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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 200 KB, 1200x630, strawberry-pop-tarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11308405 No.11308405 [Reply] [Original]

>a quintessential American breakfast

The typical American eats over 150g of refined sugar per day, even though the recommended daily maximum is 30g. Two poptart toaster pastries have 32g of sugar. So an average American eats a day's worth of sugar, before they put on their shoes.

>> No.11308413

I was so sad when they discontinued cherry in Canada. Best flavor.

>> No.11308414

No, I put on my shoes when I wake up. The longer they're on, the better it feels when I take them off

>> No.11308416

Get better shoes

>> No.11308420

I just sleep in my shoes

>> No.11308423

I cut sugar out of my diet when I was 16 but I cut poptarts out of my diet when I was 14 because they're 200 fucking calories each

For a sheet of fucking iced bread

>> No.11308429

It's kind of amazing really, 200 calories, 32g of sugar, >still tastes like cardboard

>> No.11308498

But that's wrong though, the average American eats 4 poptarts, so 64g of sugar. That's why there's 4 slots on the toaster oven.

>> No.11308510
File: 579 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180924-204947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not putting multiple pop tarts in each toaster slot

Are you even American?

>> No.11308514

The only people who eat pop tarts are children and soldiers

>> No.11308548

These sound like the life choices of a homosexual

>> No.11308825
File: 59 KB, 336x335, 1530537921883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he eats more than one pop tart per breakfast
What are you, obese?

>> No.11308836

Poptarts are so unsatisfying, after eating two I always felt like I hadn't eaten.

>> No.11308841

they come in packs of two...

>> No.11308846

Yeah and you're not supposed to eat two at a time, fat fuck.

>> No.11308851

>worrying about recommended daily guidelines
eat whatever you want. life is fucken shit anyway

>> No.11308865

Have you ever put butter on a pop tart? It's so freakin' good.

>> No.11308872

yeah just fuckin kill yourself now lmao

>> No.11308882

>the typical american eats two pop tarts for breakfast

I ate 1 pop tart for breakfast for maybe a week and a half my first year in college and quickly realized it made me feel like shit. Other than children under 10 with lazy parents I've honestly never seen anyone who eats pop tarts for breakfast.

>> No.11308926
File: 712 KB, 391x365, 1539059785882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weak minded europoor falls for simple marketing tricks

>> No.11308941
File: 156 KB, 600x1030, american_intelligence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poptarts dont exist in europe retard. no european would degrade them selves with that trash

>> No.11308951

>via 9gag.com

At least crop that out, have some self-respect.

>> No.11308992

The idea of a daily sugar maximum is pretty pointless if you aren't eating an excess of calories each day. And if you are eating an excess of calories, then that's your real problem, not the sugar. An average height guy eating pop tarts in the morning who comes in at 2000 calories or fewer each day is most likely going to be better off than some other average height guy who eats less than 30 grams of sugar but more than 3000 calories each day. If you already have diabetes then yeah, it's important to know what's going to spike your blood sugar. But if you don't have diabetes and eat the right amount of calories then the fact part of those calories came from some sugary pastry isn't going to hurt you. The biggest risk factor for type 2 diabetes by far is how overweight / obese you are, not how much sugar you consume.

>> No.11309022

>hurr durrr we decided that historically according to science, a yuman bean is not supposed to eat more than a third of a boiled egg every three days
>*bins your knife*

europe in a nutshell

>> No.11309036

The crust is the best part of pop-tart.

I'd honestly buy filling-less pop-tarts. 100% crust.

Is there a cookie or biscuit that comes close to it?

>> No.11309133
File: 180 KB, 1300x866, englishbreakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern 'breakfasts' are a complete joke. Zero nutritional value, no sustenance, basically just carbs and sugar and preservatives. It gets even worse when parents become adamant that a box of grains is healthy.

Where did it all go so wrong?

>> No.11309744

you mutha fuckin TOUGH GUY

>> No.11309756

I only really eat desserts every couple of months or on holidays and my average daily intake of sugar is 10g or less. But yeah most Americans eat way too much sugar, probably from soda which has around 40g in one can. Lots of places in the EU aren't far behind US levels of sugar consumption though.

>> No.11309767

You stupid faggots. You're supposed to stick the pop tarts in a blender with a quart of ben and jerries and a couple three splashes of rumchata. What else would you do with them?

>> No.11309774

i shower in my shoes

>> No.11310202

>average American eats a day's worth of sugar, before they put on their shoes.
don't forget that coke or dr. pepper, or whatever HFCS delivery system they drink with it. That's another 32+ grams.
Don't forget the donuts they will scarf down during the mid-morning coffee break.

>> No.11310217

>Where did it all go so wrong?
This guy. - Edward Louis Bernays.
He made Americans believe that breakfast needed to be special foods, different from other meals. He basically invented marketing in modern times.
Google is your friend, Bernays helped shape modern America, and most people don't even know it.

>> No.11310224

>sleeping in your shoes
>not using your shoe as a pillow

>> No.11310261

i love how at the upper right corner they dont show the DV% for sugar

>> No.11310291

In all honesty if you're not taking some Mountain Dew and a Poptart as a breakfast snack you're not going to have a good time at school.

>> No.11310302

>The typical American eats over 150g of refined sugar per day, even though the recommended daily maximum is 30g.

We tried passing a "sugar tax" here in Atlanta, especially with African Americans (me) having the highest obesity and diabetes rates in america thinking it would help. Guess what happened? We protested the tax as "racist." Seems like the community actually prefer to be fat and diabetic than to have to pay a little more for sugar. Sigh.

>> No.11310332

Yeah, you also have to remember that they formulate the numbers to include kids, elderly, and subhuman elf-people
An adult male (6' 180+lb, moderate exercise) needs far more than 2000 cal and 20g protein

>> No.11310347

Unless we're suddenly switching to commie healthcare, I don't want a sugar tax.
If I, a healthy person, want to treat myself to a Coke, I shouldn't have to pay an extra five bucks in stupid hidden fees that go into the governor's pocket.
A healthy society would have a national or statewide health/fitness registry and prices would adjust based on the consumer's numbers, but nooooo that's "fascist" and "dystopian"

>> No.11310743

that sounds hilarious.
i mean its pretty discriminatory and jewy, but still hilarious nonetheless.
sorry for trying to help you become healthy :^)

>> No.11311550

No, someone around that size only needs around 1200-1400 calories to survive, assuming adequate nutrition. The ideal amount is probably closer to 2000-2500. The human body is very efficient if need be.