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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11255205 No.11255205 [Reply] [Original]

>white man living in China with Asian girlfriend

The memes write themselves

>> No.11255221

I always find it odd when a white dude hooks up with an uggo Asian chick. If you're gonna go that far, why not aim higher?

>> No.11255222

It would appear otherwise.

>> No.11255330

Average white guys are in a much higher status than they're used to back home, so they end up with Asian women whom they think are on their level.

>> No.11255377

This channel is actually great, though his commentary is a bit iffy.

>> No.11255451
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>> No.11255457


>> No.11255476

wow she tottally tricked that guy into thinking she was talking to him but she wasn't wow so amazing so funny haha

>> No.11255481

actually now that I think about it, it's not that funny..

>> No.11255491
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ricecel detected

>> No.11255508
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taking the yellow pill is the best thing I've ever done
however I don't fit the stereotype because I'm not tall and skinny

that's the joke, its always a tall skinny white guy with a really short asian girl (are they pedos? they would have to be in my friends case, his gf is under 5 feet and FLAT)

but as a dumpy white guy I'm able to go out with really hot asian girls compared to the total uggo white girls that will go out with me

>> No.11255517
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>/pol/cucks unironically believe that East Aryans are not white just because their eyes look a little different from ours

>> No.11255521

who is this?

>> No.11255525 [DELETED] 

Do you really want me to bring out the Chinese-are-like-insects webms?

>> No.11255530

please do, they are always good

after that post the "china is basically a final destination movie" ones

>> No.11255543

>implement a totalitarian state
>the people become selfish insectoids with no sense of morality or compassion
How come it's only mainland China that's a shithole and not Japan, Korea or even Hong Kong if it's about race? They're basically all the same people, yet the Chinese are the only ones having to live under communism, and the results are what you see in webm threads.

>> No.11255544

i also took the yellow pill and its been the best thing to ever happen to me, the trick is to find a good one from one of the shittier countries

that feel when we bought land and built an aprtment complex for less than 100kusd that generates over 3k per month now and we can start the process again soon

>> No.11255546
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I was bluffing. I didin't save any of those webms. Was hoping someone else would come up and do it for me.

>> No.11255550
File: 183 KB, 994x1000, cult4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Research the Cultural Revolution and the "Destruction of the Four Olds" in Communist China to see why they behave like subhumans. It was planned by the government.

>> No.11255567

I've never seen the long version before
this is much better

>> No.11255593
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>> No.11255594
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*whiney faggot voice*
>Do you really want me to bring out the Chinese-are-like-insects webms?

The absolute state of this lad, lmao.

>> No.11255608

No, Chinese just like big ugly hairy white people.

>> No.11255610
File: 208 KB, 1071x1259, chinese dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot m8

>> No.11255627

Their red chili oil and wonton recipes looked delicious.

Reported for /pol/ shitpost bait BTW, god forbid you should talk about food on this board.

>> No.11256655

Ok let's talk about them.

The majority of their recipes are inaccessible to most people who don't live near Asian grocery stores

>> No.11256689
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>be zoomer
>everything has to be about SJW and political bullshit

>> No.11256737

Simply because humans have a harder time rating facial symmetry and beauty markers across racial lines.

Haven't you seen the pictures of normal white women with hideous blacks? Works the same way with white men and asian women.

>> No.11256753

god damn what happened to not cause him to get back up? didnt seem like he hit the ground that hard

>> No.11256769

me on the middle

>> No.11256899

Interesting. You're coming in with a biological explanation. Anywhere I can read about this?

>> No.11257215


I did most of my research on /pol/.

>> No.11257829

Japanese have a tendancy to ant like behaviour too though. I would also argue that it's lack of selfishness that causes insectoidism.

>> No.11258171


I'm not gonna go through the whole fucking thread.

I'm a white guy actually living in China with my local gf, so I'll comment here even though this thread belongs on /pol/ instead of /ck/.

First off, as a heterosexual male, I knew from an early age what turned me on. Dark hair, dark eyes, shorter in stature. Every fucking male on the planet has a list in their head. Mine just gravitated towards Asian women. I didn't care if they were born in Memphis, TN, or Bangkok, Thailand. If they looked like what I liked, they were good to go.

My point is that I like Asian women, and I don't care where they are from.

I was lucky enough to meet my present Chinese gf in a shopping mall in California. That she was from Asia had nothing to do with my attraction, in fact, it made the whole process ten times as hard.

We dated, fell in love, and moved back to China not because she wanted to but because my job asked me to.

OP's representation doesn't take in to account what she looks like naked, which I can guarantee looks better than 90% of American women. I don't say that to bag on American girls. Asian women just look, feel, and smell better than their American counterparts, especially to those of us who appreciate the Asian Aesthetic.

I spent the first 25 years of my life thinking that all vaginas smelled like shit. Only after dating and fucking Asian women did I find out the truth, and yes, Asian pussy does not smell. They lack the gene that you smell so often in Western girls. You all know what I mean.

Almost everyone grew up with a kid who's mom didn't speak English, and who's dad spent time overseas. Those old dads got it. They looked around at what was available and decided on something different. Today those men, most of whom met their wives while defending this country, are laughed at.

I love my life. I get to fuck an exotic, dark haired little sex machine. What are you fucking tonight?

>> No.11258212

this pisses me off, and I'm a 6'3 white dude. Real shithead move

>> No.11258220

It may have something to do with this


>> No.11258235

>white women treat all guys like dirt and have huge princess complexes
>get butthurt when men making six figures with no mental issues choose a loyal woman
stay toasty

>> No.11258274

Ironically enough my wife is Caucasian. She grew up in Hong Kong and speaks Cantonese and Mandarin. Her parents originally hail from the UK but she's told me every time we've gone to visit that she feels out of place there. Life is strange.

>> No.11258280

>loyal woman
she's cheating on you anon

>> No.11258281

6'5 strong, tanned qt German girl who carries me upstairs to bed

>> No.11258282
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Nice blog post, fag

>> No.11258323

Shhh, once they take the "yellow pill" (or whatever they call their cope) they never wake up no matter what the gook does.

Also hilarious that the yellow fever defense always comes down to "y-you're a jealous roastie!!!!"

>> No.11258328
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>> No.11258376

>*searching for argument*
>argument not found

>> No.11258460

I would rather have a thin accommodating woman that's ugly in the face, than a fat bitchy woman that is also ugly in the face

>> No.11258481

Based and femmedom pilled

>> No.11258529

>I always find it odd when a white dude hooks up with an uggo Asian chick. If you're gonna go that far, why not aim higher?
a) tastes differ, they can like different things to you
b) you're only judging on appearance and not personality, intellect etc
c) love
d) you also need to consider who they can get

>> No.11258538

this is kinda fucked up

>> No.11258549

I read this in your voice, AsianCookingDemystified

>> No.11258551
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>not 6'5 greek amazon girl

>> No.11258555

someone please confirm this is pasta, because this is a truly awful post

>> No.11258566

that is because in reality good looking asian chicks only want asian men. white men who are willing to go to asia just to find a gf are pathetic losers who could only get an ugly chick no matter where in the world they were.

>> No.11258572

this is so unbelievably untrue it hurts
I am DROWNING in hot nip pussy in tokyo
girls don't even give me a second look in america

>> No.11258573


>> No.11258581

there are some really delicate points in humans face. it's likely that his chin hit the ground and caused him to lose consciousness.

>> No.11258599

>tanned qt German girl
So some form of Musel or Fungi?

>> No.11258612


I'm not gonna go through the whole fucking thread.

I'm a white guy actually living in China with my local gf, so I'll comment here even though this thread belongs on /pol/ instead of /ck/.

First off, as a heterosexual male, I knew from an early age what turned me on. Dark hair, dark eyes, shorter in stature. Every fucking male on the planet has a list in their head. Mine just gravitated towards Asian women. I didn't care if they were born in Memphis, TN, or Bangkok, Thailand. If they looked like what I liked, they were good to go.

My point is that I like Asian women, and I don't care where they are from.

I was lucky enough to meet my present Chinese gf in a shopping mall in California. That she was from Asia had nothing to do with my attraction, in fact, it made the whole process ten times as hard.

We dated, fell in love, and moved back to China not because she wanted to but because my job asked me to.

OP's representation doesn't take in to account what she looks like naked, which I can guarantee looks better than 90% of American women. I don't say that to bag on American girls. Asian women just look, feel, and smell better than their American counterparts, especially to those of us who appreciate the Asian Aesthetic.

I spent the first 25 years of my life thinking that all vaginas smelled like shit. Only after dating and fucking Asian women did I find out the truth, and yes, Asian pussy does not smell. They lack the gene that you smell so often in Western girls. You all know what I mean.

Almost everyone grew up with a kid who's mom didn't speak English, and who's dad spent time overseas. Those old dads got it. They looked around at what was available and decided on something different. Today those men, most of whom met their wives while defending this country, are laughed at.

I love my life. I get to fuck an exotic, dark haired little sex machine. What are you fucking tonight?

>> No.11258665

>itt: beta cucks still falling for the women meme
If you don't love and fuck your waifu every night than why are you even here

>> No.11259113

>I love my life. I get to fuck an exotic, dark haired little sex machine. What are you fucking tonight?

not some pig disgusting 3-d woman. gross. no wonder you went to china you degenerate

>> No.11259121

dating a Asian girl IS aiming high.. they much better then a "my pussy is made of gold give me your wallet "white chick that wrinkles when they hit mid 30's

>> No.11259124

So you're racist, basically. Fuck you and die.

>> No.11259126

hes racist because he likes a different flavor then you? have fun diving into your fish pond smelling girlfriend then while we get to enjoy a real pussy

>> No.11259133

You obviously know very little about racism. Yes, the sexualization of the "exotic" is 100% racism. Learn more about racism or keep your venomous little mouth shut about it.

>> No.11259138

Just because you disagree doesn't make it racist you dumbass. People can have different tastes in what they find attractive. Nothing wrong what-so-ever. So go put on your maga hat and blow a load into your hand.

>> No.11259142

Honestly who gives a shit if a semi-autistic man is fucking a 4/10 Asian. At least he’s getting pussy. This should be the goal of every incel on 4chan. Hell, you could even try to get an ugly lantina.

>> No.11259158

I wonder how long it'll take until calling somebody a "autist" will ware out? like "fag" in the 1990s ..also, beauty is in the eye of a beholder what you may find attractive may be butt ugly to another.. find a better argument you "full blown autist"

>> No.11259160

Extremely insecure post.

>> No.11259199

what if my wife is asian even though i prefer my own race

shes just a really great person

>> No.11259251

Not a race traitor

>> No.11259364

is this pasta? Don't think I've seen it b4

>> No.11259572


>> No.11259587

Congrats, you're a normal human being. Selecting your partner solely because of race is a surefire way for your future children to become supreme gentlemen.

>> No.11259632

Just fuck/date/marry whoever you find turns you on and you enjoy being with

>> No.11259651
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sissy white boys date asian women
cucked white boys date white women
white men date black women

>> No.11259660

Literal group that is less desirable than Asian men LOL

>> No.11259665
File: 1.71 MB, 480x272, 1537435201595.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no group less desirable than asian men.
even Indian men are stealing asian women, and Indian men have comically small penises so you can't use the "muh dik" argument.

Asian men are just trash, it's no wonder why so many of them just turn themselves into women and take the white seed.

>> No.11259666

ive never known a black woman with an attractive personality in my entire life

>> No.11259671
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sucks for you.
even if you don't want to fuck them, black girls make far better friends than white girls.
I think it's because they aren't autistic and like goofing around.

>> No.11259672

probably knocked himself out, you dont really need to hit your head that hard to go unconcious

>> No.11259677

i noticed that they are a lot more open and direct, but they always come across a bit stupid or vapid. That being said, if i could date a hot black chick, i wouldnt turn it down

>> No.11259682

Keep telling yourself that my negress friend.

>> No.11259683

You're probably just noticing the roasties.
Roasties are harder to identify among black women because their labias are already black.
Find a gorgeous black girl that's genuine and you'll be set for life.

>> No.11259685

>being friends with women
heheh im already married i dont have to do that anymore

>> No.11259686

>that one chink that thought he'd easily get a black gf and got blown the fuck out
sorry wonton, you guys are nasty as fuck

>> No.11259691

women generally make better friends than men anyway though.
>better taste in music and video games
>not autistic as fuck
>aren't try hards trying to constantly impress you
>will always help out when you need it, never gives excuses
>know how to have a conversation
I don't even bother having guy friends anymore, most of them are just redditors anyway.

>> No.11259702

I'm married you dolt, only the most desperate Asian men look in your direction. Are you married?Holding out for that one white guy with jungle fever?

>> No.11259709

>I-I'm married
the poor woman.
Also asian men are desperate lol.
Out of all my asian girl friends none of them are dating an asian guy and most never have in their entire lives.
I don't blame them, I don't hate the idea of fucking a little skeletoid man because I'm not that superficial but asian guys are just fucking robots.
I actually get creeped out around them, it's like they're always on the verge of tears or killing themselves lmfao

>> No.11259714

You live on the West coast of the US don't you?

>> No.11259717

not even american haaha

>> No.11259745

>replying to the copypaste

>> No.11259771

This is going to sound weird because we were just insulting each a moment ago but you want to know why asian guys especially chinese, korean and japanese guys seem robotic? Money. We chase money super hard. It seeps into our character, especially if they or the generation that proceeded them grew up poor.

I should know, it was the reason I got married and partly destroyed my first marriage. I got out of there before we had any kids or I'd be fucked for life. Ten years later I'm married to someone who married me for me and I for her.

Also, constantly on the verge of suicide is our thing, the women too. They're just way better at hiding it.

>> No.11259776

Go away Wuhan cuck

>> No.11259781

this is just sad but now I feel bad for being so hard on you.
I'd still never let my future kids alone around an asian man but you have my sympathies.

>> No.11259788

At least I'm not married to a parasite any more. Really didn't expect to meet someone after that let alone get married again, but..here I am. No longer suicidal btw.

>> No.11259790

why would you ever even suicide that's fucking stupid.

>> No.11259791
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Why do all yellow fever people act like this?

>> No.11259800

he said he was always attracted to asians, not asian fever

>> No.11259845
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>> No.11259853

yellow/jungle fever is when someone gets a craving for that race.
The idea is you catch the fever and then get it out of your system.
Thus fucking someone of the other race is the cure.
It comes from sexual tourism and soldiers visiting brothels while abroad.

That's why it's deemed offensive by a large portion of minorities, they don't like the idea of being pump and dumps just so someone can cross a race off their bucket list.
Having an inherent attraction to other races, only your own race, to many races, etc is not the same thing.

>> No.11259874

I fucking hate dudes with yellow fever. Or anyone who fetishizes race.

My GF is Chinese as well but I am with her because shes quirky and has excellent morals.

It embarrasses the fuck out of me that a lot of people probably think I am into her because shes asian rather than for who she is as a person. Op's a scumbag for trotting his asian gf around like some sort of novel trophy.

>> No.11259904

You don't have to work any more if you're dead. :^)

>> No.11259918

I have been running the gambit on the cardinal 3
chinese, korean, japanese

as well as a few filipinos and thais in there too and I have to say of the big 3 the ranking is
Japanese #1 caring, eager to please, cute and spunky, shy at first
Korean #2 Feisty, strong personality, good company, disrespectful/unappreciative of your time and effort
Chinese #3 dull personality, kind of rude, difficult to talk to, stare blankly at you and make you drag conversations out of them piece by piece

>> No.11259928
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>> No.11259955

Sometimes there is no cure

>> No.11259958

well yeah, obviously if you're an incel that larps about having an asian girlfriend here there's no cure

>> No.11259992

>Chinese #3 dull personality, kind of rude, difficult to talk to, stare blankly at you and make you drag conversations out of them piece by piece

This one is tricky. If they're from say Hong Kong, Shanghai or Singapore I find them a lot more social and personable. The ones born in the West as well, especially the ones that don't even speak Chinese. I find that this profile is dead-on for guys from the mainland though

>> No.11260001

Like blogposter

>> No.11260244

You realize that Asian women are 100% the same way, right?

Have you ever walked into a Michael Kors store?

>> No.11260275

I've dated Chinese and Filipino girls who grew up in the US, and I've been friends with Korean girls too. Only contact with Japanese women, they've been too shy to talk to. My observations:

I've found Chinese girls to be outoging and good at conversation, but boring and vacant intellectually, and quick to be rude if they disagree with you. They and their families also have a huge cultural stick up their ass about the tiniest details.

Filipinos are wacky and fun-loving, and proudly identify as niggers that the "yellow Asians" hate. Smart and interesting. Their women are hypersexual but also have mental problems and violent habits.

Koreans are sharp-witted and very direct. Strong personality and dry sense of humor. Maybe emotionally a little reserved, and tend to get wrapped up in obscure social media outlets.

Oh yeah, since we're on the minority train: The black women I've dated have been incredibly boring. They like dull movies, bland food, and cringey humor. They've actually been pretty smart but it's hard to tell when you're falling asleep from being with them.

>> No.11260291

doesn't this logic... not make sense

I'm not commenting on what happens, I'm commenting on this comment.

Average white guys are in higher demand then they're used to. Suddenly a lot of women like them


they date someone they think is on their level???

That doesn't make sense.

>> No.11260292

Asians will dominate the next cenutry, while beta white millennials scream at their daddys and cry about people who eat meat.

>> No.11260513


Chinese Cooking Demystified on YT

>> No.11260516
File: 21 KB, 399x286, Bow Down To Your Master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asians will dominate the next cenutry

I for one, bow down to our new overlords.

>> No.11260541

Why does everyone think Asian stuff is magic?

Personally I like their skin tone. I've also been conditioned to associate typical white girl appearance with being ugly on the inside, and now find them generally unappealing. I'd rather no strings attached fuck one, but if I'm going to actually be spending time with them I'd rather someone I see as human.

>> No.11260557

Honestly not a bad explanation. Also explains why I only see black women as having 1 of 5 faces and only 1 is somewhat attractive.

>> No.11260570

Man knows what he likes, good on you.
Raven hair >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bald with skin cancer >>>>>>>>>>>blonde

So is the whole white men in China thing true? How about the danger/conformist bullshit you hear about? If I emigrated it wouldn't be about fucking women, I've been looking for a place to emigrate to in case Canada goes full authoritarian like it has been threatening to.

>> No.11260864

>moving to China in case Canada goes authoritarian
Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.11261108

China is a different kind of authoritarian. It's equally scary but less annoying.
Also ya I want to fuck Chinese girls.

>> No.11261208

Goddamn guy, I'm married to Viet, but you got some weird hangups and insecurities.

>> No.11261316

>equally scary
In what universe is Canada's (hypothetical) authoritarian state as scary as China's (real) authoritarian state?

You're spending a little too much time on 4chan if you think the Canadian government is about to start putting people in camps.

>> No.11261393
File: 35 KB, 360x448, 1449370875983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huxlean dystopia vs Orwellian dystopia

>> No.11261401

because race mixing is wrong

>> No.11261409

Huxleyan dystopia is way better to live in, but Canada's nowhere close to one while China's pretty fucking Orwellian.

>> No.11261412

>What are you fucking tonight?
My hand

>> No.11261424
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1479162026954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes China is much closer to fulfilling Orwell;s nightmare (now with their new face-tracking technology all over the country), but Canada is just different.

At least you don't get arrested for saying non-PC things online in Canada. Fuck Britain.

>> No.11261501

>maga hat
>crying racism for having "exotic" tastes

You couldn't be wronger if you tried, my dude.

>> No.11261532

Where's your 4chan pass, you dumb larper? China is rangebanned from the website.

>> No.11261551
File: 67 KB, 768x1024, 4chan Derby England.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britain scares me. Their police are afraid to arrest people involved in child-trafficking rings because it may make them look racist, but they'll send the whistle-blower to mandatory sensitivity training for referring to the Paki pedos as asians.

>> No.11261562

Jesus fucking Christ
There's a standard for high level cuckoldry but this is just at a totally different level
Go fucking kill yourself you absolute failure

>> No.11261579

You're retarded if you think china accepts immigrants. You're falling for a massive 4chan meme, you stupid fucker.

>> No.11261584

this is fake retard.

>> No.11261609
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>mainlanders having access to youtube and posting on 4chan

>> No.11261641

Sometimes you do see obvious 50c posting on 4chan.

>> No.11261686

Why the fuck is this thread here.

>> No.11261702

Larping unless they have a 4chan pass, as someone mentioned earlier. The entire country is banned from the site, you can't access/post on it unless you have a 4chan pass. On top of that, 4chan is banned there. Anyone who says they are Chinese on here is either a chink outside of China or a larper / tourist in Hong Kong or Taiwan.

>> No.11261706


>> No.11261755

Cannot fucking stand that channel. The guys accent pisses me off so much.

>> No.11262273

Whites can't tell Asians from each other. "They all look alike" phenomena is real. A white person living among white will only able to tell apart other whites, not blacks or asians. Blacks can only tell other blacks apart when they live amongst the blacks. Asians can only do the same for asians.

This is simple human conditions, actually its not even human, its just universal conditioning system. Its the same reason why AI needs thousands of data points to get anywhere accurate. Its the same mathematical concept where averaging/mean represents the best of the population. Its the same concept of polling and tryin to find a good accurate model.

With limited data, in any system, you will not make an accurate judgment. The best way to beat this is ofcourse, to expose yourself for years with variety of different situations.

>> No.11262299

>Asian pussy does not smell. They lack the gene
Its actually not just Asian pussy, its just the asian themselves. Something like 80-95% of the Asian population has the defective body odor gene, this effectively makes the whole "deodorant" product fairly useless, although some might use it due to cultural forces within America. I lived with an Asian friend of mine. He does not smell and has never used any deodorant. Fucking jelly as fuck for that gene. I have to spend like $40 each month dealing with fucking body odor and shit fucking up my clothes.


>> No.11262310

Why not use a scentless anti perspirant and fragrance?

>> No.11262334


I'm using a US Government VPN courtesy of my employer, the American Consulate in Wuhan

It seems as if I really hit a nerve with my post. Amusing, to say the least. However, none of what I said was inaccurate.

>> No.11262506

I can confirm this. My last girlfriend was Taiwanese (ethnically Chinese) and no part of her body had much smell. Zero body odor, very faint anything else It was actually kind of weird because I never could smell her on the pillow or in the room the way I could with white girlfriends. Like she didn't exist.

Her sense of smell on the other hand was hypersensitive. Like she'd keep a shirt of mine and she'd say it made her whole apartment smell like me for weeks. I don't reek that bad, I know that.

>> No.11262529

asians and asian pussy can definitely smell

>> No.11262574

This. Having actually been around Asians I can definitely confirm they get BO and smell.

>> No.11262588

I work with a ton of asians from pakistan to indonesia and the ones i see often i can tell apart as easily as whites. Your brain picks up on all the details.
But there are the people i only see for a brief moment several times a week (albeit over 3 years) and you're right, my brain just never forms a profile for them, unless they're hot. The white people i barely see i remember much easier, it must be because i'm just more used to processing that information.
But otherwise, if i know them for long enough i can tell black haired paki 1 from paki 2 from 50 meters away from behind just by how they're standing almost. Brain is crazy.

>> No.11262611

>someone please confirm this is pasta
It is now, I just adapted it for use in /trv/ChinaGeneral

>> No.11262642

>asians and asian pussy can definitely smell
I've been with a tonne of asian girls and I can only remember once finding a strong smelling pussy and she was a bit festy so it could well be poor hygiene or illness.

>> No.11262690

this whole thread is gay

fuck off serial fornicator

>> No.11262714

>serial fornicator
kys christcuck

>> No.11262717

Asians smell rank, and they refuse to wear deodorant

>> No.11262718


>> No.11262766

wmaf is pushed by the chink governments because they know the children will be asian, and no parent would hurt their children in the coming war

>> No.11262821

You mean the thing that China prohibits the use of, and bans, in their country? Congratulations, retard larper. Do you ever actually try to rub what few braincells you have together before posting?

>> No.11263188


I'm sorry you don't understand VPN use in China, and that the US government, indeed all foreign governments, are allowed to use secure internet communications. The reason is because VPNs are a necessary part of doing business, particularly for international companies in China. VPNs are what keep the information that companies transmit between China and the rest of the world secure. International companies will use VPNs on a daily basis, so if China were to shut down all VPNs, it would severely affect the ability for companies to do business in China. I am lucky enough to be employed by the US government, which allows me access to unfiltered internet.

Get out more.

>> No.11263305

>get called out for being a retarded larper
>instead of doing anything else his argument just boils down to "get out more"
The larper shitposting version of just calling everyone who they argue with a virgin, congratulations. Do you have any more words of wisdom or are you done here?

>> No.11263448
File: 98 KB, 375x378, 1506751673652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese government allowing any entity other than themselves to have unfiltered access to their internet

>> No.11263491

Don't you dare answer me you rice eating nigger

>> No.11263524

not sure why i half-expected an informative thread instead of just white incels and betas being gross about gooks

>> No.11263918

Are you talking about pajeets, britbong?

>> No.11264083

>4chan pass, as someone mentioned earlier. The entire country is banned from the site, you can't access/post on it unless you have a 4chan pass. On top of that, 4chan is banned there
wew lad

4chan passes work obviously but:
>no range ban, china is fine
>captcha is hosted by google which is blocked
>vpns allow captcha but 4chan blocks vpns because of CP posters mostly
>4chan pass also permits vpns, possibly unofficially

Most Chinese know about vpns and use them whenever they want something from outside China. They call it climbing, it's really standard. Any 15yo Chinese knows how to find porn on google or whatever.

>fuck off serial fornicator
lol. Spotted the incel

>You mean the thing that China prohibits the use of, and bans, in their country?
Meh, everyone still uses them. It's just a bit of a whackamole game finding which ones overcome the blocks that week.

>> No.11264187


>what is a VPN

>> No.11264189

>>no range ban, china is fine
Are you actually retarded? China being range-banned from the website is a confirmed fact. You can even look this up for proof. If you're in China you need a 4chan pass to post here.

>Meh, everyone still uses them.
That isn't the point, China bans the use of them. They don't just tell people to not use them, they actively block their usage like how they block facebook and youtube. Learn how to read.

>> No.11264192

Keep reading.

>> No.11264229

I am talking about the Chinese!

>> No.11264260

>t they always come across a bit stupid or vapid.
That's the American in them (african american implied). You do not get that in South Africa for example.

>> No.11264264

>gets schooled on VPN use in China
>has no real argument so resorts to name calling.

>> No.11264266

Someone get this bitch a salad

>> No.11264314

>dull personality, kind of rude, difficult to talk to, stare blankly at you and make you drag conversations out of them piece by piece
They're trying to get you to leave them alone you screaming retard. Japs and koreans being 'nice' to you because they feel sorry for your autist ass. Hurt to read this baka.

>> No.11264608
File: 204 KB, 1024x581, fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to China
>meet lovely, quiet Chinese lady
>go out for a year
>she cooks occasionally but her place is kind of messy; just put it down to being a shared flat
>finally move in together
>she almost completely refuses to cook or clean, and when she does it's half-assed
>at first I just sort of put it down to her settling in, getting used to living together, or whatever
>after a year I realize that she feels housework is beneath her because she has a job, makes money, and so she shouldn't have to do housewife stuff
>when visiting her parents realize that she, an only child, is treated like a princess, has all her needs catered to, never has to lift a finger, and apparently grew up this way
>it all starts to make sense, start to criticize her about it, arguments start to frequently occur
>she says that because I haven't bought her a house and a car that I haven't fulfilled my part of the relationship bargain and she won't marry me or have children with me until I do this and become a real man
y-yeah, Asian women are great, guys!

>> No.11264644

>she says that because I haven't bought her a house and a car that I haven't fulfilled my part of the relationship bargain and she won't marry me or have children with me until I do this and become a real man

I was gonna say all women are like this until this last bit. Wew lad, you sure you really got to know her in that year?

>> No.11264799

they want me to leave them alone which is why they go out on dates with me..riiiiight
makes perfect sense

>> No.11264829

hey retard, you lived with the bitch for a year, don't take it out on us

>> No.11264839

Women are rare in China so they get to demand everything. The parents of women in China also ask for a huge dowry too.

>> No.11264849

God, I miss fucking my ex. Shes married to an asian man, and I am not asian. She gets so fucking wet.

>> No.11264853

Also I am an asian

>> No.11264860

Only in the cities.

>> No.11264879

That's a lot of people

>> No.11264886

who is?

>> No.11264892

stop talking to yourself

>> No.11264901

If you want me to break it down: the one-child policy was directly aimed at densely packed population centers. People in the country side did not generally have to worry about such a policy.

After China became a #1 A-OK trading partner with the US, most of the jobs that paid real money were in those same dense population centers. What happened then was the largest diaspora in history to date. Hundreds of millions of people from the countryside flocked to the cities for work. further skewing the ratio of men to women.

>> No.11264943

Asians are just pale native americans, and mexicans are tanned hapas.

>> No.11265013

1 pound of dog meat has been offered to your respective familly.

>> No.11265125

(you) live a sad life

>> No.11265144

>t. Lonely loser
Sorry. I plan to keep my asian wife, if you've been cucked and it is obstructing your views on reality that's your personal problem.

>> No.11265214

That's life fuckface if you're not pushing forward you're getting pushed back, civility is an illusion

>> No.11265274

maybe you're a bit uninformed, but China doesn't allow for anyone but the chinese government to have "unfiltered access to chinese internet" because it lets them find out what to block and what not to block. If you knew what the "Great FireWall" was you wouldn't be arguing against this. No one got schooled in anything. You can even look this up if you want to. The Chinese government has gone out of their way to shit on U.S Embassies for attempting to do what you're thinking they currently do. If you think anyone gets unfiltered internet Access in China other than Chinese Government Officials, you might actually be stupid.

>> No.11266092


The guy in question posts timestamped WeChat pics of his half-naked chink gf on a balcony overlooking some Chinese city. He says he's using a VPN. Further, /r/China has a number of threads critiquing various Chinese VPN's. So, they obviously do exist. Maybe harmless shit like pics of tonight's stir-fry just don't ring any alarm bells. Aslo, plenty of YT channels originate in China, and that's supposedly banned there too. Humans will always find a way around government bureaucracies.

>> No.11266166

Going for the "you're a cuck!" defense, a bold strategy.

>> No.11266728


Hong Kong VPN's are readily available to anyone on the mainland with even the most basic IP knowledge.

You sound like some Chinese government agent, comrade. How does it feel that a 12 year old kid with a smartphone can outsmart you?

>> No.11266787

>Hong Kong VPN's are readily available to anyone on the mainland with even the most basic IP knowledge.
You mean the vpn's that I already talked about being blocked? Nice one. What the hell is this thread still up for? No one is even talking about cooking.
>YT channels originate in China,
You mean the government sponsored ones?

>The guy in question posts timestamped WeChat pics
You can download wechat outside of China through the google play store and I've already seen his photos and none of them are as you described. either. 90% of them are food, the remainder are photos of someones back, no cityscape in any of them.

>> No.11266813

LOL @ you putting yellow women (or any pussy) on a pedestal. She's going to use you for a citizenship and your bank account.
This. I live in a city with a lot of Asians. The women are all high maintenance and drag the guys around to high end fashion retailers and they think "shopping" is a hobby. They are not as fat as white chicks. That is the only thing they've going for them. Don't even get me started on Indian chicks, who are both high maintenance AND fat.

Women are garbage.

>> No.11266875

>What the hell is this thread still up for?

Because your lies keep getting shot down, I presume.

Not either of those guys but I do have extensive experience with Chinese internet. VPN's do work, and are used by virtually everyone I know in China. ExpressVPN and VyprVPN being two of the most popular off the top of my head. They key is to set them up before entering the country. They can be expensive for the amount of bandwidth, but they work. The GreatFireWall be damned. Your continued assertion that everything is blocked in China, and that there is no recourse, is just bullshit, pure and simple.

>> No.11267171

>China bans the use of them
>they actively block their usage
And everyone STILL uses them.
VPN companies make money, it's legal because they're not Chinese companies.
Therefore, they work very hard to overcome all that blocking, constantly changing IPs, domain names, protocols, lots of different encryption techniques. The firewall department has to play whack-a-mole to keep up and they don't try that hard because there are lots of companies and they're only really trying to stop people that don't want to go to any trouble.

>China being range-banned from the website is a confirmed fact
And I can confirm that it's not. I can still browse the site without a pass and posting without a pass needs captcha which needs google, so you can't. So you can't confirm a range block period but there have been statements in the past about how China wasn't blocked, they just couldn't post because China blocked google.

>Women are rare in China
The ratio is only 1:1.8 or so.
>huge dowry
There aren't dowries in China but parents do help pay for an apartment, these days it's both families doing it.

>anyone gets unfiltered internet Access in China other than Chinese Government Officials
Almost everyone knows how to do this, sure it's not allowed but you don't get arrested for doing it. Which do you think is more powerful? Teenagers lust for pr0n or some bureaucrats implementation of policy?

>maybe you're a bit uninformed
You're being schooled by multiple Chinese-resident expats on how we get unfiltered internet every day and you're arguing with us. You're a moron.

>> No.11267373

The chad manlet

>> No.11267699


Idk but I think she's cute, just saying.

>> No.11267717

I agree with this whole post. My wife is Vietnamese, and she hates niggers because 'they all smell, they're loud, and THEY ACT LIKE FUCKING NIGGERS!' lol. She's a FOB too. I brought her back to the states a few years ago.

>> No.11267725

>Whites can't tell Asians from each other.
I can. Lived in SE Asia for years, in the Emirates for a few years. Traveled all over the region for work and holiday for over 10 years. It just takes a little time to figure out the traits of each.

When people go REEEEEEEEEE LOLI on here when an Asian girl is posted, I can usually tell with a good degree of accuracy where she's from and her age. People think my wife is a young teenager lol, love it.

>> No.11267727

>This. Having actually been around Asians I can definitely confirm they get BO and smell.
SE Asians don't. Pakis and Indian, hell yes, they smell like fucking shit.

>> No.11267732

After surviving Mao, and living through hell on Earth where human meat is sold openly on the street, and then having the one-child policy implemented on your grandchildren, you will give them everything they want, to ensure their life is great.

You faggots think millenials in America are bad? hahahahahah, wait til this generation of Chinese come to power. It's gonna be a helluva ride!

>> No.11267733

bugmen are such cucks

>> No.11267735

>Asians are just pale native americans, and mexicans are tanned hapas.
They guy gets it.

>> No.11267750

Asians are not pale in real life. Walk around your nearest Chinatown, they will all be Mexican color more or less

>> No.11267753

This is actually what stormweeb faggots tell themselves

>> No.11267759

>t. lying stormweeb

>> No.11267771

>What the hell is this thread still up for?
There's a board war starting. /ck/ has like 5 threads on /pol/ right now.

>> No.11267780

Are self hating Asian women the only type of minority girl who goes for white guys?

>> No.11267807

All women hate themselves, anon.
There. Now you know the secret. Use it to get some pussy.

>> No.11267813

Greek women have more body hair than Russian men

>> No.11267820

>SE Asians don't.
Not really, and I speak from experience (SEA chink here). Pubescent boys, especially the Chinese ones, fucking reek. Was once trapped in a bus with one, my nose felt like it was burning and I felt sick. Worst 5 minutes of my life.

>Asians are not pale in real life.
Not true, it's a strong spectrum. East Asians tend to be the palest of the bunch, especially Japanese women and most native Northern Chinese. Travel further west and more to the south and you'll start getting more tan and yellower skintones. You're probably thinking about Filipinos and Vietnamese.

>> No.11267821

Do Chinese girls have smelly feet?

>> No.11267824

Most Japanese and Chinese people I've met IRL are brown. The Westernized ones don't bleach their skin and use sunbrellas

>> No.11267898

>Pubescent boys
You're smelling hormones.

>You're probably thinking about Filipinos and Vietnamese.
Only poor Vietnamese are 'yellow' or brown. The vast majority of them wear a sweater in the summer time, gloves, and face masks to keep the sun off of them.

>The Westernized ones don't bleach their skin and use sunbrellas
No shit. And they are going to be darker because of it.
I don't know where the 'bleach skin' meme came from. It's a marketing term for make-up in Asia, but it doesn't really do anything. Jewish tricks.
Those that want white skin, don't let the sun touch it.

>> No.11267907

True, but it's more of a minority.

>> No.11267909

>You're smelling hormones.
Yeah, I guess. It's still an example of Asians with BO and boy it fuckin' reeks. But otherwise yeah, I realise a lot of my friends (myself included) don't really smell unless we've been sweating like pigs.
And my bad on the Vietnamese comment, actually meant Indonesians but I may have let the term slip my mind. I don't even see that many Vietnamese, so I have no idea where it came from.

>> No.11267921

Yeah, anything from/near India is darker. A lot of that has to do with ancient Emirate slave trade in the region and trade routes. Search around for 'Asia trade winds' and it will become clear. Explains why Islam is so rampant in some Asian cultures, and the islands it prevails in.

>> No.11267932

>less annoying
>different kind

Holy shit, anon, you know nothing about China. Don't go, even if you're approved to live there for work. It's a soul-destroying corrupt shithole where everyone tramples on each other to progress and the government turns a blind eye unless they think you're an activist, in which case they'll crush you. I say this as a Chinese myself whose parents risked everything to flee to Hong Kong from the Commies. If you've ever seen those posts by that steel-industry anon, that's an accurate representation of expat life there. Once again; don't go if you value life, especially your own.

>> No.11267973

If Mexicans are brown then so are Chinese and Japanese people

And I go to a Korean deli, the Korean owners are the same skin tone as the Guatemalan workers

>> No.11267974

It could be because these countries have strong sun you dingus

>> No.11268007

Darkness is a chemical reaction
They traded nigger, which are poorer, and work in the sun. What's your point?
My wife is SEAsain, and she's white.

Learn to tan, faggot.

>> No.11268132

>Because your lies keep getting shot down
Lies? Nothing I said is a lie you idiot.

>> No.11268137

>And everyone STILL uses them.
I don't think you understand english. Go back to school.

>> No.11268163
File: 14 KB, 359x154, 1536748359743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I can confirm that it's not. I can still browse the site without a pass and posting without a pass
That's not what anyone said. Holy shit. If you weren't a low IQ retard you would know that getting banned from 4chan didn't stop browsing attempts for over 5 years now. It stops posting, not browsing. To post with a range-ban in place you need a 4chan pass. The website FAQ even specifically states this. Also China has been range-banned for years because of repeated spam attacks, if you weren't an idiot newfag you would know this already. You can stop larping any day now.

>> No.11268518

>Only poor Vietnamese are 'yellow' or brown
It's more of a north/south divide. Southern Viet have more ancestry from the Cham people and darker jungle bunnies. Northern Viet are more like southern Chinese.

>> No.11268527

You completely misunderstood my posts, please reread before replying.

>> No.11269265

I thought those posts by the steel-industry anon were a one time thing but apparently they've been reposted or archived.
You got a link ? I'd love to re-read them, interesting stuff.

>> No.11269335

I sorta' kinda' found 'em.
Just don't know how to change the resolution and as is, they're barely legible.
imgur SLASH a/aSFTC