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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 705 KB, 1080x1254, 20181009_155631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11310048 No.11310048 [Reply] [Original]

I mean we can pretty much buy beer around from the world anywhere. Any one has experience?

>> No.11310052

i don't think beer is halal

>> No.11310066

No and I'd stay and far from Germany as possible if you do go to yurop. Go to Denmark instead. Far, far fewer refugees so you wont get raped and the beer is excellent.

>> No.11310071

Yes, I live in Sweden, alcohol is very expensive here. Going to Denmark, Germany, Finland or Poland for alcohol is very common.

>> No.11310078

Do you guys recommend something like local beer tour ? Or just visit different bars

>> No.11310160

No but traveling to Germany to rape infidels is very much a thing now.

>> No.11310167

Bs memes

>> No.11310169

I was there for a month. I drank the entire time. Nothing special about the beer. untill i got home bough a 6 pack of beer. it tasted like club soda. I couldnt believe it

>> No.11310170

t. rapefugee

>> No.11310173


>> No.11310180

I was there last year, and it was at the same time as Oktoberfest in Munich. There beer wasn't bad, but it wasn't phenomenal either.

>> No.11310200

>The United Nations Population Fund lists Germany as host to the second-highest number of international migrants worldwide, behind the United States.[13]
>second highest after the US
>german population excluding ethnic minorities - 76%
Suggest a detox from Breitbart and F(au)x News.


>> No.11310205

Mexicans don’t rape like mudslimes and Africans do, despite what our retarded president likes to say. Mexicans are generally hard working and well behaved. Slimes aren’t even human

>> No.11310225

>Mexicans don’t rape like mudslimes

>> No.11310228

Nobody goes to Germany for beer anymore; they go the US west coast for a beer destination.

>> No.11310229

her eyes look like nut sacks

>> No.11310230

In America, immigrants commit less crime than natural born citizens. This is an indisputable fact, and it’s because we don’t let rapefugees in.

>> No.11310231

If you want to go to Europe for beer, either go to Belgium or to the Czech Republic. Poland is also okay.

>> No.11310234

I'm talking about the illegals.

>> No.11310247

your immigrants are spics while your naturals are niggers and mutts
go figure

>> No.11310270

I went to czech 4 years ago. All they had was pilsner. I liked it but i wish there was more variety

>> No.11310273

Are you proud of what you said ?

>> No.11310280

The Oktoberfest is a giant tourist trap.

>> No.11310321

Tourists and shitheads have ruined Oktoberfest. At this point, it's literally a gigantic cheesy shitshow for foreigners. I'm just glad that there are more than enough beerfests to go to.

>> No.11310330
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>> No.11310342
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Well desu any sort of Fest are suppose to attract tourist

>> No.11310346

Literally and figuratively not the case. Unless you call visitors from the next town "tourists".

>> No.11310356

You're right, truth and reality doesn't make for the best memes

>> No.11310364

Being almost as bad shithole as muttrica isn't actually a good thing.

>> No.11310413

Belgium or the north of France

>> No.11310441
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lol @ 'Merican rednecks & niggers thinking other countries are shit when your own crime infested shitholes are collapsing.

>> No.11310442

>Nothing special about the beer. untill i got home
So much this.

>> No.11310449
File: 12 KB, 259x194, Flyover Cities - Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, etc, etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are 'mericans so proud of the shitholes they live in?

>> No.11310460

>what is per capita
Yikes, German education...

>> No.11310474
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>Why are 'mericans so proud of the shitholes they live in?

Willful ignorance.

>> No.11310478
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>> No.11310506

this, /pol/ told me Germany is a muslim country now and you can't see a single white person on the streets.

>> No.11310530


I'm german, and there is alot of truth to this that most outsiders don't know.


>> No.11310544
File: 60 KB, 800x504, Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-177-1465-31,_Griechenland,_Soldaten_der_-Legion_Freies_Arabien-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh thank you Merkel for bringing all these illegal fucks. Arabs and Germans were always bros till she fucked this up by importing people with zero background check.

>> No.11310545

>those timber framed houses
aesthetic, I'd peacefully invade there

>> No.11310556

I don't think Germany is halal

>> No.11310574

Almost as if beer is a peasant drink

>> No.11310582

I hope you have learned a lesson Germany. Letting a woman run your country is never ok.

>> No.11310601

No, stay away, we got enough foreigners

>> No.11310602

go to Czech rep for beer

>> No.11310626



>> No.11310630

this, we're full

>> No.11310873

>salty cabbages trying to dissuade tourism because their leader (female) turned their country into a third world rest stop
ach du lieber

>> No.11311019

nah i don't like Chinese people.

>> No.11311849

Amerifat reporting. I went to Germany this summer and their beer is good but unremarkable. They seem to have decided there's only like 5 beers worth making and only make those, so every beer is good but none of them are interesting.
If you can speak German with any fluency it might be worth a visit because drinking is only fun when you get to get drunk with interesting locals imo, but all the beer Halls are filled with tourists like yourself

Also the Islam shit isn't terrible, just stay in nice areas, don't go during the Ramadan Bomb-a-thon.

>> No.11312094
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>Mexicans are generally hard working and well behaved. Slimes aren’t even human

>> No.11312112
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>> No.11312120

I live in Chicago.
You do not know what you are talking about.

(Math degree, in law school)

We have our ignorant, just like any other population.
At least I know not to make generalizations.

>> No.11312130


>> No.11312145

>law school
What part of your name rhymes with "bier stein?"

>> No.11312244

Eurolagers won’t like to hear it, but America has by far the world’s greatest variety and best kinds of beer at this point. German beers are literally all Budweiser.

>> No.11312250
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>Mexicans don’t rape like mudslimes

>> No.11312258

>t. doesnt own a passport

>> No.11312269


A local girl in my area was raped and killed. The killer turned out to be a Mexican hired to work on a farm.

>> No.11312280

Going to Germany to drink beer sure, but going there for a specific beer not so much. Germany has excellent cheap beer, but very little mid or high tier beer

>> No.11312283

Why would anyone go to the west coast when New England and the upper midwest have such better beer?

>> No.11312287

I went to Oktoberfest this year, while there are plenty of tourists, the large majority of the people there are still Bavarians. Overall a great experience even though the beer was just ok

>> No.11312294

nah, if anything its the Americans without passports that think German beer is special. Americans pretty objectively have access to a wider variety of better beer than anyone else in the world, by a huge margin

>> No.11312295

If you go to Germany for the beer, you should do something like a city trip.
Many cities have small local breweries, which only sell their beer in their beer garden or local.
I've been to Munich, Regensburg and Bamberg before and really liked it.
Just try to evade memes like Oktoberfest.
You can get the same beer without drunk tourists.

>> No.11312298
File: 47 KB, 662x375, anti_trump_white_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical drumpf supporter

>> No.11312300

Hey there, paco.
Gentle reminder that /ck/ is a white man's board and your kind isn't welcome here.

>> No.11312301

travel to Austria, we have less tourists and better food

>> No.11312303

Austria and Germany don't have the exact same food?

>> No.11312304

a variety of shit is still shit. your country like you is shit

>> No.11312309

>t. Untermensch

>> No.11312313

Do you just not drink beer? This line of thought is coming off as just random posts by a guy who doesn't know a thing about the topic but really wants replies

>> No.11312319

German beer is boring as shit. I'd no joke prefer english beer to it.

>> No.11312323

England has some decent craft beer, but traditional English beer is incredibly watery

>> No.11312324

Are there any German craft beers at all?

>> No.11312326

Austria is based more on pork, Germany is based more on pickled cabbage. Take your pick.

>> No.11312338

Not many, more in the north than the south. I recently was in the Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary, and to my surprise Hungary has by far the best an most advanced craft beer movement of those places, and less surprisingly Bavaria had the least

>> No.11312342
File: 529 KB, 3000x1729, oktoberfest-festival-enjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to go to the Oktoberfest, for the 'beer' obviously.

>> No.11313448


>> No.11313455

Germany beer taste like piss, Czech beer are way better.

>> No.11313456

Was it ever a thing? Germany is a great artistic, cultural, and philosophical capital of modernism. Going there for beer would be inane.

>> No.11313463

just dont go to munich. 1m+ tourists in that tiny city makes it just like wall-to-wall people its awful. small village in south bavaria on the swiss border is comfy though. or just celebrate it in swiss germany like a non cuck

>> No.11313503

Fun Fact: There are literally millions of German craft beers. Every single village has had micro breweries for centuries. They just are not advertised as "craft beers" with the typical comicy cringy logo and all. Only after American hipsters have showed that Zoomers and Soyboys are easily excited by flashy colors, they started giving them English or "rustic" German names and slapping colorful labels on them. So nowadays you find a lot of craft beer bars with all the cliches a bugman could hope for.

>> No.11313524

Americans at Oktoberfest are the easiest to dare people I have ever seen. I rarely go there because you need to get up very early to get a good table at one of the hotspot tents so when I'm looking for a table in the afternoon, I just do the friendly small talk crap with any American group, sit with them and dare them to chug their beers. I mean, they believe you anything. "Hurr it's custom for visitors to finish their first beer before the locals haha", "Alrighty guys, show me what Americans are made of haha cheers". After about an hour or so of doing so, they usually leave or stop coming back from the bathroom.

>> No.11313557

Yeah it's still a thing. The crowds are so bad the group we were getting together imploded at the thought of the shitshow of it all.

>> No.11313564

maybe some of them are the retards taking a nap in the piss gutter

>> No.11314607

>to Finland for cheap alcohol
I'm from Finland and go to Sweden for alcohol. Check the prices again. We're on Norway's and Iceland's levels.

>> No.11314705

Problem with low tier English ales is like they taste like you're chewing on a literal piece of wood. It builds character, I suppose, but when you're spoiled with today's good beer it's a bit underwhelming.

>> No.11314712

I'm not saying that Mexicans never rape anyone, retard. White people rape, too, but that doesn't mean we're on sandnog level.

>> No.11314726


When blacks rape, it's not considered a crime in America. It's just a part of their disadvantaged lifestyle and a symptom of their oppression. It literally is society's fault.

>> No.11314734

Then why are so many niggers in prison for rape?

>> No.11314744

>Then why are so many niggers in prison for rape?

Cuz evil racist white people always be lockin up poor innocent blacks.

>> No.11314748

You understand that you've just made two completely contradictory statements, right?

>> No.11314778


Liberallogic(tm) doesn't need to make sense, you racist.

>> No.11314785

But I'm a liberal, and I'm the only one using logic here. Either niggers are arrested for rape or they're not. It can't be both, you stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.11314789



>> No.11314796
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>refuge chads get to bang these

>> No.11314802

You're either some braindead zoomer memefag who came here from /r/The_Donald or a braindead boomer who can barely use a computer and came here from /r/The_Donald. Either way, you're a pathetic mongoloid and should go back and then fucking kill yourself.

>> No.11314806


I just want you to know faggots like you will not be spared the rope when the day comes.

>> No.11314832



>> No.11314836

Grow up, kid.

>> No.11314842


I agree. People like that need to be lynched.

>> No.11314851

>not being a racist socialist

>> No.11314927

it's still a thing. it's not just about the beer but also the culture. murkastronk is full of alcohol shamers.

>> No.11314970

what exactly does philosophical tourism entail?
fucking fag

>> No.11315036

>trying to look at 6/10 girls with 5/10 tits
>get called pervert
>smell of beer and piss everywhere
just stay home and google some girls

>> No.11315076

German here. Also I don't particularly like beer that much, but here is my limited opinion:

Not worth it. I've been to the U.S. and let me tell you that the microbrewery scenery over there produced much more exciting and varied beers than can legally produced in germany. By law, beer in germany may only be produced by using water, malt, yeast, hop and wheat. This fact basically kneecaps any attempt at creating anthything too exciting.

Don't get me wrong, most of the industrially produced beers here are quite good in international comparison and there are a few quite different varieties, especially local breweries at least try to distinguish themselves with their beers. But all in all I do not think it warrants dedicated travelling here.

If you're passing through, just get some bottles of each big brand you run into and you will have covered 80% of what there is to taste.

>> No.11315247

don't you guys have a tredition of sucking off yanks and slavs?

>> No.11315258

I've just moved to Germany from the UK.

My advice: Dont bother.