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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11522261 No.11522261 [Reply] [Original]

Burnt my hand badly when moving simmering rose sauce off the stove. It hurt so bad and melted my skin off. Still tasted great though, but the injury kinda ruined the mood.

Show me your war wounds /ck/

>> No.11522269 [DELETED] 

cut your nails you disgusting bint

>> No.11522275

One time I had a roast in a crock pot. I went to taste it and some of the braising liquid fell from the spoon and burnt my foreskin. I didn't take a picture of it tho. That's what you get when you cook nekkid.

>> No.11522359

Congratulations that's the faggiest hand I've ever seen posted on /ck/, now go for the hat trick and post feet.

>> No.11522369
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>that pinky nail

>> No.11522372 [DELETED] 

its fine if youre black, but i do not like black women, let alone black women on ck.

idk why this triggers me so.

>> No.11522382
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it's a classic coke nail

>> No.11522389
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grabbed a pan without a glove while drunk

it mostly healed, but it's still a bit discoloured

>> No.11522401

I suggest putting ice or anti burning medicine to stop future irritations

>> No.11522420


I know that feeling. Being drunk while cooking has contributed to a good 70% of my cooking related injuries.

>> No.11522658
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Bitches aint shit but hoes n tricks

>> No.11522676

Wanna give us some back story?

>> No.11522681


>> No.11522696

Wow. You win, that’s bad.

>> No.11522711

Worst one I ever had was that I was making pizza sauce, had a bunch extra, so I was pouring the left over into a small mason jar with a ladle.

I dropped some of the thick sauce on my thumb and it was atleast 200F or more, and it blistered up bad and was burning like fuck but I couldn't drop the jar else it would have shattered on my floor and spilled hot sauce on my foot. So I just had to suffer the burn until I could put it down (which was only a few seconds); still got a 2nd degree burn and the blister popped so I had to rip the skin off and have some exposed skin for a while. It was raw and hurt like hell for a few hours.

I've still never seriously cut myself with a knife yet, I hope it never happens/.

>> No.11523163

I used to make beignets for a living, so we’re closing early on a sunday and I gotta filter the fryer and as I reach down to start the pump for the filter the spout for the oil canted and then popped off, the threading was all chewed up from previous retards and I didn’t notice. It tagged me a lil with ~330° oil

>> No.11523684
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I cut my finger while cutting bacon at work. It put me out for seven shifts and my nail is still fucked. It'll probably never be the same

>> No.11523692
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I believe this was three weeks after the cut. I'll look for more injuries too, but this is by far my worst

>> No.11523718

I didn't know there were other actual cooks on \ck\

I burn myself all the time.
I literally don't even feel it anymore.
Just get home and find the blister and think to myself "huh, when did I do that?"

Never cut myself though. Although I worked at a place where literally like 9 cooks cut they're fingers off in a 2 week period. Imcluding head chef and sous chef. Idiots.
Corporate had to come in and give us a knife safety class. And all line cooks had to where two cut gloves on each hand at all times on shift from then on out.

>> No.11523738
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Accidentally grabbed my cast iron skillet straight out of the oven
Oh man did that hurt! My palms are all blistered

>> No.11523745

I did this once. I wouldn't recommend doing it twice.

>> No.11524133


This speaks wonders on intelligence level of people who use cast iron.

>> No.11524277
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did this cutting a baguette open fml

>> No.11524284

I did the same thing except it was a red hot coal that fell out of my grill.

>> No.11524382
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had a lil accident. pic related

>> No.11524694

Please being in the LONDON, ma'am

>> No.11524785

>actually cooking
It's like you guys are orphans or something.
Just kidding, I dread the day my mom can no longer cook for me. I think I might legitimately starve to death.

>> No.11524809

I don't harm myself while cooking or preparing the food.
I'm not a child that doesn't pay attention.

>> No.11524851

My asshole drunk dad did this to me, but it was a stainless steel pan. I had thought he simply left a stovetop cooked meal in the oven to keep warm (since it was at a very low temp), but that handle was blistering hot. The idiot had used the whole pan to bake the meal and never mentioned anything to me. So I grabbed the handle like an unassuming retard and blistered the fuck out of my hand.

>> No.11525463

It's pretty hard to hurt yourself with a microwave

>> No.11525742

I'm so clumsy and cut myself so often I don't feel a lot of pain
I can still fell it, but it's usually "oh, that stings" instead of unbearable

>> No.11525760

It's also hard to hurt yourself with knives, pans, a stove, or any other cooking tool unless you have brain damage and lack basic motor skills.

>> No.11525797

>7 shifts
Wtf, why?

>> No.11525844

>Someone has an accident
>They must be retarded and lack any skill
Whatever makes you feel good about yourself, you pathetic projecting subhuman

>> No.11525877

Not so much skill as it is proper form, common sense, and not having brain damage.

I don't hurt myself in the kitchen like a toddler, so I'm not really sure how this would be considered projecting. Try again I guess.

>> No.11525884

Once when I was cooking steak, my girlfriend broke up with me.

When I was a kid, I was rehearing leftovers. My mom got butthurt with me about something, got a knife and cut up my arm. I was 15.

>> No.11525888

>Haha n-not projecting I'm a big boy I no hurt myself I big boy

>> No.11525891


>> No.11525913

I hope you can get help.

>> No.11525919

Sliced a tiny bit of my thumb off cutting an onion for pizza sauce. Healed very well, it's just a small spot where the fingerprint is faded.

>> No.11525942

I was working two jobs, seven days a week at that time.

>> No.11526125

I'm not the guy you're arguing with but you're an incredibly pretentious faggot. Some people work hard and get tired and a very momentary lapse in concentration can get you cut or burnt. If you cook for a living then Murphy's Law pretty mu h guarantees that you will have an accident at some point. So fuck off and quit being such an enormous cock sucker.

>> No.11526129

>it's hard to hurt yourself with knives

Are you a functioning retard? It's easy to hurt yourself with a knife. That's precisely why you have to be careful to an extent. You idiot.

>> No.11526161

I had a blister the size of a circus peanut on the back of my hand from bumping the oven heating element while making tater tots. It ended up getting ripped off by a conveyor belt at work and blister goo got everywhere. It looked like a raw piece of steak underneath but didn't hurt too much. I showed my supervisor and he threw up in the trash can lol that rocked. Thank you for reading my story, God bless.

>> No.11526184

If you're working so much that you're exhausted to the point of not being able to complete basic tasks without injuring yourself, you might consider getting take out for dinner or heating up some leftovers. I'm sorry you're unable to manage a schedule though, it must make things hard.

If you use proper form it's virtually impossible to do so.

>> No.11526382
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>> No.11526789
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>The pics ITT

>> No.11527231

I've seen a lot of blood in the short time that I've been working in restaurants.
Just recently, a newish cook threw oil in a empty hot pan and it caught fire. In his panic, he tried to move the pan and actually got the burning oil over his hands.
I don't think he'll be returning to work soon.

>> No.11527259
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uhhh... i got mine recently when i was making a paste in a wok

>> No.11527286

>older sister is going to deep fry some shit
>"anon tell me if the oil is hot enough"
>"put your finger in"
>of course that makes perfect sense and I do it
I was like 6 at the time
Mom beat her bloody after lmao

>> No.11527508

You deserved it. Both times.

>> No.11527523


>> No.11528173

Likewise but with tomatoes.

>> No.11528179

Siblings are the fucking worst lmao.

>> No.11528263

Haha this reminds me of the time I decided to do a complicated home cooked meal for my then-girlfriend on her birtthday. It came out great, we got drunk afterwards, smoked a little weed, then as we were going to bed she broke up with me. "You can still stay the night if you want?" Like what, fuck that.

>> No.11529958

Jesus Christ pajeet
You can't get away with using your hands as a tool for everything

>> No.11530192
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I spilled hot oil on my feet, and they got itchy after.

>> No.11530291

tried cooking a steak on acid once and managed to spill hot oil on my leg and torso, didn't think to take a pic at the time tho

>> No.11530302
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Nice try, but I've seen feet like that before and weren't from no spilled oil.

I very rarely hurt myself in the kitchen so I still only have this one to post; tried to flip a pancake in the air and it landed on my naked tummy. Never airflip the first one. Or wear a shirt at least.
Oh, and what I call a pancake is probably what you call a crepe. Thin ones that cover the whole pan.

>> No.11530304

Looks like the first stages of turning into that gremlin creature from LotR.

>> No.11530317

This is the ugliest fucking foot I have ever seen Jesus Christ. Is this a screenshot from a horror movie?

>> No.11530344
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>> No.11530367

What were they from? (The feet)

>> No.11530482

So i dont have a picture but i accidentally grabbed a white hot metal rod that we were using to cook hot dogs this was like 2 years ago but it hurt like a sonofabitch