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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 640x640, oreosandjuice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11320067 No.11320067 [Reply] [Original]

food combinations that sound gross but are really good
example oreos dipped in orange juice

>> No.11320068
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i hope you get murdered

>> No.11320073

>sugar dipped in sugar


>> No.11320095

>all caps
>zero punctuation
Ask me how I know you are a boomer.

>> No.11320101

No, boomers write... like... this..... for some reason.... they love...................... ellipses

>> No.11320192

cream cheese bagel with a fried egg on top.

>> No.11320221

Boomers didn't grow up learning how to type through texting, dum dum.

>> No.11320253

Polish style pickled cucumbers are awesome with pizzas and toasted cheese baguettes, but their taste varies so much you really have to commit to finding the best one

>> No.11320516

Chocolate biscuits and cheese

Fuck you it's great.

>> No.11321807

thats not really wierd

>> No.11322786

Soy sauce, olive oil, and bagels.

>> No.11322790

rice and mayo

>> No.11322795

The fuck is wrong with people.

>> No.11323473


sounds like it could work honestly

to contribute, I love peanut butter and gouda cheese sandwiches, not sure how weird that is, but they're god tier

also like eating chocolate and potato chips together, but I do that very rarely because I don't want to become a lard

>> No.11323737

Dill pickle flavored Pringles
Creamy Spinach Tostitos dip
Mexican Coca Cola

>> No.11323810

Ketchup and Frito Scoops

>> No.11323857

mashed potatoes with a scoop of mustard

>> No.11323893

Salty popcorn with sweet and sour sauce

>> No.11323931

>oreos dipped in orange juice


>> No.11323941

rice and sour cream

>> No.11324178
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when working in McDonald's, I've found that a donut and chicken nuggets go incredibly well together

>> No.11324191

I put cheetos in the freezer they just taste better cold.

>> No.11324255

I've done what both of you descripe + I smear nutella on white bread, and put gouda cheese on top...
I wouldn't call it a decent meal, it's just that those combinations aren't so bad. I eat stuff like that at work to get some energy fast, without eating pure candy.

>> No.11324268

I havent done this since Ive been an adult but Lays original chips dipped in some chocolate milk. Poor mans french fries and milkshake

>> No.11324274

Goats cheese in dates. Tried this at a wedding, absolutely phenomenal.

>> No.11324403

>peanut butter & pickles
>wendys fries & frosties
>pinapple & pepperoni
Anyone who hates these is an NPC

>> No.11324484

any cookie/cracker in warm grape juice
especially nilla wafers

>> No.11324501


well, my advice would be to give pb + cheese a try (it's better if you can make the cheese melt though) since all in all it isn't that bad of a meal, it's very satiating aswell, especially if you use whole wheat bread.

>> No.11324507

Toast, strawberry jam, cheddar.
Toast with camembert dipped in coffee.
Not that adventurous but they really do the trick.

>> No.11324511

Christmas oranges with mustard.

>> No.11324510

We're all everybody else's NPCs.

>> No.11324579


>> No.11324596

not weird

>> No.11324604


Chocolate chip cookies + cheddar under the broiler for a minute or two.

Spank me later.

>> No.11324640

am I retarded or are you joking? isn't it just a grill? is that an actual term for a grill?

>> No.11324652
File: 2.17 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20181003_092411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noodles catsup and Velveeta. It's a good diet food also

>> No.11324657

that's all just existing brands tailored to taste good, are Americans incapable of thinking in anything but brand-vision

>> No.11324677

that's normal and good
weird but can see how it works
think you've posted this before, my girlfriend will est pasta and tomato sauce and its disgusting looking

>> No.11324702

peanut butter and barbecue chip sandwiches

>> No.11324706
File: 10 KB, 771x711, 1245144882752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be shitting me. This is your diet food ? Carbs with a topping of fat, sugar and salt ? This is what you consider to be healthy ?
How morbedly obese are you anon ? Have you heard of vegetables ?

>> No.11324714

pasta and ketchup comes from vegetables and flowers

>> No.11324716
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No they fucking don't you dumbass.

>> No.11324717


the broiler in your oven

>> No.11324784

Toast with jam and cheddar is balls out amazing

>> No.11324837

My old roommate was allergic to yeast, so he used tortillas for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, except he swore by adding Cheetos to it

>> No.11324842

General tso's and Mac and cheese

I call it the safeway special

>> No.11324847



God you're are retard

>> No.11324875

Yeah, flower doesn't come from flowers it comes from grain and the small portion of tomato in your ketchup isn't enough to qualify this condiment as full blown "coming from vegetables".
So, how about that question about how morbidly obese you are ?

>> No.11324889
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pb&j with a slice of bologna is amazing

>> No.11324891

I was grossed out when I heard a friend say she loved dill pickle and mayo sandwiches.

Went home that day and made one and realized the error of my ways.

>> No.11324899
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Gingerbread cookies & blue cheese

>> No.11324946


>> No.11325089


Stop posting.

>> No.11325164

>wendys fries & frosties
Thank god someone agrees

>> No.11325173

Prawn crackers dipped in 7up

>> No.11325182

this is how americans actually think

>> No.11325307

>likes wendy's fries dipped in frosties
>calls others npc

>> No.11325318

This is literally food science

>> No.11325326
File: 64 KB, 800x450, 7dd22523-eea7-435c-a68d-a052b00e65bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spaghetti tacos

>> No.11325390

Steak and nanners

>> No.11325523

not him but
>Not liking wendy's fries dipped in frosties
NPC detected

>> No.11325524
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Middle of the night tiredness and not a native english speaker makes it easy to write gibberish. You got what I meant anyway.
It's okay to eat pasta with ketchup but I would advise against doing it too often or you'll get diabetes from your diet meals which are not healthy nor entirely made out of flowers and vegetables.

>> No.11325568
File: 106 KB, 828x828, カツカレー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't really fit, because it is gross and it doesn't tatste good. But goddamn katsu curry is something quite unique.

I really like katsudon, and cheap Japanese curry is pretty tasty too, but who thought that combining these two was a good idea?

>> No.11325871

I do but if you're going to act high and mighty, you better be right.

Off yourself.

>> No.11325911
File: 596 KB, 1280x1725, 3b1c0723a7bceab39a08118b2c6849fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just backpedal a bit on what I said, please do eat your flowery vegetables as much as possible, you massive avocado-shaped dickhead.

>> No.11325934

>curry katsu

It's on the menu of nearly every Japanese restaurant I've ever been to and I can guarantee you that it's commonplace in Japan.

>> No.11326195


>> No.11326302

autistic opinion my guy

>> No.11326341

Scrambled eggs with blueberries

>> No.11326627


>> No.11326993

Oh, I'm aware of that, it's that fact that it's so common that baffles me.

>> No.11327004

Dr Pepper Mixed with Orange Soda.

A 50/50 mix is good, but adjust to taste.

It was my friends favorite drink in highschool, he talked me into trying it, it's really good.

>> No.11327187

I like using cottage cheese as chip dip but I don't think it is that weird. I make peanut butter and mozzarella sandwiches though

>> No.11327341

Pickles and fries. You need to take a bite of both at same time