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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 196 KB, 1200x1200, Mint-Patty-Cake_exps140673_CMT2426390C08_17_2b_RMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11452443 No.11452443 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck does every cake have frosting? frosting isn't even that great, fucking fat american cunts.

>> No.11452445


>> No.11452453

im an american you fatass

>> No.11452456
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seriously though, that shit is garbage, i cant even eat a cake at a wedding because the frosting feels fucking weird in my mouth

>> No.11452458 [DELETED] 
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internalized obsession

>> No.11452460
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fuck frosting

>> No.11452461

externalised obesity

>> No.11452462

Same, I just want the fluffy cake not the overwhelmingly sugary grease

>> No.11452465

this, the cake is fine without frosting, also i really love milk cake, shit is cash

>> No.11452467


>> No.11452469

have you tried baking your own cakes and not using frosting?

>> No.11452470
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>> No.11452472

yeah mate, 100x better

>> No.11452479

I agree. It's just pure sugar.

>> No.11452484

I just dislike frosting because there is almost always a huge thick layer of it. It's way too sweet and overpowers the cake.

There should be like 75% less frosting on any given cake/sweet

>> No.11452488

Non you're not. Why would you be making a thread criticising frosting so early in the morning?

>> No.11452490 [DELETED] 


It's like white people that say "fuck white people" to distinguish themselves by acting superior and trying to feel less guilty

>> No.11452492


>> No.11452494

bored out of my mind

>> No.11452533

White people are american, it's the same thing.

>> No.11452536

there's a good vid about that here actually


>> No.11452657

Angel food cake. You niggers are literally talking about angel food cake.

>> No.11452670

>Angel food
literally "angel food"

>> No.11452698

Is there a problem with just scraping it off?

>> No.11452707

I'm sure everyone at the wedding is glad to have more cake for themselves, as it would be wasted on your food autism

>blames frosting on Americans
Do you know how many types of frosting there are? Far, far more than American buttercream, and from all over Europe in origin, too.
Maybe you should stop buying and eating low-quality cakes made by retarded bakers who can't create balance.
I like ermine frosting and Italian buttercream. I also fancy mixing ganache into buttercream. There are so many ways to make good tasty frosting for a good tasty cake, but you're not going to get them at the fucking grocery bakery or out of a plastic tub.

>> No.11452715

It's almost purely for aesthetics. Frosting lets you make the cake nice and smooth and sculpt fancy little flower buds and things.
It takes a certain thickness to both cover the cake without it showing through and to full in cracks etc.
You can reduce that a bit by taking a sharp cake knife and trimming the edge and top to a more uniform size.

>> No.11452722

>frosting feels fucking weird in my mouth
That might be from the frosting being made with vegetable shortening instead of cream/butter. Vegetable shortening doesn't melt as easily. Could also just be too much sugar though, whenever I make a cake I just put unsweetened whipped cream on it because more sugar tastes bad on a sweet cake.

>> No.11452996

I hate normal icing. It's often too thick, slightly dry, and far too sugary for a generic cake.
I make my own icing using meringue, whipped cream, or cool whip (if I'm feeling lazy) as a base. It's better in every way.

>> No.11453111

Americans can't into baking nor pastry.
Have you ever tasted murican 'bread'? even worse than their pieces of cardboard with frosting they call cakes

>> No.11453352
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The perfect frosting/cake ratio is 60% frosting and 45% cake.

>> No.11453381

>tfw 3rd worlders are literally too stupid to find anything to do on the internet
>so they shit on the people who invented the internet
That's actually more pathetic than your obsession.

>> No.11453407
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>> No.11453434

Who here /80%frosting20%cake/?

>> No.11453442
File: 48 KB, 500x625, 1528203251798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: people who don't know different kinds of buttercream exist.
American buttercream is the kind that feels/tastes gross, it is just butter and powdered sugar. Swiss/Italian meringue buttercream is very smooth, rich, and not as sweet. Any respectable professional will use S/IMBC almost exclusively.

>> No.11453445

My local bakery is really shit about this. The cupcakes are 2/3 cake, 1/3 gross frosting

>> No.11453460

Costco is the only place that makes decent grocery store cake

>> No.11453465

In addition to this, some bakeries will use shortening instead of butter to save money. If a bakery is doing that, they definitely aren't worth buying anything from. Supermarket cakes are always going to have gross frosting, too. If you want good frosting on a cake, go to a higher-end bakery or make it yourself. A genoise cake is extremely easy to make, and SMBC is easy too if you just have a little patience.
t. pretentious baker that won't eat a cake he didn't make

>> No.11454387


I fucking love a good, thick, heaping layer of rich/dark fudge frosting on my brownies as well

>> No.11454509

Fuck baking. I don't chance wasting food for some obsessively finicky recipe that yields mediocre garbage half the time depending on the moisture content of the air.

>> No.11454514

>pretentious baker that won't eat a cake he didn't make
Are you me?

>> No.11454562

It forms a protective layer that helps to stop the cake from drying out or getting stale

>> No.11455518

fucking fat ass americunts

>> No.11455525

Based obsessed poster

>> No.11455526

just make your own fucking cakes you ass hat

>> No.11455541

Obsessed and also wrong. Angel food, molten cakes, and various ice cream cakes don't have frosting and are widely available.

>> No.11455554

Are you me?
I cant frosting beacause most of the time it leaves a weird taste in my mouth.

>> No.11455565


>> No.11455769


Former Walmart "bakery technician" here.
Frosting is on the majority of cakes to keep the moisture in.
Cake will dry up in hours after it is baked.
The frosting acts as a sealer to keep the cake from becoming a dried out brick.
If you cut a cake and don't put it in a glass or plastic cake box the exposed edge gets dry and crumbles.
Don't refrigerate cake, unless it has pudding or ice cream in it, it will dry out in no time.
Unless you pay specifically for buttercream at the W all frosting was made from Crisco that we mixed with food coloring and sugar.

Personally I hate cake, pie is far more versatile, is never dry, refrigerates and freezes very well.

I left Walmart after a co-worker (who ended up getting my job) accused me of masturbating into some icing for a child's birthday cake.
The store asked me to resign or the police would be called, they gave me a nice severance package for my 11 years with the company, I was also banned from the location.
My co-worker was, is and will always be a mostly lying, sack of shit bitch.

>> No.11455785

But did you jizz in the icing, anon? I don't see a denial anywhere in your post.

>> No.11455819

To get my severance I signed an NDA
That's all you will get

>> No.11455873

I would have jerked off into the icing if I had been accused of doing so. It’s not like you could keep the job. Just start shitting everywhere and wiping The food with it. Lying faggots get what they deserve

>> No.11455918

>if things don't go my way i star smearing my shit on the walls in protest
based. same.

>> No.11456015

Should I tell my momma to get me an ice cream cake?