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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 529 KB, 2137x1202, IMG_20181001_035203217-2137x1202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11276911 No.11276911 [Reply] [Original]

i looked at your catalog while you were gone /ck/, i think we need to have a talk...

this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along, bake-along, lime-along, drink-along, sing-along, pickle-along or OC food/drink pics, post your meals or what ever if you don't want to make or use another thread

last thread >>11240408

>muhfuckers is broke these days Edition

>> No.11276940

Patti is a cute kot!

>> No.11276950
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happy birthday to fourchins, it is also Pattis alleged Bday this month, my friend did this in her honor and he was very limited on crayons so chill dog

>> No.11276965
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deciding what to make plus trying to plan some meals out for the week, on a very tight budget at the moment so please keep your expectations low

here is the first BLT ive ever had i made yesterday, was good but tomatos are too juicy it was sloppy

>> No.11277066
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scroungin in the freeze box and decided on wings and one of my frozen hatch chili bacon macs, also ill probably use up some fresh veg i have on deck before it goes to shit

>> No.11277108
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FIRST off, not enough limes
SECONDLY, hamburger helper is bullshit compared to tuna helper

>> No.11277155
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funds is tight ya heard, pullin shit out the pantry, smoke and mirrors m80

>> No.11277157

that gross cat thread again

>> No.11277183

>too juicy
like yr mom

>> No.11277184
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>> No.11277195

>animal in the food prep area
Fucking disgusting, you should be ashamed to have an interest in food

>> No.11277266
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my 'pologies, in the future i will try to not like food thx

m8 what is this, looks crazy good i want to make shit like this when it gets cold

unsubscribe immediately

i have a big goonbag project im working on, its kinda on the hush hush for now

>> No.11277322


pork belly ramen with a bunch of pickled veggies

>> No.11277333
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I made stock from the duck carcasses and then made a hearty stew with just some potatoes, beetroot, carrots.

>> No.11277340
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Get it? Hearty?

>> No.11277474
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on these wangz i will be doing a dry rub toss with some random shit, then ill have a buffalo ranch dipper pls no bully

>> No.11277478
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>> No.11279083


>> No.11279238
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Whats the best thing you can Do in a german stranger City After a good meal?

Right, go Outside jogging at 12pm. Bb

>> No.11279875

what is that

>> No.11279933

looks delicious m8, I've been fiending for some wings lately

>> No.11279981

Fish and Chips? Dunno Anon

>> No.11280757
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r8 my 'shi

why is it so expensive?

>> No.11280766
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>> No.11280781
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>> No.11280800
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Shrimp pasta with a tomato and basil cream sauce.

>> No.11280868
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Shrimp peeled and deveined. Remember to save the shells, they add a lot of flavor when put in a stock

>> No.11280926
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Veggies cut

>> No.11280934

Which publix my friend

>> No.11280960
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Saute those shells before going in a stock

>> No.11280964

That knife. Its like a warning for tards.
Shhh, I can hurt you

>> No.11280968


Do people eat them?

>> No.11280970
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Pickled beets
Boil them whole until tender. After that you can rub the skin off with great ease

>> No.11280978
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After that you just cut them up and throw them in a jar with whatever you have around. You can go heavy on the peppercorns.

>> No.11280979
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>> No.11280987
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Here's the stock. Wine, water, SnP, and a basil leaf. A frothy stock is a healthy stock

>> No.11280985
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Just your usual vinegar/sugar/salt solution on top of it. I get it boiling first but I doubt you actually have to.
Leave it for at least a week and then have it as a side with an oxroast or something.
Save the pickle juice for pickled eggs.

>> No.11280989


>> No.11280992

I don't believe anyone eats the shells, but the heads and tails can be eaten.

>> No.11281010

It's sharp and cuts things well. A knife.
No, you boil them and use the liquid.

>> No.11281027

I'll do the drink-along part.
I'm having mead made by a friend.
I'm gonna redo the menu for my bar, when you're downing beer, what would you like to eat?

>> No.11281088
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Anything fried
Saute these shrimps

>> No.11281098

We have cheese sticks, bitterballen and bittergarnituur.

>> No.11281109
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Stock is done. Need half cup so I'm good.
Only heard of cheeseballs

>> No.11281111

Those are all deep fried

>> No.11281125

You don't know what you're missing dude, find some bitterballen.
Nothing goes better with some beer.

>> No.11281161
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Will do fren
Let's get this sauce working
Heavy cream, tomato paste, garlic, and sun dried tomatoes. I'll slowly work in the stock I made and thicken this up

>> No.11281215
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Coming along. Color looking good. Starting to get thicc

>> No.11281395
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Shrimp, pasta, and feta in

>> No.11281417
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Top with fresh basil and done!

>> No.11281546
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I am a emotionally crippled dickhead, but Patti makes mi happy.

>> No.11281556

Looks great. I'm more of a linguini and shramp man, but you do you.

>> No.11281563

A bit too much pasta for my tastes, but I'm sure it's delicious. I like a lot of sauce, but too much pasta absorbs it.

>> No.11281600

It looks great. Since pasta involved, is this meal suitable for more than three people?

>> No.11281988

Confirming anything fried

>> No.11282657
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some kind of hipster nachos, hipster grilled cheese/melt, meatball sub, a bunch of diff kinds of loaded hipster fries including poutine if you have access to curds, get a collection of hotsauces like firehouse subs, drunk people eat hotsauce to impress friends, need to buy more alcohol to ease pain, profit

nice, i got a slab of porkbelly in the freezer im not sure what imma do with it

id like to try it the pickles seem interesting

id eat it, taters look dank

thx, wings are my go-to lazy food

looks good to me but im a sushi pleb, nice to see you back hope all is well

you have just inspired me to pickle my own beets, love pickled beets, Patti Mayonaise is a big fan of The Beets also

i used to know someone that ate the shells and all, said it was like eating fingernails, he also ate the shells of sunflower seeds, hes dead now

had to google, might need to make this, you use beef or viel? also what dipping sauce you prefer? and what country are you in? pls respond

i would like to eat this right now tbqf

u are in the right place then anon :)

so i have been bullied by the police today and ill be darned if pic related didnt make everything better

>> No.11282678
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>Mango tart

>> No.11283074

Hey OP, just wanted to say I've been hanging out and occasionally posting in these threads since you started them. I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore but whenever I do, I check the catalog for this thread, and seeing it there makes me feel the nice feelings. Ty for being such a champ, and for all the catto photos