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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11286586 No.11286586 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if you own one of these you're lazy and like to take shortcuts.

>> No.11286600

Im pre 130IQ and only work with shortcuts.

Aka my tea i just made

>> No.11286613
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>> No.11286614

>pre 130IQ

>> No.11286617

Thats non english for mensa , KEK :^)

>> No.11286628

Oh so that comment was even dumber than I originally thought. Why not just brag about your online IQ test scores?

>> No.11286650

Okay, champ. I'll be on the couch watching TV while my puttanesca is cooking. Enjoy peeling garlic by hand and smashing each one.
You ARE peeling it by hand, right? You'd better not be using a peeler, because that's a shortcut for lazy people too. You'd better not be smashing it with the blade and picking the skin off, either.

>> No.11286658

Well, I clicked Negro and got a 40point boost.


>> No.11286680
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>using a peeler for garlic

>> No.11286699

It literally takes seconds to peel garlic by hand. I'd argue that it takes longer to peel and press garlic than it would to smash, peel and dice a clove. But you're probably lacking in skills. Go back to marathoning binging with babyish, pleb.

>> No.11286724

added to filter

>> No.11286756

im 33 and ive used this my entire life

>> No.11286775 [DELETED] 
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I coulndt care less.

>> No.11286815

>smashing your clove

>> No.11286970

You don't have to peel it

>> No.11287016

Fuck you nigger, cooking is my Job !
Yeah, I cook even at work and never taste it because I now its amazing !

>> No.11287075
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See, I feel like I can be lazy and take shortcuts even without your gizmo there.

>> No.11287076
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What intellectuals use

>> No.11287173

Using a garlic press breaks down all the molecules inside the garlic (more so than slicing) and ruins the flavor.

>> No.11287188
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>not buying pre-peeled garlic fresh from your local asians

The truly patrician choice.

This shit has a weird tang. Probably the preserving agents.

>> No.11287191

>not smashing it to get the juices out


>> No.11287203

I work 65 hours a week and then have side jobs for another 15 plus normal chores like clothes cooking etc. Faggot

>> No.11287208

So you don't have time to clean the tool in >>11286586. That's why it's a stupid fucking tool.

>> No.11287588
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Daily reminder that if you own one of these you're lazy and like to take shortcuts.

>> No.11287590
File: 26 KB, 446x679, 81JWhr6jexL._SY679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if you own one of these you're lazy and like to take shortcuts.

>> No.11287748

you've obviously never had to cook a lot of food for a lot of people most days of the week if you're a little bitch about shortcuts in cooking.

I see nothing wrong with using minced garlic from a jar, some brands have slightly different tastes but this brand is great.

for when I want to cook something where garlic is the main star of the dish I do this

>> No.11287753

imagine thinking kitchen tools to make prep work more quick and easy is a "lazy" thing

cook more fag

>> No.11287756


I get this, even though I know it's not as good as fresh.

I'll take the flavor sacrifice for the sake of convenience

>> No.11288377

There's actually a point to smashing it though because when you do you basically "activate" it whereas you wouldn't by simply chopping it up. It's a chemical/acidity thing.

>> No.11288394

>breaks down all the molecules

>> No.11288655

I bet you boil your steak in plastic bags and then top it with a little 'racha or vark sauce. Maybe have it with a nice IPA while watching a binging with babish livestream or Rick and Morty.

>> No.11288662

>it's like a 2 part epoxy
you've been watching too much brad

>> No.11288664

>tfw gf insists on using these stupid kitchen cluttering things
>she's tiny and weak
>literally not strong enough to force the garlic through the press
>laughed in her face
>tfw no gf

>> No.11288721

>you are dumb and lazy for using the one method that has been proven to bring the most flavor out of garlic
Don't chop garlic. Literal whole cloves gives more flavor than chopped garlic.

>> No.11288748

i mean that second bit is straight up false. but its true that crushing is pretty good for flavour. honestly, though, they're a ballache - unless you want to lose half the garlic, you have to scrape down the inside multiple times and repress it. id much rather just chop and press with the side of a knife and a bit of coarse salt. easier cleanup too.

>> No.11288752

how is it a shortcut when it yields superior results?

>> No.11288769

Oh, you're a knifelet. disregard everything this guy says, I guarantee he's a weak guy.

>> No.11289439

This is your brain on shitposts

>> No.11289461
File: 89 KB, 600x362, personal_chef1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if you own one of these you're lazy and like to take shortcuts.

>> No.11289491
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pff, that's still hard work for most.

>> No.11289508

more like menstrua

>> No.11289514

For me, it's pre-peeled garlic. No other form of garlic has the same je ne sais quoi of the slave labor of Chinese prisoners

>> No.11289517

More like, our time is actually valuable

>> No.11289648

I only used a knife for 10 years. have skills. now i can do whatever, ok dad?

>> No.11289655

If your knife skills aren't babby tier then why would you want a garlic press?

Smacking garlic with the flat of your knife is faster than even finding the damn press, let alone using it.

>> No.11289662

As long as you use them often enough there is literally nothing wrong with single-use tools

>> No.11289679

What if the single-use tool is actually more work than doing it the traditional way? That's the problem with a garlic press.

>> No.11289824

I don't own one but i get it. Everyone hates doing something in prep. Nothing wrong with owning and using one. On the other hand I can't stand people who have a gadget for every task. Thanks for reading my blog. I'm also gay if that matters.

>> No.11289827 [DELETED] 

Why should I when I already own multiple mortars and pestles?

>> No.11289930

>more work
I disagree.
Maybe if only one or two cloves.

>> No.11289932

>if you own one of these you're lazy and like to take shortcuts
welcome to the human race

>> No.11289957

>I'm also gay if that matters.

>> No.11289979
File: 83 KB, 800x800, Classic8inChefsKnifeSHF16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you own one of these you're lazy and like to take shortcuts

>> No.11290001
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, stainless-steel-samsung-single-oven-gas-ranges-nx58h5600ss-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you own one of these you're lazy and like to take shortcuts

>> No.11290009

>I disagree.
That's because you don't have even basic knife skills.

>> No.11290018

Me too. Just use a little more and it balances out

>> No.11290071

real chefs rip and tear butternut squashes with their bare hands

>> No.11290984

ruins? you mean enhances?
that sweet, sweet alacin is something that you want. its just more garlic flavour.

>> No.11291029

real intellectuals put the garlic between their asscheeks and crush it with the said cheeks

>> No.11291510

>hurr durr

>> No.11291519


>> No.11291527

each to their own

>> No.11291531
File: 68 KB, 1000x1000, stainless-metal-lem-meat-slicers-grinders-1020-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you use one of these you're lazy and like to take shortcuts.

>> No.11291543
File: 82 KB, 620x350, House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you use one of these you're lazy and like to take shortcuts.

>> No.11291551

whats the point of living, might as well kill yourself if you have to work that much

>> No.11291552

Why do *mericans feel the need to put their flag on the front of their house? Are they afraid people will forget which country they are in?

>> No.11291565

Thanks for the flame, but it's because of what it represents, much like your country in Yurop or wherever

>> No.11291622

fuck you OP I hate chopping garlic

>> No.11291663

I would literally get a spoon and just eat that right out of the jar. Bet it smells fucking amazing as well

>> No.11291722

Showing pride in your country isn't illegal in the US. Nationalism isn't an evil word.

>> No.11291749


>> No.11291764

Yup, it can only be europeans who post shit about America.
It's literally the only continent in the world that doesn't have a real reason to hate America, but Americans insist on automatically assuming it's them. Not Asia, not Africa, not middle east, not south america, not russia, not even australia, nope, it can only be europe.

Well, if that's what you want, fine.

>> No.11291826

Then you're from some third world shithole and I could literally care less about your opinion. Australia is alright though and they can be honorary yuropoors due to the fact they used to be a Bongistan penal colony.

>> No.11292673

I think it looks nice.