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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 449 KB, 1024x768, base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11355201 No.11355201 [Reply] [Original]

Let's make millionaire's shortbread, and post any desserts you've made. This is an absolutely piss easy recipe so this is going to be short.

First, make and bake a shortbread base. About 1:2:3 sugar:butter:flour, pressed into a lined tin, 25 minutes in a low oven until just pale.

>> No.11355210
File: 361 KB, 1024x768, caramel ingredients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix a 397g tin of condensed milk, 100g butter and 100g dark brown sugar.

>> No.11355222
File: 336 KB, 1024x768, caramel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heat it gently, and simmer it for five minutes. Keep stirring it, but be careful because this stuff will burn the shit out of you. When it's this sort of shade, take it off the heat and stir through some vanilla.

>> No.11355236
File: 359 KB, 1024x768, poured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pour it on the base. Now we have to wait for this to cool completely before we cover it in chocolate.

>> No.11355285
File: 109 KB, 680x552, DlpHBkAW0AAz_qx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurking this thread

>> No.11355506

Keep posting, OP. This looks like something my wife would love.

>> No.11355636


>> No.11355667

Is this that candy crack/trefoil toffee stuff? Really good, 10/10, monitoring

>> No.11355715

Is adding sugar into condensed milk really necessary?

>> No.11355744

It's not sweetened condensed milk

>> No.11355753

Ah, I see. The overwhelming majority of condensed milk where I'm from is sweetened so I automatically assume that.

>> No.11355755

So it's evaporated milk?

>> No.11355795
File: 157 KB, 1280x960, IMG-20180924-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You millionaire's looks nice, but you really should try light brown sugar instead of dark, and I like to add a tiny bit of vanilla to the shortbread as well. Here's a pretty simple tart I made. Crust is a version of shortbread, with more butter to be a bit more crumbly. Filling is cream cheese, sugar, a dash of lemon juice. Strawberries were brushed with syrup made from raspberry jam, water and some rhubarb.

>> No.11355803
File: 324 KB, 1024x768, chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melt and attempt to temper some chocolate, pour some on and tilt it to the edges. Wa la, that's pretty much it. I'll post a sliced shot later if I don't get too drunk watching the 4CC and forget.

>> No.11355806

if you're really lazy, you can use dulce de leche instead of making caramel.

>> No.11355807

Is that milk chocolate? Why not anything darker?

>> No.11355852

It is pretty nice with dark chocolate, but I'm going for the classic slab of excessive sweetness today.

>> No.11355889

Contrary to what the other anon said, I went and checked the can for you and it's fucking 55% sugar by weight. I think it is still necessary though, because you need it to set into a soft toffee. I guess don't make this if you've got the beetus.

>> No.11356323
File: 260 KB, 1024x768, slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice close up slice.

>> No.11356710

I don't having anything to post but I do have a question and I don't want to make my own thread. Whats are your opinions on Wilton candy melts? I want to make some varied kinds of candies for Halloween and the candy melts seem the middle option without spending shitloads of money on chocolate and coloring. My grandmother typically does stuff like this but she goes to a confectioners shop and get $5-$6 bags of some other brand chocolate melts.That chocolate is fantastic but I can't spend that much. Wiltons has fair reviews but but she refuses to buy anything but her expensive kind and I don't know if it's because Wiltons is shit or because she's a bit stuck up when it comes to her sweets.

>> No.11356789

I’m dirt poor, am I allowed to make this?

>> No.11356949

Technically no, but you must fight the system from within.

Nice finish on those strawberries, why would you recommend light brown sugar?

>> No.11357017

I personally think they are fine but when we decorate chocolates around Christmas I can always tell which ones were made with miltons.

>> No.11357083

Fine is okay for me. Obviously I want them to taste good since other people will be eating them. Ive only messed with melting/candy making once though. I've read a lot of recent reviews saying Wilton changed the recipe and they don't melt correctly so I'll probably buy a practice bag.

>> No.11357105

I dont mean that they are bad it's like when you have a hershey's bar you can taste a difference from another brand.

>> No.11357285

Sorry my wording was weird there. I meant that even though I wanted them to taste good I was fine with them just being fine. I may not be the best at making sweets and desserts but I learned a while back that the average person likes "fine" and that I was spoiled with a grandmother who insisted that anything that came in a box was shit and below her. She won't even buy store brand butter.

>> No.11357547

No need for apology it was my phrasing that I thought needed clarification. To be fair in my region the difference between cheap butter and good quality is very obvious. Other items not as much.

>> No.11357785

There isn't much of a difference here between butter. I can see her point with some products. There's a notable difference between store brand cocoa powder and nestle. Just not in butter. Maybe if you're going for one of those premium brands.

>> No.11357806

Isn't this milk caramel/dulce de leche/dulce de cajeta/manjar? Or is it different?

>> No.11357896
File: 1.11 MB, 1566x832, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started baking about a week ago. Have made a number of pumpkin-things since (loaves, muffins, cupcakes). Made these cinnamon-pumpkin cupcakes for the second time today.
I don't know why the frosting keeps "melting" but I think it must be that I'm not waiting long enough for the cupcakes to fully cool down. Thought I'd waited enough today (3+ hrs )as they felt totally cool but nope. Even adding more icing sugar to the frosting didn't help keep it's shape. I guess I'm not using an ideal tip for icing cupcakes either, though.
I can't fucking stand how my family forces themselves to say how good the things I make are. Especially my grandmother. God she doesn't even try to hide how fake her praise is. Actually it's probably on purpose. She's always been passive aggressive.
>ask my dudeweedfaggot brother if his daughter would like one
>"no she's full from dinner"
Yah right what kid doesn't want a cupacake fuck off cunt that's what I get for trying to be civil with you, you subhuman
My life is only getting worse and worse. I look like shit I'm aging rapidly and I suck at everything I fucking do. Why can't I do ANYTHING right.
I want to bake myself a fucking noose.

>> No.11358119

You sound like you're stressed out and it's causing you to make "mistakes" in your cooking. I've eaten a million cupcakes with a million frostings and yours look normal to me. If you find it too runny I'd just use less liquid. As far as the fake praise goes, that's just the family way. Test them on your friends, they'll (hopefully) tell you the truth. Alternatively, tell your family you're trying to get better and you'd really like some constructive criticism and/or advice. How old are you? I wouldn't worry about the aging thing. Father Time has his way with us all.

>> No.11358164
File: 50 KB, 970x545, 1537585647981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The recipe called for a cup of room temperature butter, 3-4 cups icing sugar (I tried using both 3 and 4 didn't really make a huge difference), 1/4 cup cream, 2 tsp vanilla and 1 tbs cinnamon. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but the frosting seems to just kinda melt in on itself/blend together. I mean it doesn't literally melt or run down the sides but it loses most of the texture/shape the icing tip (wilton 150) gave it. Maybe I'll try 5 cups of icing sugar next time, but that kind of seems like too much. I just want them to look pretty and uniform.
>test them on your friends
Hahaha yeah about that (^:
(I don't have any)
I'm in my early 20s rapidly approaching mid 20s

>> No.11358522

Try to find a recipe that uses weights, icing sugar can vary by how much you pack it in to a cup. It will seem like an insane amount of icing sugar, that's just how frosting is.

>> No.11358524

My grandmother is also passive aggressive and has made less of an effort to pretend to be sincere as shes gotten older. More than once while I cooked at her house she'd make comments about how she doesn't need recipes and how just can eyeball things etc etc.

>> No.11358538
File: 78 KB, 1200x800, blade3.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cornstarch, anon.

>> No.11359491

try using less cream.

i prefer using a cooked buttercream, either french or italian they're not difficult.

>> No.11359682

Looks amazing Anon, I hope it tastes as good as it looks
nice option, but then it would be like those bombon tarts, no? not that I'm complaining

>> No.11360059

>it would be like those bombon tarts
i'm not sure what those are. dulce de leche is like a soft, spreadable caramel.

>> No.11360069

I think most frosting recipes say start with half the heavy cream, so only 2 tablespoons, and then add more if you need it. Also maybe try sifting the sugar, it looks a bit lumpy in that pic.

>> No.11360333

You were right anon.I bought some colored and milk chocolate melts today and the chocolate taste pretty similar to the cheap candies you get from Dollar Tree. Which might be fine if it's not the main player in the candy (like the colored melts won't be) but I'll probably buy different milk chocolate.

>> No.11360511

Thanks for the tips. I'll report back with results next time I make them if the thread's still up.

I have another question, if anyone can help. I want to try making cheesecake but I'm worried about the possibility of the springform pans I have (never used) leaking. Should I put a pan on the rack below it to catch anything that leaks just as a precaution? I read that you can/should bake cheesecake with the springform pan partially immersed in a pan full of water so it cooks evenly. Should it be ok that way?

>> No.11360527

I've only ever made cheesecake with water baths and have never had problems with the pan leaking or water leaking into the pan. Usually you would wrap the outside of the pan in foil anyway just in case.

>> No.11360771

double-wrap your springform pan with aluminum foil

>> No.11361861

For pumpkin cupcakes I'd use a cream cheese icing desu


>> No.11362873

Thanks, will do.
I used this recipe for everything
The frosting was probably the best part, really, despite it giving me the trouble.
I did do pumpkin loaves and muffins from a different recipe the other day where I made a cream cheese icing though. That was good too but when I make these cupcakes again I'll probably use the same cinnamon frosting recipe again.

On a side note I just made some more cupcakes. From this recipe: https://preppykitchen.com/pumpkin-spice-cupcakes/
and I fugging undercooked them *screams internally eternally*. I was going to do the vanilla pudding filling and icing tomorrow but I guess I'm just going to have to make a new batch and do it all tomorrow. Goddamn it. I don't know why but I ended up with too much batter before I put them in the oven, too. There was enough for another 3-4 cupcakes. I don't know what I used too much of but I really doubt I did seeing as I'm obsessive compulsive with quadruple checking every step of a recipe as I follow it. Why can't I do anything. WHY

>> No.11362897

fuck me dude

>> No.11362948

Where the fuck do you find unsweetened condensed milk?

>> No.11362967

Evaporated milk?

>> No.11364778

You probably just didn't use the exact same batter dollop size as the recipe writer, did you distribute the extra amongst the cupcakes?

>> No.11365227

you sound paranoid as fuck and incredibly hard to deal with, calm the fuck down and stop terrorising your family

>> No.11365230

>did you distribute the extra amongst the cupcakes
Yes I did. I didn't think he stated in the recipe that there would be leftover batter. did he?

>> No.11365267

Nah, I just meant the recipe was vague about the portioning, rather than you doing something wrong in portioning.