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11349658 No.11349658 [Reply] [Original]

how do I make a great burger?

>> No.11349733 [DELETED] 

By trolling a libtard epic style.

>> No.11349955

Buy ground beef
Add some salt and pepper to the meat and form patties
Cook the patties on the grill or in a skillet
Eat with a bun and ketchup
If you're feeling adventurous put some cheese on top off the patties right before they're done

>> No.11349960

>t. never cooked a burger in his life

>> No.11349963

>85/15 beef
>mix in bowl with generous amount of seasoning
>1-2tbsp of whole grain mustard
>mix until it comes together slightly so that it doesn't fall apart in pan

>cook in pan with enough oil to get a good sear

>serve on soft bun with your choice of salads and sauces

>> No.11349973

80/20 beef
roll into a 1/4 pound ball
heat up cast iron to medium highish heat
chuck in some oil
put ball in pan, squish the ever loving fuck out of it till it's thin as shit
put salt and pepper on it
Wait till the top looks gray, then flip
throw on cheese, let that bitch go till cheese is melted

>> No.11349976

ok, this is epic

>> No.11349978

fuck this anon, never use any seasoning other than salt and pepper, and dont add anything to the meat

>> No.11349982

season 1/3lb-1/2lb patty; salt, pepper, garlic
cook patty for 3.5-4 minutes a side.
add sauteed onions + green peppers on top of patty
melt cheese over onion/pepper combo

>> No.11350022 [DELETED] 

>5 kikes

>> No.11350024

order one from Roy Rogers

>> No.11350035
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Ground beef, at least 60/40
Add onions
Add egg
Add breadcrums
Add salt
Add pepper
Add spices
Mix well
Make in to patties
Bake until crisp

>> No.11350041

wrong as fuck
that's meatloaf

>> No.11350050

t. never had the most amazing burger patties this side of town

>> No.11350065


>> No.11350071

I used to make them like that till I tried cutting out all that bullshit and started having the most amazing burgers.

>> No.11350076

Now your just embarassing urself

>> No.11350088

lmao eddie murphy is right, that's literally the recipe to make a meatball
im not this anon btw >>11350065

>> No.11350108

t. not a chef

>> No.11350111

plenty chefs make shitty burgers.
Keep it simple, there's a reason why in n out is number 1.
salt, pepper, meat.

>> No.11350112

Needs garlic, seasoning and egg to bind

>> No.11350119

nah it doesnt

>> No.11350122

good point

>> No.11350295

Same here. Meat, salt and pepper is all you need. Put all the other shit you want on top, or in the dressing

>> No.11350359

Nigga, make your patties up before you put the salt and pepper on them.

>> No.11351083

>implying that matters

>> No.11351158

you forgot
>screaming hot pan
>take out batteries in smoke detector.

>> No.11351168

it does matter. that salt and pepper on the outside of the patty will condense into raw unadulterated flavor that will get pulled throughout the patty anyway. salt also draws moisture out so you really only want it on the outside of the patty so that it's still quite juicy on the inside. you want to cook your burger through, but you still want it to be juicy.

t. worked as a chef and manager at a nationally recognized and reviewed burger dive in Texas for years

>> No.11351178

I'll give it a shot next time I make burgers then

>> No.11351195

one other tip if you're using a grill or aren't making smash burgers - make a divet in the middle of the patty (press your thumb into the center a bit to make decent sized indentation). this comes more from home cooking since i'm not grilling burgers on a flat top at home, but this will help prevent the burger from "plumping up" too much in the middle if you like grilling burgers. just don't over do it with the divet or your patty might fall apart when cooking

>> No.11351228


You should make a little ball of meat and smash it down as thinly as possible over a pile of caramelized onions. Flip once, add American cheese, put out on a toasted hawaiian roll

>> No.11351230

I like garlic but egg is unnecessary.

>> No.11351260
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>> No.11352534
File: 58 KB, 753x502, asfaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steak n shake taught me how to make the best burgers. i don't have a flat top grill, so i used cast iron.

>fry bacon in cast iron
>form 80/20 ground beef into balls
>place in hot as fuck pan
>smash down into grease with another cast iron
>1 minute on each side
>add cheese towards the end
>toast the fucking bun
>put the topics on the bottom

perfect everytime

>> No.11352566

So you press all the moisture out of the burger and cook the shit out of it, but you still press down the already cooked side with a pan that's covered in raw beef?

>> No.11352599

nah i just smash the one side

how do you make burgers

>> No.11352612

>form 80/20 beef into patties
>season with salt, pepper, garlic powder
>cook in pan, flat top, grill until done to your liking

It's not rocket science, and 80/20 doesn't need extra fat; if you just want the bacon flavor why not just add the bacon on top of the burger?

>> No.11353309
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>cast iron

>> No.11353561

do you like smash or thick?

>> No.11354832

100% pure butter. There I gave you the secret ingredient all the anons here are keeping from you.

>> No.11355620

Double Dubs checked

>> No.11356309

How is that a secret, what the fuck else would you use.

>> No.11356372

I dont want it to be Juicy. It's messy and leaks everywhere.

>> No.11356409


All I can say is: You're welcome.

>> No.11356412
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>Ketchup on a burger

>> No.11356414

>he wants to ruin his pans

>> No.11356457
File: 655 KB, 3035x3024, yvjbcrkv0j0z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The biggest difference is always texture.

#1.) Style 1 - make thin patties in a skillet. This will be a softer burger. Recommended topping: American Cheese, melted on top.

>> No.11356470
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#2.) Style 2 - Make a thick burger and grill over charcoal. This is a chewier burger but has a smokey taste. Recommended topping: cold shredded mild cheddar.

>> No.11356474
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>> No.11356477

Yuro here: When you say "American cheese", do you just mean cheddar or monterey jack or what?

>> No.11356491
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>> No.11356494


Absolutely cold. The contrast is what makes it. Like cold lettuce and tomato.

Hot and melted is not always the way to go.

>> No.11356497

Kraft Singles.

>> No.11356504

10/10 brain dead. If you want a temperature contrast in a burger, get it from the vegetables.

>> No.11356506

Okay, thanks. Have never seen this in the wild, so I guess I'll need to substitute that.

>> No.11356511
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I mean those shit style Kraft American singles style cheese. I wouldn't use it for anything else, but it has a real gooey melt, like Velveeta, that works with the soft thin patties

>> No.11356516


You don't know what you're talking about. I'm sure you're the type of retard that insists burgers should ONLY be either thick or thin and the one you don't like just sucks.

>> No.11356517

Oh, yuck, that junk? Yeah, definitely substituting that.

>> No.11356531
File: 72 KB, 750x563, 5b512b8af3fd9986018b48ec-750-563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Other cheeses just don't give you the same type of melt. This is the type of shit you're getting on In-N-Out Burger, that so many people love.

>> No.11356539

>I'm sure my generalization about a stranger is correct
Your argument is stupid enough on its own without doubling down on being an idiot.

>> No.11356551


I can tell you that the cold shredded cheddar on top is used by Port of Call in New Orleans, which is generally regarded as one of, if not THE best burger, in the city of New Orleans, which is known for it's great food. I don't think that many people, who have so many great food options, are wrong.

>> No.11356562

You really are stupid, aren't you?

>> No.11356581


I dunno. I have a lot of options by world class chefs. Top restaurants in the world. Some of the best food in the entire country is here. You're just some dickhead on 4chan? I stand by my experiences.

>> No.11356588

use Kobe beef, truffle, foie gras, caviar as ingredient

>> No.11356603
File: 392 KB, 860x450, 9AEACCDE-1683-41F5-B0E8-B31B5D48AEDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can’t

It’s Impossible

>> No.11356640

The 'best' Burger is the one that fits your taste. Experiment and stick with what you like.

>> No.11356686

Might be that you're getting better versions then, but where I live that stuff is ridiculed as "plastic cheese" because it tastes artificial.

>> No.11356693
File: 713 KB, 1484x729, PORTOFCALL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just to show you it's not just my opinion...

>> No.11356700

Give it a rest. You're not going to convince him that shredded cheese is great on a burger and he's not going to convince you that it isn't. There's no point to this. Personally, I'd just be worried the cheese would spill everywhere if you do it like this.

>> No.11356702

Eh. I thought that worked but then I had some actually good burgers, watched some videos on how to make burgers and now I know that all my experiments went into completely the wrong direction. So reading what other people do seems like a great idea.

>> No.11356781
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Boomer detected

>> No.11356787

way overdressing a burger, those are meatballs

burgers should be 100% about the beef, nothing else

>> No.11356799


Not only what to add, WHEN matters too.


We seasoned ground beef three ways:
A) In the first batch, we salted the meat before shaping the patties so that some of the salt got worked into the interior.
B) In the second batch, we formed the patties and salted them on the outside 30 minutes before cooking.
C) In the third batch, we salted the patties just before cooking.

A) We found that the burgers salted before being formed into patties had a firm, almost snappy texture that was closer to sausage than any of us would have liked. (The salt works quickly; it makes a difference even if a burger sits for only a minute or two before cooking.) B) The patties that rested for 30 minutes after being salted on the outside had a tender interior but a dry and springy exterior, where the salt came into contact with the meat.
C) Only the burgers that were seasoned on the outside and at the very last minute had the texture we liked.


>> No.11356864

i don't know about cold but maybe room temperature souds pretty good to me

>> No.11358549
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Damn right

>> No.11358552

>Mixing spices into the meat
>Eating ketchup ever

>> No.11358562

You had me until hawain roll. Those are disgusting.