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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11418272 No.11418272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it a Catch 22 for a man to expect a ready-made meal when he gets home? On one hand, it's nice and traditional, but it also enforces harmful gender roles. Would he be happy with something simple like Hamburger Helper?

>> No.11418282

Any romantic partner who doesn't offer to have dinner ready for you when you get home from work is an overgrown child incapable of basic human empathy and the relationship will end when they find someone else to leech off of.

>> No.11418288


why the fuck is that baby like half of that woman's height

is she like 4'8"?

>> No.11418289


>> No.11418293

A better equivalent is if I went to work all day and didn't bring home a paycheck at all.

Also if you're home all day even with a kid you should clean, a kid shouldn't have to live in your filth just because you're a lazy cunt. Male or female, it doesn't matter.

>> No.11418295

What a fucking loser husband

The fact that men actually stay with women this worthless is astonishing. Just move on, don't be a dad, you wouldn't be good at it anyways.

>> No.11418296

learn 2 cook u useless cunt

>> No.11418300

>caring for a child isn't equivalent to a full time job and a half

>> No.11418314

Standard work day is 8 hours. I highly doubt a child is so time taxing you can't even do basic things like dishes or take out some garbage. I don't expect things to be immaculate but if you're not working put some effort into making sure the home is clean.

>> No.11418315

He has no choice at this point. If he leaves the baby it'll be fucked in the head when it grows up

>> No.11418317

If you own a house at that age you ARE rich, you dumb cunt.

>> No.11418319

I have a daughter who turns 2 in january.
It's easier than working at mcdonalds, it's even easier than that if you're a shitty parent.

>> No.11418322

Do Americans really believe this?

>> No.11418328

With a mom like that, the baby was fucked from the start.

The kid can get over it, the guy should leave.

>> No.11418339

>work my ass off all day
>my wife has the whole fucking day to make sure the house is at least clean looking, shit that takes 2-3 hours top if you have all your limbs
>get back from work, house is a mess, diner isn't ready because she can't cook either
Yeah no

>> No.11418343

Listen hun, I have to break it to you but you're a terrible parent if you aren't putting in a lot of effort to your child js...

>> No.11418346

Its not. I do it. I clean, cook, garden, do a paper route all while watch my son.

>> No.11418350

You're lying sweetie I'm sorry... Taking care of a precious gift like a child doesn't leave you enough time to do that lol

>> No.11418351

What a faggot taking that pic.

In answer to the question, NO, it's NOT out of line to expect your wife to clean the fucking house and prepare the meals. It's called TEAMWORK in some places, or in others it's called a MARRIAGE...funny how that works, isn't it?

Stupid Jews convincing dumb ass ignorant whores to ignore their duty, meanwhile when men do they get put in jail. This is why I wouldn't piss on a feminist if she was on fire....or one of (((them))).

>> No.11418355
File: 48 KB, 640x651, ughh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you post on Facebook about how motherhood is the hardest job on the planet.

>> No.11418357

If you keep up on it at least every other day you usually only need to spend like an hour cleaning a house. Sweeping/mopping/vacuuming the floor, doing the dishes, taking out the trash and doing the laundry are all pretty damn easy. Laundry's the only one that really takes time and that's all just sitting on your ass while the machine does all the work, you can multitask that shit easy. If someone can't even manage to chop up some meat and vegetables and throw them in a crock pot or some shit, they're fucking terrible at time management.

>> No.11418366

lol if you really think there's something harder than being a mother then you just don't know what it takes... Sorry not sorry lol

>> No.11418371

0/10 trolling, please try to be at least a little creative.

>> No.11418374

>enforces harmful gender roles
Get the fuck out of here with that shit. If the woman stays at home she can fucking cook a meal. If both work probably not, but shit, cooking for your significant other is a nice gesture.

>> No.11418379

Call it what you want, you're still a shitty parent lol

>> No.11418496

Every young couple I know that had one stay-at-home and one working person had awful relationship issues until the stay-at-home one got a job. It's impossible to sympathize with anyone who isn't "suffering" like you are. If you hate your job and see home as a refuge, you'll seethe at someone not caring about their privilege.

When you stay at home all day, time flies and you really have no incentive to be a 50's housewife with a perfect home without mommy's little uppers.

Funny enough, it's all women ball busting their husbandos for not working hard enough at home, but it's the same concept.

>> No.11418575

>current year
>not taking half an adderall to do housework

>> No.11418598

Is it just me or is this kind of ignorance actually a little endearing? It's like Sloth from the Goonies.

>> No.11418643

Okay so if I work 8 hours a day and you don't the deals gonna be you cook and clean (of course I'll clean up after myself like a civilized person) honestly I feel like you're get a pretty good deal here

>> No.11418673

I can't find a source and I don't want to go in and get a prescription

>> No.11418683

women are incapable of doing anything while the washhing machine is on its very strange

>> No.11418684

Why is her baby white? Does not compute.

>> No.11418685

Go 2 the quad of any institution of upper learning

>> No.11418703

>Listen hun, I have to break it to you but you're a terrible parent if you aren't putting in a lot of effort to your child js...

if you have time to post on 4Chan, and lecture someone on their parenting, then it's not that hard

>> No.11418966
File: 104 KB, 750x1334, 1528390969475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day I put up with this shit.

>> No.11418977

I don't even know what the fuck I'd do. I don't think a court of law would be able to hold me accountable tho.

>> No.11419006

She's sitting down, you absolute retard.

>> No.11419009
File: 525 KB, 946x1540, SmartSelect_20181025-212324_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11419022

>even the sexbots are disgusting fat bodies
why? Blacks can't afford them.

>> No.11419031

>Do Americans really believe this?
What's the homeowner rate for 30-somethings in your country?
Real homes, I mean, not condominiums or renting a loft.

>> No.11419042

That's the ideal form you closet faggot

>> No.11419052

You're a shitty parent if you don't keep the house you kids live in clean either way.

Kids that age take 30 min to 2 hour naps anyway if you let them. That's enough to do dishes, tidy up, vacuum, sweep, fold laundry etc, if you've kept up on shit.

>> No.11419055

for diabetes

>> No.11419169

Close to 60%

>> No.11419192

Eh, moms are i know work really fucking hard as long as the kids are young. It's still not as stressful because you can't get fired.

>> No.11419204


>> No.11419249

Honestly though ehat did she do all day then?

>> No.11419268

Every mother off the jobmarket is one less woman i have to "work"with. No complaints from me.
I met some competent women in my life but at least 50% are pure dead weight.

>> No.11419278
File: 815 KB, 1044x1491, SmartSelect_20181026-110851_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, buy an elf.

>> No.11419304

Nope. As of 2017, age 35 and under was @ 30% and 35-44 @ 58% but that includes condos, duplexes and owned apts. as well as detached houses. Source is a pdf and I don't know how to link it but if you google "census.gov.hvs.data.charts.fig07" it's the first result.

>> No.11419308

maybe if he cooks half the time or he buys the groceries or something
Then it's not really sexist>>11418272

>> No.11419320

Fucked her side guy. Hopefully Chad and not Tyrone.
Seriously though, I know multiple newly married women that fuck around when their husbands are at work/travel for work.

Women are terrible, and will continue to be terrible until beating them is made legal again.

>> No.11419327

Having expectations of women is a road to dissapointment. Women are children and anyone who can't prepare their own meals shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place.

>> No.11419330

I'd put a camera in the living room adn kitchen adn figure out wtf she does with her time and call her out on it.

Actually to save money I'd suggest it and gauge her reaction, if she gets mad then she's a lazy cunt all day who's afraid of cameras.

>> No.11419338

looks like you're dealing with a ghost too

>> No.11419356

>see a spooky ghost by the laundry door
>nobody else says anything

>> No.11419358
File: 31 KB, 172x182, Ghostie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't see it till you said something, be careful.

>> No.11419362


>> No.11419444

some times you just gotta choke a bitch

>> No.11419472


>> No.11419477


Gender roles? If your partner works all day and you don't, you better be working on your apartment or doing something. Guy, girl, whatever... if I was working and my wife wasn't and I came home and she didn't clean, make food etc. I'd be pissed AND vice versa.

>> No.11419486

Really because half of all mother's do the job drunk and that number is climbing as well as male suicide rates while women's rates are dropping

>> No.11419491

>a precious gift
Give me a break. Another piece of shit shitting on this already overpopulated planet. It's a god damn pest among billions like it.

>> No.11419497

If they can afford for her to do nothing all day and have a house they are rich

>> No.11419509


You now know the reason why comedians used to joke about women sitting on the washing machine while it's on the spin cycle. Hint: It's because it stimulates the ladybits.

>> No.11419537

Made a deal with my GF, now fiance, I cook, she basically does everything else cleaning wise. Works out well.

Now when a kid will be involved, not sure how that'll go. But she can't cook for shit, which is one of the reasons why I cook, so I can have good food, and I get what I want.

>> No.11419540

Oof now there's a tragic sentence for 2018

>> No.11419541

>gender roles
i bet you like it when your life partner puts cigarettes out on your chode

>> No.11419550

Caring for a child include cleaning the house that child lives in, dumbass.

>> No.11419553


But not inaccurate.

>> No.11419561

>liberals actually beleive this
Try living somewhere outside your hive-like big shitty where the cost of property is actually reasonable. You'd be amazed how cheap real estate is when you live in a place where all the land isn't taken up by section 8 housing for illegal aliens.

>> No.11419564
File: 18 KB, 292x200, 1532981292204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being such a lazy cunt you have to convince yourself of this crap.

>> No.11419587

guise theres a gh



>> No.11419597


My brother and I helped raise my younger siblings. Shit isn't that hard. A responsible tween can take care of a child while doing schoolwork (well at almost two decades ago) and do housework. Unless your child is special needs (or you are), they're not that awful past the infant stage.

>> No.11419607



>> No.11419611

The catch 22 is it’s nice and convenient and a respectable thing for a woman to do unfortunately women are worse at every thing and cook like shit. You’re probably better off cooking yourself and eat food that’s actually palatable.

>> No.11419622

Gender roles are both restrictive and comforting. I guess it depends on your style. They have their benefits and drawbacks as does gender nonconformity. You just gotta find someone who thinks like you, also not be a beta like the chode in the pic. What a doormat

>> No.11419671

It all depends, anon. There are no harmful gender roles on the dinner plan idea, really. Forget that it has anything to do with sex, but rather as some partnership of meeting each other's needs, or people who do things for each other just because it makes the other one happy.
Should dinner be already ready? This might depend on whether both persons work, who has the physically more draining day, or longer commute, and if there is a physical reciprocal thing happening here between rest vs work, and who needs downtime when; fairly should be doing a bit more or a bit less at least some of the time. Having some firm inflexible rules or expectations isn't give and take in the fair turns of it all, to divy up the household jobs.
Let's assume you have a stay at home wife...is it that you arrive too hungry? Have a 3PM apple or nut snack, or a cheese stick so you aren't ravenously low blood sugar hangry the second you walk in the door from your marathon of fasting. Then make some steps to ensure that meals are planned ahead, anything from one person picking up smoked pulled pork or a rotisserie or garlic rolls, and the other one already has grocery sides or mains prepped and ready to pair with it. Groceries can be planned and bought on Sundays, and like 3 days of meals coming from the Sunday roast can easily be morphed into dinner being ready. If the person home first can pull something premade from the freezer and set it and forget it in the oven by setting some alarm to start dinner? That seems effortless, so work on some low effort stuff that you can help prep. Toss stuff in the crock pot, and only ask that some tosses the salad, or bakes the tube of biscuit dough.

>> No.11420298

Or she's getting plowed by Tyrone while you're slaving away in your cubicle

>> No.11420335


I miss when Tyrone was an Irish name, instead of a black name.

>> No.11420340


im a faggot and since i stay home and dont work you are goddamn right most nights i have made fucking dinner.

women are useless

>> No.11420375

This is true for me. She's trying to get better and can make pie now. She also made bread the other day and it wasnt bad. But she's fucked up a LOT of food.