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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.17 MB, 1771x900, The Healthy Chorizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11452855 No.11452855 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's Farmer Joe's Chorizo. The ultimate health food.
Try to find an argument.
>You won't

>> No.11452863 [DELETED] 


>> No.11452871

>The ultimate health food
>3650mg of sodium
Yeah, sure.

>> No.11452876 [DELETED] 


>> No.11452879 [DELETED] 

based Huh? posters

>> No.11452902
File: 77 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she doesn't know how to calculate her water intake
Oh sweety

>> No.11452914


>> No.11452935

>soy chorizo

>> No.11452950


whelp it settles it, its vegan and therefore healthy food

>> No.11452956

And that is a VERY good thing

>> No.11452959

>Textured vegetable protein
>Soybean oil

yeah keep slurping those down real healthy!

>> No.11452978

Textured vegetable protein is just the soy without the oil

>> No.11453020

>soy chorizo
white people were a mistake

>> No.11453055

I live in the Mexican capital of chorizo and OP is a faggot

>> No.11453107

and what nutrients are to be found in any of the ingredients listed?

I thought health food was suppose to replenish the body with vitamins and minerals and there is not a god damn thing in those soy tubes. Literally as processed as food gets

>> No.11453118

this isnt a bealth food. Soy is cheaper than meat, which is also why you see it popping up in cheap meat products like breaded patties as a filler

ive even had textured soy protein in cans of tuna as filler

>> No.11453123

You’re arguing individual ingredients and the food as a whole. There is nothing unhealthy about textured vegetable protein is all im saying.

>> No.11453126

yeah except that its made of soy

>> No.11453127

*and not the food as a whole

>> No.11453129
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And that’s a good thing.

>> No.11453149

>cook to 165

literally why? It has no meat or meat products?

>> No.11453167

literally nonfactual

>> No.11453174

Many vegans who understand their diet know to avoid heavily processed products like these. Those who do it from a healthy perspective would rather eat a whole foods meal rather than overly processed factory food.

>> No.11453185


>> No.11453189

>prove it
>receives well formulated argument
>non factual
I love this place

>> No.11453209
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>> No.11453218

Im a vegan myself and sometimes just can't believe the arguments I read on here that oppose it. It has done nothing but good in my health and life.

>> No.11453314

What's non-humane about killing a bunch of stupid emotionless animals?

>> No.11453662


>> No.11453713

What’s non-humane about euthanizing your worthless NEET ass after keeping you locked in a crate of your own shit for 1 year?

>> No.11453768

ow the edge

>> No.11453773


>> No.11453796

>I'm so humane I won't even kill a barely cognizant sheep
>but fuck I would stuff you, a thinking feeling human, into a crate and let you suffocate in your feces

The truth about vegans is finally out.

>> No.11453817

So you would have no problem killing severely intellectually stunted humans?

>> No.11453823

Depends on how "severely" they are stunted. Like basically a vegetable? Sure, euthanize them humanely. Just really dumb but can still think and feel? Nah.

>> No.11453827

You are asking the wrong people a question of morality.

>> No.11453835

Aren’t most sheep just really dumb but can think and feel? They’re far more cognizant, emotional, and actually sentient than someone in a vegetative state.

>> No.11453837

It should be state policy.

>> No.11453839

Yeah but they aren't human.

>> No.11453842

>think and feel
nigger, "sheep" is a derogatory term for mindless people for a reason

>> No.11453847

Imagine never actually doing research and basing your entire worldview on memes spouted by the nazi/reddit board on an anime website.

>> No.11453848

ugh, could you just not?

>> No.11453851

Like you did with that graph?

>> No.11453853

Sheep quite clearly feel, lack of intelligence isn’t mindlessness, they’re very primal in their urges

>> No.11453857

How do you not see the point in my post or the irony in yours, you dense retard? More so, what makes you think animals are barely cognizant? If anything your post proves that you are, and by your “logic” we should subject you to the same treatment.

>> No.11453858

You’re going to need to disprove your gripes with the graph rather than just stomping and shouting about it.

>> No.11453859

they aren't self-conscious

>> No.11453860

Because that is literally the safe internal temperature for every food. Do you actually cook things or just come here for the memes and fast food threads?

>> No.11453867

Pork is safe at 160. And that's being conservative.

>> No.11453868

So it’s okay to massively slaughter things as long as it isn’t your species (within the IQ range). I certainly hope you don’t maintain this consistency with an uprising of hyper-intelligent grizzly bears

>> No.11453869
File: 106 KB, 623x612, EEC91FF7-81FD-43E2-99A8-040D4F101487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not literally every food, fucking soyboy faggot

>> No.11453875

>So it’s okay to massively slaughter things as long as it isn’t your species (within the IQ range)

IQ isn't a perfect measuring stick but more or less yes. The primary moral duty of every human is to the whole humanity.

>> No.11453879

>le soyboy xD

I don't even eat soy products, but if you knew shit about life you'd know that 165 is generally what your shit is getting cooked to when you eat out.

>> No.11453885

Spoken like somebody with no knowledge of modern farming

>> No.11453888

We’re not talking about eating out though, are we? Queer.

>> No.11453895

The only moral weight a non-human should have is relative to it's utility to the human race.

>> No.11453900

We have bred most livestock animals to the point that they can't survive in the wild. Should we just let them go extinct?

>> No.11453901

You sound Chinese

>> No.11453910

Dubious claim

So a duty to some humans despite the fact the food consumed of these animals annihilates our environment and makes unhealthy. And despite protecting interests objectively better by being peaceful, you find it well within every species’ rights to genocide each other because species.

>> No.11453914
File: 27 KB, 377x550, 15C13F51-6F89-4F55-963C-48ED39A28772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stop breeding so many and allow those that are alive to enjoy space to roam around? Why do you need every little step explained with no capacity to reach your own conclusions?

>> No.11453920

They should be limited sure, but arguing that it is morally right to stop eating animals because of some nonsense about them having any moral weight is bullshit.

>> No.11453925

>cu/ck/s still falling for weak vegan b8
stop bumping this shitty thread

>> No.11453929

Who do you think is going to provide all that space and feed them without any gain? Not even the hippiest hippie is going to do that charity.

>> No.11453932

165 is typically the standard so it makes sense that they'd write 165 on the packaging, dumbass.

>> No.11453933

let the state expropriate all the farms

>> No.11453938


You mean /pol/dditors. Literally eat this bait for breakfast.

>> No.11453945

I think you meant figuratively

>> No.11453946

Yeah, good luck with that.

>> No.11453947
File: 316 KB, 657x705, 19D4DBF3-83F2-4398-B6B5-15D7DFECB105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without any gain
You still eat them, you just keep them out of the hellhole that is the modern farm. And the US is not exactly short of space.

>> No.11453952

yeah but most of its space is fucking desert

>> No.11453964

>its ok to massively slaughter animals for environmental destruction amd unhealthiness just because
Great argument

>> No.11453965
File: 54 KB, 701x565, 1737AEEA-822B-4C43-897B-E6B4B31DD0EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again, idiot

>> No.11453973


>> No.11453974

There is little reason not to.

>> No.11453979

>he eats entire packages of chorizo

ok buddy

>> No.11453983

the fertile regions are already being used to graze you STUPID FUCK, you want to take the cattle out of "modern farms" and put them where? exactly where they already are?

>> No.11453986

There’s nothing animals offer at this point as a livestock that can’t be fulfilled by non-animal products. Them as a livestock is also totally destructive on our planet as a whole. You’re going to need to explain the use that not only is ethically abominable but actively hurting human interest in the process

>> No.11453988

I’m pretty sure it was /v/ that got the soy terms filtered.

>> No.11453997

There are wild variants of every livestock that do just fine. Do you think the only alternative to extinction is just raising them for slaughter? Since you seem to be suddenly so concerned for their well being you should keep any potentially endangered species captive like how we do with every other species that is.

>> No.11453999

What do you think a modern farm is? Where do you think most of the grain and soy being grown is going? Do you think that most of the meat is produced on pastures?

>> No.11454008

No, that's the entire point. Fertile land is already taken

>> No.11454031

So the only alternative is to run literallyAuschwitz so fat American goblinos cam gorge themselves on cheap meat 3x daily? We use surplus land to grow corn, not raise animals, and you know nothing about modern agriculture.

>> No.11454046

>literally Auschwitz
well you have something in common with /pol/ after all; they too believe jews and animals are no different

>> No.11454067

I'm not. I just wonder what all the naive vegans think is the alternative because there is no way in hell someone is going to take care of millions of cows, pigs, chickens etc. for free.

>> No.11454072

Cool, the Hitler card.

>> No.11454081

Seems pretty naive to think massive industrial slaughter was some sustainable practice in every regard.

>> No.11454114

But it is. We throw most of the food away we grow anyways. What is happening that is not sustainable? Are we running out of something?

>> No.11454157

>You still eat them, you just keep them out of the hellhole that is the modern farm.
So you're not vegan, you just believe in ethically-sourced meat.

>> No.11454220


>> No.11454257

Enjoy your heart attack.

>> No.11454272

>But it is
But it isn’t? Unless of course your definition of sustainable is a deforested acidified planet with increasingly infertile soil which in turn leads to increasingly less nutritious food and crop yield alongside a depleted potable water supply

>> No.11454280 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 250x230, I+surprisingly+only+have+smug+nonanime+pictures+_0d503600aabe6275de10fb2032e271fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan today is pathetic. It took hundreds of soyposters to force the admins to filter soy. Get ready to be jelly faggots:
>be tooling around on /b/
>realize I can highlight and report multiple posts at the same time
>several times per night, report every single post on the first page
>the very next week there is announcement that reCaptcha is required for reports now
>mfw I caused 4chan to have to change some shit SINGLEHANDEDLY

>> No.11454296

Maybe some shithole third world countries where they don't know shit about farming. My country doesn't suffer from any of those.

>> No.11454321

>literally being so young you don't know what sustainable means

>> No.11454325

So the cows in your country don’t emit methane when they fart or shit? The cows in your country require no water to grow their feed or treat their grass? They require no land to shelter them? Amazing stuff.

>> No.11454331

How do you become so retarded?
t. american

>> No.11454335

Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.

>> No.11454336

You can’t have resources if the resources lead to diminishing gains

>> No.11454340 [DELETED] 

Imagine being proud of this.

>> No.11454352

Global warming won't magically destroy the planet. The average warmth of the planet has fluctuated throughout history.
Neither does water magically disappear after it's used for watering plant.
Also there is more than enough land to shelter all the cattle we can possibly grow.
t. not american

>> No.11454367

No but it will gradually destroy the means for humanity to survive on it

>average warmth
Irrelevant to the current cycle and means of how the temperature has gone up

It also doesn’t magically come back to you as potable drinking water because you didn’t magically erase it from existence

>there is more than enough land to shelter
That’s not my point. You’re using exorbitant amounts of land to shelter them. You didn’t address any of my points. You gave nondescript deflections that natural cycles exist. A volcano erupting doesn’t justify actively causing the eruption of other volcanoes

>> No.11454372

And also exorbitant amounts of land to grow their feed in most cases

>> No.11454377

That wasn’t why they put the recaptcha you retard. For a couple days everything was being spammed hard and fast with cock pics all over the place, to where it was almost impossible to load up 4chan, never mind post.

>> No.11454392 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 895x370, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already had the (typed) reCaptcha for posts, newfag. I'm the reason they started requiring it for REPORTS.

>> No.11454399

fucking magnets, how do they work? and i dont wanna talk to a scientist, yall motherfuckers lyin and gettin me pissed

>> No.11454400

>Not being the one spamming dick pics
lol look at this faggot

>> No.11454466
File: 29 KB, 438x438, 6ca94e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine thinking this

>> No.11454733

gimme lean is my favorite of the meatless meats at TJs

>> No.11454744

It's pretty good but I don't think the SOYRIZO has anything that competes with it.

>> No.11454759

you're the type of person to smear shit on bus seats so you can ruin it for everyone

>> No.11455063 [DELETED] 

Cry moar whiteknight, I come from a time where 4chan was the INTERNET HATE MACHINE instead of a bitchass subreddit

>> No.11455122

t. mega autismo smearing her period blood all over the walls and then screeching "YOU NEVER TOLD ME NOT TO" when told she's acting like a child

>> No.11455136
File: 324 KB, 579x458, 1463164102645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am chorizo

>> No.11455143 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11455295
File: 44 KB, 703x744, 51c47e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with the healthiest bean in the world

>> No.11455505

>contains no meat
then why do you NEED to cook it?

>> No.11455521

do niggers really get this assmad?

>> No.11455583

Breddy gud anon. I like my homemade seitan sausages better but as far as commercial products goes that one's pretty hard to beat

>> No.11455594
File: 371 KB, 1024x494, gaspars_2267_5047132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's gaspar's

>> No.11455598

>Schrödingerer's cow would simultaneously overpopulate the planet and go extinct if we stop holocausting it

>> No.11455612

>come here to say I also enjoy the soyrizo
>all these butthurt /fit/iots and /pol/ Nazi wannabes

>> No.11455630

>anyone who disagrees with me is /pol/

>> No.11455643

DESU I've made breakfast burritos with cho and soyrizo and the soyrizo tastes better imo.

>> No.11455654

>I'm so tired of having to pretend I'm not from /pol/ every time the NPC soy cucks catch me

>> No.11455771

>I am chorizo

>> No.11455775

>NPC soy cuck
At least you are honest about yourself.

>> No.11455796
File: 40 KB, 680x780, a59580c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself meatcuck. Your mother was never proud of you.

>> No.11455802
File: 79 KB, 1079x469, 1ce21a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is an afterbirth

>> No.11455814

Why does it need to be cooked to 165 if it's only made from plants?

>> No.11455851


>> No.11456874

Post body faggot

>> No.11457331

hilarious that soy, a corporate biproduct, is the hill vegans die on when tons of people unintentionally eat at least one vegan meal a day

>> No.11457363

Why do vegos insist on stupid shit like this? Why cant you just call it tangy tofu or something.

>> No.11457634

Maybe if you compare it to diet of processed garbage then yes. But eating meat moderately alongside an otherwise healthy diet with fruit and vegetables is better than veganism.

>> No.11457662

why does it have to be heated to 165?

>> No.11457679

inb4 sceak

>> No.11457723


>> No.11457728
File: 779 KB, 935x1920, 7 months of lifting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
