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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 220x440, 220px-EverclearHiRes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11375424 No.11375424 [Reply] [Original]

Literally why?

>> No.11375436

to get drunk, which is the entire purpose of alcohol.

>> No.11375447

Aside from spiking punch you can make tinctures. Get specific herbs like valerian root. Or cannabis. You soak them for some time then you have an applicable self-made medicine with a higher efficacy than OTC crap.

>> No.11375574

Why pay for water when you can just pay for and more easily transport mostly ethanol?
The people and places I know of that use Everclear use it for mixed drinks and for making their “own” alcohol beverages like fruit liquor.
Mix it into slushies for high proof frozen beverages.
Throw a bunch of fruit into it, let it sit for a week or so, then filter it and add syrup to make fruit liquors etc.
Mix it into shellac to make non toxic furniture finish that isn’t designed to poison you, like denatured alcohol is. Etc.

>> No.11375581


>> No.11375584

being able to get extreme effects from a relatively tiny amount of liquid can be amusing if you know what you're getting into

>> No.11375626

It's also kind of nice to keep around as like a safer version of IPA

>> No.11375715
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Sometimes you just have memories that you need to forget, anon.

>> No.11375734

This gets you all the way there, fast.

>> No.11375736

Firewater breathing

>> No.11375766

because it's a great way to make a shit load of booze for some people easily

>get OP's pic
>get huge jug of juice
>get 5-6 people drunk for <15 dollars

>> No.11375834

>OP's pic
>under 15 dollars

>> No.11375844

besacause eit getsfdf you sdrumnk

>> No.11375860

What else should I use to make ethanol hash or RSO with? Am I supposed to make Jungle Juice with vodka and rum or some sort of brown booze?

>> No.11375863

Not him, but 750 ml of everclear isn't that much more than that. Like $18, maybe less. Definitely not under $15, but it's still cheap as fuck. Cheaper by volume than even the shittiest booze by a lot, and also is about 2.5 times more alcohol by volume.

>> No.11376104
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getting fast-drunk. A good swig got me intoxicated like hell in 2 mins

>> No.11376113

Literally the devils juice but when I was younger I'd take shots of the stuff to try and impress others and girls at parties. Never worked and just ended up blacking out and sometimes pissing my pants.

I still remember the burn. Absolutely brutal shit

>> No.11376146

As evident from OP's post. A lot of people would prefer almost anything other than everclear, so in my experiences it's quite cheap.

>> No.11376167

Interesting, I'll keep that in mind in case it's ever the middle ages and I'm fucking amish you utter faggot

>> No.11376187

probably not 15 but close enough, def under 20 usd

>> No.11376204


>> No.11376226


>> No.11376232

I cant even imagine this
I took a shot of 151 once and it felt like gasoline, I can't imagine doing it again much less stronger and multiple times

>> No.11376269

So you can cut it with water to make an 80% alcohol that is clean as hell and can be mixed with anything or consumed on the rocks or with some lemon / lime juice.

>> No.11376273

I've used it a few times to make liqueurs like limoncello. You can use vodka, but the higher percentage of alcohol extracts better and you can control the proof of the final product.

>> No.11376277

I got drunk at 3 pm and played pool with some faggot from NJ. I was so fucking drunk i couldnt sink a ball

Did i do anything wrong

>> No.11376284

It's good for making your own liqueurs. The high alcohol content will act as a solvent for the essential oils in herbs or citrus peels, then you can add sugar and water to dilute it down to a palatable beverage.

>> No.11376290

Sounds like the average college experience.

>> No.11376294

Its funny you say that becaue I am a 22 year old senior

>> No.11376306


In all seriousness the Amish probably would be better able to deliberate the efficacy of an herbal tincture vs a synthetic designed to replicate plant based extracts. You're simply not equipped for that type of discussion anon.

>> No.11376313

tucker max death mix

>> No.11376315

Perfect for making jungle juice. We wouldn't have the highest proof one available to us, but the second highest.

buy that, some other clear liquors, a ton of fruits and mix all that shit together. tastes amazing and gets you fucked up

>> No.11376316

If you keep getting blackout drunk on weekday afternoons you'll get to be a 23 year old senior.

>> No.11376320

This is true

t. 25 year old senior

>> No.11376326

Garlic tincture is one of the best medicines you can have in your arsenal

>> No.11376329

Damn, I didn't need that, or maybe i did.

the reason I am drunk is because i am conducting a personal experiment on myself

>> No.11376343

You can make large batches of punch or other party drinks with it. You use pest liquor overall, so the taste is disguised better.
Also, it is useful for cleaning. Like >>11375447 said, tinctures are useful. As are other preserved things soaked in it.

>> No.11376344

Do you want to take a shot with me?

>> No.11376352

Fuck you dude i made a good grade on a test and i didnt even study for it

>> No.11376356
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You can make very large batches of this at a very high quality for a very low cost.

>> No.11376392

I am lonely

>> No.11376423


sign up for an mmorpg

>> No.11376433

It would not help. I literally crave face to face interaction

>> No.11376441

I'd recommend looking in the mirror if you weren't so fucking ugly.

>> No.11376447

I do not think I am ugly haha

>> No.11376468


then go to meetup.com

>> No.11376472

I would never post my face online

>> No.11376482


that's literally a local events website to meet people with different interests

>> No.11376484

Do they dislike people that drink alcohol. Becuae otherwise it osuld borin

>> No.11376495

Miss my al/ck/ bros

hope you're still kickin smirnoffbro

>> No.11376501

Toppest kek

>> No.11376504
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>> No.11376505

That guy is so based

>> No.11376603

I like cannabis tincture but I still lol’d

>> No.11376609

yet another /pol/ shitposting thread

>> No.11376619
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>> No.11376621

Pretty much this. I never understood people who get particular about taste. It's fucking alcohol. Just drink it faggot. Or mix it with something.

>> No.11376625


>> No.11376629

Well you literally just proved him right.

>> No.11376633


like your entire social surroundings isn't hiding some opiate dependency right now

>> No.11376638

Imagine only enjoying alcohol because it gets you drunk
Sorry you're limited to this anon

>> No.11376640
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>hippie dippie bullshit alternative "medicine"
have fun dying of diseases we cured 50 years ago, Moonchild Ambrosia

>> No.11376651 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.11377235

>young dumb and broke
>buds and I buy case of mountain dew and bottle of everclear
>get fucking smashed
>wake up next day apartment is a fema camp
>half butchered squirrel in the sink, human blood on the ceiling, couch is half way through the front window, new people are passed out on floor whom I don't remember from night before, have a fork hanging out of my arm about an inch into my forearm, walls have many new holes in them
>would do again

>> No.11377239

I got motherfucking 2nd degree burns using garlic to heal a staph boil.

>> No.11377248

I'm fucking dying. Best thread on board right now.

>> No.11377494

Spiking the beverage table at your local anime convention is possibly the most fun you can have in this lifetime.

>> No.11377515

To piss off Pennsylvanians.

>> No.11377864

don't forget laudanum

>> No.11377880


Now that the dust has settled: did he really do it?

>> No.11377911

Not as bad as yours, but still entertaining
>be dumb, broke and in college
>leftover bottle of everclear in dorm from party the previous weekend
>2pm in the afternoon, why not
>friends and i start taking shots, chasing with lemonade.
>Extremely drunk in like 30 minutes.
>Decide its a good idea to go for a run around the lake near campus
>we start running, friend eat shits and rolls down a hill nearly falling into the lake
>friend keeps yelling shit at random people he's running by complementing their dogs
>"Oh wow, beautiful dog maam! Ugh what a dog!"
>Run by english professor walking her dog
>"Oh wow beautiful dog! What a dog!"
>"I want to FUCK YOUR DOG" he screams as running by her
>run to a playground full of families
>One friend had a skateboard with him
>Put friend on skateboard and shove him down the biggest slide
>gets rocketted into the mulch
>Get kicked out of playground by security guard that was there?

Lucky we didn't get arrested desu

>> No.11378135

How would this not immediately result in death

>> No.11378147

He'd would have to throw up like immediately after he started filiming. Either that or he's such a brutal alcoholic that his tolerance is through the roof, although I don't think it's physiologically possible to consume that much in that period of time and survive, so I'm assuming he vommed after.

>> No.11378254


>> No.11378273

Idk, i quit drinking though

>> No.11378293


>> No.11378429

>a bottle of shitty vodka is over 26 leaf dollars where I live

>> No.11378468

>grain alcohol
>lol, its shitty vodka
>it should be cheap
Holy shit, nigger. You can use everclear in place of laboratory grade alcohol solvents. Its 95% pure. What the fuck are you even doing

>> No.11378506
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>> No.11378544

I know what Everclear is you fucker I'm just lamenting about how cheap booze is in America compared to here.

>> No.11379219


>> No.11379225
File: 95 KB, 706x829, 1540282066138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay anon. I won't report you for being underage. Just try to enjoy life while you can, yeah? Best of luck, little buddy. You're gonna need it.

>> No.11379238


>> No.11379449

Soaking is shit. Simmer for the best extraction.

>> No.11379457

get a low THC/high CBD strain, grind, decarb, then simmer for half an hour in the highest proof alcohol you can get in a double boiler at 170 F (just under the boiling point of alcohol, do this under a fan, I use a hot plate with a temperature controller on top of my stove)

>> No.11379463

Yea, it's used for a lot of home made liqueurs, and I think things like home made vanilla extract.
Or for getting drunk when you're poor.

>> No.11379471

Taste is an important sense. It's how we interact with the world

>> No.11380008

to get drunk, also I use it to make extractions of different mildly psychoactive plants.

Dr. J's sleepy time ko juice:
>fill a jar with wild lettuce, chamomile flowers, kava, and valerian root.
>cover with grain alcohol
>wait two weeks
>strain out
>add a shotglass at a time to chamomile tea

Makes an incredible sleep aid.

>> No.11380054

Holy shit what a past blast

>> No.11380294

>"alternative" medicine
you have no idea how medicine works do you dipshit?

>> No.11380332

>kava, valerian, and alcohol

You're one bad motherfucker, kava alone is pretty intense for me. Feels like half-bars of xanax.

>> No.11380356
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>> No.11380369

>call it medicine

>> No.11380404

Every now and then I buy a quart of it and mix in a few shots with my regular Canadian whisky or bourbon.

It only slightly alters the flavor and gets me drunker faster.

It's especially great for situations where I have no time to drink before I have to go to bed, e.g. closing my store down at 00:00 and having to be back up there at 08:00 the next day.

It's a clean drunk and fairly effective.

Also, laudanum.

>> No.11380475

You should throw some hops in with that anon.

>> No.11381155


>> No.11381166

yes. taste is the most important thing while wanting to get drunk. also, what size is your fedora?

>> No.11381416
File: 63 KB, 1157x772, 1319960969233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11381448

>drunkard's getting angry they fell for the "alcohol doesn't need to taste good" meme

Top kek, NPC's, go back to doing your routine's, I have quests to finish.

>> No.11381451

>which is the entire purpose of alcohol

Well, technically, alcohol was used as an antiseptic for a long, long time. Also as a way of helping numb someone during a procedure.

>> No.11381465

t. Coors lite faggot

>> No.11381470

*tips fedora*
i cannot disagree with this though

>> No.11381492

Why would we ferment then distill grains so as to make a chemically pure alcohol spirit, which may be used for ingestion, among other purposes?

Because you're gay. You sucked a dick, so god decided he'd punish you by creating alcohol. Now you live in a world with it. So drink up, faggot. You know you want to.

>> No.11381520
File: 78 KB, 1152x871, 1511462408388[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never understood why people care about taste

>red wine is amazing for making red sauce with
>beer is amazing for making broth and gravy with
>wine culture was literally born in ancient Rome where they focused on taste and aroma and preferred it over all other kinds of alcohol, estimates of consumption ranging up to a bottle a day per citizen
>Whiskey, Rum, and Cognac have been chemically tested and can vary from 200-300 different flavoring compounds
>scotch is specifically known for its smoky flavor

You could just admit that you're a degenerate drunky and that taste isn't as important to you as getting smashed and annoying other people.

>> No.11381524
File: 42 KB, 479x720, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinks rotten fruits and/or grains for the taste

>> No.11381526 [DELETED] 


>"used as an antiseptic for a long, long time"
the notion of asepsis has only been around for less than 150 years...compared to the thousands of years humans have been drinking to get drunk

>as a way of helping numb someone
...by getting them drunk

you're a faggot for backing off your point.

>> No.11381532

*tips fedora*

>> No.11381533


It's actually fermented, but I don't think you know what that means. P.S. Your bait is showing.

>> No.11381536

Homemade Bitter, Tinctures, etc.

>> No.11381537 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.11381539 [DELETED] 

*tips fidget spinner*

>> No.11381540

*tips fidget spinner*

>> No.11381545
File: 54 KB, 1024x1024, 2f78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he wont stop tipping his fedora

>> No.11381548

So beer tastes the same as wine to you?

>> No.11381558

*tips fedora*

>> No.11381665

Also this

>> No.11381740

>samefagging yourself

t. NPC

Go back to drinking your zima's and smirnoff ice's you cultural pit of shit

>> No.11381768

To make literally anything alcoholic with only the added flavor of ethanol.