kernel imperial brown stout in the back

My man

>> No.11547238

The fucking state of your living conditions

>> No.11547265

Yeah, back in the day i first started drinking shitty american macros and i tried a heniken since it was new and foreign. It sucked, but once every few months id buy a tall boy at 7-11 to scratch that bitter skunky taste itch. Than Sierra Nevada got distributed and i suddenly liked bitter beers. (T. Flyover 30yr boomer here)

>> No.11547309

8-12%. Too much and the beer ends up tasting boozy.

>> No.11547324

How much did it cost?

>> No.11547387

The last room in the last house in the last letting agency available, because I wasn't sure until the last minute whether the uni'd let me retake the year.

It's tiny, and the blinds are white so they let all the light in...and there's a street lamp outside my window. So I masking taped up a blackout curtain. Luckily it's cheap as fuck. I spend most of my time at my gf's anyway.

Thank you for listening.
Ye boi
I preferred the de dolle though, which is strange because I usually don't like sour beers.

>> No.11547390

Oh yeah, and the door doesn't shut. Thank god my flat mates are absolute lads.

>> No.11547631

Anyone who says under 10% is a woman and probably likes IPA, which tastes objectively bad.

>> No.11549106

>Move out of your den of faggots then.

This is what a midwestern grocery store looks like. Right next to the cigarettes, dip and ammo.

>> No.11549113
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Ate my picture.

>> No.11549126

>ipa is bad

Tits or gtfo

>> No.11549145

that's 24.99 PER bottle for for the box?

what the fuck.

>> No.11549159
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>hey guys, I've never heard of anything

Per bottle.

>> No.11549204 [DELETED] 


1.42L for 14.40CAD

>> No.11549223
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>> No.11549224

>Empty 2018 CBS bottle for $80
Is this nigger serious?

>> No.11549234

Selling full bottles across state lines without licensing violates federal law and you are a faggot.

>its full. Hence the cap

>> No.11549247
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any other PA bros drinkin Mad Elf? this shit tastes good, it might be too strong though.

>> No.11549278
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Speaking of the great midwest, this beer is fucking delicious

>> No.11549292

anyone else get drunk and like to watch beer reviews on youtube??

>> No.11549305

I've only had a few white stouts as they are seem cringey on first glance but I'll be damned if they arent delicious. Fat orange cat sees some midwestern distro and their white stout is delicious.

>> No.11549332

is sam adams boston lager, good? worth buying? or should i buy something else from sam adams

>> No.11549346

It's fine. Their winter ale is solid and rebel ipa is good enough for a cheaper ipa if you're into them
I've never heard of them or seen any of their beer up here. One other brewery does a good golden coffee ale in Minnesota though. Insight brewing. Pretty good shit

>> No.11549367

The fuck part of the midwest is this? I've only ever heard of shit like this sitting around in the south and California

>> No.11549377

am american, whats good beer to buy. is hofbrau good or is that just imitation german shit?

>> No.11549386

Hofbrau is German, not imitation whatever that means

>> No.11549402
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>sherlock fucking Holmes

Let me help you with that. Where its born.

>> No.11549417

Little Connecticut brewery. Same distributor as decadent, omnipolo and eviltwin for alot of the east.

>> No.11549440

I mean like middle of fucking nowhere? Or an actual city?

>> No.11549450

I'll have to keep my eye open since we get omnipollo and evil twin here already

>> No.11549474
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Little town. Cities tend to get stuff quicker is all. I split my time here and Lansing and the difference is I can leisurely by shit at any store here and in Lansing it sells out at the hipster store and sits for a while everywhere else.

>> No.11549500

I live in one of those urban white people neighborhoods and hyped single release beer like those sells out absurdly fast, sometimes I have my parents pick stuff up for me in the outer suburbs where it lasts a little longer or at least you don't have to wait in a fucking line for it, but I have never happened upon a stock of limited beer that big. I have only seen anecdotes of people running into that stuff in the south or our west

>> No.11549515
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Yeah. We also have massive bodies of fresh water and no hurricanes or earthquakes.

>> No.11549527

I live in MIlwaukee so I am familiar with the water

>> No.11549561
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Probably also familiar with laker grocery stores then.

>this is the hipster one in Lansing. To the right if that reach in meat case is a bar with 45 beers on tap. Little plastic cup holders for your cart to drink and shop. They are realy the only ones with bottle limits though so the can fuck off.

>> No.11549586
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Every bar in town (and even the town on the other side of the bay) has decent whiskey around for reasons also.

>> No.11549596
File: 849 KB, 2592x3456, 2a0f7f174f22e85f0fec5d0c7a5337a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 of these fucked me up
pretty decent for a hobo beer

>> No.11549636
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This guy has the right idea

>> No.11549680
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Some schizo maniac in my local store lectured me for a full five minutes about how this was the shit and anybody drinking anything else is retarded. Naturally I had to try it, and it's pretty good.

>> No.11549863
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All cats are grey in the dark
>its a Benjamin Franklin quote about banging milfs.

>> No.11549893

that's abita's weakest offering. try some real beer from them like their amber or the turbodog brown ale. but rn it's like you're drinking soda mixed with beer, good luck :S

>> No.11550152

They made a wild-fermented version a while back as a one-off that I'm really sorry I've missed out on. Troegs is a fantastic brewery that's fairly underrepresented in my area.

In other news, finally got my hands on a bottle of BA expedition stout. I wasn't being memed on, this shit is very fucking good.

>> No.11550169

it was okay before the russians took over the brewery

>> No.11550251
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Ba expedition blows kbs the fuck out if the water sir. Enjoy. Its alot rarer than my picture indicated.

>> No.11550444
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Should clarify: the picture from my shopping adventure. Love the troegs btw.

>> No.11550582

Why is there a black drag queen on the bottle?

>> No.11551529

Because Southerners

>> No.11551551

>oh look the IPAS ARE GROSS poster foesnt know shit about beer.

Go figure

>> No.11551637
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My go to beer. Cheap, tastes great, 5.1% abv.

Fucking Italians man, they know what's up.

>> No.11551658

The good thing is Feral haven't lost their quality yet. Hopefully Coca-Cola treat them differently than other big companies do.

>> No.11551662

Thread Results!
Pretty Good Count: 5
Sierra Nevada's Winter Warmer
Feral Hop Hog
Feral Karma Citra
New Holland Dragon's Milk
Abita Purple Haze

Pretty Decent Count: 1
86 Original Special Blond Beer

Pretty Fantastic Count: 1
Boulevard Brewing Co Grand Cru

>> No.11551793

The Boot is good if you're in Louisiana, I don't think they sell it out of the state

>> No.11552495

I've only had one white stout - my buddy's brewery made it for the album release of a mutual friend. It sounded neat and I was excited to try it... it had no flavour. The hops, green coffee and malt just cancelled each other out and the whole thing came out like thick, slightly bitter perrier. Might whip up a sweeter batch myself to see what comes out, unless I can find one in the meantime.

>> No.11552497

Almost everything else they make is better than their flagship lager, but it's not bad.

>> No.11552662

>try to have just one beer with dinner
>end up killing a 6 pack and taking 4 shots of rum thats not even mine
Do I have a problem

>> No.11552669


>> No.11552754

Well, Ill try Dry January and see how that goes. I do really think I should quit

>> No.11552760

Why not dont drink December? If you dont start now you never will. Trust me.

>> No.11552775

This. Christmas/New Year's break is the ultimate test.

>> No.11552781

Yeah no way in fuck I can do Christmas / NYE with the company I keep

>> No.11552793

Honestly, you're not too far gone. I think youd be surprised at how easy it becomes after the first week. I'd seriously recommend trying it out starting today. If you end up drinking on christmas and new years, youd still know you can actually be sober for a prolonged period of time

>> No.11552825

I have no problem not drinking, that I know I can do. I just wish I could have a few drinks with friends and not always be the one who gets too hammered. Its like a switch goes off in my head after my first beer and I have to keep drinking and all judgement goes out the window

>> No.11552826

If you really need substances to cope, just take up weed (ideally vaping). Far less destructive to your body.

>> No.11552831

I get too noided, I end up thinking the FBI is after my teeth or similar delusions

>> No.11552843

Try sativa instead of indica

>> No.11552845

Start meditation and practicing mindfulness. It will help you deal with the paranoia a lot better

>> No.11552849

>pass out at 2 AM
>wake up at 5AM
>continue drinking
>still drunk 10 hours later
Thanks I hate it

>> No.11552911

>Unibroue never dissapoints.
You've got that backwards. Sativas are way more prone to inducing paranoia and/or psychosis than indicas.

>> No.11552992

Yeah my bad

>> No.11553187
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>> No.11553296
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My most recent purchase. Turned 21 under two weeks ago, excited to buy my own beers now.

>> No.11553403

+1 peroni

>> No.11553409

I like their Octoberfest, only available seasonally though

>> No.11553547

I dont get it

>> No.11553606

>it's garbage

>> No.11554453
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New thread: