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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11444568 No.11444568 [Reply] [Original]

I've had an interesting discussion with a friend today.
We live in an eastern european country. I am the kind of person that will eat literally anything, atleast to try it, and I can appreciate the taste of most dishes.
My friend, however, believes that we should not eat food that isn't native to our region because it is not "meant for us". This includes pizza, sushi, curry, meatballs and even things like eggs benedict or waffles. Basically. He says we should mainly stick to meat and potatoes and anything else is pretencious and degenerate. He said that even though he has tried foreign food when traveling, and has liked it, he would never offend his culture to such an extent to eat something like that in his home country.
What do you guys think of his stance on this? Is he right or is he autistic?

>> No.11444573

He is fucking stupid. Food from other cultures has always been shared to other places.

>> No.11444578

I've got some bad news for your friend if he isn't Chilean...

>> No.11444579

Why do I feel like this is going to be a bait and switch pol thread

>> No.11444584

don't you want to be redpilled? food taste so much better when red pilled.

>> No.11444586

He sounds like he's nationalistic rather than bigoted.

It's a silly thought though since sharing food across cultures has likely existed since the dawn of time. Your own societies food was likely different in the past.

>> No.11444594

First of all, are you Slavs or Balts?
Secondly yes, he is wrong but only because he's been so declarative about it. Generally it would be cheaper to eat whatever's most easily produced nearby anyway, so it makes practical sense, and eating locally produced will more likely help you keep your health, especially if you're having what the 108 year old babushka's been having for the past 60 years.
But of course, having something else every now and again isn't a bad thing

>> No.11444599

kek, this.
Foreign influence always finds it's way across borders. As long as the food is good, why would anyone care?

>> No.11444601

it's not like you have to make foreign food with imported ingredients.

>> No.11444609

You're friend is an idiot and does not know about the old ways of your people.
Potatoes are a new world food.
I am from a different part of the world. Many people call it "Italy." The peoples here have lost the old ways and eat foreign foods. They are like your friend, the idiot, and think that certain "Italian" foods are "Italian." The best you can do is to educate your peoples in the old ways.

Imagine if you're friend was Japanese and thought that they should stick to eating foods such as rice and shishito as they incorrectly believe them to be pure Japanese foods instead of the disgusting foreign foods that no true Japanese could tolerate.

>> No.11444617
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your friend is a faggot

>> No.11444635

Try again you Slavic esl retard.

>> No.11444636

He is wrong, but not by much. Your diet should consist primarily of locally sourced ingredients. Foreign dishes are fine if you have access to the ingredients. If you have to purchase ingredients shipped across the world, you should pass as the food not be as fresh or tasty and will cost more.

>> No.11444641
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Such is how heritage becomes heritage. Nothing wrong with eating what your ancestors ate during the most significant part of their history

>> No.11444675

>preserving heritage is eating food people ate 500 years ago

You do know cuisine is gradually being influenced by other places, right? The things western europeans ate in the medieval periods arent exactly the same as 1950s food. And honestly, modern food is in a lot of cases, just better

>> No.11444709

This is the argument of someone who sees food as a symbol of his culture (which it is, actually) and also feels that culture is under threat from outside influences.

I live in the US and have heard stories about (now deceased) relatives who were kind of like that. One lived through WWII and would never touch sushi because there was no way she wanted to be any part of enjoying anything Japanese. Another didn't allow garlic or pasta in the house because he looked down on Italian Americans. Supposedly he flipped out when his daughter married one. I had in-laws from the Midwest who only are "normal food", which meant anything you'd find at a Sunday dinner, church potluck or cook out half a century ago in the Midwest. Anything beyond that made them suspicious and uncomfortable.

I think there's a regional bias operating here as well. Those who grow up in cosmopolitan places tend to be more open to a variety of foods from all over because they're exposed to them from a young age. People who grow up in rural or semi-rural places tend to stick more to whatever their regional cuisine is.

But it sounds like your friend sees food as a political stance, like vegans, people who buy organic and people who avoid specific producers because they don't agree with their politics. In this case it sounds like nationalism. Is your friend a nationalist?

>> No.11445396

Read a history book dumbass.

>> No.11445406

Why don't you post the country you're from?
Anyways, potatoes are a New World food. Tell him he's a peasant.

>> No.11445414

Feels good being American.

>> No.11445421
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>food taste so much better when red pilled

It's literally tastes exactly the same.

>> No.11445431

Came here to say this.
Potatoes and tomatoes aren't European but I doubt many of us would want to give them up.
I'm fine with someone having a strong national pride but fucking hell. There's a limit.

>> No.11445466

>eastern european
your friend is a fucking retard

>> No.11445478

>influence of other groups is okey if it becomes your heritage
>unless it's not your current heritage
fucking retard, history and heritage are a continuum and your reactionary bs is by definition going to be a forgotten footnote

>> No.11445486
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People like OP regularly post this site. Screw this.

>> No.11445526
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Nice try, eterno chileno

>> No.11445575

To an extent it's right. Rituals are an important part of what binds people together and preparing and eating national dishes is one such ritual.

If you think national unity is important you should try to preserve national dishes as a standard component of your cooking.

>> No.11445584

Many civilization are footnotes too. Change is a constant, continuity is not.

Balance in all things.

>> No.11445588

That is exactly my thought reading the OP. I'm out of here.

>> No.11445602

Not necessarily autistic, just brain dead.

>> No.11445606

Belligerently autistic, although I can't help but feel that a little bit of his argument is lost in translation. Regardless, he's 100% retarded because I guarantee whatever he's consuming doesn't originate in the glorious soil of his glorious country, historically or contemporaneously.

This post is pretty much proof that your friend is autistic, though. Someone explained his argument very coherently, and it still sounds suspicious. I understand the practical side of, "Well, I don't want foreign restaurants and crops to replace what I consider domestic," but even that is closed-minded. Food is without a doubt the most accessible and positive (not to mention apolitical) way to experience another culture. While there are certainly things you must acquire a taste for, you're really robbing yourself of a world of different flavors when you refuse to eat foreign food.

>> No.11445623

The thing is that eating "foreign food" and eating dishes from your own country aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.11445662

The first post is correct.
Its normal for cultures to share food. Its not pretentious or anything like that. Most of the stuff you eat is probably based in some way off another culture.
Food is one thing that doesn't take much to explain to people. As long as you figure out how they make it, there's nothing else to really explain.
A culture taking and changing cuisine from another culture often inspires the original culture to adapt their cuisine in their own ways and that's what makes meals better, easier, and more interesting.
This also goes for food traditions like chopsticks.

That said, your friend sounds like a pretty interesting person and as a writer, I am now thinking about incorporating that into a character...

>> No.11445674

>like chopsticks
*like chopsticks or having different numbers or types of courses

To be a little more clear, meant to type all that.

>> No.11445694 [DELETED] 

Ditto what everyone else says, but as a matter of fact, nothing is really sacred to a culture like this.

Sure, you can respect a culture and not assume you understand things to a foreigner or whatever like weeaboos do.
Sure, don't assume that when you try to pull off a tradition without input from someone who actually knows a fucking thing about that culture that what you are doing is authentic or whatever and certainly a foreigner will... probably feel pretty awkward in such a context.

But even if it seems strange or awkward to people outside the culture, there is nothing wrong with taking from their culture.

The only exception to this in my mind that I can think of is when someone who doesn't understand a foreign language tries at length to write creatively in that language. Please stop that shit Japan.

>> No.11445699
File: 8 KB, 230x219, Da_NYPMVAAAizGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate

> That said, your friend sounds like a pretty interesting person

He sounds like an uppity nationalist but, yeah that'd be neat to write if he was weirdly anal about food from other places.

>> No.11445708

No, but it's easy to relegate the national dishes to a place where they become useless as social glue. When you eat more foreign than domestic dishes and the holidays are filled with foreign food you are basically a homeless cosmopolitan already.

>> No.11445711

Ditto what everyone else says, but as a matter of fact, nothing is really sacred to a culture like this.

Sure, you can respect a culture and not assume you understand things to a foreigner or whatever like weeaboos do.
Sure, don't assume that when you try to pull off a tradition without input from someone who actually knows a fucking thing about that culture that what you are doing is authentic or whatever and certainly a foreigner will... probably feel pretty awkward in such a context.

But even if it seems strange or awkward to people from culture X, there is nothing wrong with taking from culture X.

The only exception to this in my mind that I can think of is when someone who doesn't understand a foreign language tries at length to write creatively in that language. Please stop that shit Japan.

>> No.11445733

>Regardless, he's 100% retarded because I guarantee whatever he's consuming doesn't originate in the glorious soil of his glorious country, historically or contemporaneously.
Or he's a nationalist. That shit it on the rise in many places right now, and a legit expression of it would be a contempt for seeing foreign things in your country. Which still may be retarded, but it's a very particular stripe of retarded.

>> No.11445741

And what happens when nomadic peoples moved into foreign lands with different foods? Your friend is fucking stupid, mate.

>> No.11445773
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Not the same person you replied to but...

>> No.11445836
File: 18 KB, 390x343, 1540273273724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But peruano potatoes are colorful and gay. Basically faggot potatoes wtf who eats that shit

>> No.11446034

All potatoes are "peruano potatoes" Also the colorful ones are usually better tasting

>> No.11446151
File: 819 KB, 2048x1152, 20170531_121615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grow my own colored potatoes in MS but I always grow a few wh*te potatoes so they have something to cry about before we eat them.

>> No.11446154

He is right.

>> No.11446217
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>> No.11446300


Potatos dont even come from Europe.
Tell him that.

>> No.11447785

I am a literal, unironic "white supremacist" or whatever you wanna call it these days, and I honestly think your friend is being ridiculous. I like all kinds of foreign foods. They're delicious. Especially when they're not made by an actual foreigner cause then you probably won't even get food poisoning along with your fiery diarrhea.

>> No.11447800

What the fuck did you say bitch I will destroy you

>> No.11447803
File: 15 KB, 338x203, 3045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we have to go back to eating unseasoned chicken and well done meat with ketchup because anything else is unamerican

>> No.11447827

Is your friend's name Wasshi or Tougou by any chance?

>> No.11447973

Lmao your perutatoes look fucking disgusting.

>> No.11448118
File: 364 KB, 2048x2000, 1532414574813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATE Indians but can't stop eating butter chicken...

>> No.11448149

Your friend is an idiot. From what you told us here, he voiced his opinion and did not provide any factual basis apart from, "it's natural for us!". By that logic, cars, airplanes, electricity, sweeteners etc. should all be forbidden because they're also not natural. It's a fallacy at best.

>> No.11448262

This. East EU here and we have rice fields lol.

>> No.11448267

That last paragraph...Yes. Can we do a petition for that?

>> No.11448339

tell your slavonic monkey friend to stop wearing adidas track gear while he's at it, why use anything that isn't from your """beautiful""" home country?

>> No.11448347
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>electricity isn’t natural

>> No.11448353

Those potatoes look beautiful

>> No.11448377

Russian nationalists wearing Adidas is hilarious. Adidas became so huge in Russia precisely because foreign-made goods were better than what was produced in Soviet factories.

>> No.11448385

God, Polaks are fucking retarded

>> No.11448413

Maybe I should've worded it better, but the argument still stands.

>> No.11449913

If I throw a basketball down that bottomless pit, will it go down through the throat and therefore force feed a basketball?

>> No.11449965

You're welcome to do just that if you like. I'm getting tacos tonight.

>> No.11449996

Not wanting to taste the wild, different and new flavors around the world is certainly idiotic.

>> No.11450002

Nah senpai you'll never know the feeling of debating what's the best banana or potato

>> No.11450022

I'm in Brazil and I fucking hate that American fast food has gotten here. Go ruin the culinary habits of other country with your bland, unhealthy and shitty burgers. Eating foreign food is totally fine and healthy except if it's submitting to foreign imperialism. Everything is a political act, even eating,

>> No.11450032

red pilled is a fancy way of saying misinformed and ignorant. source: I used to be "red pilled"

>> No.11450043

"I awake at 4 AM and eat a bowl of oats plain. Just like my ancestors. Then I go outside and plow the fields all day. I finish my day off with bible study and a stale loaf of bread"

>> No.11450049

it's the same thing

>> No.11451752 [DELETED] 

Natonalism != patriotism
This is important.

>> No.11451758

Well Italy is fucked with all those tomatoes they imported from America. It's too bad molecules have tiny flags on them and shit.

>> No.11451767

He sounds based and redpilled

>> No.11451813

Nationalism is the belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.
With the terrible political situation we have in America right now, blurring the line between these distinct beliefs. Even if many bigots are nationalist, I think its very important to acknowledge that one does NOT need to be bigotted to believe that nations should focus on their own countries and not so much internationally.

A bigot may quite usually be a nationalist, but a nationalist is not always a bigot.

Nationalism is its own form of stupidity distinct from bigotry that can be part of a number of different beliefs.
If the left keeps saying its not, then the right will only feed off of that obsessive assertiveness, like they do with these god awful and/or misinformed Sarkeesia types.

>> No.11451852

Your friend's heart is in the right place, but ultimately he's just like any person who whines about "cultural appropriation" (same argument from the opposite perspective).

Tell your friend he needs to focus on the cultural threat of foreigners that want to take over Europe rather than worrying about food, which is one of the actually valid and healthy forms of "cultural enrichment" (back before that term referred to mass rape).

>> No.11451890

This >>11451852 by the way is an example of a nationalist with 95% chance of also being a bigot.

>> No.11451921

Best post.

>> No.11453069

What kind of absolute moron equates "defending your country" with bigotry?

Protip: the fact that you don't personally CARE about the loss of your culture is not some kind of goddamn virtue for you to brag about.
All it means is that you're another pathetic, edgy nihilist.

>> No.11453133

Your friend is a fucking faggot, OP.

>> No.11453154

Mutually exclusive, therefore there's nothing to lose ;)

>> No.11453213

I'm from a town of 900 in rural east Tennessee. We don't have a McDonald's but we have am Asian place and Mexican.

>> No.11453227

He's a retarted man child.
he sounds super ethnic. Im sure his parents and aunts and uncles love pizza, turkish food, and teryaki chicken when they go to the mall.

I swear to fuck its always the dumb ass kids that are trying to hold on to a tradition that doesnt exist and nobody follows.

>> No.11453245


>> No.11453304

you can make the argument that certain foods, environmently speaking, are regionaly specific and the whole world eating them on the regular might not be a good thing (olive oil, quinoa, eating sushi inland/tuna in general , etc) and that it is better to get cozy with local ingredients....eat whats local more and eat the rest more spareingly and thoughtfuly.

your friend sounds like a racist shit tho, after all, eastern european food is hardly allways been the same, much of it is inflected by turkish cuisine, waves of rusian/ polish/lithuanian influence, austro/spanish hapsburg bits.....its a centuries in the works fusion cuisine so its a bit shit to get nativist about it

>> No.11453309

>American culture doesn't exist
>He said on an American website on the America-invented internet using the global lingua franca of American English
Peons like you are a joke.

>> No.11453342

your friends sounds like some kind of east euro fashy nazi, exactly the type that /pol/ wants all of us to be over here..

>> No.11453390

The actual /pol/ answer.

For people who are so opposed to "bigotry", you sure do rely almost completely on your preconceptions and stereotypes.

Its almost like you're a complete fraud and hypocrite.

>> No.11453754

The friend is an eccentric for sure, but I wouldnt call him a hateful Nationalist. A traditionalist and protester of industrialism, maybe, but having spite for him as a nationalist is not something i relate to. Its a reasonable eccentricity.

>> No.11453757

>your friend is an idiot if he has an opinion without imprinting it on me with a cited persuasive essay
Fuck off dude its not even important

>> No.11453777

Seriously, why are people so fucking pissed about this guy? Do you hate the Amish too? I mean, God forbid someone have a personal philosophy about what they eat, he likes to feel attached to the land, so what? Its a way for the food he eats to come from his home. But nope everyone suddenly starts acting attacked and cant help but worry how this man's taste in potatoes will plunge the world into a new dark ages. Unbelievable

>> No.11453815

Tomatoes weren't a thing in Italy until the 1540s-50s. Now, they're probably the biggest single iconic ingredient in what's outwardly known as Italian food, (at least in the US)

Shit's constantly changing. Food is food, doesn't matter where it came from originally, how it's made, or any other stuff. If it tastes good, enjoy it. I feel sorry for your friend

>> No.11453834

I just dont get the anger or the blame

>> No.11454499

I'm okay with immigration control but
Its the
> foreigners that want to take over Europe
> forms of "cultural enrichment"
part that bothers me.
Though, I guess I have to backpedal now, because what I meant wasn't that it is bigotry but that the way its worded would usually hint at bigotry.

You know, actually I'm going to stop typing now because I'm just digging myself a deeper hole.