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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11312193 No.11312193 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't America have good neighborhood bakeries? Also to the flyovers who will say "oh but my bakery is good", no. Not Panera.

>> No.11312202

There are lots of good bakeries. They're just in the big cities, often. That's where the customers are.

>> No.11312207

Cities do, most other places have been usurped because of factors like dual-working parents not feeling the need to get fresh bread everyday, and chains such as Panera baking fresh loaves every day when people are in the mood for fresh bread. Not to mention that breakfast in America is basically a coffee, lunch is what you eat at work, and dinner is the only meal freshly produced. It's more cultural than anything.

>> No.11312209
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I live in flyover country, my local bakery is great, and it's not Panera or any kind of chain. Get fucked.

>> No.11312223

I live in a town of 15,000 and we have both a patisserie and a boulangerie. We also have a Viennese cafe that serves Sachertorte.

I don't know why my fellow flyovers get butt-smashed when some coastie faggot who pays $5K a month for a broom closet and lives primarily on gook "food" starts lipping off about what he thinks Midwesterners eat. Who cares? God bless you all and #MAGA.

>> No.11312225

>eating bread

>> No.11312239

Well la di da
Whatever happened to doughnuts, you self-hating cuck?
I bet you drink Heineken

>> No.11312282
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There’s an amazing polish bakery in my supermarket on the south west side of Chicago. Packzki’s (punch-keys) every day. Cake is great. So are the chocolate frogs

>> No.11312297

Small towns and especially rural areas are super risky since the price of items are far greater than baked goods in supermarkets or spota like Panera.

That and Baker's Lung is fucking horrible.

>> No.11312382

There are great bakeries in every town in the Rust Belt, they're just not uppity hipster avocado toast boutiques. Idiot

>> No.11312385

Where? I've lived in various midwest and southern flyover shitholes and never seen that. The best you can do is maybe a Kroger, god help us all.

>> No.11312400

Kroger is based though, at least compared to the other chain grocery stores

>> No.11312408

California has some nice bakeries. In my county there's a really nice Dutch bakery that makes some great bread.

>> No.11312410
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I literally live in flyover, USA and some faggot liberal opened up a artisan bakery in our town. I look forward to him denying a trump voter some bread so we can take it to the supreme court and kavanaugh can butt blast the liberals.

>> No.11312420

>hey everybody, the majority of flyover west jeebusville sucks in terms of food products but if we pretend it doesn't and lie about it we're improving and making things great, ok?
Literally the thought process of neanderthal troglodytes.

>> No.11312438

That's a lot of work to not have any good bread around, dipshit

>> No.11312458

I live near the zingermanns headquarters, there is plenty of top tier baked goods around.

>> No.11312505

There's not enough demand. Good bakers open bakeries then fall into depression when all people buy is bread and cake.

>> No.11312511

I honestly can't remember the last time I bought bread let alone felt the need to buy artisan bread.

>> No.11312529

Man, I used to live in Ann Arbor. Zingerman's is pretty great. I especially liked their rye bread.

>> No.11312549

I used to work for them. We got a free loaf of bread every week. The employee/employer relationship there is very strong. If I didn't go to college I probably would have stayed there.

>> No.11312555

Tfw live in a suburb 25 and theres 5 bakeries within 5 miles of my house. Feels good living in the northeast.

>> No.11312598

It always cracks me up when west coast fags think that every other state is an empty wasteland, while never visiting any said states.

>> No.11312625

I live in michigan and I fuckin love the Arabic bakaries over here. Dont get to go too much anymore but they're always a treat.

>> No.11313724

California is not in the northeast you dumb fuck, holy shit try reading a book some time

>> No.11313727

What else do you expect people to buy from a bakery? Jewellery?

>> No.11313737

Cause you idiots put extra sugar in everything

>> No.11313785

Wasn't there a michelin starred chef who committed suicide after living in flyover land because the locals were a bunch of baboons and preferred deep fried "eyetalian beef" sandwiches and muh craft beer?

I know if I had stayed there I would have offed myself, it's one of the largest food deserts in the world.

>> No.11313809

>craft beer

If by craft you mean natural light and bud light, then yeah sure.

>> No.11313818

flyover education, everyone

>> No.11313826

Great blog, subhuman.

>> No.11313838

Hipster beers have invaded even flyover lands.
>at grocery
>alcohol section is basically entire wall of overpriced meme tier garbage ipa singles or 6-packs
>only a couple of good 'ol fashioned boomer brews, like lion red, bud, etc, all in 24-36 boxes
I just want to have lion red after work once or twice a week, like the good 'ol days, but if I buy a box like that, I'm basically obligated to invite a handful of my boomer friends over and barbecue some meat.
It's just not fair.

>> No.11313865
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I can't even buy a fucking macaron to compare my own baking to anywhere within 50 miles. Both bakeries in the area are really overpriced for average wares. It sucks, but at least it means my average baking skills blow minds when I give people desserts.

>> No.11313869

fuck off city slicker

>> No.11314116

Holy shit you faggots are retarded, I was complementing the north east and making fun of the west. Jesus Christ you have to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.11314387
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In SoCal, there's a Mexican bakery on every corner. They're bretty good.

>> No.11314654

>noxious, foul smelling “diversity food” on every corner
You have to go back

>> No.11314676
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Flyovers only bake cornbread, that's about it.

>> No.11314787

is that why this board is obsessed with cast iron skillets?

>> No.11315067

Yeah but rent is way lower even in the central heart of flyover towns

>> No.11315078

>sugar and butter are foul-smelling

>> No.11315087


>> No.11315132

Make a thread stating cast iron is flyover and watch /ck/ NPCs brains short out.

>> No.11316355

The problem with Mexican bread is it's only good if you eat it before 8 AM, it goes stale practically the second you walk out of the store

>> No.11316378

I live in a town nearly twice this size and we have less than a half-dozen eateries of any type that aren't a chain.

>> No.11316385

>grow up less than a mile from one of the best bakeries in a city of 1.5 million people
>never go there growing up
>visit my parents and decide to go with a friend
>it's incredible

I really fucked up didn't I?

>> No.11316386

Regulations you cant sell loafs of bread and pay your employees or costs of business.

>> No.11317203

“Sorry all out of the reason is that hard?

>> No.11317209


>> No.11317649

>grew up in a ghetto
>portugese bakery tucked away in a corner of the neighborhood
>every old person in town would find an excuse to go buy pastries there

Ive never been to another bakery, but portugese people are assholes. Their elephant ears were mediocre at best