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11348604 No.11348604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here know how to take it to the next level w a waitress? she always says things like 'honey' and 'baby' to me. like i go there all the time just to see her now. she now recognizes me and smiles at me. But I also know how women always worry one of their creepy ass customers looks will imagine a relationship with them and rape them. help me navigate this very complex situation.

>> No.11348608

Watch IASIP. Charlie's technique is what you want

>> No.11348615

cocaine and be black

>> No.11348616

Ask to see her monkey

>> No.11348617

Is she just calling you 'honey' and 'baby'? Or is she also very talktaktive with you about stuff not directly related to your order?

>> No.11348669

some people are just nice, anon. dont get your hopes up

>> No.11348674

no she calls me honey and baby while bringing me food. but I feel a silent connection to her and I feel that it is mutual

>> No.11348684

Report her sexual harassment of customers is never acceptable

>> No.11348687

She is likely just being overly friendly. Standard for waitresses, especially when it comes to tipping. If she doesn't ever initiate small talk beyond taking your order, or hello there is likely nothing there. Get a backbone and stop falling for any girl who acknowledges your existence.
But when not try and talk more with her, and see what happens. Best of luck anon, but stop being a faggot.

>> No.11348694

Engage in more dialogue with her.

Find an excuse to tell a small story, ask her how she is, and talk a little more each time if you aren’t already.

You don’t need to rush to ask her out. Just get comfy talking to her and make sure she’s comfy around you.

>> No.11348710

OP I think you're going to break your own heart.

>> No.11348714

She's just being nice.

>> No.11348719

She wants your money, tubby.

>> No.11348730

this womyns face unsettles me

>> No.11348731

don't they all

>> No.11348736
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>this womyns face unsettles me

>> No.11348764

specifically request her as your waitress when you go but don't tip her so she will know you're "not like all those other customers". this will help her to view you as a prospective mate and not a customer

>> No.11348769
File: 720 KB, 1592x1445, howtohuntforpuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this

>> No.11348797

This is gold

>> No.11348801

leave her alone, she’s just trying to do her job

>> No.11348810

t. Butthurt Roastie

>> No.11348879

People need to not overthink about these damn attraction signifier
Sure I eat a diner who calls me darling, sometimes join in my table and sit to converse with me, asked me out to meet up sometime,held hands with me while walking place to place, have intimate moments where we fornicated and refers to each other as a significant other but I don't delude myself into thinking that she is interested in me or like harbor any feelings

>> No.11348882

roasties and betas laugh at it but it in all likelihood works often enough to be worth it

>> No.11348906

That’s a man

>> No.11348912

Your choice is literally just to go out on a limb and potentially make yourself look silly, or play it safe and go home alone at the end of the night.

>> No.11348940

Honey is a general way many women address people. It isn't necessarily a term of endearment. For some women baby is the same way. You are reading too much into it.

Besides waitresses are bad relationship material. They tend to be irresponsible, promiscuous, emotional unstable, and drug addicts.

>> No.11348976

You think you can't read signals? Cashier at the office supply store here seems to hate my guts and gets visibly upset when I come up to pay for stuff and she's super rude to me, like over the top rude. And I thought maybe she liked me and was just not sure how to show it so one day I asked her where she lived and she said what? and I said what is your address so I can come over when you get off work? and she told me to get the F out of the store and the other employees were yelling at me while I walked out.
Fucking women, man.

>> No.11348987

Usually the line is Can I have your phone number?

>> No.11348989
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>> No.11349008

>the water is cold but i don't feel so it feels great

what are the chances she's mildly retarded? she looks/sounds like she has sub80 iq.

>> No.11349009

You should stalk her, waitresses need to be punished for exploiting the emotions of their customers just for a better tip. Stupid bitch

>> No.11349014
File: 35 KB, 768x576, 1D869445-59E4-4E86-BAA4-A6CC4B78D774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this autistic

>> No.11349018

>ITT OP is so hideous that only one service person in his entire life has ever treated him with a modicum of respect and now he's confused by sudden kindness
Man OP, this is really sad.

>> No.11349024


>> No.11349061

Silent connections are rarely mutual. Do yourself a favor and don't let yourself get too into a woman without talking to her to gauge her actual interest.
So for this waitress, your default assumption should be that she's just being nice because it's her job.
If you find yourself not able to get her out of your head, then just man up and ask her out. Ya never know

>> No.11349066

She's just an art hoe.

>> No.11349071

Maybe you should have tried mentioning skinsuits or something

>> No.11349176

>me, a man who makes nogf posts, and has a waifu, is less lame than this lame man who is being a goofball.

>> No.11349503

oh god i hope so

>> No.11349540


What makes this image funny for me is just the 30 year old boomer MS Paint job. The advice itself totally works, it's just that you need to be normal looking and not a complete social autist to pull it off.

>> No.11349603

Jizz all over her tits as a way of showing your appreciation.

>> No.11349696

No it doesn't

>> No.11349816

Wait out back and suck her dick during her smoke break.

>> No.11349866

Ask her name. Be excited to see her "again". Ask her questions about her life you genuinely want to know. Don't overdo it just be sincere. Follow up on those next time with more conversation. Find out where she likes to be. Be there often. Ask if she's going to the next thing you are going to. Hope to see her there.

Familiarity and change of venue are both really important. The more places she sees you at outside of work the more familiar you will become beyond that. If you can't get to a place she enjoys being then keep the convo going until you find your in, or can just ask her out. If you get rejected shrug it off like it never happened and stay interested, be interesting. You can't make it weird if you are just being genuine.

>> No.11350191

Joey Diaz please go

>> No.11350194

grab her butt next time she comes to your table. Women love alpha assertive moves like that

>> No.11350354

Unironically, a 2-3 minute swim in very cold water can be very good for mental health (for some people). It can help calibrate the fight-or-flight reflex so that you only freak out over physical stress and not emotional stress.