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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11406440 No.11406440 [Reply] [Original]

>it's people

>> No.11406770


>> No.11406773

>it's marketing

>> No.11406863

i feel like one of those hands should be black

>> No.11406874

that's only soylent green. The other flavors are made out of like soy and lentil, just like this product.

>> No.11408083

based Huh? poster

>> No.11408086

Niggas don't drink the shit so why market towards them?

>> No.11408091

The client base isn't black, it's for white soy(lent)boys.

>> No.11408154


>> No.11408182

It's gay

>> No.11408309
File: 905 KB, 1243x1252, 1535263389960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sort of like the concept of soylent i can see some uses for it out hiking in the mountains and dont want to stop at all to eat. or just as a general weight loss supplement ( i lost like 15kgs when i had my wisdom teeth removed and could only drink liquid old people drinks ) but i dont feel comfortable injesting that much soy. ive seen the tits that result from excess soy consomption.

long post but the end is i wish there was a variant of soylent that used something other than soy

>> No.11408312

how expensive is that shit?

>> No.11408315

there's plant based meal shakes but they're expensive

>> No.11408322

ive never seen anything like that in europe (switzerland) and i go hiking in the mountains a lot so a drinkable food source for my 5-6hr hikes would be nice i tend to get very energy starved at the top of the climb. usually just fuel with sandwhiches but i like the idea of a more compact calorie liquid that i can drink while walkin g

>> No.11408330
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also something for long bike rides would be nice too. my and the gf do lausanne->geneve->lausanne every weekend and its about 5~ hours at her slow as heck pace so having food that could be drunk for the trip would be nice..dont wanna drink a bunch of soy though :/

>> No.11408342

Soy isn't going to give you bitch tits and even if that was the case any other plant based liquid food would do the same. Don't get fat, and you won't get bitch tits.

>> No.11408353

Excess soy will cause you to develop tits this isn't some /pol/ meme or whatever. The excess has to be pretty high but that doesn't change the fact that I avoid it as a food. I mean this is like medical fact, there are peer reviewed medical journals that have published these findings.

Probably paranoid to avoid it even on the 1-2 doses a week type thing but I see no reason to risk my health for convenience. Rather look for both, thus this thread and these posts.

>> No.11408450

>this isn't some /pol/ meme or whatever

But it is. I have nothing to gain in convincing you and have never even drank the shit so if you want to be paranoid by all means.

>> No.11408465

Alright mate. I'm not here to have a debate. I'll stick to my own professional experience and education and let you believe whatever you like.

>> No.11408500

literally which journals. give me citations.
too much of any food will give you tits you fat manchild, stop spreading this shit

>> No.11408514

>fat manchild
Mate, I'm Swiss. I guarantee I'm so much healthier and stronger than you it's not even worth a discussion. Not here to debate or educate though. Take you small-dicked aggression and keep it to your self.

>> No.11408516

>admits they're probably being paranoid
>gets offended when they're called paranoid

>> No.11408523

I'm not seeing any journal citations

>> No.11408527

>I'm swiss
your cheese sucks. I bet it has holes because you stick your tiny dick in it, faggot.

>> No.11408586

I'm the (you) to this reply, and I just wanted to say that I do a vegan diet and tofu tends to be my staple protein. I've lost so much weight and lost my man boobs that I once had when I was overweight. My chest is basically flat and a bit muscular but I know if I went to a legit gym and really tried to tighten my chest I'd be tight. You are free to avoid soy if you don't want to consume it but I'm just saying I don't have man boobs.

Kind of scary though how memes can really impact a persons life. Makes you wonder how many people's lives have been ruined watching hard core porn and constantly being attacked with the cuck meme. You really need a strong mind browsing this site or it has the potential to destroy you.

>> No.11408684

Soylent is pretty good tbqh. I’d buy it if it wasn’t so expensive

>> No.11408710

This is based. Tofu is delicious

>> No.11408732

close to $5US for a bottle
>banned in Canada

>> No.11408965
File: 1.67 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_20181030_172754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not using huel

>> No.11409013

Soy raises estrogen levels. Estrogen is a female hormone. Excess estrogen will cause you to grow breast tissue.

Not always and to what amount you need to consume is complex though. Still, having your main diet based on soy is not a good idea.

>Soybeans are a complete protein source and a dietary staple in many cultures. Soy contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones that may mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen in your body. The effects of soy isoflavones on human estrogen levels are complex.

You need to be real careful about just passing things off as "pol memes" as that's not only ignorant, it's stupid and dangerous.

>> No.11409091

STILL not seeing any citations here.

Phytoestrogens are not human estrogens. They're plant estrogens. They're structured similarly, but they have different components.

Watch this and ignore how much of a stereotype he is, and you start to see where this misinformation comes from, why it's wrong, and what actual peer reviewed studies say about it. (Here's a tip, they don't find anything suggesting correlation between phytoestrogens and testosterone levels.)


Seriously, go double check the studies. There are one or two unsubstantiated claims against soy that get repeated ad nauseum as "sources" against an entire academic gauntlet of studies suggesting the exact opposite.

>> No.11409187

Just drink Huel of you're scared of Soylent.
Can't wait for a pill that gives all your nutrition.

>> No.11409191

>There are one or two unsubstantiated claims against soy that get repeated ad nauseum as "sources" against an entire academic gauntlet of studies suggesting the exact opposite.

this isn't true. i've read the studies and phytoestrogens are indeed processed by the human body as hormones.

>have different components
unfortunately this isn't what matters with enzymes and hormones. what matters is literally their structure

>> No.11409194

Please link the studies, because I have still yet to see one compelling argument here that doesn't boil down to "just trust me on this one"

>> No.11409204


>> No.11409210

>STILL not seeing any citations here.

All you have to do it just google it. It's really that simple.

>Phytoestrogens are not human estrogens. They're plant estrogens.

They mimic the affects in the body of human estrogens. Just like how synthetic hormones would.

I don't know why you are linking a Paul Joseph Watson video. Of course that video is a joke video but soy has been linked to this before any of all that. Please don't tell me if someone is against soy consumption then you believe them to be from pol and watch PJW lol...

Soy warnings go back years and there is also the land mass and wildlife loss from soybean farming. There is a whole ethical argument too.

If you are going to have a liquid plant based diet that you are consuming on a daily basis there are just lots of healthier sources than soy.

>> No.11409243

Nigger did you watch the video literally at all? It's not a PJW video, the guy doesn't even talk about him for the whole length, or even most of the length. He follows the paper trail of sources commonly cited against soy and traces them back to unsubstantiated claims and dubious studies from the '40s, both of which seem to be contradicted by almost literally every modern study, and substantiated by actually literally none of them.

We're not talking about the ethics of soybean farming (it's harmful, but less so than a lot of other crops/animals, but that's an entirely different discussion). We're not talking about how healthy it is to drink your daily calories (it's probably not regardless of soy but I don't have the data to back up that thought).

We're talking about if soy causes man tits. We're talking about if soy reduces testosterone and sperm count. And nothing we know as a species seems to suggest it does, and you're either deliberately obfuscating facts so that people reading this don't check themselves, or your brain can't suffer thirty minutes of a video that calmly breaks down the explains the reasons this viewpoint doesn't seem to be substantiated.

Stop dodging the question and cite your sources. Don't act smarmy like it's beneath you, engage me in debate. I provided my sources, a video summary of the issue PLUS every academic study he found conveniently linked in the video description, so give me the courtesy of at least one fully researched, fully sourced, recently-ish published academic article that suggests otherwise. If you've actually read them, this shouldn't be hard.

>> No.11409259

>Nigger did you watch the video literally at all? It's not a PJW video

It's a video debunking a PJW video, I am not interested in PJW. You are trying to debunk a youtube video with another youtube video by a much smaller youtuber who looks like he has aids. It hardly makes me feel confident. He looks like an actual meme image of a soy eating effeminate queer.

Old studies have weight to them, modern day studies can barely be taken as factual due to the size of the industries involved and the twisting of information and money involved.

I'm not even saying don't touch any soy products but drinking a daily diet of mainly soy without meats and fish is not healthy.

>> No.11409311

If you're confident that your point of view is true, then you shouldn't be bothered by a thirty minute video. PJW is treated as a strawman in this instance, an exaggeration of a viewpoint that is very obviously still believed. He's not directly countering PJW, but the entire "soy feminizes men" rhetoric that gets shared. Fucking Christ, he doesn't even mention InfoWars or PJW until over nine minutes in.

>drinking a daily diet of mainly soy without meats and fish is not healthy
And once again, you're shifting goalposts. If your overall point was that subsisting on Soylent probably isn't healthy for you, then yeah! I agree with that. We're on the same page there, we have common ground.

But that's not the argument you were making above. You said that soy feminizes men. You said the words "soy eating effeminate queer" in the post I'm replying to right now. The argument is not about Soylent, it's about soy, and you're refusing to have a discussion.

When I said old studies, by the way, that was a typo. I meant to say study. Singular. It was an animal study done on sheep in the '40s, that didn't even involve soy but rather a plant with a different phytoestrogen, with a limited sample size and a scientific rigor that would not stand up today.

I'm not gonna deny that Soylent probably isn't healthy, I'm not gonna deny that the guy in the video doesn't seem like a stereotype, but the information is sound and linked back to legitimate academic studies.

If your argument against that is "but muh industries" then I don't know what to tell you. We may as well throw out every academic study ever done. This isn't a real argument, you're just spouting shit until I get tired and you can say you won.

Give me a concrete source. I've given mine, and you're refusing to engage with it, so give me yours.

>> No.11409338

>le "soy makes you gay but milk doesn't" maymay

>> No.11409351
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Dont bother with trying to educate those unwilling to learn anon. Thanks for the info though, I wasnt aware of this.

>> No.11409357

they have to continue influencing the whites to be weak and feminine. niggers continue to eat fried pork loins and macaroni and cheese

>> No.11409362
File: 1.16 MB, 2728x2128, soylent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are natural estrogen enhancers

>> No.11409387

But that's wrong, you fucking retard.


>> No.11409553
File: 47 KB, 600x503, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like Huel is your fuel

>> No.11409572

/pol/tard btfo

>> No.11409682

It doesn't contain that much soy, it's called soylent because it's a reference to the movie Soylent Green

>> No.11409804


>> No.11409808

But that was people
I don’t think you’d want your edible product to reference eating people

>> No.11409817

I'm all for futuristic shit like this but it isn't even well-tested or FDA-approved. It's some flush-cheeked manbaby millennial that's mixing together sketchy supplements in a rat-infested factory.

>> No.11409819
File: 21 KB, 320x320, vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soy-eating vegans

>> No.11410097

They joke about it every now and again in their advertisements and I think there's references on their website. I think one of the references is like "people-free food" or something like that

The advertisers are absolute lads

>> No.11410120


>1 person

do a study that compares a population of soylent drinkers to a population of non drinkers and I think you'll see similar rests.

control variables would need to be similar age, similar field of study etc

>> No.11410131

damn. Swiss Takedown. Small dik soibois btfo and left on the road to Geneve

>> No.11410249

That picture doesn't include the "unique vitamin and mineral formula" they had to add to the mix because what's pictured there is not complete nutrition and has to be supplemented. "Look guys Huel is all natural except for the parts that aren't."

>> No.11410301

soilent is for whitoids only

>> No.11410390

>doing research

Pic one

>> No.11410533

Nice transphobia there. Yikes

>> No.11410557

I've read the studies and they say things. Horrible things. Really make you think.

>> No.11410603

The worst part is I can't tell wether those hands are male or female.

>> No.11411291

>the tits that result from excess soy consomption.

You are taking a /pol/ meme literally?

>> No.11411297

mutilating a human does not make it a different kind of human but simply a mutilated human

>> No.11411375

I avoided Soy long before /pol/ found excess consumption was linked to Gynecomastia. Glad you're not fat anymore. But you're probably sickly.

>> No.11411389

>Vitamins and minerals aren't natural
Cool post.
Looks cool but I'd want to omit the coconut due to how saturated its fats are.

>> No.11411453

Really? I thought it was the same hand in different lighting. The lines on the hands look the same.

>> No.11411460

>But you're probably sickly.
Great health actually. Don't remember the last time I needed to go to the doctors, easily a year since my last visit, and even that I already knew it wasn't a big deal. Thank God that I have been able to manage such good health though.

>> No.11411464

Keep guzzling that soylent champ.

>> No.11411471

>what is reading comprehension
Cool post.
>saturated fats are bad
Well that explains a lot.