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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11432991 No.11432991 [Reply] [Original]

I have some soft tofu.
Anyone have any ideas what I can do with it?

>> No.11433000

It looks like the vine is going into her bellybutton like an umbilical chord

>> No.11433003

>Tfw no squishy asian gf with big melons

>> No.11433021

I was gonna say that it looks like one was growing out of her belly button, she should clean it better.

>> No.11433031

damn, I'd fuck her continuously until my dick fell off

>> No.11433038

How soft? Like silken tofu?

>> No.11433049

It literally says "soft tofu" on the package

>> No.11433060

Do you like spicy food? You could try making Mapo tofu.

>> No.11433070

That looks great.
Got any tips for making it?

>> No.11433138

This recipe's pretty close to how I make it: https://omnivorescookbook.com/authentic-mapo-tofu/

Just make sure you mix carefully once you've added the tofu. You don't want it to fall apart too much.

>> No.11433176

Miso soup.

>> No.11433192
File: 94 KB, 640x360, mapo-tofu-hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl-f mapo
mah niggas

>> No.11433198

I didn't realize that Maangchi was in the fappening, but since you posted that image and asked that specific question, this is probably my favorite recipe for soft tofu. I honestly went out to the Korean grocery store and bought a Ttukbaegi (like $7 with a wood base to put it on when it's hot) just for this, but ended up using it for all sorts of things.


>> No.11433567

That looks amazing

>> No.11433585

>Hot & Sour roup
>Miso Soup
>Throw it in the trash

>> No.11433750

How does hot and sour soup work

>> No.11433757

I'd like to stick my dick between those melons if you understand what I am implying

>> No.11433765

Uses both tofu and pork along with carrots, onions and cabbage in a hot and sour broth.

>> No.11433768

t. Kotomine Kirei

>> No.11433801

That looks amazing, but i can't find it anywhere. I would eat it in a heartbeat. Anybody know where i can find these?

>> No.11433845

You may not like it but this is peak performance.

>> No.11433850


>> No.11433861


>> No.11433908
File: 10 KB, 260x166, 260px-I'se_so_happy_-_postcard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnnnnnggg, watermelyons

>> No.11434066

What meats does tofu go with?

>> No.11434115

In general tofu is a tasteless filler material that take on the flavor of whatever sauce you cook it in, and has the consistency of congealed snot.

It does not go with any meat, but is rather a meat-substitute meant to be eaten by those too poor, lazy or stupid to come up with actual meat to eat.

>> No.11434131

Mapo probably fits soft tofu best, very soft is for miso soup and stuff.

>> No.11434192

>tofu is a meat substitute

Don't do this >>11434115 that's how you make shitty tofu dishes.

>> No.11434218

Tofu can go with just about any meat, although for some dishes you'd want the tofu to be firmer or processed into fried/frozen tofu.

A recipe like this one often has halved fried tofu, frozen tofu or tofu skins added to it to soak up the broth: https://omnivorescookbook.com/recipes/moms-best-braised-chicken-with-mushrooms

For mapo tofu turkey, chicken, pork, beef, shrimp and stuff are all fine.

>> No.11435044

Yeah it turns out this tofu was soup tofu, it disintegrated in the pan.

>> No.11435046


>> No.11435078

Just mix rice into it if you dont like the texture, add egg on top ala bibimbap if the visual sucks. it’ll still taste fine.

>> No.11435464

nice melons

>> No.11435519

>Went from softcore to straight up gang bangs.
I always thought of her as a chubby cute yet homely looking girl who just happened to have gigantic tits. Being asian didn't hurt but now she's just another internet cock sleeve.

>> No.11435528

And jews ear mushrooms and bamboo shoots, and corn starch

>> No.11435642
File: 569 KB, 693x718, 1541266947002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be willing to have sexual intercourse with the woman in the photograph attached to the opening post of this thread
if you catch my drift.

>> No.11435646
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>> No.11436275

That's not cooking!

>> No.11436453

Eat it and grow a vagoina

>> No.11436472

You've never spit roasted a pig? It gets hot.

>> No.11436515

Ohhh I see what you did there!

>> No.11437107

Like over a firepit?

>> No.11437183

Whatever floats your penis.

>> No.11437276

I don't eat with my penis