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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11353458 No.11353458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

another RAW as hell hamburger from mcdonalds, i'm so done

>> No.11353459 [DELETED] 


>> No.11353462


>> No.11353464
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1453214779586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T H I C C thighs bruv.

>> No.11353467

Fucking disgusting, look at his hand

>> No.11353469

That's a smoke ring

>> No.11353470

Its raw

>> No.11353473

Buy a quarter pounds worth of little patties

>> No.11353475
File: 2 KB, 125x72, 1485318523652s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember your people want $15 an hour for this.

>> No.11353483

It is a quartpounder
What do you mean "your people"? And there right its called the Living Wage

>> No.11353490

It's an optical illusion. The meat just looks lighter because it's surrounded by something far darker.

>> No.11353498

He means niggers

>> No.11353499

All the other ingredients are lighter then the patty though

>> No.11353503

Is this the faggot that was complaining about McDonalds the other day or some other cunt?

>> No.11353505

racist dumb ass

>> No.11353507

If you dont like it make your own damn food

>> No.11353508

You people, niggers

>> No.11353514

i'm a mother of 2 damn kids and i aint got the time to make my own damn food all the time so shut the fuck up about what you don't know about

>> No.11353515

i hate fucked up fast food. Im usually so desperate so i resort to it, and it comes out like this.

>> No.11353525

Sounds like you should have stopped at zero. And taken some lessons on meditation on stress relief.

>> No.11353527

I'm guessing you "didn't have time" to go to school either

>> No.11353536
File: 3.22 MB, 1800x2554, thatcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minimum wage for minimum skills

>> No.11353539

Is that you Doughboy?

>> No.11353540

its frustrating cus it even like its hard for them to cook and you pay so much for it now a days that it should come out right. its either raw as hell or burned to shit smdh no excuse
sounds like you don't get any pussy and the only stress relieve you get is jerking your tiny dick cus you can't get none

>> No.11353541

>don't have the time to spend thirty or so minutes to cook
What the fuck do you spend your time doing?

>> No.11353547

working and handlin my two kids. aint everyone got 30 minutes to waste on cooking 1 meal. maybe when you leave your mama's basement you'll find out what its like to be busy

>> No.11353549

Smoking blunts and posing for instagram pictures

>> No.11353552

>single mother

>> No.11353557

you talking about your self again cus it ain't none of your damn business what i do
your the one whose single honey. not me i got a man

>> No.11353558
File: 140 KB, 379x440, 3D4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raise minimum wage to $15.
>Companies start to automate and/or layoff workers to compensate
>Now much less likely headway in job advancement from the lowest levels since you'll immediately be replaced with one of the now larger pool of searchers.
>Increase cost of living by virtue of increasing expected budgets.
Why do these wage hikes happen in the first place?

>> No.11353564

So people like OP can pretend to care about their job

>> No.11353571

i make $17/hr to support my kids i bet you ain't even got a job

>> No.11353577

Alright, you had me for a moment there lad, but i'm not going to fall for this again.

>> No.11353579
File: 158 KB, 727x560, 1539738927442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you aint got a husband either

>> No.11353581

>i made the stupid choice to spew a being out between my piss and shithole so you should feel sorry for me
Breeders are too stupid to breed and should have their spawn immediately confiscated at birth and raised properly in controlled environments.

>> No.11353583

Your kids are going to grow up to be criminals either way, why bother?

>> No.11353586


fuck you i spend 144 hours a week to work for my children you wouldn't handle a day in my life

>> No.11353588

I know you're pretending to be retarded for You, but it takes the same amount of time to cook 6 meals as it does to cook 1.
Git gud

>> No.11353589

i got a man, i don't need a husband til i find the right one
i don't even understand yalls posts like this but there probably racist
my kids are smarter then all of you and i don't raise no damn criminals.

>> No.11353590

I agree, being a nigger for even one day would be the worst hell I could imagine

>> No.11353596

you ain't me and i actually spend 60 to 80 hours a week at work but thats not your damn business
now your just playing. it take 6 times as longer to cook 6 meals then 1. thats basic damn math

>> No.11353600

>getting baited

>> No.11353610

can yall stop be racist for 5 minutes to discuss mcdonalds? forreal only 1 person talked about it besides me. everyone else is just talking shit about me cus im black which im use to but damn your all ignorant as hell. everybody here keeps talkin about my skin , my family, my job, my intelligence but nobody is talking about the damn cheeseburger

>> No.11353619

I'm sick of McDonalds. I'm pretty sure most of us are, and the fast food threads are shill and troll. Hell it wouldn't surprise me if someone has finally figured out a way to get bots to advertise here again.

So yeah, honestly, I'd rather rather why the hell you've gone with the torn-up blue-jeans look stupid kids make with scissors and even dumber adults actually buy than discuss fast food one more fucking time on /ck/. Send your raw burger pics to corporate with info on which location you were at.

>> No.11353626

How fat are you?

>> No.11353628

>can yall stop be racist for 5 minutes to discuss mcdonalds?

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.11353629
File: 24 KB, 275x183, 2F25C44C-4CD9-4AED-986C-AA8BA0D3548B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11353630

>the fast food threads are shill and troll. Hell it wouldn't surprise me if someone has finally figured out a way to get bots to advertise here again.
can yall speak english for once instead of whatever your trying to say in these posts? like damn talk like a normal person for once in your life cus i don't even understand half these replys
if you don't want to talk about the mcdonalds burger then don't click on my post cus ain't nobody forcing you to be on here

>> No.11353635

Just because you're sick of fast foods threads doesn't give you the right to call her the n-word.

>> No.11353638

What the hell is a McChicken sauce packet anyway, was he referring to a packet of mayo?

>> No.11353640

I didn't call her the n-word you illiterate fuck.

But way to white-knight. I'm sure all those internet ladies you've saved are grateful.

>> No.11353643

McChicken sauce isn't just mayo, it's McDonald's signature blend of oil, egg yolk and lemon juice.

>> No.11353652

You heavily implied it with your mean-spirited post. They don't have to be grateful. My reward is the satisfaction that I'm doing the right thing even if nobody asked me to. It's called being a hero, something you're not, and something you should look into before you're too far gone.

>> No.11353655

Why the fuck would he put extra mayo on a Mcdonalds sandwich, the sandwiches are loaded already

>> No.11353657

It's not mayo, it's McChicken sauce.

>> No.11353666
File: 19 KB, 543x443, brainlet short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck would he put extra mayo on a Mcdonalds sandwich, the sandwiches are loaded already
Did you even read the post? He's dipping his fries in it.

>> No.11353669

>the word nigger was implied by not being polite
Holy shit please tell me you're trolling and not the very spirit of tumblr.

Go back. Or to one of our containment boards. /co/ is riddled with you for some reason.

>> No.11353678

Based faulty bait detector poster

>> No.11353691

He /even/ dips his fries in it, meaning he likes it so much on his sandwich he goes the extra mile, but even that implies he's dipping his fries in fucking mayo which is disgusting

>> No.11353699

It's the tone of your posts that give it away, just like this one. It's your faux sense of superiority that is the real giveaway. You can deny it all you want to, but we both know you were 6 keystrokes away from saying it.
Believe it or not, but some people actually care about African Americans. Shocking I know.

>> No.11353705

>even that implies he's dipping his fries in fucking mayo which is disgusting
Ok retard, McChicken Sauce isn't mayo

>> No.11353711

>Believe it or not, but some people actually care about African Americans. Shocking I know.
Based patronizing White Man's Burden carrier

>> No.11353712

McChicken sauce isn't mayo though.

>> No.11353730

I feel for what I believe to be your sincerity but if you cared about Black Americans you wouldn't be calling them 'African Americans'. They are not first or even third generation in the high majority of cases and have no real ties to Africa.
But considering you're arguing about this here, on an underground Vietnamese typewriting forum, I am kind of suspicious of your intentions.

>> No.11353734
File: 299 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20181008_180058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is mcchicken sauce if not mayo?

>> No.11353748

Wait wait wait. Sweetie, are you trying to say that being second or third generation suddenly makes you native? Blacks will always have ties to Africa as long as they carry African blood (i.e. as long as they exist as a people).

Next thing you'll be saying ypipo settler colonialists have a right to stay in America just because they've been here since the 1600s. This is UNCEDED NATIVE TERRITORY and everybody has to leave eventually. Or are you some kind of crypto white supremacist?

>> No.11353764

I said what I said because I have been informed by Black Americans that it makes more sense to refer to them as such. I agree with their sentiment. To say that because a person has very distant ties to a distant land prevents them from being a citizen of a nation they are legally a citizen of is insanity.

Furthermore 'Native Americans' are not even native to the America's, so if you really want to go down that route I would suggest at least using the original Americans as an example. Of course doing so brings up the issue of planetary ownership, in which case your perspective kind of falls short. People needing to leave a territory is a dangerous mentality that is only possible by implying we arent all in the same territory, and came from the same territory to begin with.

>> No.11353800

You use so many pseudointellectual weasel-words that it's hard to even follow what you're trying to say.

Denying the rights of Native Americans to their own land, in what is now called the United States of America (illegally occupied), is tantamount to endorsing genocide.

>> No.11353826 [DELETED] 

What did you not understand? I can rephrase it if you want?
I am not suggesting legal citizens of a nation should not be considered citizens, they are. I am saying that what we consider 'Native Americans' are actually from Asia and slaughtered the then occupants of North America. And so using one of their tribes as an example of an original American is false. They are just as much usurpers as the British where.

>> No.11353828

Are there really any cons to getting rid of all black people?

>> No.11353874
File: 5 KB, 120x120, laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Solutrean hypothesis is a white supremacist conspiracy theory.
You're among friends with the likes of David Duke.


Stop denying Native Americans the right to their own country. You are complicit in genocide.

>> No.11353882

Where did I deny a legal citizen their right to being a citizen?

>> No.11353884

>>>/pol/ is that way sweetie

>> No.11353943

What is it then?

>> No.11353951

Are you fucking retarded? I'm making the point that the other poster is using the same talking point as David Duke regarding Native Americans' rights to their own land, hence the other poster is a racist white supremacist

>> No.11353971

He's not the one going to white nationalist websites and linking them here though. Enjoy your watchlist btw, honey.

>> No.11353988

Are you? You literally proved his point by posting that.

>> No.11354025
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>I get literally no sleep, ever.

>> No.11354031
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Cool story, Gordon Ramsay.

>> No.11354039

If you don't think that burger is raw you're culinarily illiterate.

>> No.11354071

Most people supporting children don't sleep for days straight because they work so much.

>> No.11354105

The fuck is wrong with OP? I worked at McFags for years, there is no way on Gods green earth that it would even be possible to cook anything less than burnt to a crisp. Everything is timed and pressed by machines, I never saw any color but dark brown the whole time I was there. I can only assume that this is a troll or OP is stupid as fuck. Probably both.

>> No.11354106

Yeah, but don't babies sleep like 15 hours a day?
In any case, saying you work 24/7 in any job is a deciduous prospect, barring some odd side cases where resting is a part of your job.

>> No.11354112
File: 1.40 MB, 300x250, 1532549120972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people in this thread unironically believe a single black mom of two is actually posting on /ck/

>> No.11354136

Being a parent IS a full time job, sweetheart.

>> No.11354139

ehhhhhh its probably the instragram filter

>> No.11354143

Whats your insta?

>> No.11354144

me on the left

>> No.11354301

...Unless you get a babysitter.

>> No.11354315


>> No.11354322

are you retarded? If i have a bakery it takes the same time to cook 12 loafs of bread as it takes to cook one. It's simple, since the amount of bread i can cook in parallel due the size of the oven is greater then 12.

>> No.11354335

i'm not retarded but you are. it takes 12 times as long to cook 12 meals for a family. baking bread is not a meal

>> No.11354346

Cook 12 lasagna in oven, takes the same time as cooking one. Next you'll be saying lasagna is not a meal.

How about eggs? Takes same time to cook 100 as it does to cook 1 if you got a big enough pot.

Same for stews and soup.

>> No.11354349

I was hoping the same thing when I saw this thread but I don't think this is Doughboy.

>> No.11354351

>now your just playing. it take 6 times as longer to cook 6 meals then 1. thats basic damn math
Damn you're stupid. Or trolling

>> No.11354352

Right where?

>> No.11354373

Shitskin lmao you have nothing to be proud about

>> No.11354377

>illiterate niggress
>ripped jeans (great value of all that money you spend working for yo kids)
>too stupid to cook for herself and save money and thinks waiting in line or drivethru for unhealthy reheated garbage she feeds to her dumbass kids so they grow up malnutritioned and brain deficient like her, is a good idea
>doesn't have time to cook but can bitch on a Sudanese kebab spinning forum for hours and probably text her girlfriends or hunt for a new man
>probably that same stupid bitch from the other day that got her fake nails "did"
>probably also hits her kids because she doesn't know how to discipline
>acts like the working hard is better than working smart
new low, /ck/, new low

>> No.11354430

should went back and shown it to the manager, I bet you'd get a bunch of bomb ass free coupons

>> No.11354436

Why are you on 4chan then, nigger.

>> No.11354439

Imagine being so fucking stupid you cant cook and you're a single mom.
Gas your self.

>> No.11354443

Holy shit you're not impressive please kill yourself and take you'r shit spawn with you.

>> No.11354451

Why are you on 4chan new fagots?

>> No.11354456

Holy shit can you please go back to whatever shithole site you come from.