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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.83 MB, 3447x3072, cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11375420 No.11375420 [Reply] [Original]

I just copped it for like 3 bucks at a yard sale, did I do good?

I sanded it down to bear metal and restarted the seasoning on it

>> No.11375464
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>> No.11375467 [DELETED] 

fuck off back to /fa/ you fucking queer
all homos should hang

>> No.11375472

That’s a great find. Good job, now fuck off

>> No.11375477 [DELETED] 

>knowing what people on /fa/ say

>> No.11375549

Apparently bargain hunting and /diy/ self-sufficiency triggers homosexuals. You taught us all something today OP, you did good. I actually just picked up some steel wool because of a rust battle with my cast iron that I am losing. Wish I had a workshop and I really want to roast a goddamn chicken right now.

>> No.11375563
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>bear metal

>> No.11375568

What the hell is going on with the inside of that pan

>> No.11375570

not bad op good find.

>> No.11375575

i’m assuming that must be the bear metal

>> No.11375582
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>> No.11375588
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I just used plain old plumbing cloth to do sand it under the sink. No power toys at all.

>> No.11375589
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>bear metal

>> No.11375590
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did you even look at the pan?

>> No.11375596
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>> No.11375603

You don't need to fucking sand cast iron pans you morons. Scrub them out with steel wool and soap and then reseason them. That's literally all you need to do.

>> No.11375605
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>> No.11375615


/fit/ for acquired

>> No.11375624
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I know, I am just ocd. Too much cowboy videos.

I just roasted one yesterday, made like 4 portions. Tried new technique to finger bang the butter under the breasts.. but breasts turned out still pretty dry.

>> No.11375628

did you put rosemary on that?

>> No.11375632

what do those instructions on the right pan say? ive never seasoned my cast iron pan before

>> No.11375637

my technique for avoiding dry meat is covering it with foil while it roasts, then removing the foil 20-30 mins before it finishes to roast uncovered

>> No.11375648




>> No.11375649
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just fresh ground salt n peppers + butter rub

i am taking a better pic of backside

>> No.11375661

>i am taking a better pic of backside

>> No.11375674

Will try next time.

>> No.11375692

Why did you capitalize the S in rapeseed but not the R?

>> No.11375696

Oh the G must have rubbed off on me.

>> No.11375708
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>bear metal

>> No.11375709

for living in a city that made griswolds, it sure is hard to find a nice american made cast iron pan.

>> No.11375713


psh that looks like a really clean job then friend. I've taken chain mail to mine so my last resort before I go to caustics is steel wool. My mistake for letting it sit too long at sea level. :-/


Fry chicken is on sale this week and I've never worked with a whole chicken before. I've done a whole turkey so I'm pretty excited to just be able to cast iron a chicken. If I can't get this rust off I'm going to go nuts.

>> No.11375722


I literally said I picked up steel wool today assmunch. It would have been nice to just be able to sand my fucking pan off instead.

>> No.11375742

sNeed's rapeSeed and Feed

>> No.11375757

>Le clip

>> No.11375764

go back to red dit

>> No.11375770 [DELETED] 

yo baka tbqh fambruhgini lmao cac ass nibba

>> No.11375825

Why are you so fucking retarded

>> No.11375931


>> No.11375941

>It would have been nice to just be able to sand my fucking pan off instead.
Retard. Go sand your pan like a retard.

>> No.11375962


I can't because the rust is too prevalent. Normal reseasoning methods no longer apply. I may have to switch to caustics if fine steel does not work. Course chain steal has already failed. All of this was written. The only thing I am retarded about is not thinking through my locale in relation to oxidization, also mentioned.

Fuck I wish you were trolling so I felt better about this board.

>> No.11375972

Get a new pan if you're too stupid to clean it. They're like $20 new. There's never any need to sand a cast iron pan unless you're retarded, which you are.

>> No.11375993
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>just buy a new one
>new cast iron for twenty dollurs
>OP's post says he got his for $3

I can also just order take out fuckface. Or I can hope to avoid a lye bath while you struggle with basic tasks around your property.

>> No.11376014

It also says he got it used, numbnuts. And go to /soc/ to post your picture, this a cooking board not your gay facebook.

>> No.11376064

not him but $20 is like $3 to me

>> No.11376081


So is take out and minor auto repair. If you are incapable of cooking or fixing that's okay too.

>> No.11376100
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>> No.11376581

You better cook something nice with it.
Think Omaha is having a Black Friday sale right now.

>> No.11377713
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>He doesn't use a generous amount of rape oil while cooking

>> No.11377721
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>bear metal

>> No.11377772
File: 1.74 MB, 2560x1920, 1021181629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast the chicken breast side down and then turn over and broil the top. Crispiest legs and thighs you've ever had and breasts juicy enough to turn dolly parton green.

>> No.11377803


Why aren't you guys just using an overnight bath of lye (drain cleaner) mixed in water? Alternatively TSP works too.
Just be sure to have goggles, plastic apron, and thick rubber gloves. Also don't let the solution come in contact with aluminum.
The solution removes ALL seasoning and old grease.

>> No.11377835

fuckin based

>> No.11377840

also be sure to pay the skin dry with paper towels first you fatties

>> No.11377857

Before you broil for a crispier skin? Ok but why do I have to be fat?

>> No.11377876

try some rosemary next time, from what I remember it really enhances the overall flavor of the chicken.

>> No.11377910

because im fat and project my insecurities onto others online

>> No.11378052

Ok there Walter White.

>> No.11378120

Because it's fucking overkill. Scrub it with soap. Have you literal retards never washed pots before in your life?

>> No.11378316

It's an /fa/ meme lads, spread to /fit/ pretty quick considering those boards intertwine a decent bit.

>> No.11378938

Or don't burn shit to your pan and wash it off with your hands you fucking mongles.
>steel wool
What's it like never allowing your cast iron to build up seasoning?

>> No.11378951

>What's it like never allowing your cast iron to build up seasoning?
I don't know, I imagine it would suck though. But yeah, I wasn't suggesting to wash with steel wool after every use, that's just for when it needs to be reseasoned. Try to pay attention to the reply chain next time.

>> No.11378956

>reasoning them
is vastly different than building up seasoning over time.
Fuckers think that just oiling up there pan and blasting it with heat is gonna do anything for flavor, all it does is help things not stick. And if you let it season up over time, it's even more efficient for not letting things stick, and then you don't need to scrub it to high heavens.

>> No.11378979

What the fuck are you talking about? Never did I say not to build up seasoning. If a pan is in bad condition you clean it with steel wool and then season it with oil. After that you can build up the seasoning by cooking in it.

>> No.11379162
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>> No.11379208

It's just a damn iron pan... whats there to argue about.

All it takes it some Easy Off overnite... and you get a brand new pan! Make sure you season it with organic butter, so that all your future dishes will have a hint of creamy goodness to it.

>> No.11379308
File: 52 KB, 550x540, oiledup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape Oil, you say?

>> No.11379331
File: 104 KB, 505x557, 09527392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking at cast iron pans that I can bring with me while hiking, but all the options come pre-seasoned with rape.
Is that a good or a bad thing?

>> No.11379366

make sure you test it for lead before cooking in it

>> No.11379380

I couldn't get a pan clean on my second try so I just ordered a new on on chinazon and threw it away.

>> No.11379420

>cast iron

>> No.11379452

My science teacher told me that cast iron is made from lead but he was an idiot that also believed in global warming

>> No.11379479

double cringe

>> No.11379510

Mhm. All I'm saying is you really want to avoid doing that at all costs, hence don't burn shit in your pan. That's all.

>> No.11379544

Dry breast is entirely related to the temp you cooked it to. I take it out at 155F and then it comes up to 160-165 which is more than safe to eat. Also salting your bird the night before ensures it holds onto more moisture

>> No.11379570

People use cast iron to melt lead for sinkers/bullets

>> No.11379582


>> No.11379627

What the fuck is a "bear" metal?
Also nice cop