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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 345 KB, 800x430, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11225950 No.11225950 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf is with people hating msg? This shit is so good, best thing japan ever gave us.

>> No.11225965

nobody hates it, they only hate it when they know they have eaten it

>> No.11225966

i love adding it to my bag of doritos

>> No.11225967

Flavored chips would be shit without this miracle of modern science.

>> No.11225978
File: 119 KB, 500x500, 9B599C0E-D28B-4AA4-AA94-614BF7B155E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greatest MSG seasoning coming through

>> No.11226033

Is the grain-like ingredient this kid puts in his dipping relish MSG ? I've been trying to figure that out since I first saw this video.


>> No.11226034

the bible is against it (Leviticus 26:29)

>> No.11226040

Racist anti chinese propaganda

>> No.11226057

You have no understanding of the bible if you’re trying to apply levitical law. Even jews don’t observe all of it. Plus your cited verse doesn’t seem to apply to msg

>> No.11226058
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>> No.11226089

>Not based Aji no Moto

>> No.11226228 [DELETED] 

I get a headache every time I eat chink food.

>> No.11226294

That's from the lead not msg baka.

>> No.11226295

Gives me migraines.

>> No.11226305

Placebo effect, you're just retarded.

>> No.11226522

>You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters.

Really fucking wish I could get that around here. Aromat on hardboiled egg is my childhood.

>> No.11226528

he got you good

>> No.11226531

That's because you have brain damage, retard.

>> No.11226653

How are headaches placebo retard

>> No.11226762

Technically they're a nocebo but he's still right

>> No.11226807

What's it taste like? Salt? I've only seen stuff advertising "NO MSG." I'm sure I've eaten it before.

>> No.11226851

Yeah looks like sugar and MSG. That's pretty common in those kind of condiments.

Felt bad seeing a kid eat rats but I suppose since they aren't living in the city, it's not that bad.

>> No.11226866

because it's used as a cutting agent for ketamine and I'm sick of my lines tasting like a bag of monster munch

>> No.11226888

I used to get headaches and muscle pain beore I even knew what MSG was. Luckily it stopped happening.

>> No.11226905

doesn't taste like salt at all. tastes like savory.

>> No.11226908

even umami-ish if you will

>> No.11226990

The cheese flavoured one on fresh popcorn is the business

>> No.11227014

MSG hate is basically based on suspicion of Chinese and Japanese immigrants and Mom science, where stories about how so-and-so got a headache from Chinese food and sensationalist news stories about the dangers of MSG after picking up on these anecdotal accounts gave rise to its bad reputation.

>> No.11227036

MSG is a neurotoxin, dipshit.

>> No.11227084

Wrong. The headache effect is NOT placebo and MSG is bad for you, potentially deadly even

The key thing is MSG is the glutamate, which is the same thing as glutamine, which is actually an amino acid and the most plentiful free neurostransmitter in the human body. "What do I have to fear then?" you may ask, and good question! You often hear that glutamine is naturally occurring in things like fish, meats, mushrooms, etc, and this is true with a caveat: ONLY the L-Glutamine variant is found in nature. The synthesized MSG contains the other enantiomeric form D-Glutamine which does NOT occur in nature and is NOT affected by normal detoxification pathways in the human body. Having too much of this neurotransmitter is very bad and can actually kill neurons by literally exciting them to death; this is called excitotoxicity, look it up. Over long term this can cause neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers and ALS; there are many scientific papers on this that the food industry doesn't want you to know about.

>> No.11227087

"Why do people say that the headaches are just a myth and the FDA say MSG is perfectly safe then?" you may ask... another great question. The short answer is that this is propaganda pushed by the junk food industry and that "food science" is anything but real science, as anyone familiar with the field knows. Why push this propaganda? Because MSG tastes good to the point of being addictive... VERY addictive, and what tastes good sells, and what sells makes money. It's in almost everything salty too...that bag of Doritos or cheetos? That box of frozen snacks? That seasoning/sauce/soup stock? Yep, all pumped full of MSG. The industry knows that some people are weary of it, so they put it in via proxy ingredients these days; watch out for hydrolyzed soy protein, hydrolyzed whey, hydrolyzed corn protein, etc, basically any sort of hydrolyzed protein is just MSG by another name because that's how they synthesize it.

Think this is all a little far fetched? Well the food industry / sugar lobby did it once and suppressed the truth about the negative effects of sugar for decades, what makes you think they wouldn't do it again?

Don't let the food industry pull the wool over your eyes. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and remember to avoid MSG whenever possible

>> No.11227121

>in nature
Good thing it's made by fermentation then.

>> No.11227135

and in case it wasn't clear, the headaches you feel are your neurons being literally stimulated to death by the sudden influx of a huge amount of the glutamine amino acid. Some people are more susceptible to this than others

On multiple occasions I've had debilitating migraines that put me out for a solid 8 hours, (pretty sure I lost a couple IQ points each time) and every single time was within an hour of having a very junky/salty meal. I got the ingredients each time to see if I had some sort of allergy, and each time it was only AFTER the fact that I found out the food has MSG in it, which I never cared about in the first place. I never even heard that chinese food or MSG could cause headaches before. After the fourth or fifth time I started thinking there must be something to this, and did my own research. I found out that MSG is a neurotoxic additive the food industry puts in almost all junk food in order to make it more addicting, and that this has horrible long term health effects.

>> No.11227156

It's hydrolyzed, which is achieved by boiling in a strong chemical acid for a long time, which I guess is technically a kind of fermentation. They later separate the MSG from the acid solution

"Common hydrolyzed products used in food are hydrolyzed soy protein and hydrolyzed yeast, which are used as flavor enhancers because the hydrolysis of the protein produces free glutamic acid."

"Hydrolyzed protein is a protein that has been at least partially hydrolyzed or broken down into its component amino acids. While many means of achieving this exist, two of the most common methods are prolonged boiling in a strong acid (acid-HVP) or strong base, or using an enzyme such as pancreatic protease to simulate the naturally occurring hydrolytic process."

>> No.11227161

Nah the best thing they gave us was all the research done at unit 731 in world war 2

>> No.11227162

Similar to my experiences with it. I'd mostly get brainfog instead.

>> No.11227192

>It's hydrolyzed, which is achieved by boiling in a strong chemical acid for a long time
You are over half a century out of date grandpa, it's made with fermentation now. Also even half a century ago breaking peptide bonds to free Glutamate from natural sources didn't magically flip the isomer.

>> No.11227194
File: 356 KB, 1333x2000, saltbae_salt1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throws MSG on your food

That'll be 300 dollars, infidel

>> No.11227197

Here is the current production process :

>> No.11227225


Also, I'm 'allergic' to MSG. That shit gives me legit migrains within 24 hours. It's pure hell. I've broken bones and had less pain. One of them even put me into a seizure. My mother-in-law made some dish that had a shit load of it in it, and I didn't know. Tasted great, so I ate a lot of it. That night I seized so hard in my sleep my wife called 911 because she didn't know what was going on and I was shaking like a death row inmate on the electric chair not responding to anything.

Keep that shit away from me.

>> No.11227244
File: 93 KB, 690x690, 1537334981078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's crazy dog

>> No.11227289
File: 44 KB, 347x450, vegetaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not vegeta
plebeian taste senpai

>> No.11227290

that wirr be 3.50 gaijin pay up u pay now

>> No.11227293


>> No.11227367

Vegeta is Croatian, moron

>> No.11227370

Scary name.

It's much less unhealthy than salt.

>> No.11227381

Vegeta is Saiyan

>> No.11227445

Funny thing near me: in psychiatry there's a common case in form of retarded old Asian people. That's where a lifelong exposure to MSG leads.

>> No.11227493

nice anecdotal 'evidence'.
MSG is only neurotoxic if you apply it directly to neurons. I'm going to need to call bullshit on the both of you

>> No.11227504

You're calling bullshit on the saying of a psychiatrist. I reckon it hasn't been double blind proven yet, but there's more than just anectotical evidence.

>> No.11227512

i'm going to believe all these claims when and if they get substantiated in properly conducted evidence. For now the concensus is that msg isn't harmful. I use msg in several types of chinese recipes and i've never had any adverse reaction. That's anecdotal evidence too

>> No.11227524

wtf now I love msg

>> No.11227547

Ah yes because a psychiatrist is the same as a neurologist, much the same as a plumber is the same as a proctologist.

>> No.11227548

Anyone will happily eat human flesh with enough msg.

>> No.11227561

hell yeah Satan rules Jesus drools

>> No.11227566

subconscious racism, like assuming all chinese eat dogs

>> No.11227569

this, but unironically

>> No.11227599

Tastes like MSG. Just like salt tastes like salt and sugar tastes like sugar.

>> No.11227696
File: 11 KB, 355x355, maggi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savory+salty. You won't ever feel pure savory as MSG is mono-SODIUM glutamate and provides the salty component to the taste alongside with pure umami (savory).

Picrelated is the typical umami flavor seasoning, meaning very similar to MSG.

>> No.11227699


>> No.11227714

>muh migraines
>muh fatigue
where's the double blind, faggots?

>> No.11227722
File: 163 KB, 1024x684, 1527152442417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Glutamate amino-acid is just another of amino-acids from which proteins are made. When you eat chicken, you eat all kinds of amino-acids, including but not limited to that one; they all have similar properties, the only way this one stands out is that it activates the savory taste receptors the most. It has absolutely no effects on neurons, other than being a nutrient and a building block like all other amino-acids.

2. You're getting headaches from increased sodium intake (that's mono-sodium... after all) which raises your blood pressure. You'd get exactly the same effect, just much stronger from the same amount of salt.

Coming up next on 4chan/ck/: Dihydrogen monoxide toxicity.

>> No.11227734

>Subjects mostly had no responses to placebo (86%) and MSG (85%) treatments. Sensations, previously attributed to MSG, did not occur at a significantly higher rate than did those elicited by placebo treatment.
right here fucking lmao

>> No.11227763

The plumber doesn't have a clinical practice allowing him to see patients along the years, tho.

>> No.11227812

It’s all in your head innit

>> No.11227822

It's addictive and gives you the urge to eat more which is why you're fat.

>> No.11227850
File: 1.09 MB, 750x1000, 1536524685805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best thing japan ever gave us
I'd argue JAV is better than MSG

>> No.11227851

Because people are terrible at correctly identifying patters. A lot of the time food with MSG is consumed your also consuming nitrites, alchohol, sesame, peanuts etc etc. So it's very easy to latch on to the wrong thing. Hell, often people will just latch on to anything regardless to get rid of some of the powerlessness of having no control at all.

Now of course you might be immune to those mistakes, but we don't know you so we have to assume you are part of the vast majority which do. Otherwise we would actually be retarded.

Double blind food challenge with capsules is the gold standard, until you have taken one you should be doubtful ... or you're retarded. No human is immune to placebo/nocebo.

>> No.11227876

Fuck yeah, Maggi.
Just some nice Eintopf and add a few dashes of Maggi in.

>> No.11228008

>how can pain be psychosomatic?
gee I wonder

>> No.11228020

>makes claims
>doesn’t provide evidence

>> No.11228298

The "MSG is toxic" meme was literally started when boomers got the shits from eating seasoned food for the first time in their lives. There's nothing more to it.

>> No.11228598

Haha, yikes, I bet you people are afraid of microwaves too because of "radiation" affecting your food. But you still go out into the sunlight and use a phone?

>> No.11228635

No I stay inside and live off the mushrooms growing in my basement

>> No.11228659

Then again, chronic exposition over a lifetime isn't easy to double blind. Not to say we should fear everything.

>> No.11228668

It was literally started by a dumb chink doctor in the 70s. He was a communist sleeper agent trying to stifle positive race relations in the US.