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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 300x188, Hamoverfist Lardass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11374415 No.11374415 [Reply] [Original]

>raised by an ignorant single mother too lazy to actually learn how to cook anything that can't be microwaved
>conditioned on sweets, salty processed crap and fatty fast foods since it was a small child so normal foods taste "bland"
>reaches puberty and adulthood overweight, conditioned to eat crap, and incapable of developing and preparing a balanced diet for itself

Seriously, should fat kids be taken away from their parents due to negligence and abuse? There is absolutely zero excuse for a healthy kid to be fat, and yet here we are today with porkers everywhere due to being raised on garbage food through no fault of their own.

>> No.11374438


yes. my wifes son used to be extremely overweight until i got in the picture. He was on a steady diet of fried chicken and grape drink until i made my wife stop taking him to KFC everyday. Now i make him eat things like watermelon and collard greens, and have gotten him interested in playing basketball.

>> No.11374446

You get fat by eating too much

It is the fault of the parent but the children are also to blame for eating too much themselves

>> No.11374456

>my wifes son
Played out, anon. Get some new material.

>> No.11374462

lawdy, you bees good to dat lil homie

>> No.11374494

>fault of the parent
So why should society allow them to continue to corrupt and fuck up some innocent young kid?

>> No.11374499

No, the children are not responsible for their own upbringing. Would you tell a child being abused by her parents, that she was responsible as she enfuriated her parents?

>> No.11374511

Sort of but the stuff that causes obesity is in line with the government's dietary guidelines.

>Eat high carb, low fat
>Eat constantly throughout the day
>Recommended exercise is cardio instead of resistance training

>> No.11374518

There a lot of pretty shitty kids.

>> No.11374530

>as an adult i am unable to change my life for the better because of my past
Pure defeatism, just change and stop putting it on someone else. You dont have to eat healthy to eat better. Just cook for yourself with actual ingredents and you will see that a lot of your eatting habits will get much better. Stop buying garbage and magically you will stop eatting garbage.

>> No.11374533

>The dumbest post in the thread so far.

>> No.11374537

Enjoy staying fat retard

>> No.11374542

This isn't about me, OP, it's about the disgusting fat children I see all over the fucking place because of their shitty "parents".

>> No.11374546

>Correction: THIS is the dumbest post in the thread so far.

>> No.11374548

>should fat kids be taken away from their parents
Yes, but all kids should be as well. Most parents are completely incompetent and brainwash their spawn with skypilot myths and prejudices from their own brainwashed childhood. It's why the world will never improve until spawn are confiscated at birth and raised in controlled environments according to best developmental psychological practices where they can reach their true potential unhindered by knuckledragging, mouthbreather ignorant parents. And you know what, that will indisputibly prove IQ is a function of environmental childhood development. Of course it will also eliminate fatfuck, picky eaters and sugar addicts.

>> No.11374558

Wow, your parents didn't even make you go to school did they?

>> No.11374563

muh .gov NPC detected

>> No.11374574

>IQ is a function of...
....genetics. Period.

>> No.11374576

Yes, if parents do not care for their children's health in other ways it is considered abuse. Giving your child diabetes is as bad as raising them in an unclean environment that makes them sick.

>> No.11374588

thats like saying its a kids fault they dont brush their teeth when the parents never even tried to enforce it.

>> No.11374589

There is a connection with early nutrition. It's a combination of genetics and child nutrition.

>> No.11374612

>it's a combination
Nope. Genetics. Period.

No amount or type of food will take the child of idiots and make them a genius. Ever.

>> No.11374619

>parents never even tried to enforce it.
And, of course, (((they))) constantly barrage broadcast media with their ads of how "cool" it is to eat shitty processed foods and drink diabeetus fluid, so those pussy parents that can't tell their kids "no" get little respite from their fat little demonspawn.

>> No.11374625

The lack thereof will though

>> No.11374626

Yes, but you can starve a gifted child to the point it stunts their intellectual development. Thus, it must be a combination.

>> No.11374631

dif anon, but getting only chicken nuggets instead if essential fatty acids while inside the womb certainly doesn't help with brain development though

>> No.11374636

Genetics are the blueprint that determine intelligence, and while you can deprive an individual of their genetic intelligence through neglect, abuse, and starvation, you can not create intelligence that isn't blueprinted via genetic code.

>> No.11374639

Genetics sets the range the possible IQs but nutrition is a factor that places then in that range. You'll only get a retard that way if you starve the kid half to death. I hate seeing those moms that think feeding a kid fish oil is going to make them win a Nobel prize or some shit though.

>> No.11374654

Ok Herr Himmler

>> No.11374664

Easy there, Jon Irenicus

>> No.11374671

Ok Mister Schlomo

>> No.11374674

Obesity is usually just a symptom of mental issues.
I rarely ever met a happy lard ass.
These people need to fix their emotional issues first before tackling the weight.

>> No.11374681

I wonder how many fat kids are fat because their fat disgusting parents, usually "parent", WANTS them to be a disgusting fat little fuck because THEY were when they were kids.

>> No.11374685

Wrong, period. Environmental factors coupled with INDIVIDUAL genetics (not muh easy out, /pol/tard throw up muh hands racecard) determine IQ.

>> No.11374700

>thinks genetics refers to anything other than "INDIVIDUAL genetics" when referring to individuals
Dumbest post in the thread.

>> No.11374732

Just improve fatshaming and don't give the fatties any jobs.

>> No.11374754

Found the ketolard

>> No.11374761

Don't bother. We're in a perpetual reddit-tier hell where it's literally the same 5 jokes being played on repeat day in and day out.

>> No.11374795


>> No.11374802

>don't eat all my dindins
>get grounded for the weekend

>> No.11375478

more slaves

>> No.11375963
File: 65 KB, 643x482, average atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most NPC post on all of 4chan. Congrats.

>> No.11375986

Don't any of you remember being kids? There's food all over the house a kid can get at. The parents aren't hovering 24/7 to make sure the kid isn't eating all the time.

>> No.11375999

Why would you buy poison disguised as food and let your kids have free access to it ? sugar and processed stuff will always damage you even if you consume it with moderation, and kids aren't stupid, if you teach them to eat correctly they will apply it.

>> No.11376010

That's not how things work. I was taught to exercise and be physically active but don't because sleeping feels better. People go against what they're taught all the time.

>> No.11376020

In my case, both my parents are excellent cooks, and I used to play football(soccer) every day. However, for some reason, when I turned 12 I ballooned up and in the span of two years I became a fucking zeppelin. At age 15 it was already too difficult for me to play ball anymore, so I quit for videogames, alcohol and self-indulgence and I spiraled down hard.
I think the reason was because even if I played ball like one hour a day, the rest I spent sat down at school and computer. A preteen needs much more exercise than that.
My mom was always worried about my weight but never intervened, so I partially blame her and partially myself.
I'm 25 now and like 40 kilos overweight. I really need to lose 'em.

>> No.11376024

Then you weren't taught properly.

>> No.11376041
File: 85 KB, 442x650, 1484184075194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Dear lord once time when I was staying at a home I was standing in the lobby waiting for a ride. Saw this little mexiroll following his mother. She was pretty large herself but H O L Y SHIT her son was unfathomably large. He looked to be around 10 but he already had a 2nd chin and his ankles were the size of bowlingballs. There was a single flight of stairs that they took to get to the 2nd floor. He had to stop 3/4ths of the way up. I felt terrible for that kid. He has absolutely no chance. He is going to die by 25 if he is lucky. Made me pissed off the rest of the day his mother would do that to him.

>> No.11376046


>> No.11376256


>> No.11376350

Former fat hispanic kid into acceptable bmi adult here,

Yeah my parents were pretty bad at being parents. I remember times when I ate who Doritos bags and ate half a Digiorno's for dinner every night. Cant blame them too much, they both came from dysfunctional households and overworked themselves to take their mind off of their shitty upbringings.

Only reason I was able to lose weight is because at first oldest brother motivated me to lose weight so I knew what it took, and then later as a teenager in highschool i wanted to impress a girl by shedding off my babyfat so I really pushed myself.

Glad I made it out the other side.


>> No.11376414

Tangentially related, I dare one of you to accurately describe "processed" food

Define "processed"

Absolutely positive 98% of people just regurgitate that word and don't even know wtf you're referring to

>> No.11376424

you know, like, chemicals and stuff

>> No.11376543

Like Dr. Monsanto putting cancer chemicals in apples?

>> No.11376601
File: 60 KB, 359x473, 1470866887336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes but more like neglected. If i seen it once I seen it a hundred times before. Single mother can't deal with her little brat on her own so she keeps giving her kid food to shut them up.

Were you fat as a little kid? Your mother probably resented the fact that you were ruining what she had left of her young years.

We you not fat as a kid? Bet ya had a father in the picture to smack you when you needed it.

>> No.11376662

God have mercy

>> No.11376771

>Not shoving broccoli and collard greens down your kid's throat by holding their nose

Thanks mom

>> No.11377006

When preparing snacks for me, my mom would always bring things like grapes, and sliced oranges, apples, and watermelon, normalizing fruit as a snack food and not something to eat just because it's healthier than junk. She also homecooked dinner almost every single day and vegetables were always included. I've never been overweight in my life. When I learn the eating habits of overweight kids I'm horrified. Makes me really appreciate what my mom did.

>> No.11377410

Do you understand things are a matter of willpower and not just proper teaching? You can know what you're doing is bad but still do it anyways because you have no willpower.

>> No.11377417

Damn. We live in a society

>> No.11377422

Can you point out which part made it a dumb post?

>> No.11377427

All of it you retarded faggot

>> No.11377488

People are fat because they lack willpower not because they don't know healthy eating plans. They end up eating a bunch of fried chicken or cake because it gives them a food high and makes them feel good mentally.

When your options are eat cake and feel happy or eat carrots and not get the food high the fat person chooses the cake. You know intellectually it's stupid to do but do it anyways because it feels better.

>> No.11377527

Willpower isn't genetic, dumbfuck. If you have "no willpower" it's because your lazy parents never made you finish anything, they bought into your incessant whining for sweets and didn't teach you how to work hard and accomplish things. They didn't teach you perseverance. It goes hand in hand. Everything a child is, is a direct result of its parents. Everything. Children do not spontaneously develop personality traits out of left field.

We were punished as kids for taking snacks without asking, as we were also pretty poor so couldn't afford endless fruit snacks or whatever. All three of us knew better than to take food without asking.
That being said, we were also punished for not finishing an entire plate of food with second and third helpings, and every family function was built around eating a ton of food. None of the three of us now has a good relationship with food.

>> No.11377582

>Be parent

>Make your kid exercise all the time and force the kid into activities.

>Tell the kid it's needed to be thinner not get heart disease or diabetes and to live longer.

>Kid grows up and stops exercising because he's not made to do it.

How is it your fault as a parent?

>> No.11377597

Adoption studies tell us that fat kids raised by healthy parents still turn into fat adults. So perhaps at some point, the damage is unavoidable - or maybe the food systems of the 21st century really do hurt some people on a hereditary level more than others.

>> No.11377598

>, I dare one of you to accurately describe "processed" food

ANY food manufactured and processed for commercial sale using a combination of food stuffs and seasonings to complete a final product and taste profiles.

How hard was that?

>> No.11377611

Because as a parent, you aren't supposed to blindly force your kids to do shit they don't like. If you take them running and they hate it, try a sport. Try lifting. If you're going around spawning people, it is absolutely your highest priority to set them up for success and that means giving them every consideration.

The trick is to TEACH them instead of MAKING them, and teaching them about taking care of themselves, teach them to have pride in what they do, and teaching them that there are direct consequences for every action good or bad, using positive reinforcement and negative punishment.

If a person with a kid has to have this explained to them AFTER having a kid, they had no business having kids.

>> No.11377643

>things are a matter of willpower
Which is something parents are supposed to instill in their kids, but don't because it means they have to force their whorespawn to do something they don't want to do.

>> No.11377676

You can't force a kid to eat less. There's still food in the house even after the kid eats their meal. In order to do that you'd have to hover over the kid 24/7 which would cause far more issues in the end. If you have lots of kids in the house you don't know who ate what.

>> No.11377685

>t. not a parent
>t. know-it-all expert in the field of child rearing
>t. annoying asshole who capitalizes entire words for emphasis

>> No.11377687

>maybe the food systems of the 21st century really do hurt some people on a hereditary level more than others.

The processed foods system manipulates and exploits human biology, and there is a significant segment of the population that has little to no control over their biology. This is why gambling works.

Fats, sugars, and salts were extremely rare in the environment as we evolved, so those things are prioritized by human biology today despite the food surplus we currently enjoy. Humans get a dopamine dump from the brain rewarding us when we eat those things that's far greater than the reward we get when we eat some shit like....iceberg lettuce. The processed food companies know this and prey on the lack of control fatties have by pumping as much sugar, salt, and fat into their products as possible to trigger those biological dopamine dumps and get people to keep buying their shit.

>> No.11377695

>Because as a parent, you aren't supposed to blindly force your kids to do shit they don't like.

That's EXACTLY what the fuck you're SUPPOSED to do as a parent you comple MORON. Please go play in traffic now, and if you've reproduced please take your moron spawn with you.

>> No.11377710

>Recommended exercise is cardio instead of resistance training
As regular exercise there is nothing really wrong with that. The government guidelines are for normal people, not landwhales.

Also you can do low intensity resistance training, it's not the weights which make the important difference for weight loss. It's doing sets to exhaustion.

>> No.11377739

I started getting fat around puberty. Nut my mother cooks very well lebanese food in large quantity and my dad cooks french/italian food in large quantities. And old fashioned so the plates had to be finished everytime. And if there was some left in the pan/pot the classic phrase would ring "You aren't going to live this, everyone takes a bit"

>> No.11377744

One blow with the switch per M&M, lets see how much he wants to keep eating.

>> No.11377787

>t. Roasty who lets her lil tyrese eat tendies and play xbox all day

>> No.11377811

>zero reading comprehension skills
Not surprised.

>> No.11377855
File: 84 KB, 600x587, 1489635261767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only takes a modest amount of reading and brainpower to see trends in childrearing and to understand the basic mechanisms behind why kids turn out how they do. There's literally ages and ages of evidence to reference.

Yeah, alright, why don't you show me how that works? The generally accepted child psychology states that if you force a kid to do something they hate without explaining it, without concessions or consideration, they rebel and grow up to hate it.
If your mom forces you to get up and run every day, and you hate it, and you don't understand why you have to do it, it becomes a punishment. It becomes associated with negative emotion and even physical pain. When you grow up, you're never going to willingly get up and run because to you, that's a negative experience.
Good parents know better than to condition their child to be adverse to good habits. Good parents also know that children are HUMAN BEINGS and deserve to be treated with respect, even if you think you're above them. Kids are not your property, they're not your second chance at living the life you wanted, and they're not your trophies.

Keep raising your little statistical criminal, shitforbrains.

>> No.11377905

>I don't like what I see, the government should take away people's children

Sure thing, Chariman Mao.

>> No.11377926

It's not abuse, it's just failure as a parent and degeneration of the genetic line.

>> No.11377932
File: 6 KB, 210x138, African American Obesity Epidemic - out of control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not abuse, it's just failure as a parent and degeneration of the genetic line.

The truth is often uncomfortable.

>> No.11377937
File: 16 KB, 350x240, black-obese-children.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11377966

>blueprinted via genetic code.
Which genes form this blueprint? Why can children from the same family have vastly different IQs? Why do ‘gifted’ children fail in practical situations where average children succeed? Thse questions can not and will not be answered because your theory is unfalsifiable bullshit.

>> No.11377970

I think it's more on the line of neglect than abuse.

All parents should be required to take parenting and nutrition classes - and quite frankly our entire education system (at least here in the US) needs to have more focus on health, diet & cooking than it currently does.

>> No.11377976


Too bad those uneducated blacks don't understand vegan foods is the cure for all their diseases.

>> No.11377987

You really think taking a class on something is going to make an idiot not an idiot?

>> No.11378002

>All parents should be required to take parenting and nutrition classes

But, that's racist! You racists just want to get rid of other cultures traditional foods.

>> No.11378003

There's a difference between ignorance and idiocy.
Nothing can cure idiocy, but education cures ignorance.

>> No.11378012

>do you really think teaching people things will help them learn?

Yes. A lot of people are simply ignorant on the subject - they'll try to eat healthy but don't know what "healthy" really is. For instance, a lot of people think eating "low carb" or "low fat" is better - even if it means they're eating cheese covered cauliflower instead of cheese covered potatoes. It's not any healthier.

I've seen a lot of fatties around me suffer from this sort of thinking, and while nutrition classes wouldn't help all of them - dumbfucks can and will still exist - it will help a lot of them who are trying, but simply don't know what to do.

>> No.11378065

>cheese covered cauliflower instead of cheese covered potatoes
>It's not any healthier.
It objectively is, though. Cauliflower has fewer calories by weight, is low-GI, and has more vitamins and minerals than a potato.
Also, cruciferous veg like cauliflower are currently being studied for their chemotherapeutic properties and their ability to detoxify known carcinogens. People with diets high in cruciferous veg statistically have less cancer and also weigh less.
Potatoes are currently being studied for causing increased rates of insulin resistance and diabetes.
Your pick dumdum, but I'll stick with the cauli.

>> No.11378089

Yeah nothing is really gonna "detox" you bro, if this is going to turn into some woo-y bullshit I'm out.

But eating your cheese covered veggies is still putting more calories in than your body can handle, and it's not helping fight the cravings for shitty food - like the cheese or salt that many fatty foods have. So sure anon, eat your cheesy cauliflower rather than making a real effort to eat well, you might push your death back to 35 instead of the 30 that you were looking at while eating potatoes instead.

>> No.11378090

I really fucking hate this argument. Fatties KNOW what healthy food is, they just don't like it. They are not "just ignorant on the subject", they subject is clearly printed on every edible food package in the U.S. They are fat by CHOICE because they like unhealthy food and don't want to eat vegetables.

There is and never has been any justification of any sort for being obese.

>> No.11378111

>But eating your cheese covered veggies is still putting more calories in than your body can handle
This is the most uneducated, ignorant statement you've made yet. You don't know how much of this cheesy cauliflower a person is eating, what else they're eating, what their TDEE is. Calories and "too many calories" are all relative to the person, their activity, their age, and their health. You can eat chicken breast with cheesy cauliflower and get full on 400 calories, you fucking muh fat muh salt boogeyman retard. Spend the next five minutes reading an article or something instead of shitposting.

>> No.11378128

>getting this mad over being called out for only being able to eat cheese covered veggies like the child in OP's pic

>> No.11378148

Anon an entire head of cauliflower has less calories than a medium russet potato. They would have to be eating like a brick of cheese for this to not make a difference

>> No.11378151
File: 3.07 MB, 414x382, 1537384011791.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ad hom AND strawman in one ridiculous sentence, classic you.
Do you think your greentext will really deflect the fact that you have absolutely no comeback and got your stupid fat ass backed into a corner?
Gonna cry next?
Fatties and their /cope/, I fucking swear.

>> No.11378178

>goes off on some pussy tirade about "abuse"
It's called operant conditioning, you ignorant spastic brat, and it works on ALL animals, including children.

You can "force" a child to do something any number of ways, from physical contact in the form of your hand on their ass, or by using the single most valuable and powerful tool every quasi-decent parent has and uses liberally.....patience.

>> No.11378188

>I have never heard of DNA, the genetic code responsible for all life on our planet.
How do you manage to not die going through life this stupid?

>> No.11378190

I don't think you have very good reading comprehension, as I never used the phrase "abuse" once in regard to teaching good habits. Letting a child get fat when they rely on you to make good choices for them is what I called abuse, and I advocated for using calm and respectful communication to help a child navigate making their own choices, which is what I would call "patience."
Idunno who you're mad at, but it ain't me, "spaz."

>> No.11378197

like many things, yes
however the simple answer isn't always the most pragmatic one so we have to let it slide. Taking away all the fat kids would overload an already strained child services and criminal system

>> No.11378202
File: 48 KB, 392x385, True.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11378210

>increased rates of insulin resistance and diabetes.
In people with shitty systems, sure. Normal people have no problems with potato, grains, rice, or any other carb modern faggots attack today.

>> No.11378235

>KNOW what healthy food is, they just don't like it.
It's because the ignorant fucks don't realize that the reason they don't like "healthy foods" is because they have allowed their taste buds to be conditioned by processed foods loaded with sugar, salt, and fats, making normal foods taste like nothing in comparison.

Maybe, just maybe, a certain percentage of those fatties would find the motivation to ween themselves off the junk and back on to a normal diet if they were educated about their conditioning, and how they can condition themselves to get back on the right path.

Even if it's only 10% of fatties, that's a good start, and it's always nice to see somebody turn their life around for the better.

>> No.11378240

That's because normal people know that potato isn't a food group.
"Normal" people are "normal" because they don't overdo it on unhealthy shit. If you took a normal person and fed them a shitton of potatoes and bread every day like a fat person eats, they would no longer be a normal person.

How do you figure a person gets a "shitty system?"
It's from feeding it shit.

>> No.11378246
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>> No.11378251

>and it's always nice to see somebody turn their life around for the better.
Not if you're a bucket crab like 95% of this board.
They'd shoot themselves in the foot to ruin someone else's day, swear to god.

>> No.11378261

>normal people know that potato isn't a food group.
Stopped reading there.

We're done.

>> No.11378269

I'm talking about real people, not the worthless pieces of trash that want to see others fail and hold them blac....er, back.

>> No.11378291

Nice, so if you forfeit, I win.
Thanks for playing, everyone. Tune in next time to watch another butthurt faggot get triggered when you tell him french fries are not part of a balanced diet.

>> No.11378305

Obesity lowers IQ.

>> No.11378466

no because making kids diet is the worst thing you can do it sets them up to yo-yo diet their whole lives and can really fuck them up, also where would we put all these fat kids the foster care system is over burdened as is and orphanages don't exist anymore. Especially when fat kids are just a symptom of 3 larger problems. Some times healthy foods simply aren't an option when chicken breasts can come out to like $13 a pack but you need to make it till the end of the week so you choose a shit ton of mac and cheese to keep everyone fed over one good meal its inevitable that people are going to get fat especially when the mac and cheese comes with instructions and home ec hasen't existed in decades most places in America. So now the $13 dollar investment in boneless skinless breast meat is even more daunting. not to mention the atmosphere of fear surrounding children now a days. Their kept inside all day and not allowed out because were all taught to be afraid of strangers. we just need to make healthy food less expensive bring back home ec so people know how to cook and let kids play out side but these are big changes that are more complex but will lead to over all healthier kids

>> No.11378505

>also where would we put all these fat kids the foster care system is over burdened as is and orphanages don't exist anymore.
Fema camps.

>> No.11378744

>making kids diet is the worst thing you can do
Stopped reading there.

You don't "make kids diet" you "change kids diet" and teach them how to eat healthy while still enjoying the foods they eat. You should not be offering your opinion in public.

>> No.11378831

People are fat because of sugar and fat addiction. The fried chicken and the cake makes them feel happy so they eat it. They already know it's bad for them but the pleasure of eating these foods is too much to give up. Only appetite suppressants work on them.

>> No.11378837

>chicken breast is too expensive
>guess I have to buy mac and cheese
Do you even hear yourself? That kind of retarded mentality is what makes kids fat and what makes them losers in life, too. Oh, it's too hard to do the right thing, guess I'll just give up and do the easiest thing, even if it's the wrongest thing.
Do you think kids really turn out better for that?
FYI, retard, chicken thighs are about a third of the price of breast. You don't have to eat any meat at all, though. Do you know how cheap sweet potatoes and green beans are fresh? $.69-$.99 per pound.

You could feed a family of four each 1/2 lb chicken thigh, 1/2 pound green beans and a FULL pound of sweet potatoes for less than seven dollars TOTAL, and that's a FUCKton of food with vitamins, protein, healthy fat, minerals, fiber, etc.
Do us all a favor and don't reproduce, you'll just raise more people exactly as pathetic as you are.

>> No.11378919

I think so. I was a super skinny kid because my parents could never be bothered to feed me. I basically lived off of snack cakes and other easy shit, but didn't love it so I didn't gain weight.
My little sister is fucking h u g e though from it.

>> No.11378964

Instead of calling it child abuse, it would be better to educate parents

>> No.11379334

People should be allowed to raise their children incorrectly. Its a free country so fat retards making fat retarded children is entertaining for the rest of us to make jokes about. If someone actually wanted to lose weight they would just eat correctly and exercise more.

>> No.11379341

B-b-but that takes effort!!! Id rather pick up a little ceasars and some snickers bars and call it a day

>> No.11379355


Get out of the board nigger

>> No.11379429

>negative operant conditioning
only works if the parent is always there to enforce it
when the child leaves the home and realizes daddy isn't going to spank them for not doing the dishes anymore all of their barriers break down and they become unhealthy unhinged adults

>> No.11379432

Parents can educate themselves. There's this thing called the internet. Maybe you've heard of it?

>> No.11379456

This is really no excuse into adulthood. My mom cooked crap and let me drink too much coke and I was fat and then I moved out at 18 and learned how to cook and lost 47lbs in my first year.

>> No.11379524

>>negative operant conditioning
Know how I know you know nothing about operant conditioning?

Don't bother responding. We're done.

>> No.11379530

>lost 47lbs in my first year.
How fat is your mom now?

>> No.11379536
File: 51 KB, 413x243, shikensoy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw started this year at 290 lbs
>weighed myself this morning and im down to 259

>> No.11379588

It doesn't matter why someone doesn't like healthy foods. Explaining why is a waste of time and doesn't help them do anything; thinking it would help anyone is naive. There is no fat person anywhere who thinks to themselves "well golly if only I knew WHY I didn't like vegetables I'd start eating more of them!" It's more likely to have the opposite effect, fatties can claim they have an unbeatable addiction or something.

Would you explain that they aren't good at exercise because they're fat? Yeah wow so helpful. Fatties know what they have to do to lose weight. It requires basic willpower and dedication, not explanations.

>> No.11379623

Get the fuck out

>> No.11379654

What a fucking shitshow, this suposed to be a cooking board you retarded piece of shit underage faggots. Stop making the hobby boards turning into /b and /pol.

>> No.11379668

>t. butthurt vegan poster

>> No.11379726

great timing. just don't check next year when the winter gain and holiday food really hits you.

>> No.11379765

both my mother and spanish grandmother were hilariously fatphobic and would tell me shit like "don't be like your fat friend" and when my mom came to my school she said "why are all the cheerleaders fat"

that said, i do believe letting your children get fat is somewhat abusive. not just for how unhealthy it is but because of the social anguish they endure in school via bullying and exclusion (i.e. not being able to climb fences/trees or squeeze through tight spaces with your friends).

>> No.11381767

>Are fat kids a sign of child abuse?

>> No.11381804

Lmao cry some more bitch.

>> No.11382116

>Are fat kids a sign of child abuse?
It's splitting hairs but it's a sign of negligence and not abuse.
Abuse is a deliberate act and obesity isn't done on purpose, if fat people could be thin and still enjoy shovelling food in their mouths without taking time to exercise, they would be, no one is fat or makes people fat on purpose (except Brosnan of course).
Even fast food corporations merely don't care about their customers rather than deliberately abusing them.

>wifes son
>Played out
I think anon is being ironic about being a step-parent. Step-families are super common but if you're on 4chan then of course you're going to call your step-son "my wife's son".

>> No.11382576

>Abuse is a deliberate act and obesity isn't done on purpose
It can be done on purpose and can be in exactly the same category as abuse. Women do use children as pawns to torture their ex-husbands. Many cases of obesity may just be from negligence, but some which are premeditated are absolutely abhorrent.

>> No.11382594

Easy fix. Don't buy snacks or pre-made foods. Kid is 't going to thaw out a chicken breast to pan fry for a pre-dinner snack.

>> No.11382602

Past 18, you have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.11382624

I'm gonna raise my kid to have absolute disgust and disdain for fat people. I was on the cusp of becoming a fatty and caught myself as I hit 200 pounds. Now down to 170 last I checked. I converted my girlfriend easily enough and she's starting to openly express her hatred for fat people too. We even got a pact that if either of us got fat, we'd leave each other. Our kid will be raised to hate them easily enough.

>> No.11383546

As much as I support holding the kid responsible for what they do, really young kids aren't going to understand the consequences of eating too much and potential habits that can develop. They still require training and guidance.

>> No.11383628

I had a really high metabolism and played outside a ton as a kid so my parents diet didn't matter so much. But when I was like 13, I started to put on weight like the rest of my family. I i went from 130 to 160 in about a year and that was enough of a wake up call for me. I lost the weight over the next year and have maintained since.
My siblings on the other hand didn't play outside and stuff, so they were always fat, and are just getting fatter and fatter. It's pretty sad actually. They're both adults now too. I can't imagine. I feel like I pretty much eat whatever I want with very minimal self control, so it baffles me to think how much more they must eat.

>> No.11383643

Thats so frustrating because you can still get those things, just teach the kid to not eat all of the pizza in one sitting, or if they do, trick them into excersising.

>> No.11383720

Just lose the weight. You can't blame your mom now.

>> No.11383769
File: 13 KB, 480x360, ........jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Abuse is a deliberate act
Ignoring the weight gain of your child to the point of obesity is indeed a deliberate act, anon.

It's not like these kids suddenly wake up 20-30-60 pounds overweight, that shit takes months to accomplish.

>> No.11383822

So theoretically, if everyone got proper nutrition, we could breed and raise ourselves, collectively, to higher IQ levels?

>> No.11383862

>could breed and raise ourselves, collectively, to higher IQ levels?
With proper testing and selection, yes. Though the increase wouldn't be as large as you may believe, as our over all intelligence has changed very little over the past, say, 10k years or so.