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11384893 No.11384893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>server roasties who complain about small tips ok social media

Lmao get a better job Stacey. I’m not here to pay for your trips to Cancun.

>> No.11384897
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>> No.11384900

Tipping threads rule.

>> No.11384911
File: 11 KB, 236x226, 1519245973714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking NEWFAG in four chan your'e supposed to say "based tipping thread poster"

fuck off REDIT!

>> No.11384917

>tfw feel when you tip her by eating her pusy behind the dumpster out back

>> No.11384926

smart toadposter.

>> No.11384929

it is a part of the job description to bitch? i wanna tell these people that they simply move my food from one place to another and i would much rather tip the cook and get it myself than hire them as a courier. fucking retards act like their job is so important and hard that they deserve additional compensation. with that being said i tip 10% because i dont like spit in my food.

>> No.11384953

as a former dishbitch, I fucking love to chew out roasties that bitch about tips
even cooks sometimes get a cut of the tips. dishwashers get NOTHING

>> No.11384961


>> No.11384979

Where i work the servers are overwhelmingly male tb.h. Shame we dont have more qt eyecandy but all the girls quit after a week or two because of how poorly the place is run.

>> No.11384989

nice. male waitresses get exactly a 0.0% tip from me

>> No.11384999

roasties and tyrone jr BTFO

>> No.11385042

Good thing i'm not a server and i dont work at Applebee's.

>> No.11385068

Also good thing that I'm a faggot

>> No.11385097

>small tips ok social media

>when you're so autistically focused on shitposting that you don't check your spelling first
why do you newfags always do this?

>> No.11386656

Went to a birthday with a party of four and they forced a 15$ tip on all of us. Split checks.
This is the nail in the tipping coffin for me
Sushi restaurant

>> No.11386663

Tips are bullshit. I only tip if I actually get excellent service. I shouldn't have to subsidize your fucking wages.

>> No.11386680

True, you should write to your elected officials to mandate that service workers get paid a consistent wage instead of the ~$3.50 an hour that's normal because of the potential of tips. No more tipping

>> No.11386700

it needs to happen, but the industry will pitch a fit like they always do when this rarely comes up and they will say "OK NOW WE ARE GONNA RAISE THE PRICES ON EVERYTHING 300% IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT" then everyone backs off. I say let them all (not) do that. fuck them, let their business fail if they want to be children and never change.
>why cant I just make my customers pay my employees instead???
im sick of it

>> No.11386701

his spelling was fine, it was the dictation from his text to speech
because he's a filthy dumb frog poster AND dumb phone poster

>> No.11386703

do you think if i offer this to a waitress she will accept?

>> No.11386706

>going out for sushi
you get what you deserve

>> No.11386707

>you should
i'm not the dumbass who got an entry level job that actually makes the most money in the establishment but is still stupid and entitled enough to bitch about not making enough money, like more than people who do actual work like cooking or managing the entire place
it's a job you give literal 16 year old girls because it's on their level of ability, bitch and write people if you don't think you make enough money, but they won't, because it turns out they actually make a lot of money on one hand while getting to be whiny assholes on the other, getting sympathy ";_; baww i made $150 tonight but i won't actually admit it because one table only tipped $3 those selfish assholes"

fuck all servers. fuck them. fuck fuck fuck i hate them

>> No.11386748

are you a chad or do you give off attractive sexual energy?

>> No.11386752
File: 84 KB, 672x800, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>america STILL doesnt have service tax

>> No.11386755

>implying the americunt servers would be ok with that logical idea

>> No.11386762

habitual phoneposters are usually shitposters because it's harder to make original content from a phone, i think. or they're just newfags and bought into le internet hate machine meme and think making shitty threads like this is fitting in.

>> No.11386769

>more tax

>> No.11386774

*stacey makes $150 more per night over the hard working anon just because she has boobs*


>> No.11386781

>uggos deserve more tips
learn a trade

>> No.11386788
File: 436 KB, 1200x672, NEUBeitragvorher_nachher_makeup_Aufmacher_1200x672_acf_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that'll only be fair if nobody wears makeup

>> No.11386793

nobody deserves more tips, that was his point
what the fuck are you trying to say besides "durr i'm a dumbass i have a small brain and don't understand things"

>> No.11386794

>waitresses shouldnt try to look good
t. seething uggo

>> No.11386795

imagine giving hard earned money to a roastie just because she smiled at you

>> No.11386798

imagine being upset on the internet

>> No.11386809

her skin would probably clear up if she didn't coat it in makeup like that

>> No.11386810

it's not my money, fucker. it's my parents

>> No.11386814


>> No.11386818

BASED REDDIT! put me in screencap and upvote

>> No.11387167

forced gratuity, plenty of places do that. there's even a few people in this thread bitching about it.

>> No.11387199

>10% because i dont like spit in my food.

You know generally you tip after you've eaten