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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11529343 No.11529343 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ I have a question for you regarding digestion. I'm a pretty big guy IRL, 6 foot 7, about 280 pounds with a semi active lifestyle. The recommended caloric intake to maintain my weight is about 3400 a day, which I rarely ever hit.

Now curious thing, is that when I eat, I really eat. Like, I could have a whole medium pizza, a philly cheesesteak sammich and a 2 liter of coke for my single meal of the day. Likewise, I could and have eaten 2-3 pounds of sushi the next day after. So while I don't eat that often, when I do, its quite in excess.

My question is regarding digestion, I only go to the bathroom like once a week, and you'd think with the amount of food I eat in one week, I'd have monster dumps. Nope, once every week, I lay like this palm sized egg of dook, which has me thinking about digestives. Am I somehow digesting more than I'm supposed to? Do I have a blockage? I'm not gaining any weight, but I'm also not losing any either.

Help a giant out /ck/

>> No.11529352

I'm not a pretty big guy, I'm 5'9" and 145 pounds, and an extremely active lifestyle (120 miles of cycling a week plus lifting 3x a week to avoid full skeletor mode). I also only shit about 3x a week, oddly enough the less vegetables I eat, the more frequently I shit, which is the opposite of how it's supposed to work. Greasy animal foods = faster moving bowels.

Pretty sure we're both going to die of colon cancer.

>> No.11529354


>> No.11529355

I'm looking for a body guard. Are you versed in the nunchuck arts?

>> No.11529362

That's always reminded me, does a food out there exist that when consumed gets entirely digested? Doesn't leave a trace of undigested matter, just all converted into nutrients.

>> No.11529402
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Yeah, glucose

>> No.11529414

nah over consumption doesn't make fat
oh wait it does

>> No.11529430

used to have this problem. mix water with propel.pound that shit all day. have smaller meals through out the day. do cardio or go to gym. boom your shitting every day. and if your addicted to nicotine that plus caffiene after your first meal = easy shits. gl bro

>> No.11529441 [DELETED] 

Meat gets almost entirely digested on a zero carb diet. Unlike plant foods, animal fat and protein completely liquefies in the stomach before passing through the duodenum. Whatever doesn't get absorbed eventually collects in the colon. Higher fat ratios accelerate the speed of evacuation. When I eat lean cuts I might not shit for a few days. Not a big deal. Most humans are judaically brainwashed poop factories consuming way too many weaponized garbohydrates. Shitting less often is a good thing. I don't miss the ring of fire. Cursory research into zero carb carnivory reveals a massive agri-pharma conspiracy. Fiber and sugar are the true causes of colon cancer. "The Fiber Menace" is a good read. Cancer actually can't be fueled without exogenous glucose, which is highly toxic to humans. All "digestible" garbohydrate poisons (fruit/veg/grain) get broken down into raw glucose via highly inflammatory and destructive insulinemic metabolism while the fibrous roughage gets separated as your body tries to mitigate the damage. Antioxidants are bullshit. What good is a band-aid when you're ripping the wound back open every time you have a carb-laden meal or snack? Moisture and the nutrients within are actually leached out of the large intestine into your fibrous plant shit to protect your ass. Only a miniscule amount of endogenous glucose is required to power red blood cells, which the body much prefers to produce via gluconeogenesis, totally bypassing the inflammatory insulin response. Fully fat-adapted carnivores enjoy the nootropic effects of ketone power in the brain once all exogenous glucose is flushed out. Malnourished and brainwashed new age veg-heads who engage in longer fasts experience similar awesome feelings, but they are unsustainable without an eventual exogenous animal protein and fat supply. Formerly a vegan, now turned zero-carb carnivore, I feel permanently fasted with no hunger because I'm always eating to satiety.

>> No.11529477

You do realize that your diet is going to give you scurvy right?

>> No.11529486

Have you heard of Andy Sixx!? Sounds like someone is slidding your logs down their throats while you sleep.

>> No.11529487 [DELETED] 
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Carnivores physically cannot become obese. Most fatfucks will carb up again and keep bolstering their glycogen wall indefinitely without ever getting a chance to burn endogenous fat for fuel. Fat adaptation vastly boosts athletic endurance post-adaptation. With only the highest octane fuel you truly achieve much more eating a lot less often. The hard part is adaptation. Getting rid of the unruly sugarfed microbiome (Candida/H.Pylori) takes time and a lot of shitting. Those are the shitling kids you drop off at the pool and leave behind because they're little assholes fucking with your neurotransmitter production and quite literally driving you crazy. Mental illness is actually a symptom of garbohydrate addiction. Not only does zero carb carnivory cure cancer, it also cures mental illness. Formerly a SAD(Standard American Diet) depressed little low-test $oygoy NEET fuck, I have radically shifted my body composition and confidence to alpha mode while maintaining a sedentary lifestyle. Carnivores everywhere are sitting on their asses eating meat and gaining lean muscle mass while losing fat, without lifting anything heavier than a dick. For severely fat fucks it's usually reccommended to diet down and build better structural integrity so as to avoid injury before starting intense exercise regimens. Eventually with the increased energy and motivation and injury resistance from an extended period of proper carnivorous nutrition, exercise becomes something to be enjoyed rather than lamented. I know some very active 120lb carnivore girls who are eating 4+lbs of fatty steaks per day to power their intense athletic training regimens. It's actually pretty hot watching sexy carnivore girls go to town on some delicious nutritious meat.

One last thing. (((They))) suppressed this knowledge to maintain their edge over the rest of us. (((They))) have no qualms about trafficking children and organs and blood and abortion tissue for sustenance. Meat heals.

>> No.11529522 [DELETED] 

Scurvy was only prevalent on a meatless hardtack biscuit and rum diet. Vitamin C is a cheap metabolic workaround not unlike duct tape hold self-cannibalizing cells together in the absence of exogenous protein. I am better nourished than ever.

“Meat [also] prevents [scurvy] because it bypasses the need for vitamin C. Vitamin C is required to form collagen in the body… Vitamin C’s role in collagen formation is to transfer a hydroxyl group to the amino acids lysine and proline. Meat, however, already contains appreciable quantities of hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline, [thus] bypassing some of the requirement for vitamin C. In other words, your vitamin C requirement is dependent upon how much meat you do not eat.”


Esmee is a bit of an ex-vegan new-agey nut like me. I don't agree with everything on her site, especially regarding fasting. Neither do many ZC veterans, but her article on Vitamin C is well researched. There's not a lot of great resources on the science of zero carb carnivory thanks to mountains of politically funded disinformative bad science. (((They))) train us like dogs or goyim (cattle) with platitudes like "apple a day", "ask your doctor about x", "eggs are bad for cholesterol", "red meat causes colon cancer", and "saturated animal fat clogs arteries". They politically fund anti-life agendas like veganism to subvert and mentally destabilize health seekers. The obesity epidemic the 80's and 90's during the low fat craze, which was immensely profitable for the (((sugar lobby))). When I get targeted ads on Facebook telling me I need to take a closer look at my macronutrient ratios and eat more carbs to boost athletic performance, I rightfully report them as FAKE NEWS. It's frankly an insult. Carnivory is going to liberate humanity from (((military-industrial-agriCULTural-pharmaceutical))) tyranny. Basically, I'm a lean mean redpilling machine and you're a brainwashed poop factory. Next.

>> No.11529527 [DELETED] 

>The obesity epidemic ramped up in the 80's and 90's during the low fat craze

>> No.11529531

>Scurvy was only prevalent on a meatless hardtack biscuit and rum diet.
Yeah because on those boats they never ate fish when they were in the middle of the ocean

>> No.11529532

>Do I have a blockage?
Maybe, or you're eating too much refined flour and not enough whole grains/vegetables, which is slowing the movement of poop through your intestines. Everyone is different but only going to the bathroom once a week is most likely not often enough because you're going to have food sitting in your intestines for too long. Try just eating more whole grains and vegetables since the foods you listed are all mostly meat/cheese/refined grains.

>> No.11529538

Braise some collard greens in chi Ken stock with a pork hock. Pound down that rougage it will get you regular. Introduce bran into your breakfast as well

>> No.11529545 [DELETED] 

Maybe if you were the captain or an officer. If you were pressganged as a deck-swabber you ate your hardtack and rum ration like the rest of the slaves. Nice try. These were military men. They had no fucking time for fishing.

So that was my first thought before I actually googled it and came across this gem. I love how Beth Goldowitz mentions (((unscrupulous merchants))) on quora.

"Arrgh, matey. If I wanted to be a fisherman, I wouldn’t have run away from home to be a pirate. But seriously…

Taking the 18th century as a starting point, given the general time frame of popular pirate movies, most ships would have been provisioned with salted meat, ship’s biscuits, dried beans, peas or other legumes and naturally, plenty of rum. The bread mentioned in the lists below would have been ship’s biscuits, which are inedible unless crushed and used in soups or stews. Fresh bread would become moldy in storage and have to be thrown away. One assumes that pirates would have taken their provisions from ship’s they raided, or purchased them from the same merchants who sold supplies to legitimate crews, so I’m guessing they would not have been stocked differently.

Looking at the supplies, one can imagine a fairly boring diet, occasionally supplemented with fresh fruit and vegetables when the ships made port. Apparently it was a practice for unscrupulous merchants to drain the brine from barrels of salted meat to make them easier to handle, then refill them with plain water just before delivery, which would have resulted in a disgusting mess of rotting food. Not worth the stealing if you’re a pirate. But with flour, suet and raisins you could make a nice steamed pudding which would also help prevent scurvy. If I were a pirate, I’d go for the pudding every time."

>> No.11529552 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11529560

Long story short, when your liver is not metabolizing fructose (fruit sugar, HFCS) it is extremely efficient at absorbing the small amount of vitamin C in organ meats. Fructose actually competes with vitamin C absoption because they both use the same activation sites. No fructose means no competition, vitamin C gets priority and therefore no scurvy.

>> No.11529568

OP I bulked from otter mode to average, and I shit like everyday sometimes twice. 280 lbs doesn't sound healthy unless you have almost 0% fat

>> No.11531153

I thought you were a troll, but you're actually that retarded, lmao

>> No.11531157

fug, that was directed at >>11529522

>> No.11531336 [DELETED] 

Read Dana's, "Two Years Before the Mast," written in the 1830's to get a sense of what the food rations were like aboard a US Merchant Marine ship. It was salt beef, hardtack and once per week a "duff" which is the pudding you refer to, and they suffered scurvy among other horrors rounding the Cape Horn with sails.

And those sailors would spit in the face of the current generation milquetoast, both right and left, they spawned.

>> No.11531368

Read Dana's, "Two Years Before the Mast," written in the 1830's to get a sense of what the food rations were like aboard a US Merchant Marine ship. It was salt beef, hardtack and once per week a "duff" which is the pudding you refer to, and they suffered scurvy among other horrors rounding the Cape Horn with sails.

And those sailors would spit in the face of the current generation milquetoast, both right and left, they spawned.

>> No.11531375

>Am I somehow digesting more than I'm supposed to?
No. The vast majority of calories are extracted from food before it ends up in your colon to wait until whenever you finally shit. So whether you only shit days later or are able to defecate much sooner it's not going to impact your calorie intake in any significant way. If someone has a severe problem with their small intestine for example then they could end up losing out on calories, but the colon / large intestine is just for water and salt extraction along with holding waste until you shit it out. People with ileostomy bags or internal rerouting of some length of their small intestine to replace their large intestine don't absorb fewer calories and in both cases they don't have colons.

>> No.11531452

With me its coffee in the morning. I don't each much else. Coffee with some cream... but thirty or forty minutes later its hitting the toilet at work.