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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 592x669, APOLOGIZE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11504646 No.11504646 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11504653

>new stuffing video
I always wanted to know how to prepare boxed stuffing


>> No.11504665

>New video
>Didn't an hero
Guess our work is not done quite yet

>> No.11504667

She had a stuffing video before that she deleted, did she just edit it to half the length then reup it?

>> No.11504671

She's hiding every trace of herself on her second channel and made her instagram private. Leave her alone !

>> No.11504677

Who is this spunk punk?

>> No.11504730

I actually made this yesterday, but I melt the butter in the pan first before adding water

>> No.11504738

link to your cooking blog?

>> No.11504746

I like Stove Top stuffing. I'd never use it over homemade stuffing for a Thanksgiving turkey, but I would happily cook some up as a side or snack.

>> No.11504751

Thanks for asking! And you're welcome:


>> No.11504755

Whipped it up with a $5 rotisserie chicken for dinner. Would never serve at Thanksgiving.

>> No.11504760

what the fuck
I don’t understand why she did that, the videos she deleted aren’t really any different than the ones still up

>> No.11504763

>cooking stuffing inside the turkey
it’s like you actively want diarrhea

>> No.11504767

Your blog looks like hell. It couldn't even render properly.

>> No.11504776

I don't, I cook it separately. I put a chopped onion and some herbs inside of the cavity for cooking.

>> No.11504777
File: 41 KB, 500x282, 1542075550791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet we still don't have any nudes and she is still uploading new Walmart tier recipes

>> No.11504783

I'm sorry. You can also find me on JooTube:


>> No.11504788

Is she /ourgirl/ now?

>> No.11504798
File: 17 KB, 265x470, bonappetit_how-to-make-soup-dumplings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.11504805

Are we making her /ourgirl/? Her vids could use more views. I say we do it.

>> No.11504810

Who is that fat kike?

>> No.11504814

how is some harvard jewess fatty our girl?

>> No.11504816
File: 122 KB, 1228x493, 2018-11-20 22.04.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11504822

Have you ever tried putting a microwave into a bathtub. With chicken nuggets in it. Or roast beef.

>> No.11504824

I want to change her channel from "Cooking Alone" to "Cooking While Being Ass Raped"

>> No.11504835

great now she’s gonna delete the whole fucking channel soon

>> No.11504838

*dabs on your waifu*

>> No.11504841
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>> No.11504842
File: 43 KB, 536x768, 4249139c880f2c5c67c5ff9c0b4a7dc9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you rang

>> No.11504844


>> No.11504848
File: 21 KB, 853x360, 020+Goran+D.+Kleut+as+Ghoul[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11504870


>> No.11504884
File: 161 KB, 1500x1081, 422_body_101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does heroin I'm fucking positive of it

>> No.11504928

DinoTendies is speaking from the heart, I hope she's strong enough to listen.
>"i-is she our girl, s-she s-sucks like we d-do"
she's trash and a phony, decidedly not /ourgirl/

>> No.11504978

The duality of man

>> No.11504989

If she could put on 10 lbs and grow them titties and ass, that would be nice

>> No.11504997

never change, DT

>> No.11505002

Wonder how much she charges for her premium Snapchat?

>> No.11505024

I'd give her a good stuffing if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.11505078

She's still be a mongoloid though.

>> No.11505087

Go fuck a tub of lard if that's all you want

>> No.11505114

My favorite

>> No.11505120

Once you cum, you don't really care how it happened. Unless you just fucked a guy. Then you should be executed.

>> No.11505180

most likely smokes it

>> No.11505620

la creatura

>> No.11505627

I'll fuck your mouth and asspucci so we'll both be executed, faggot.

>> No.11505639
File: 37 KB, 547x314, main-qimg-80da11ba90a1a3ef6d33aeaf1ea5bc18-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she play hockey or something what the fuck is up with her dental situation?

>> No.11505666

thanks a lot 4chan socios, I remember I shared an Agatha mukbang here and within months /r9k/ was all over her, this was before the incel thing flared up too

>> No.11505706

I don't what do you mean by that?

>> No.11505729
File: 63 KB, 1080x1080, 053-blanket-FingerInHole_Forney-1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11505752

>if only she was a literal fatass
Never understood this particular brand of mental illness

>> No.11505896
File: 116 KB, 1000x563, crocrombe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it should be Mrs Crocombe

>> No.11505901

>don’t even know her name
and probably never will

>> No.11505968
File: 10 KB, 498x140, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11506008

She seems like a sweet girl. Don’t do the same shit /lit/ did you guys.

>> No.11506009

Not cooking alone for much longer huh

>> No.11506011

Who found this girls channel anyway?

>> No.11506016

She advertised it here. Isn't it obvious?

>> No.11506018

Some autistic anon yesterday. Probably her.

>> No.11506024

I’ve just come back to this board for the first time in almost a year and it’s at least good to see That dino tendies is still alive.

>> No.11506309

Nigger faggot.You should be hanged and burned.

>> No.11506380

You guys are fucking assholes. Imagine being so lonely and pathetic that you have to ruin someone's hobby by being a bunch of retards.

>> No.11506381

Do you think she is sharp enough to realise she is above average attractive?

I want to kiss her so bad

>> No.11506398


>> No.11506417
File: 110 KB, 625x833, a605ae9ef47fdea093882e0104c5ae9b3e439ac71f99badfceb5fefdd48c4d39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the comments I saw were fairly polite and cutesy, followed by braapbarn tier thirst

Be nice to her, and don't be gross!
And use chicken or beef stock in that stuffing for God's sake!

>> No.11506755
File: 1.66 MB, 756x9800, we love too hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11506773

honestly this girl is a fucking terrible cook. She doesn't deserve attention. Hope she sees your comments and cries

>> No.11506786

>Weeped the seething roastie-reject
She is pure, and deserves our attention, respect and protection.

>> No.11506799

stop worshipping women

>> No.11506807

name literally anything in the universe nicer, more desirable, more sought after throughout all of history, than a delicious, slim young white gril's squelching sections.

>> No.11506809

you'll never get a gf with that mindset. Treat them like falliable humans

>> No.11506811

you’re unironically a pathetic incel

>> No.11506849

>can't think of anything
it's worth some reflection i think. a girl is currently and as far as is conceivably possible has always been, the most desirable thing in all of the universe for at least half of mankind. you're just trying to trivialise the enormity of this revelation because you're either a) a seething incel, or b) a 1/10 hamanomaly. either way, you're not invited to the last supper on the day that her channel spawns a new religion. only the loyal and faithful will drink from her holy chalice.

>> No.11506883
File: 109 KB, 692x510, more_isabelle_farts_by_awfulartistsketch_by_soniclover562-d9l2md9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need it bruhs ;_;

>> No.11506937

I tried it once. How do you make the dehydrated celery not still be harder than wood chips while keeping the bread mix from turning into paste?

>> No.11506970

What happened to him anyways?

>> No.11506986

Ya, but her Mac & Cheese video unironically has people thanking her for the information.

Her channel is so sad
"Cooking Alone"
But at the same time, maybe hilarious. It all depends on whether or not she in aware of this type of content.

>> No.11507018

all the furiously jelly, seething blubbernauts itt

>> No.11507074 [DELETED] 

These are the types of girls that take a grey hound to Louisiana to fuck niggers on Mardi Gras. Then take another bus ride to Chicago and do the same thing. When March break comes around they go to Florida and California to do even more of the same thing. When that gets boring they go to Jamaica and fuck more niggers

>> No.11507088

wow, imagine being this much of a /pol/ incel
astounding, really

>> No.11507099

sounds like you've never ridden the bus

"hey everyone.... *--cough--* I'm going to Baton Rouge to fuck niggers. Let's grab a seat"

>> No.11507124

Incels deserve the rope

>> No.11507185

>voices politically incorrect opinion
>huuuur must be an incel

>> No.11507520

she cute

>> No.11507593

I'm tired of your shitty threads, OP. I'm going to print a picture of her and cum on it and try my best to link it to her directly. If you won't leave her alone, then I'll do something to make sure you can never bother her again.

>> No.11507599

>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.11507749

All you incels fuck off back to your cesspool

>> No.11507825

Do it dino tendies. Bet you have no balls

>> No.11507873

>do something to make sure you can never bother her again
are you gonna fucking murder her?

>> No.11507875

She's cute in a homely wet dog kinda way
I'd be happy to stick her in one of my empty cages

>> No.11507887

Reminds me of that lit thread that made a skittish girl close her book review channel.

>> No.11507908
File: 296 KB, 540x347, 1542763204357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You nigger better not fuck this up

>> No.11507910
File: 508 KB, 1000x662, taking notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11507916

Fuck what up?

>> No.11507917


>> No.11507932

who cares? It's just some bitch filming herself doing babby-tier cooking. nothing special

>> No.11507936


>> No.11507944

Hey while you are at it. Can you send them to Emmy as well? Thanks faggit

>> No.11507953

Since when is Dino tendies such a huge white knight fag

>> No.11507954

The only good Emmy video is her ja/ck/ collab at some hotdog joint in Hollywood. She's unlikeable and has a completely phony vibe about her.

>> No.11507956

Do it. Please. And link it here for proof

>> No.11507966

I dindu nuffins, I'm just an observer

>> No.11507989

she stands no chance against the wrath of 460 seething housewife porkonauts. we need to surround her with an impenetrable ring of bacon and botox injections.
to arms, she won't be de-throned by wild wobbleslobs throwing their tantrums.

>> No.11508042

Please, God, don’t let these motherfucking sonofabitches do it to it.

>> No.11508389
File: 24 KB, 882x145, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11508544

How do I approach shy girl if I'm super shy too ;-;

>> No.11508549

wait until chad's done with her then move in as the temporary clean up crew

>> No.11508560
File: 35 KB, 478x478, d0szgC4h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the MAC System

>> No.11508692

Low EQ post

>> No.11508739
File: 1.10 MB, 756x9800, 1511652536706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan destroys everything they love, remember when everyone sent the author of watamote their penis?
>"I had never seen one before"

>> No.11508758
File: 42 KB, 489x530, y3hs7mi6ex201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews can't eat pork either, retard

>> No.11508764

Yea but she reopen her channel No biggie

She ugly tho

>> No.11508962
File: 135 KB, 325x325, BTB_Seasoned_Vegetable_Base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your style. So, I'll give you some ideas:

instead of water, use chicken broth.
for extra flavor, add a teaspoon of pic related.
heat, and let the BTB dissolve & difuseas the liquid comes to a boil.
turn off the heat, add butter, and mix as directed

>> No.11509093

why just because she is a bit shy, shy girls can be bitchs to.

>> No.11509119

nein neger
I like to boil pasta in stock as well for extra flavor, everyone thinks I’m retarded for doing so but I can afford it

>> No.11509212

>has videos on the internet of herself cooking inane shit uselessly

>> No.11509234
File: 59 KB, 535x462, 618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes money taking pictures of herself and showing the entire world

>> No.11509534

who the fuck linked the imgur of a screencap of her printed out with cum on it...you fucking people

>> No.11509551


>> No.11509863
File: 24 KB, 274x297, high Homey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5000 subs
>100k total video views

>making money

>> No.11509900
File: 1.92 MB, 1549x2048, Screenshot_20181116-102756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11509924
File: 1.94 MB, 1527x2048, Screenshot_20181101-102833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You little bitch.

>> No.11509933

This friend of Dorothy has such a man face. Unwatchable.

>> No.11510081

Are you retards for real? She's obviously faking it as a joke. I bet you idiots think that Henry's Kitchen is 100% serious too

>> No.11510346
File: 33 KB, 1316x104, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you.

>> No.11510618

passive aggressive roastie releasing some frustration

>> No.11511023

maybe he buys pork just for them to send them to hell

>> No.11511092 [DELETED] 
File: 267 KB, 1920x1080, 1527826506507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the fuck?
this has to be an act
the real question is, why is she pretending to be autistic?

>> No.11511389

Yo EmmyKek. Do you actually have a normal pic of her that looks attractive without all the fake filter and dog mask ?

>> No.11511413

Why do all of her videos sound like shes supposed to get raped at the end? Even the sound effects just sound like buttsex. I feel like shes just pretending to be quirky to lure in faggots like us who will drool over any bitch with tits.

>> No.11511420


>> No.11511542

what compels someone to make a video like this

>> No.11511545

innocence. and succulence.

>> No.11511742
File: 548 KB, 681x366, drop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is trying to be retarded now! Having an audience of autists is already getting to her head. She better not ruin this for me.

>> No.11511800

Is she the most consistent uploader on youtube?

>> No.11511889

This is pure kino

>> No.11511918

Yeah, this may be the best yet!
Anons playing nice except Shekelstien

>> No.11511923

Obviously not a roastie since that comment wasn't praising her beginner skills and beauty.

>> No.11511935

>No youtube account, can't msg
dammit. Can some kind anon ask her how her day is, what her cunt smells like, and what was her best rape ever? Her absolute favourite...

>> No.11512033

>spray butter

>> No.11512106

>Based haha and smelle poster

>> No.11512370

pls hide "ck" somewhere discreet but noticeable in your next vid.
p.s. will you go out with me.
[ ] yes
[ ] maybe

>> No.11512389

You're so cool bro. Us edgy bros gotta stick together in this white knight board. We should get together and dress up as the joker

>> No.11512390

oh wow, i love your imagination. i haven't thought of anything like this since i was a kid!

>> No.11512399

Weak response, edgy faggot

>> No.11512418


>> No.11512795

>add tablespoons of cinnamon to your croissants
but why??
one has to wonder how the dessert eating fool stays so slim

>> No.11512835

really liking her new video my dudes

>> No.11512891
File: 385 KB, 716x1024, dfhfgdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish she'd un-hide all those old vids

>> No.11512899

She has the same fucking high pitched autism voice that the weird ass jeopardy girl /tv/ is obsessed with has. Why do people like this? It's annoying AF

>> No.11512985

>she sobbed deeply, stopping her wailing only long enough to make yet another vague attempt at re-creating the angelic, pure monotone sound of an angel - but instead the inescapably rough, repulsive hambeast squawk she'd had since birth, belted out from her blubber-encased vocal chords, and so she sobbed deeper.

>> No.11513006
File: 3.00 MB, 2048x2039, Screenshot_20180814-123141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11513008

She still looks cute in pics but she really shines in her videos.

>> No.11513087

why are we really so socially and culturally retarded that it makes people want to run and hide just knowing we exist?

>> No.11513223
File: 120 KB, 592x690, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11513243

i wish she’d show more of herself in her videos. she’s quite adorable


>> No.11513267

>poor autistic girl not the best cooker but she tries
>likes doing this as her hobby
>clearly quirky, eccentric
>probably reads emily dickinson and longs for the era where men were men and women were women
>was homeschooled so her accent is different than others
>deeply religious
>titled page Cooking Alone, because she recognizes at this point she's likely to be forever alone
>but she's not depressed, instead she embraces it and wakes up with a smile on her innocent face every day
>the male versions of her find her on 4chan
>but they're twisted versions who have turned to anger and reeee from their loneliness
>they shit all over her and drive her away

this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.11513320
File: 28 KB, 200x242, don-frye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11513323

Looks my Korean bro Phillip with a wig and nail polish. Sup Phillip.

>> No.11513332

tfw watched her before ck found her

>> No.11513342

what would happen when the grocery store runs out of pre-made goods? channel was doomed from the jump

>> No.11513357

>I'm going to show you how to make boxed stuffing
>"Aren't there instructions on the box?"

>> No.11513387

People said the same of Reviewbrah and fast food. There's always new items that can be reviewed! Frozen [X], processed [X], etc.

>> No.11513414


>> No.11513418

It’s a fascinating channel—please, God, let us see where she goes with it
Hamburger Helper was once thought to be something you did instead of cooking.
Now it is cooking.

>> No.11513439

In my day we just called these poor creatures SPINSTERS and and laughed at their dry stringy hair and unmade-up faces.

>> No.11513450

shes barely finished puberty

>> No.11513472

did somebody shit in her eyes?
she's got some real asshole eye going on in OP

>> No.11513476

I really want to breed her

>> No.11513485

She's like 35, my man

>> No.11513507

No she just appears 35 solely to one so young and, while eager to impress, ultimately a cuck. She is youthful and pure

>> No.11513534

your kid would be wan and sickly, better stick to Emmy

>> No.11513569
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all wrong

>> No.11513575

The comments on her videos make me sick.

>> No.11513585

and then I would breed the sickly daughter as well

>> No.11513594

Emmy was born Emilio. It's a dude.

>> No.11513607

whatever dipped out of her bussy would probably still be healthier than Cooking Alone's clutch

>> No.11513629

that disgusting shit is being outlawed at a political and legal level, even in canada where they love that deluded crap
besides, no dude has a bod like hers. no adam's apple, no hulk shoulders, no signs of extreme delusion.

>> No.11513700

i bet this thing could give birth and not realise it

>> No.11513719

its like shes making vids just for me
*unties and drops sweatpants*

>> No.11513721

This is the only one worth saving.thx

>> No.11513735

excuse my uncreative reply, but she sounds like her hymen is fully intact.

>> No.11513873
File: 1000 KB, 270x222, 1542487945272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use tfw
>Doesn't post the face

>> No.11514057
File: 1.38 MB, 1531x2048, Screenshot_20180901-102250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11514080

Oh god I want her to have my abortions

>> No.11514104

Has anyone told her yet that she's /ourgirl/?

>> No.11514144

must you fags ruin everything that is good

>> No.11514156

What do you mean? We're getting her more views. She should proudly embrace that she's /ourgirl/. She should flash a white power sign into each video. That would be kek.

>> No.11514169


>> No.11514183

Being this buttblasted /ck/ cucked you for your internet gf.

>> No.11514210
File: 83 KB, 393x325, WojakUltimateSuicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting this roastie. She reminds me of girl I was fucking

>> No.11514254


>> No.11514290

>hey boys, we're making... canned tomato soup today
yeah, dude how could anyone ruin this gem

>> No.11514348
File: 19 KB, 288x288, cookingalonee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swn be your gf
it hurts to live bros

>> No.11514350
File: 31 KB, 720x405, 1541856675634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11514522

is she slow?

>> No.11514527

Unlike you niggers, I sit through the stupid ads so she gets her 5 cents for it. So eat shit.

>> No.11514531

what the fuck is wrong with you asshole?

>> No.11514532

she's not, but you probably are

>> No.11514534

Listen up, niggers, she has another video up but only 300 or so views. Sit through those ads and get those views up


>> No.11514548

but if we don't watch the ads she'll start up a patreon and then we can really aggravate /ck/ by directly funding her productions (and possible reproductions)

>> No.11514549

gonna watch this on my computer and phone for the extra views

>> No.11514556

You are a good anon

>> No.11514564

I'd give her pills then bury my doughboy if you catch my drift

>> No.11514565

its a legitimit question

>> No.11514567

Let's start a gofundme to get her to do a hit or miss video

>> No.11514566

no, if you pay attention her videos are pure unfiltered asmr. she knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.11514584
File: 91 KB, 1094x745, IMG_20181122_183307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell

>> No.11514594

it's from this vid by the way

>> No.11514611

Just found out she lives in an apartment, not a house.

Narrows down my search somewhat.

>> No.11514622

I don't know what you're planning, but don't rape her. Just put a tiny camera in her bathroom.

>> No.11514625

an apartment that allows both cats and dogs... hmm, sounds great

>> No.11514689
File: 138 KB, 375x375, 1398414204354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's a literal who qt grill gets freaked out into deleting her accounts because of stalkers episode

>> No.11514711
File: 2.93 MB, 336x202, 1431754945532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god you people are fucking terrible

>> No.11514732

Or low on the staircase pointing up ;)

>> No.11514740

She better not be sharing an apartment with no fucking man

>> No.11514752

>realizes that 4chan is full of terrible people
>didn't you know this before coming here?

>> No.11514902

why do you people hate her?

>> No.11514918

I love her...

>> No.11514921

because she warms prepared foods and is has adopted a phony persona to trap foolish ASMR cucks

>> No.11514945

Cute little shots bois

>> No.11514947

so you hate anyone thats soft spoken or doesn't cook a 5 star meal from scratch everyday. got it

>> No.11514954

>My opinions are final

>> No.11514957

Banned for cooking turtle eggs that happened to be endangered or were suspected of being endangered the kind of shit that's a felony

>> No.11514964

that's not what I said, but your response was predicated anyway

>> No.11514972

She's a hard 6 if I'm being generous.

>> No.11514989
File: 89 KB, 504x438, 1538075963306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this assblassted over legitimate complaints, and you should stop typing like a faggot.

>> No.11514990

I'd give her a hard 6 if you know what I mean

>> No.11515007

She is neither youthful not pure my dude

>> No.11515014

ok now THAT is based

>> No.11515017

>Forgive me my Queen
Seriously she is the embodiment of /ck/ probably even more than Scadalfi

>> No.11515020

She's cute.

>> No.11515026


>> No.11515028

Isn't she Asian they don't have any of those things even when they keep their penises

>> No.11515048

Probably a hulking negro fiance

>> No.11515166

I'm so happy she isn't Chinese

>> No.11515424

good post

>> No.11515437

>Those hands
That's totally a man or was a man once

>> No.11515506
File: 85 KB, 1334x750, 35BAAF52-A79A-4193-93AB-89445C2194DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somehow she had a negative million views on tuesday

>> No.11515521

must have been something she ate

>> No.11515542

Bro all the vids are gone

>> No.11515545

>its all dead

>> No.11515554


>> No.11515555

I stopped monitoring for an hour and this bullshit happens

>> No.11515564

rip cookan alon

>> No.11515570

Just trying to wait this out... heh
Jack tried too

>> No.11515571

Told you I'd find her apartment, night!

>> No.11515574
File: 22 KB, 264x306, IMG_1412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uploads new video only hours ago
>videos all deleted now

>> No.11515577

okay, someone go find a new girl on youtube we can be transfixed with

>> No.11515579

But I just watched it?

>> No.11515582

I’m not sharing any good ones I find because this will happen again.

>> No.11515590

>he doesn't have a secret, personal list

>> No.11515592

Obviously she wasn't determined to have a successful youtube channel

>> No.11515596

>tfw we’ll never see her drinking soup while on a bicycle

>> No.11515625

What happened in the live stream?

>> No.11515632

why? why did you have to do it /ck/? why did you have to ruin everything good and pure?

>> No.11515640
File: 626 KB, 950x1053, 1537046505553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I actually wanted to try her cranberry sauce recipe but now it's gone forever.

>> No.11515642

she boiled spaghetti

>> No.11515657

Ah well, as they say in the classics, it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

>> No.11515665

this video is unavailable

>> No.11515668

you guys are niggers she was following me on insta and like some of my dog pics and now shes gone forever you fucking jew kikes.no wonder you fucks have never been inside a girl

>> No.11515671

did you get to bang her or no?

>> No.11515672

is she off insta too?

>> No.11515694

This ungrateful cunt just took all her vids down. We were gonna give her views, which = $$$. Not a smart businesswoman.

>> No.11515696
File: 177 KB, 500x483, 1542711508358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11515711

Good luck building a following from zero, cunt whore

>> No.11515713

>be me
>alone as always
>thanksgiving rolls around
>a-a-at least I can spend it watching my new cookfu
>all videos deleted

this is why you download youtube videos, because shit like this happens

>> No.11515735


>> No.11515742

Good job at showing who the bad guys are you anti-semite.

>> No.11515748

I never made one negative comment on her shitty autistic vids. Even when she treated a canister of crecents like she was defusing a pipe bomb. But now...

>> No.11515752

Cooking alone of you're reading this
i want to be your little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on your breasts. Your magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. You would stick your hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for you to bleed all over me. i want to feel your blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb your hoo-hoo juies inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with your hoo-hoo blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in your hoo-hoo and revel in your red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want you to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so your hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over your face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.

>> No.11515762
File: 36 KB, 486x534, 1541451327892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks goys!
Now what am I going to have for hanukkah this year?!

>> No.11515774
File: 820 KB, 800x450, 1541467591721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy come easy go, boys.

>> No.11515777

I hope her Thanksgiving was ok. My turkey turned out pretty good.

>> No.11515782

It's because she removed videos probably

>> No.11515783

She wouldn't even appreciate this heart-felt tampon tribute anon. We were only trying to make her a star, but she decided to go dark instead...

>> No.11515792

>autistic enough to dox and scare this girl
>not autistic enough to save her vids

something's not adding up here. I never really got to enjoy her and you faggots go and ruin it. Someone post the goods.

>> No.11515795
File: 50 KB, 472x378, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you stupid fucking assholes, i login to youtube to find this shit. i can't believe what you did you bunch of cretins. she was pure how dare you, after i got a <3 from pure Cooking Alone god damn you all to hell

>> No.11515822


>> No.11515825

bro you've transcended. maybe she's interested in marriage?

>> No.11515830

no now she's probably only interested in the witness protection program

>> No.11515835


>> No.11515841

I want her to step on my balls with high heels

>> No.11515848

Someone email her and demands answers


>> No.11515883
File: 250 KB, 1024x622, 1448520137076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate you all

>> No.11515885
File: 651 KB, 700x3287, Classic+fit_3a3d17_5622343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a /fit/ copypasta dino didnt write that

>> No.11515893

shes gone /ck/

>> No.11515929
File: 102 KB, 496x452, cooking alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one video left

>> No.11515935
File: 107 KB, 342x229, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya bro, it's a swastika bro.

>> No.11515946
File: 5 KB, 800x447, spurdo hortler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hale hortler :DDDD

>> No.11515954

cranberry sauce is now back up

/ourgirl/ is back on the menu lads

>> No.11515959

"tfw" means "that feel when," you retarded newfag nigger.

>> No.11515966


I hope you retards are happy

>> No.11515974

>instagram deleted
>vids are mostly deleted, only 4 left
you goys went too far this time.

>> No.11515980

My wife is so tsundere deleting her vids

>> No.11515989
File: 447 KB, 960x720, 1539814273907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is starting a new persona to pander to her new autistic audience.

>> No.11516011

Guys stop this is Katie loves classic books all over again.

>> No.11516017

the videos are all back again

>> No.11516022

With tsun comes the dere

>> No.11516038

monica lewinsky?

>> No.11516145

naw. monica was way hotter.

>> No.11516147

>actually believing this

>> No.11516155

she did a cum drinking vid?

>> No.11516160

She cut off the first three seconds...
what the hell man, she's embarrassed by the cuteness. she's killing her character

>> No.11516168
File: 754 KB, 607x550, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11516194

haha, I wish she would have narrated it using her actual voice

>> No.11516203

>she's afraid to unpeel the crescent roll paper with her fingers
she's adorable, anons

>> No.11516211

well, it was a fun channel while it lasted.

>> No.11516212

TIL katie loves classic books is actually still making videos

>> No.11516237


>> No.11516241

you fucking faggots ruin everything

>> No.11516249

I find it shitty that other humans can make her feel so insecure about herself.

>> No.11516260

everyone gets stage fright i guess. the internet isn't so intimidating though, i mean billions of normies have their lives mapped publicly by fagbook. she just needs to fully realise that 4chins is nothing to fear. worst case scenario they prank call you.

>> No.11516267

or meme you into the white house

>> No.11516273

The real tragedy is that this is all Streisand Effect. There have been multiple threads mainly because of this interplay. As is often the case, if the 'victim' had simply ignored the 'bullies', their focus would have already moved on by now.

>> No.11516275

I think she's scared about getting assaulted
that a frail single autistic woman wouldn't have considered this contingency explains a lot about her bravado. gotta hustle for them views

>> No.11516324

If the Internet isn't intimidating why don't you post a picture of yourself here right now?

>> No.11516346

because it'd be out of place in this context, there's no place for it in this thread. i've had my pics and address posted here though. as soon as you're kind of indifferent to it, it's like being a facebook normie - you just fit in among the billions, and pursuing you becomes pointless and dull. by presenting a challenge you encourage the faggotry

>> No.11516436

Fat face

>> No.11516499

Thread is gonna 404, everything has been said now I think so if there’s another one I expect it’ll be shit, she’s removing all the character from her vids because of us so that’s ruined- I think the dream is over

>> No.11516508


>> No.11516511
File: 89 KB, 841x700, A85B9C51-1947-4F1D-AA22-E56487BCDC72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11516513

It's been a wild three days desu

>> No.11516598

re-emphasising the fact that there's no threat here. just a bunch of desperate manchild betas falling in love, and plus-size, shut-in baby bazookas sizzling to the core with jealousy. don't go

t. desperate manchild beta

>> No.11516658

>French's Green Bean Casserole Recipe.mp4
The first 3 seconds are sacred

>> No.11516711

I think she removed her face from videos in order to get rid of some of her white knight beta faggot normie orbiters.

>> No.11516878

fuck you assholes

>> No.11516966

/r/ing the cap of when /lit/ scared a bookworm off the internet with creepiness and autism

>> No.11517054
File: 67 KB, 637x854, 1524296745689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put me in the screencap, negro begro

>> No.11517105

After assessing the situation, I congratulate all of the cynical posters here. I'm pretty sure the white knights who are calling everybody an incel scared her off. She must have been told that we were going to do bad things to her. That's essentially a form of manipulation, done by weak beta's to make them selves feel better than the rest of his. So the next time you shit post calling us niggers, and incels remember that your spergish attitude is what made her run away.

>> No.11517109

Rest of us**

>> No.11517150

>that eye flutter when she says casserole
my heart

>> No.11517196

The cap was made ages ago you stupid fuck

>> No.11517202

It's here...

>> No.11517266

it’s too bad that she edited her face out, she’s really cute
but her voice is so relaxing and her hands are so sexy

>> No.11517292

I didn't even know this girl existed before this thread so I apologize for asking if she was slow im sure I did it

>> No.11517308

Damn it she edited her face out of her videos. Luckily I saved them for my qt folder.

>> No.11517332
File: 37 KB, 633x758, 1461386383866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11517342

we will always know the truth, we'll have something the normies don't. this means she loves us more than everyone else.

>> No.11517350
File: 55 KB, 546x1090, 1535896920276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame the retards who made her think 4chan was going to decapitate her.

>> No.11517372

I’m glad she pulled her beauty back behind the seven veils for you retards.

>> No.11517418

last comment

>> No.11517426

last last comment

>> No.11517494

I blame you and you are going to pay

>> No.11517514

Try harder

>> No.11517522

She’s studying Spanish to learn how to say, “Hasta la vista, retards.”

>> No.11517764


He fucking forgot the "mfw thinken of you hurtin'"-

>> No.11517817

fuck you
crazy straws are epic

>> No.11517960

Fine geez

>> No.11517962
File: 84 KB, 478x350, 1536247350983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11517976

imagine only ever experiencing disposable straws
how sad

>> No.11518287

Just waiting for her to leave her apartment

>> No.11518300

Shut up you larping faggot